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单词 By now
1) By now the wine had lifted her flagging spirits.
2) Perhaps they are already there by now.
3) The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.
4) He must be there by now.
5) He'll be home by now.
6) A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.
7) They would have been here by now if they'd caught the early train.
8) By now she'd had so much cosmetic surgery that she looked quite grotesque.
9) You're an intelligent woman,(http:///by now.html) surely you realize by now that I'm helping you.
10) She should be on the way here by now.
11) By now, the baby was wide awake.
12) She'll have had the results by now.
13) By now he was in a very agitated state.
14) By now any semblance of normality had disappeared.
15) She should have arrived by now.
16) By now the crowd was baying for blood.
17) There should be some snowdrops out by now.
18) She must know the play backwards by now.
19) She should know that by now.
20) Sheila must be pushing 40 by now.
21) The fire should be well alight by now.
22) I had sobered up by now and felt terrible.
23) By now Britain had lost its empire.
24) By now she was mainlining.
25) By now the rain was pelting down.
26) She ought to have been made sergeant by now.
27) By now, she was screaming, completely overcome with hysteria.
28) By now it was completely dark outside.
29) He should have arrived by now.
30) By now the cement had set hard.
1) By now the wine had lifted her flagging spirits.
2) Perhaps they are already there by now.
3) The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.
4) He must be there by now.
5) He'll be home by now.
6) A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.
7) They would have been here by now if they'd caught the early train.
8) By now she'd had so much cosmetic surgery that she looked quite grotesque.
9) You're an intelligent woman, surely you realize by now that I'm helping you.
10) By now any semblance of normality had disappeared.
11) By now this had become a major preoccupation for him.
31) By now the deal was done and dusted.
32) He must be in his early fifties by now.
33) I thought you'd have finished by now.
34) By now the whole affair was in the open.
35) She must be in her early thirties by now.
36) By now the crowd was wildly excited.
37) She must be into her thirties by now.
38) By now the army was approaching from the south.
39) He must be nearing home by now.
39) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
40) By now the party was in full swing.
41) She should be back by now.
42) Manchester United were by now oozing with confidence.
43) The rain might have stopped by now.
44) By now the fish was showing signs of distress.
45) By now Murphy is Hollywood'stop male comedy star.
46) He should be here by now. What's keeping him?
47) They should have finished the work by now if they hadn't spent the afternoon diddling around.
48) If he started out at nine, he ought to be here by now.
49) By now you will have guessed that I'm back in Ireland.
50) He's been here for years; he should know the ins and outs of the job by now.
51) If you think about it, those children must be grown-up by now.
52) Let's go back. Your parents must be getting frantic by now.
53) Where's Annabel got to? She should be here by now.
54) I should know by now not to throw away the directions until we've finished cooking.
55) He looks great and yet he must be pushing sixty by now.
56) She's been the managing director of the company for 10 years, so she must be rolling in it by now.
57) I thought that by now I had been able to rub into you that you must ask permission first.
58) The date for the presentation should have been inked in by now.
59) By now you will be familiar with the one-way system in the centre of town.
60) Any plans I'd had for the weekend were by now well and truly snookered.
61) You've read that book so many times you must know it backwards by now!
62) By now, James was so far behind in the race that he knew he had little chance of making up the leeway.
63) She would be in bed by now, as like as not.
64) By now they were within striking distance of the shore.
65) The table-tennis game ought to / should have finished by now.
66) It is likely that the suspects have fled the country by now.
67) If you had not interfered, I should have finished my work by now.
68) He's old enough by now to manage his own affairs.
69) All this happened years ago; he's lived it down by now.
69) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
70) I worship the ground you walk on, you must know that by now.
71) He ought to have arrived by now / by this time.
72) We'd have made a decision by now if Jean hadn't been so obstructive.
73) By now this had become a major preoccupation for him.
74) By now all logic had gone out of the window.
75) If you'd got on with your work instead of wasting time chatting, you'd be finished by now.
76) It's too far to walk, not to mention the fact that it'll probably be closed by now anyway.
77) You could try the drugstore, but it might well be closed by now.
78) It was dark by now, except for strips of coloured lights.
79) Cam left town about an hour ago, so he should be out at the farm by now.
80) He should be here by now - something must have happened to him.
81) Sonia should have been home by now. Do you think she's OK?
82) He left two hours ago, so he ought to be there by now.
83) By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.
84) Mrs McIntyre must be getting on for 90 by now.
85) If you think about it, those children must be at school by now.
86) By now, the whole room was resounding to the sound of the team's chants.
87) By now, Usha and I were on familiar terms .
88) If you had not interfered, I should have finished my work with flying colours by now.
89) I suppose all the tickets will be sold by now.
90) If he started at nine, he ought to be here by now.
91) Try phoning Robert - he should be home by now.
92) He must be on his way back by now.
93) By now the war was all but over.
94) This chipboard was by now, quite elderly and soft.
95) Their taste buds are numb by now.
96) My chips will be cold by now.
97) Events were by now overtaking the scientists almost daily.
98) Mayli stared at him for just a second, then realised that the waiter would have given the alarm by now.
99) By now people who have filled in an R85 should be automatically receiving their interest gross.sentencedict .com
100) We are well aware by now that history makes mistakes, that it gets distracted, falls asleep, loses its way.
101) By now, John was waging what looked to Linda like all-out war.
102) By now, a number of younger recruits had arrived from the savage and melancholy ice-world of Inwit.
103) And by now the Prime Minister has moved on to the next sterling crisis.
104) Pooley was nearing the end of the bar counter by now and the Swan's doorway was perilously close.
105) By now the sky has begun to darken overhead, and night is fast approaching.
106) We know enough by now to treat the census figures with the skepticism and the indignation they deserve.
107) By now photography had become much more than a way to collect material for my first passion, artwork.
108) By now she was resisting him only a little bit.
109) Considerable diplomatic efforts were by now under way to end the fighting, though only one intervention now bore fruit.
110) By now the sounds of his waking hours were familiar to the boy curled up in an army greatcoat in the room below.
111) The Raiders have grown accustomed to their defensive problems by now.
112) We had anticipated that interest rates would have fallen further by now.
113) But by now most of us well know that these intermittent statistics are the damnedest of lies.
114) If she had taken a bath she must surely have finished by now.
115) If anyone had been crying for help, the firemen must have responded by now.
116) The Kirkbrides asked me to stay to dinner, but by now I was addicted to driving.
117) For one thing, all concerned had by now realised that the books offered considerably more scope for exploitation.
118) By now the skies were black, a chill wind was blustering down the street and the rain was slashing sideways.
119) By now you will have stimulated the circulation enough to move on to the next stage, which is kneading.
120) Incidentally, Larry Klein is supposed to have produced the new Shawn Colvin album, which should have appeared by now.
121) Surely women know by now not to go creeping into scary houses by themselves after dark.
122) By now I was extremely hungry, so I used sign language to beg the official for food.
123) He believed she must have received some of his mailings by now as she was in an even worse temper than usual.
124) Louis the Pious decided to disinherit Pippin's sons, though the older, also called Pippin, was by now fifteen.
125) He had intended to visit Meryl, who was probably fast asleep by now.
126) By now, the police were chasing protesters into various neighbourhoods, and throwing cluster bombs of rubber pellets at locals.
127) But he held a strong attraction for the the Duchess - and by now she was totally out of the Palace's control.
128) They were standing at the desk by now and the girl was working on the bill.
129) By now he seemed a mellower figure,() willing to return the adulation of the crowds.
130) By now I have already committed myself to so much, he wrote.
131) By now, an artificially cosy chat with an old school friend would have been irrelevant, even an irritant.
132) By now she was probably telling them she was an anesthesiologist.
133) She was by now in constant crisis; she was suffering repeated cardiac arrests.
134) I think the wine should be chilled enough by now.
135) The drama school audition By now you will have made a definite decision to become an actor - nomatterwhat the problems or obstacles.
136) He provided Gordon with excellent feedback from the track and by now he rarely got into trouble on the circuit.
137) It will by now have become apparent that Brooke-Rose shifts her attention increasingly toward language over the course of her oeuvre.
138) Joseph King was head of the Midvale machine shop under Taylor, who by now was chief engineer in all but title.
139) By now, Chris was asleep, covered with ice cream and evidently not in danger.
140) I kept swinging the bat, but by now Guy and Carmine had biked out of range and were looking back.
141) By now, his wife would have given up waiting and served the cold beetroot soup with sour cream and chives.
142) He began by explaining the Miles affair very soberly and logically, because Mr Greenleaf would probably be pretty alarmed by now.
143) The flowers would be blooming in the Alps by now, he thought.
144) By now there were more serious difficulties affecting Charlie's behaviour that became considerably more alarming.
145) By now he had discovered what archdeacons do, and did not have to do everything himself.
146) There were soldiers everywhere by now, shabby-looking in peak caps set askew and ill-fitting camouflage.
147) George, creeping on in the darkness, was by now near the wrought-iron gate into the crypt.
148) By now the cross-country vehicle had disgorged its complement of heavyweight occupants, also dressed in identical blue suits.
149) By now, the plane was just a distant speck in the sky.
150) Not, miraculously, through any major blood vessels, or I would by now have bled internally to death.
151) But by now even more fundamental differences were beginning to appear.
152) As it was dark by now, no bullets hit them, and they began to swim ashore.
153) But the 1977 Ferrari was by now outmoded and no longer had the same competitive edge.
154) The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition with rather a lot of photographs of by now familiar faces from November 1989.
155) Pentheus by now was blind to everything except his anger and his scorn.
156) There was already by now a political and religious system, whose primitive beliefs deified the various forces of nature.
157) By now Haza was addressing issues other than forbidden love.
158) By now his feet ached, and his naked chest was frozen as senseless as an iron shield.
159) Some of them had noticed the sea-fret by now and had jumped up in alarm.
159) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
160) By now he was convinced that it had merely acquiesced in the frame-up after his arrest.
161) Earlier this month the Badgers Bill completed its passage through both Houses of Parliament, and by now should have royal assent.
162) I did not fret about the delay, because by now I had absolute confidence in the men I was working with.
163) By now I was talking and singing on automatic pilot whilst my heart and brain were thudding with a heady mixture of adrenalin.
164) Poor little Sophie would by now be suffering pangs of guilt for her behaviour towards me.
165) For there is by now a mountain of medical evidence that moderate consumption of alcohol dramatically lowers the risk of heart disease.
166) It was by now after two, and I had to get the album to the crematorium by five.
167) My landlady had stopped screaming by now because she'd managed to cover herself up.
168) It is by now well known that about half of all violent crime is committed by and against blacks.
169) By now she had the look of a refugee, a displaced person.
170) We should have produced campaigns by now to identify and bring to justice the inevitable sanctions-busters.
171) By now we were close to my farm, coasting down off the ridge, the headlights turning the gravel road white.
172) By now the railway had reached Addis Ababa so we were able to travel all the way to Jibuti by train.
173) By now I was thinking that our simple request for shelter was turning into a rather cumbersome affair.
174) I should know by now that heavy drinkers are awfully fond of high-flown rationalisations for any brief spell of abstinence.
175) I checked my watch as I dialled: 9.15, which meant the admin shift should be into their first tea-break by now.
176) By now, probably half the small ads in the current issue had been placed by aliens.
177) This enabled Whessoe to stamp its by now ubiquitously accepted name on the conduit that supplied vital water to the cotton city.
178) These are harder to come by now than in the boom period of the late 1980s.
179) It is not an analogy to be pushed too far, but the point should be clear by now.
180) By now most of the other girls found me extremely odd, but they were easily cowed by my outbursts of sarcasm.
181) Apart from the basic security arrangements that we're probably all familiar with by now, he offered some interesting information.
182) Many investors had bet heavily in recent months that a balanced-budget agreement would have already been passed by now.
183) But by now the diplomatic enterprise was also beginning to be associated with more sordid activities.
184) By now we each have a home-made computer.
185) By now, wealthily was riding a steamship process.
186) By now gland's secretion hypofunction , organization fibrosis proliferation, thus has provided the advantage for the bacterial infection.
187) By now, you have probably guessed that I'll introduce yet another per-vertex attribute.http:///by now.html
188) You probably know the details by now: Funky wedge-shaped design, Nvidia Tegra 2 processor, classic PSOne and PSP games and a built-in IR remote for controlling your television.
189) By now Black Iron face was in a frightful passion , her face quivering with anger.
190) Windows 7 is, as we know very well by now, a poor choice for a tablet operating system, one which hurts the Libretto's practical use as a tablet.
191) By now, we have completed the main logic of our new content assistant.
192) What money I could have invested by now! I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously.
193) You should understand the traffic rule by now. You have had it explained.
194) The open air commercial center I have ever been to by now is only San Diego.
195) You should understand the traffic rule by now. You have had it explained often enough.
196) Capt. Jack Doyle: Thought you would've done that by now.
197) Sapphire sand deposit and its primary deposit which ha ve been found by now in Shandong province locate in Changle area.
198) However, Tech Center Harrassment in the late game is by now a very viable, and almost essential strategy, and this is one way of accomplishing that aim.
199) Gold deposit is the top mineralize by now. the parichnos of hot water is next main works.
200) There is general agreement by now that trans fats increase the risk of heart disease by raising LDL cholesterol and lowering HDL cholesterol.
201) After two years at the White House, Robinho is still a promise rather than the world-beater he was supposed to have turned into by now.
202) The goods is consign to you by railway and shall have arrive by now.




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