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单词 By then
1. By then the situation was beyond retrieval .
2. She was fully domesticated by then,washing the dishes and taking out the garbage.
3. If you can't finish the book by then, you must come and renew it.
4. She'll have retired by then.
5. It was snowing hard by then.
6. By then, all the witnesses were six feet under.
7. By then, there was a boyfriend on the scene.
8. Paul was drinking heavily by then.
9. He'll have had the results by then.
10. By then the gate was being broken down.
11. By then she was established as a star.
12. By then, the team was scenting victory.
13. By then the problem will hopefully have been solved.
14. Maybe by then you will have changed your mind.
15. He turned to look back, but by then she was out of sight.
16. The sun had lost some of its bite by then.
17. But by then the administration wasn't paying attention, for top officials were fixated on Kuwait.
18. Artie was by then a seasoned musician with six albums to his credit.
19. By then, the euphoria over the fall of the Berlin Wall had evaporated.
20. It had been supposed that by then Peter would be married.
21. By then, it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour.
22. We all knew by then that the affair was practically over.
23. Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then.
24. We can leave our offer open for another week,() but we must have your decision by then.
25. We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better.
26. In his last few days the pain seemed to have stopped, but by then he was so far gone that it was no longer any comfort.
27. The election is next week, so you'll have to come down on one side of the fence or other by then.
28. There's no point worrying about it - we'll both be six feet under by then.
29. We'll leave on Tuesday -- always assuming the car's repaired by then.
30. We did not meet again for ten years , by then , the rather puny boy had grown into a six - foot man, weighing 200 pounds ...
1. By then the situation was beyond retrieval .
2. Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then.
3. If you can't finish the book by then, you must come and renew it.
4. We did not meet again for ten years , by then , the rather puny boy had grown into a six - foot man, weighing 200 pounds ...
31. She was past caring about anything by then and just wanted the pain to end.
32. The doctor said it will take six weeks and I should be fine by then.
33. By then, Henry seemed less compliant with his wife's wishes than he had six months before.
34. It was late evening when the doctor arrived, and by then it was too late.
35. By then, howeveer, in many places the grass had already taken root.
36. I think it's fair to say that by then he had lost the support of most of his staff.
37. I'll phone you tomorrow - I should have the details by then.
38. I didn't hear the storm, I must have drifted off by then.
39. If no further contact by then, gatecrash the party.
40. He was going out with somebody else by then.
41. By then the Dysarts had moved into the countryside.
42. Jobs were hard to come by then.
43. The sailor was by then a truck driver.
44. My pinky joint had healed by then.
45. By then she had accumulated over two thousand hours.
46. By then, car crime had pushed insurance rates up beyond the ozone and way past the stratosphere.
47. By then sugar was fully established as the most important single item imported into Britain.
48. By then it was clear that fresh trouble was brewing in the Angoumois.
49. By then Ward was coming down on to the track, his false arm and dummy hand hanging limp at his side.
50. By then it was too late because Chelsea had gained their confidence and emerged deserved winners.
51. By then we were out of food, but everybody was just really cool.
52. By then, he supposed, he would have enough laid aside to begin his own business.
53. Even if your memory starts functioning by then the forecast is diabolical.
53. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
54. Finally I backed off-and by then Natalia had started dating some one else and was through with me.
55. By then, we felt sufficiently established to begin work with women in the poorest districts of San Salvador.
56. They were certainly needed, for by then the attendance had leapt to fifty-six.
57. By then, time and sadness had dulled the need for any new discoveries about the past.
58. By then, Sikes was very drunk, and Fagin got up to leave.
59. But by then John Butcher, the man with the power to make such things happen, had left for another appointment.
60. But by then, Nicolo was hurrying her down the steps, out of the building, and into a black Mercedes limousine.
61. But Navarre, by then wedded to his strategy, disregarded their misgivings.
62. Soon there was a cover-up of the cover-up, because senior officers by then knew too much.
63. I had known Sophie for about three months by then, and she insisted on making an evening of it.
64. By then he was unofficially resident and working abroad, and in uneasy relations with the Soviet authorities.
65. We had 100 people in the retail home delivery, but that was going by the boards by then.
66. By then, in any case, Thorfinn was in Scone with Osbern of Eu, drawing maps and discussing strategy.
67. The entire universe will have heard of her by then.
68. On 24 April a team of about 10 began to sort the books by then accumulating in the Davidson Room.
69. If any of the contenders have not got their act together by then, then it is simply too bad.
70. Delaforce was impaled on the control column, but by then his neck was broken anyway.
71. By then Saddam's regime was known throughout the world for its brutality and aggression.
72. She was an old school friend, although we were out of school by then.
73. Five days later, Lee, who was by then an executive assistant, was fired.
74. By then, Second Brother had gone inside and turned the radio up full blast.
75. By then Bolcarro was playing ball with Nico, and so Morano, the police chief, surely was as well.
76. By then we had evolved beyond the comforting comedy of repeated formulas, where familiarity bred content.
77. The President asked that it be CIA agent Buckley, but Buckley had by then been tortured to death.
78. By then Mike, though insecure in his ability to improvise, dreamed of being a jazz musician.
79. Temporary appropriations for paying civil servants' wages and unemployment and sickness benefits will have run out by then.
80. The railway, by then completely absorbed by the L.M.S., was completely dismantled in 1936.
81. By then a complete overhaul is often too late to be of much use.
82. Weizman, who had by then become a minister, soon joined the Labour party.
83. Everything had been drained out of me by then,(http:///by then.html) and my eyes were already shut.
84. By then, however, the number of priests and church buildings had greatly increased.
85. Charlie had stopped laughing by then and had taken a mouthful of beer while he listened to whatever it was Jack said.
86. By then the tireless extroverts had gravitated to the buffet cars and were cracking jokes.
87. But by then, the hedgehog was tired of waiting and was walking away across the croquet-ground.
88. By then the influence of anaerobic decomposition and poisonous gases will have become obvious.
89. Though Taylor was gone by then, Midvale had not simply disappeared into his past.
90. By then I judged that David Chester should be safe in his bed and I could go to mine.
91. By then D day was history, and the Allies had recaptured Paris.
92. By then I was living with this other girl from work.
93. By then the officials had taken off their uniform jackets, and were displaying spotless shirts and dark ties.
94. They called an ambulance when Clare became unconscious and her lips turned blue, but by then it was too late.
95. By then, of course, the hostages had become the chief cause.
96. By then I had stepped outside to get some fresh air, away from the stifling smoke and heat of the temple.
97. By then, the girl had been put into the temporary care of foster parents by Wirral Council.
98. By then the Motown label had blown all the other record companies out of the water.
99. By then, their jump is reasonably established, so you can see what you are buying!
100. This was done by cable to Parastaev, who by then was back in Moscow as general-secretary of the Society.
101. By then his friend was sweating, breathing rapidly and foaming at the mouth, and finally had a fit.
102. By then fired by an ambition to go all the way, he turned professional.
103. By then, it was all over but the trip to the medicine cabinet to find the nearest aspirin bottle.
104. By then, the prosecutor said, Lawhone was obsessed with the girl and began asking friends to help kidnap her.
105. By then her mouth was all over mine, her tongue darting in and out.
106. The key target is that by then no school will have less than a quarter of its pupils getting five good GCSEs.
107. By then nuclear energy should be contributing more than one-fifth of electricity generation.
108. By then, Graham had graduated from Appalachian State University with a degree in business.
109. In fact if the books are anything to go by then he is doing everything wrong.
110. By then a stream of colourless but pungent lemon-scented oil was dripping from his hands on to the floor and the cotton-wool.
111. However, by then feelings were running so high Mr Pennell resisted arrest.
112. Despite problems at camp, the field army had learned a great deal by then, much of it the hard way.
113. By then junk bonds were 25 percent of the corporate bond market.
114. I had been on the committee but had resigned, and that was certainly by then a matter of public knowledge.
115. I shall have travelled away in the flesh from that wretched court - light years away by then, light decades.
116. I walked into the bathroom and by then labour had started.
117. In order to enhance his credibility Fedora was allowed to expose John Vassall who by then had outlived his usefulness.
118. It deteriorated very much on Uncle John's death, but by then I had long left to live elsewhere.
119. It will take by then a matter of weeks to determine the complete DNA sequence of such a gene.
120. By then I was hearing wedding bells, and not only for Old Red and Margaret.
121. By then he felt no need to take William Joyce with him.
122. Luckily by then we had enough material - together with a few more worry lines.
123. By then, the critical decision had been taken to restrict the flow of refugee children into Britain.
124. By then Diana was truly at the end of her tether.
125. By then, the Republicans were deeply divided on the utility of continuing the fight.
126. He was by then utterly winded, and hoping for a respite.
127. But this was by then certainly one of the finest collections of its kind, if not the finest, in existence.
128. Its status in this respect as the successor of Latin had by then already been developing for generations.
129. These charges were dropped in 1916, but by then Sanger was looking to-ward more direct action.
130. By then, Time magazine had published a profile of me.
131. It was a constitutional issue and would be tossed up through the courts, yet by then it would be too late.
132. It can easily be imagined how terrified and bewildered he must have been by then.
133. But, by then, Taylorism had permeated the culture.
134. When they stopped, he knocked on the pickup's window to alert Pace, who was by then semiconscious, and got him to unlock the door.
135. By then, they are considered able to withstand attack by their main enemy, the stoat.
136. The narwhal do not arrive until May, but by then the sea ice is long gone.
137. The idea of philia therefore was being applied by then, and it continued as an important element in Christian ideas about the nature of love, religious love.
138. By then the pinkish-bronze tail fin and the gray thick-lipped snout with its white mustachios that looked like parasites were exposed.
139. We did not meet again for ten years. By then, the rather puny boy had grown into a six-footer, weighing 200 pounds.
140. By then the ler goes down to her feet to give them a good tickling, she is scratching her foot with her long nails very fast.
141. Finally, to complete the analogy, because your 40th birthday comes around only once, you need to make sure that you achieve this goal by then.
142. By then, Dr Fadl was already the leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, an extremist movement which fought the Cairo regime until its defeat in the 1990s.
143. By then the Julian calendar was out of sync with the seasons by 11 days.
143. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
144. By then, there were already a few people around, they laughed along with the tavern keeper.
145. They sent soldiers to give chase, but by then, Cao Cao had fled out of the eastern gate.
146. By then, the rather puny boy had grown into a six-footer, weighing200pounds.
147. By then the burial ground will have rewritten the book on slavery in New York and given historians something to talk about well into the next century.
148. We still have another 1,150 parcels of tinned goods and other items that don't need cooking to deliver next week. By then, more than 22,000 people will have benefited from the project.
149. By then one hundred and fifty-six men in the fleet had died of starvation, cold, and the flux and they were eating the calfskin that covered the ropes.
150. But by then it will be too late to avoid a slow-motion human and social disaster.
151. Thank you, I will, but the drinks at the regular price again by then, eh?
152. By then I realized that OS/2 faced an uphill battle, even internally.
153. Everything. " By then she had 15 months of field data from Gombe, most of it gathered through patient observation of individuals she knew by monikers such as David Greybeard, Mike, Olly, and Fifi.
154. Those who knew that the author was Percy's (by then) wife, Mary Shelley, were amazed.
155. To the horror of his ministers he married Fran?oise de Maintenon, by then his mistress of 11 years.
156. By then, the call had gone out to make the work stoppage nationwide, although nobody is entirely sure who was behind it.
157. Karpov regained his world crown between 1993 and 1999, but by then Kasparov had broken away from the chess governing world body, Fide, to form the rival Professional Chess Association.
158. With their lackadaisical defense and Kobe Bryant-dependency continuing, I not only expect but predict the Lakers to be on vacation by then.
159. Let me see, Hm. In case we can't get the contract ready by then, we'll.
160. A parental allowance introduced in 2007 by then Federal Minister for Family Affairs Ursula von der Leyen, pays parents on child-care leave 67 percent of their take-home income for up to 14 months.
161. The Carthaginian peace of Versailles had by then poisoned everything.
162. By then she had 15 months of field data from Gombe, most of it gathered through patient observation of individuals she knew by monikers such as David Greybeard, Mike, Olly, and Fifi.
163. The answer is that by then I would have emotionally attached myself to this person and would then be in a situation where I would either have to settle for less than what I wanted, or break it off.
164. What's more, by then it could be churning out panels at a lower all-in cost than current cost leader First Solar, an American firm.
165. It is achieved only at the expense of Ahura Mazda, by then called Ohrmazd, who is brought down to the level of his opponent(), Ahriman.
166. By then the Federal Reserve Board had gathered in its headquarters in the Foggy Bottom section of Washington and approved the emergency loan.
167. So next year could be a tricky one for the awkward duumvirate that will by then be running Russia.
168. The trouble is that by then it may be too late.
169. I had not seen my nephew for a long time. By then, he was chewing a fancily wrapped bubble gum.
170. By then, it will become the largest car carrier company in China with a total capacity of 29 thousands CEUs.
171. In November 2007 U. S. oil giant Chevron, by then the field's operator, announced that cumulative production had reached two billion barrels.
172. The anti-progress mind-set was by then familiar ground for liberals.
173. By then there was no way out – asset market collapse and financial system wipe-out were baked in the cake.
173. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
174. The twins' mother was Rhea Silvia, daughter of Numitor, once the King of Alba Longa, but by then deposed by Amulius, his wicked brother.
175. Their poems also apparently became dandyism sign and the hotspot attentioned by then Parnassus.
176. LBJ had won the election by then, and I enjoyed arguing politics with Tom's father.
177. But a U.S. senator and a climate change expert both expressed doubts there would be a U.S. cap-and-trade plan in place by then.
178. OS/2 experts were as rare as original IBM PCs by then, but IBM was more than willing to help — for a considerable price.
179. In 1954, the Ministry of Education was established, headed by then Prince Fahd bin Abdulaziz as the first Minister of Education.
180. By then he hopes he will have trained enough new "icemen" to continue his work and save the world's "third icecap" from being transformed into rivers.
181. We laid Ron to rest in Arlington National Cemetery; by then I was so exhausted and grief-stricken after the terrible ordeal that I could hardly stand.
182. By then obsessed with "The Bell Jar, " I chose a passage that I thought showed off the protagonist's growing depression as well as Sylvia Plath's sly humor.
183. By then, not only should the bill be passed by the Senate, but schools will have broken up for a ten-day half-term.
184. Much of the early rebuildingwas handled by Solidere, a Lebanese stock company founded by then PrimeMinister Rafiq Hariri.
185. By then, 8, 200 tonnes of garbage could be going up in smoke -- much of it foul-smelling and potentially toxic -- around the capital each day.
186. The reason Basia never told Piotr about her lover was that by then they were no longer lovers.
187. George Best's most replayed goal is his jink and sprint past a Sheffield United defence to score for Manchester United in the 1971-72 season, although by then his career was in decline.
188. Hopefully, I will be through with the case by then.
189. Secondly, we will by then be in the habit of needing much less.
190. By then[ ], the FX capital market clearing system will be the uniform clearing system for FX capital market in whole bank and play a most important role.
191. It wasn't until the kettle began to boil that he thought about the fireplace—and the snake stretched out in its terrarium—but by then it was too late.
192. Some time during the night I become aware that we have begun to move, but by then I am in the arms of Morpheus and drift back to sleep.
193. By then, he said, his team might be able to make a definitive statement about supersymmetry and some other theories to explain physics beyond the Standard Model.
194. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has warned the United States could face a catastrophic default that would roil global markets if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling by then.
195. Within a few years, Khomeini changed his mind, but by then the West was much more distrustful of Iran's intentions.
196. But by then, the great divide between white and non-white "will have become meaningless because of inter-mixing".
197. By then, he was chewing a fancily wrapped bubble gum.




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