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单词 needle
释义  Related topics: Sewing & knitting, Drugs, medicines, Drug culture, Plants, Recordingldoce_231_dnee·dle1 /ˈniːdl/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  sewing 缝纫 a) DLHa small thin piece of steel, with a point at one end and a hole in the other, used for sewing 缝衣针 → pin a needle and thread 针和线 a tapestry needle 绣针 b) DLHa knitting needle 编织针 →5  See picture of hypodermic needle 皮下注射针头, needle 缝衣针, pine needle 松针, compass needle 指南针指针 →4  See picture of 见图 SEWING2  drugs 药品; 毒品MDMDD a very thin, pointed steel tube at the end of a syringe, which is pushed into your skin to put a drug or medicine into your body or to take out blood 注射针 She carried hypodermic needles and syringes in her bag. 她包里带着皮下注射针和针筒。 Drug users are at risk when they share needles. 吸毒者共用注射针很危险。3  pointer 指针TM a long thin piece of metal on a scientific instrument that moves backwards and forwards and points to numbers or directions 〔仪器上的〕指针 a compass needle 罗盘指针4. medical treatment 治疗 a long, very thin piece of metal used in acupuncture (=a kind of medical treatment originally used in China) 〔针灸用的〕针5  leaf 叶子HBP a small needle-shaped leaf, especially from a pine tree 〔尤指松树的〕针叶 pine needles 松针6. records 唱片TCR the very small, pointed part in a record player that touches the record in order to play it 唱针7  like looking for a needle in a haystack informalLOOK FOR used to say that something is almost impossible to find 如同草垛里寻针〔指某物几乎是无法找到的〕 Finding out which file you want can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. 要确定你要的是哪份文件,犹如大海捞针。 → pins and needlesn COLLOCATIONSverbsthread a needleEleanor threaded the needle.use a needleI don't think he even knows how to use a needle!phrasesa needle and threadI got a needle and thread and sewed the button back on.the eye of a needle (=the hole at the top of the needle that the thread goes through)This gadget helps you put the thread through the eye of the needle.Examples from the Corpusneedle• Billy used his penknife to fashion a needle sharp point on each of the sticks.• It will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.• The AIDS virus can be transmitted by the use of dirty needles.• Then I tried the new needle supplied with the machine when I bought it many years ago.• How many tucks can any one needle accept without the whole thing piling up on the needles and jamming the carriages?• Pick up a handful of pine needles from the forest floor.• Then firmly tack the seam, leaving the needles in place, to hold the layers together.• There must be some dust on the needle.• The needles have dropped off the Christmas tree.• The needles splinter the wind into dirges and laments that tell of the long and tragic history of the trees.needle2 verb [transitive] informal  ANGRYto deliberately annoy someone by making unkind remarks or jokes about them 〔用话〕刺激,激怒 SYN rib, tease I just said that to Charlie to needle him. 我对查理说那些话就是为了刺激他。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusneedle• She prodded, quizzed, needled, and unsettled me for about an hour until finally she stopped, satisfied.• Something about him was beginning to needle her, challenging her to meet him on his own terms.• Paula kept needling him about getting a job, and so finally he hit her.• She needled him too much and punctured his control.• Beak's been filed to needle sharpness.• Band members sing spontaneous and insulting ditties, needling the girls as they run up the court or in-bound the ball.Origin needle1 Old English nædlnee·dle1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1needle2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a one small at a steel, Corpus of with piece point thin




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