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单词 Practice
1. Practice is better than precept.
2. No practice, no gain in one's wit. 
3. Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist. 
4. Without practice, hopes will be reduced to zero. 
5. Knowledge starts with practice.
6. Practice what you preach.
7. Knowledge is a Treasure, but Practice is the key to it. 
8. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. Lao Tzu 
9. Practice makes perfect.
10. The practice had far-reaching environmental consequences.
11. Many small town mayor and city official practice cronyism.
12. He accused some solicitors of sharp practice.
13. If u practice hard,() u'll get a gold medal.
14. With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
15. They found the three engaged in target practice.
16. I smile too long didn't practice, maybe you forgot.
17. His writing gained by continuous practice.
18. We must put our plans into practice.
19. This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.
20. Playing the piano well requires a lot of practice.
21. You can also obtain knowledge through practice.
22. She's determined to put her new ideas into practice.
23. Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with native speakers.
24. All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice.
25. It sounded like a good idea, but in practice it didn't work.
26. It takes a lot of practice to play the piano well.
27. Understand their own strengths, to choose the life occupation orientation; practice their strengths, to accomplish his career.
28. If you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. With practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you.
29. She has in the main gathered her medical experience from practice.
30. We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.
1. The practice had far-reaching environmental consequences.
2. Many small town mayor and city official practice cronyism.
3. He accused some solicitors of sharp practice.
4. If u practice hard, u'll get a gold medal.
5. With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
6. You ought to practice more.
7. They found the three engaged in target practice.
8. We must put our plans into practice.
9. This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.
10. She's determined to put her new ideas into practice.
11. Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with native speakers.
12. All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice.
13. It takes a lot of practice to play the piano well.
14. We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.
15. In recent years, doctors have been trained specifically for general practice.
16. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.
17. All these noble sentiments have little chance of being put into practice.
18. I can't wait to put what I've learned into practice.
19. It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.
20. The professor told his students to relate theory with practice.
21. In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
22. Those who want to take child abuse seriously today must stake out a humane child protection practice.
23. It does so with blithe disregard for best scientific practice.
24. At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance.
25. During practice runs, the warheads in the missiles will be dummies.
26. It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice.
27. Practice is the royal road to success when learning a language.
28. The course comprises a class book, a practice book and an audio tape.
29. It seems good in theory, but it doesn't work in practice.
30. I see no reason for us to depart from our usual practice.
31. You don't practice enough.
32. In recent years, doctors have been trained specifically for general practice.
33. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.
34. All these noble sentiments have little chance of being put into practice.
35. I can't wait to put what I've learned into practice.
36. Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
37. He tried to practice upon the imagination and credulity of the public.
38. It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.
39. In practice, this law is often given a wide interpretation by the police.
40. The professor told his students to relate theory with practice.
41. I told him to put a stop to the practice.
42. In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
43. Those who want to take child abuse seriously today must stake out a humane child protection practice.
43. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
44. High officials have long enjoyed the practice of hobnobbing with newspapermen.
45. It does so with blithe disregard for best scientific practice.
46. At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance.
47. During practice runs, the warheads in the missiles will be dummies.
48. It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice.
49. Practice is the royal road to success when learning a language.
50. The course comprises a class book, a practice book and an audio tape.
51. Trick and treachery are the practice if fools,that have not wit enough to be honest.
52. It seems good in theory, but it doesn't work in practice.
53. I see no reason for us to depart from our usual practice.
54. It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early.
55. It seemed like a good idea before we started, but in practice it was a disaster.
56. The ball team give him the gate because he never came to practice.
57. Practice makes perfert.
58. Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
59. The football team deepsixed the captain's attempt to call Sunday practice.
60. If you have people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and don't expect. Advise, but don't order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true Love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.
31. It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early.
32. It seemed like a good idea before we started, but in practice it was a disaster.
33. Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
34. The coach issued a diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice.
35. We learned by actual experience that practice makes perfect.
36. This area has been marked off for athletic practice.
37. We must integrate theory with practice.
38. He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.
39. Long practice enabled that American to speak fluent Chinese.
40. On this occasion we departed from our normal practice of holding the meetings in public.
41. The practice is not a very lucrative one at the moment, but if it is worked up It'should prove quite profitable.
42. I can see that they are not ready to depart from traditional practice.
43. At that time, complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual practice.
43. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
44. The lawyer was disbarred from practice when he was round guilty of unlawful acts.
61. The coach issued a diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice.
62. More practice will make you speak with greater fluency.
63. If you don't play, you'll get out of practice.
64. Can I be excused from football practice?
65. Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence.
66. We learned by actual experience that practice makes perfect.
67. The practice of global politics requires reform.
68. This practice has remained unaltered for centuries.
69. We must now put our plans into practice.
70. Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged.
71. The following examples illustrate how this operates in practice.
72. Even great musicians require constant practice.
73. The children need more practice in tying their shoelaces.
74. Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press.
75. There are four GPs in our local practice.
76. How much territory does this medical practice cover?
77. They set up a private practice.
78. The theory bears little relevance to practice.
79. His accent should improve with practice.
80. He turned to the study and practice of medicine.
81. They are free to practice their religion openly.
82. He has a large practice in London.
83. My solicitor is no longer in practice.
84. This practice breaches the arms convention.
85. His writing gained by continued practice.
86. " Practice makes perfect. " is a proverb.
87. I need more practice at shooting.
88. Practice varies between different European jurisdictions.
89. I've lost those skills through lack of practice.
90. His practice is in the centre of the city.
91. It's not considered good practice to reveal clients' names.
92. Richard set up in private practice.
93. He's been guilty of sharp practice in the past.
94. She has retired from practice/is no longer in practice.
95. The report exposes the weaknesses of modern medical practice.
96. You should square your practice with your principles.
97. In practice, however, such an attitude is counter-productive.
98. She has opened a new practice in the town.
99. He doubted whether the plan was realizable in practice.
100. Are you coming to cricket practice this evening?
101. She does an hour's piano practice every day.
102. This barbaric practice should be banned immediately.
103. There's a basketball practice every Friday evening.
104. Correct ideas come from social practice.
105. He kept himself in practice at golfing.
106. This area has been marked off for athletic practice.
107. He has moved seamlessly from theory to practice.
108. This isn't a practice game; we're playing for real.
109. We have choir practice on Tuesday evening.
110. The profession has a strict code of practice.
111. There can be no knowledge apart from practice.
112. She runs a general practice in Hull.
113. Without practice her tennis will rust.
114. This sale sounds like sharp practice.
115. There is no generally accepted explanation of this practice.
116. Even today remnants of this practice remain.
117. It was time to put their suggestion into practice.
118. We should confront theory with practice.
119. In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.
120. This chapter gives students practice in using adjectives.
121. We must integrate theory with practice.
122. Just buckle down and practice.
123. Paying bills promptly is good financial practice.
124. Cyclists were manoeuvring on the practice track.
125. "Practice makes perfect," as the old saying goes.
126. His practice does not consort with his preaching.
127. These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice.
128. He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.
129. I cannot square your practice with your principles.
130. Everything about the child's adoption was against accepted practice.
131. Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice.
132. This was a practice sanctified by tradition.
133. Aspiring musicians need hours of practice every day.
134. The practice still obtains in some areas of England.
135. They disbarred the lawyer from practice.
136. Learners of languages acquire vocabulary through practice.
137. The soldiers were ordered to do bayonet practice.
138. A new partner has joined the practice.
139. He had been suspended from practice, pending legal investigations.
140. Have you had any practice in nursing the sick?
141. Taylor was in practice with two colleagues.
142. In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.
143. It's just a practice, not the real thing.
144. She has just bought a very profitable practice.
145. He strained his back during a practice session.
146. It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder.
147. It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well.
148. The journey should only take about 30 minutes, but in practice it usually takes more like an hour.
149. The Textile Services Association has drawn up a code of practice endorsed by the Office of Fair Trading.
150. During the Second World War the area was used for gunnery practice.
151. Urban planners in practice have to take account of many interest groups in society.
152. It gave him the chance to put his ideas into practice.
153. She's decided to leave the Health Service and join a private practice.
154. A need exists to bridge the gap between theory and practice in nursing.
155. It's common practice in many countries for pupils to repeat a year if their grades are low.
156. The building industry brought in rules to protect customers from sharp practice.
157. After he qualified as a doctor, his mother set him up in a practice of his own.
158. Have you any excuse to offer for frequent absence from collective practice?
159. I'll be able to get in a bit of practice this weekend.
160. James was keen to put some of the things he had learned into practice.
161. A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.
162. Riding a bicycle is child's play when you've had some practice.
163. There was the muffled sound of organ practice coming from the chapel.
164. The practice of giving eggs at Easter can be traced back to festivals in ancient China.
165. You can soon get out of practice unless you play the piano regularly.
166. You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back.
167. It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer.
168. As a final practice for the exam, they had to write two essays under test conditions.
169. Mary Beth had a busy legal practice in Los Angeles.
170. She told him he needed to be more creative, without being explicit as to what this meant in practice.
171. Practice is the only way to learn a language well.
172. It's common practice in the States to tip the hairdresser.
173. His practice quickly grew and he took silk in 1988.
174. I don't make a practice of forgetting to pay my bills, I assure you!
175. The practice is not a very lucrative one at the moment, but if it is worked up It'should prove quite profitable.
176. It's a common practice that changes in salary lag changes in prices.
177. With a little more practice you should be able to pass your test.
178. The company has discontinued the practice of providing the staff with free lunches.
179. Honeyed words may deceive people of some time, but they cannot stand the test of time and practice.
180. You'll gradually get better at it - it's just a question of practice.
181. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn.
182. In practice women receive much lower wages than their male colleagues.
183. She can speak English fluently as she is always in practice.
184. You won't become a good singer if you don't practice.
185. She has been eliminated from the swimming race because she did not win any of the practice races.
186. The practice has continued from medieval times to the present day.
187. The fight is on to have this brutal practice stamped out.
188. This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.
189. I can't see how your plan is going to work in practice.
190. Many of these youngsters know the job in theory but they're still wet behind the ears when it comes to putting it into practice.
191. It was common practice for families to attend church together.
192. It's a fine scheme on paper, but will it work in practice?
193. Let's give her the chance to put her ideas into practice.
194. This is a cruel practice which should be banned immediately.
195. Lenin carried Marx's ideas a stage further by putting them into practice.
196. She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day.
197. I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.
198. The practice of a lawyer requires acquaintance with court procedures.
199. Our practice is responsible for about five thousand patients in this part of Leeds.
200. You need more practice before you can play for our team.
201. Skill is acquired through repeated practice, and practice makes perfect.
202. It takes hours of practice to learn to play the guitar.
203. I can see that they are not ready to depart from traditional practice.
204. The idea sounds fine in theory, but would it work in practice?
205. The regulations have been put into practice on a trial basis.
206. Modern farming practice has led to the virtual disappearance of this bird.
207. The area is used by the army for target practice .
208. We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.
209. It is good practice to write to a certain length.
210. The students spend the whole spring term on teaching practice.
211. It is accepted/standard practice to pay a deposit with one's order.
212. It was common practice for prisoners to carve objects from animal bones to pass the time.
213. At that time, complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual practice.
214. The lawyer was disbarred from practice when he was round guilty of unlawful acts.
215. In theory, the journey ought to take three hours, but in practice it usually takes four because of roadworks.
216. I eventually realized I had to change my attitude toward medical practice.
217. Winning first prize was the culmination of years of practice and hard work.
218. In practice, workers do not work to satisfy their needs.
219. It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left.
220. Having more than one wife is a normal and accepted practice in some countries.
221. It's time I carried my intentions of hard work into practice.
222. The practice of community policing was introduced in the 1970s.
223. I am not sure that this is sound democratic practice.
223. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
224. A large number of dentists have left the National Health Service to go into private practice.
225. I haven't played tennis for years, so I'm really out of practice.
226. How do you intend to put these proposals into practice, Mohamed?
227. It gives students the opportunity to practice their speaking skills.
228. Most solicitors in England and Wales are in private practice .
229. I thought it was just a fire practice but apparently it was for real.
230. His hands were rough and calloused, from years of karate practice.
231. Homosexuals have also made it a practice to dump on religious leaders.
232. Schumacher crashed out in practice for the Australian grand prix.
233. It's a group practice, so you can easily change doctors.
234. Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected.
235. It is his practice to read several books a week.
236. I was itching to get involved and to bring my own theories into practice.
237. There's no trick to it?you just need lots of practice.
238. We've made our plans, and now we must put them into practice.
239. The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.
240. Officially, Robert's in charge, but in practice Hannah runs the office.
241. A Reading Practice section is added to each unit in Book Two.
242. Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley.
243. You have to do six weeks teaching practice as part of the course.
244. But through practice we can tell the true from the false.
245. The firm had to face some sharp practice from competing companies.
246. If you don't play regularly you soon get out of practice.
247. The theory falls flat on its face when put into practice.
248. The practice of killing animals for food is utterly abhorrent to me.
249. Managers must respond flexibly to new developments in business practice.
250. I cannot play the piano like I used to—my fingers have gone tense from lack of practice.
251. The practice is not a very lucrative one at the moment, but if it is worked up it should prove quite profitable.
252. Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.
253. It is standard practice to search visitors as they enter the building.
254. Do you mind if I have a few practice shots before we start the game?
255. The transcript is full of codewords, which is standard practice in any army.
256. The players will meet for a practice in the morning.
257. Morally you're right, but in practice I don't think it would work.
258. The idea had long been mooted but nothing had been done to put it into practice.
259. Evaluation is standard practice for all training arranged through the school.
260. It will be good practice for later, when you have to make speeches in public.
261. This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.
262. I need to get some more practice before I take my driving test.
263. The defending world racing champion recorded the fastest time in a final practice today.
264. There's only one way to become proficient at anything - practice!
265. Don't ask me to speak French! I'm out of practice.
266. I'll do your washing for you this time, but I'm not going to make a practice of it.
267. Now that he is back, the prime minister has another chance to put his new ideas into practice.
268. Against that general background I shall give you a more detailed view of current medical practice.
269. Newspaper editors have agreed a new code of practice on the invasion of privacy.
270. With some more practice, we'll soon lick this piece of music into shape for the performance.
271. After a month's practice, you should see a difference in your playing.




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