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单词 By the time
1 By the time I got there he'd gone.
2 By the time ambulancemen arrived he was unconscious.
3 By the time I got home, I was shattered.
4 The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back.
5 By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.
6 He was huffing and puffing by the time he got to the top.
7 By the time I discovered the problem, the floor was awash.
8 By the time I got there you two had already buggered off!
9 By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
10 Evening was falling by the time we reached the house.
11 We were huffing and puffing by the time we'd climbed to the top of the hill.
12 By the time she was eight, she could read Greek and Latin.
13 We had rung in by the time the manager arrived.
14 It was well after midnight by the time Anne returned to her apartment.
15 The crew were in a sorry plight by the time they reached shore.
16 By the time the police arrived, I was a nervous wreck.
17 You just take me as a ferry, by the time I spent lonely desolate.
18 By the time I arrived on the scene, it was all over.
19 My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
20 Mark knew he was gay by the time he was fourteen.
21 By the time Alan called, Jody had worked herself into a lather.
22 His mother rehearsed his lines with him and by the time the play opened he was word perfect.
23 By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.
24 Darkness had fallen by the time we reached home.
25 By the time we arrived the meeting was over.
26 She'll have gone by the time we get there.
27 He had left by the time we reached home.
28 Dawn was breaking by the time we arrived home.
29 I corrected my watch by the time signal.
30 Because of the drugs, he was in a state of stupefaction by the time we found him.
1 By the time I got there he'd gone.
2 By the time ambulancemen arrived he was unconscious.
3 By the time I got home, I was shattered.
4 The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back.
5 By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills.
6 He was huffing and puffing by the time he got to the top.
7 Because of the drugs, he was in a state of stupefaction by the time we found him.
8 By the time I discovered the problem, the floor was awash.
9 By the time I got there you two had already buggered off!
10 By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
11 Evening was falling by the time we reached the house.
12 We were huffing and puffing by the time we'd climbed to the top of the hill.
13 By the time she was eight, she could read Greek and Latin.
14 It was well after midnight by the time Anne returned to her apartment.
15 By the time the police arrived, I was a nervous wreck.
16 By the time I arrived on the scene, it was all over.
17 My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
18 Mark knew he was gay by the time he was fourteen.
19 By the time Alan called, Jody had worked herself into a lather.
20 His mother rehearsed his lines with him and by the time the play opened he was word perfect.
21 By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.
22 By the time the fire - brigade arrived the fire had burnt ( itself ) out.
23 By the time the messenger reached him, the damage had been done.
24 Most of the workers had already rung in by the time I arrived.
31 It was dark by the time we pitched camp.
32 Dinner was stone-cold by the time I got home.
33 It was dark by the time she got home.
34 It was midnight by the time we got home.
35 By the time he died, he was a millionaire.
36 She was near-hysterical by the time I arrived there.
37 The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn.
38 There was hardly any food left by the time we got there.
39 Denise hopes to be back at work by the time her daughter is one.
40 By the time he's twenty he'll know everyone worth knowing in Washington.
41 By the time I got into the interview I was a nervous wreck .
42 By the time I remembered about the meat it was frazzled.
43 By the time she was fifteen Maria was already running after men twice her age.
44 It was going on for midnight by the time we left.
45 By the time the fire - brigade arrived the fire had burnt ( itself ) out.
46 The party was wellnigh over by the time we arrived.
47 By the time Anthony arrived, Richard was already deep in his cups .
48 Children from poor backgrounds have two strikes against them by the time they begin school.
49 By the time he arrived, it was well past midnight .
50 Night/Darkness had fallen by the time we got back to the camp.
51 By the time we arrived an hour late she was fuming .
52 It was too late by the time he got to the authorities.
53 By the time the case comes to trial,(http:///by the time.html) he will have spent a year in prison.
54 Her singing career was all washed up by the time she was 27.
55 By the time the organizers have had their cut, there won't be much left.
56 By the time you get there the meeting will be over.
57 It was early evening by the time we got home.
58 By the time I got to the station the train had already gone.
59 He was quite frantic by the time we got home.
60 By the time the meal began, the youngest children were getting tired and crotchety.
61 By the time I get home, I'm too tired to do anything active.
62 By the time the ambulance arrived, Douglas had lost consciousness .
63 He was almost burnt out by the time he was 21.
64 By the time Angie entered his life, he was almost 30.
65 He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30.
66 By the time the summer came around, Kelly was feeling much better.
67 By the time the police arrived, the men had flown.
68 By the time we'd climbed to the top of the hill, we were covered in sweat.
69 By the time we got there, all the market traders were shutting up.
70 Finding herself world-famous by the time she was eighteen only encouraged the actress's egotism.
71 By the time of the interview, I was a bundle of nerves.
72 By the time we had to sell, prices had fallen catastrophically.
73 By the time we arrived, someone had grabbed all the good seats.
74 By the time the police arrived on the scene, the burglars had fled.
75 By the time we got home we were tired and hungry.
76 The building was an inferno by the time the fire service arrived.
77 By the time the messenger reached him, the damage had been done.
78 He'll be blind drunk by the time he gets home from Tom's wedding.
79 The tragedy of being a dancer is that you're all washed-up by the time you're thirty-five.
80 By the time they get to that age they will value their independence.
81 The concert had already begun by the time we arrived.
81 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
82 The phone was ringing but by the time she got indoors, it had stopped.
83 By the time they reached the summit they were exhausted.
84 I shall be pushing up daisies by the time the project is finished.
85 By the time this letter reaches you I will have left the country.
86 The house was in an awful muddle by the time the children left.
87 The patient was moribund by the time the doctor arrived.
88 Students need to possess certain basic skills by the time they finish school.
89 The game was all but over by the time we arrived.
90 The injured man was fairly far gone by the time the ambulance arrived.
91 I'm always played out by the time I finish work on Fridays.
92 By the time the police got there, the boys had done a runner.
93 She was puffing quite hard by the time she reached the office.
94 By the time you arrive, he will have just finished.
95 By the time I arrived there wasn't a soul there.
96 An ambulance crew was called to his home, but he was dead by the time they arrived.
97 You'll be sorry by the time I've finished with you!
98 By the time the paramedics got to him, he was stone-dead.
99 By the time firefighters were called the house was well ablaze.
100 She was a successful banker by the time she was forty.
101 Take it from me he'll be managing director of this company by the time he's 30.
102 Lisa seemed to have things in hand by the time he returned.
103 By the time he was sixteen, Malcolm already knew most of London's teenage hangouts.
104 By the time the siege ended, the citizens were nearly starving.
105 Most of the workers had already rung in by the time I arrived.
106 By the time I came on the scene, it was all over.
107 Often by the time they do accept the truth they are past being able to put words to feelings.
108 I usually set my watch by the time signal on the radio.
109 By the time she was rescued, she was delirious with cold and fear.
110 By the time we get there, Jim will have left.
111 Robert aimed to be independent of his parents by the time he was twenty.
112 By the time Wednesday rolled around , I still hadn't finished.
113 Much to my surprise it had stopped raining by the time I wanted to go out.
114 As is often the case with children, Amy was completely better by the time the doctor arrived.
115 By the time the ambulance had arrived, a crowd of onlookers had gathered.
116 The party was in full swing by the time we arrived.
117 He had lost his hair by the time he was twenty-five.
118 The rain had set in steadily by the time we got home.
119 By the time he was sixteen, he was shooting heroin twice a day.
120 He was heavily in debt by the time he sought advice.
121 A light drizzle had started by the time we left.
122 She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home.
123 By the time the pilot realised how close the plane was to the building, it was too late to take evasive action.
124 It was dark by the time we arrived at the station.
125 By the time I got home, the cake was burnt to a cinder.
126 By the time we had made landfall the boat looked ten years older!
127 By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed.
128 By the time he was 15, Scott had gigged with a handful of well-known small bands.
129 She had borne six children by the time she was thirty.
130 By the time this gets into print, they'll already have left the country.
131 I'll be in my grave by the time that happens!
132 By the time the software was ready, the market had moved on.
133 By the time it came to my turn to sing, I was a bag of nerves.
134 Most children learn to lace up their shoes by the time they are old enough to start school.
135 By the time I got to the party Patrick was looking a bit the worse for drink.
136 In those days, if you hadn't married by the time you were 30, you were definitely on the shelf.
137 By the time the alarm was raised the intruders had escaped.
138 By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been abandoned.
139 He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was past midnight by the time he got home.
140 He made a pile selling computers and retired by the time he was forty.
141 By the time we got home we were both shattered.
141 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
142 Sid was heavily into drugs by the time he left school.
143 By the time the fire-brigade arrived the fire had burnt out.
144 By the time we reached the opposite bank, the boat was sinking fast.
145 Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert was served.
146 I'll be pushing up daisies by the time that happens.
147 He was quite puffed by the time he reached the top.
148 By the time she'd twigged what it was all about it was too late.
149 By the time you've paid so much for the ferry and so much for the train fare, it would be cheaper to go by plane.
150 By the time she finished, her father would surely have approved of her work.
151 I kind of gave it up by the time she came along.
152 He was unconscious by the time he arrived at hospital in Sanford and remained in a coma until he died.
153 Last season they were 3-10 by the time Thanksgiving rolled around, and they never recovered.
154 By the time whole areas up to the sixteenth floor were visible, David Childs's intentions could be seen clearly.
155 The morning was well advanced by the time Schumacher awoke.
156 Neta had been at Kinner field for several months by the time Amelia arrived on the scene.
157 By the time I'd learned to appreciate the Stage, I was already on it.
158 I was tired by the time I got home and my left arm ached.
159 By the time she was 35, she was teaching two aerobics classes and four half-hour sessions of calisthenics a day.
160 By the time he did, her new book was out and her publishers had sent him an advance copy.
161 By the time the model has been constructed, the analyst has gained an appreciation of the business in outline.
162 By the time such warnings were printed, he had become addicted, he says.
163 By the time the burglar alarms had alerted staff the birds were gone.
164 By the time Christopher had peeled all the apples, she had the oven heating and the pastry rolled.
165 By the time Wednesday rolled around, Curtis had apparently forgotten his offer.
166 By the time they approve credit the sale has gone to some one else. 2.
167 By the time he left the apartment, it was raining.
168 By the time she was 11, she was wearing hearing aids.
169 By the time they arrived Davidson, 38, had gone to his local pub at Ewhurst, Surrey.
170 By the time we reach the house we are soaking wet and our shoulders are aching.
171 By the time warnings were introduced, he says,() he had become addicted.
172 The boys were well into their training by the time I appeared at the Leander Club on the Sunday morning.
173 By the time the news appeared in print , most people had already heard about it.
174 Also, by the time the first wave of baddies hit the screen, your time's half over!!!
175 Will I be awake by the time I get back to the ward?
176 By the time I first went to Moscow in 1987 the imperial decay had become all too apparent.
177 In general, keep animation files small or your audience will have disappeared by the time they've downloaded and run.
178 By the time a barrister is considered for judicial appointment, the dossier will contain considerable information about him or her.
179 The failure of ambitious projects within the Council was evident by the time of its second session in 1950.
180 Dare one hope that the Murrey Report will have alleviated the situation by the time these words are read?
181 By the time students complete the first grade, it is fairly easy to assess students' basic academic skills.
182 By the time he and his colleagues had completed the 1979 follow-up study, acid rain was much in the news.
183 The wound was badly gangrenous by the time they arrived.
184 By the time it hits a distant screen, this ion-image has expanded millions of times. Single atoms can be resolved.
185 By the time we reached Totnes, in Devon, we had abandoned ourselves to our despair.
186 By the time he was 16, he was addicted to heroin.
187 It was already dark by the time they arrived at their hotel.
188 The places on our team had largely been allocated by the time I took up the reins.
189 By the time the Ballot result was declared in June, Mussolini's Abyssinian ambitions dominated the international agenda.




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