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单词 Correlate
(1) The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate.
(2) The results of this experiment do not correlate with the results of earlier ones.
(3) The results of this experiment don't correlate with the results of earlier ones.
(4) Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy.
(5) High morale among staff was found to correlate positively with productivity.
(6) It is interesting to correlate the history of the 20th century with its literature.
(7) We can often correlate age with frequency of illness.
(8) His research results correlate with yours.
(9) The figures do not seem to correlate.
(10) Researchers cannot correlate the two sets of figures.
(11) These figures seem to correlate.
(12) Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.
(13) Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography.
(14) The political opinions of spouses correlate more closely than their heights.
(15) Researchers are trying to correlate the two sets of figures.
(16) The modifiability terms correlate to instabilities of dynamical models.
(17) How do mouse studies correlate with human experience?
(18) Death is the correlate of life.
(19) What factors correlate with people who rank structure highly?
(20) Do duties, authority(sentence dictionary), responsibility and relationships correlate?
(21) The change in bone density did not correlate with the patients' age or number of years after the menopause.
(22) Lesbianism, too, is often described as a correlate of biology.
(23) Family dysfunction has demonstrated an alarming tendency to correlate with immoral and uncivilized behavior.
(24) Measures of height or length generally correlate better with socioeconomic status than do measures of weight.
(25) In some way, mutations must correlate to produce an overall advantage for an organism as a whole.
(26) These ages correlate with the period when Lakes Turkana and Suguta reached maximum levels on the flanks of the Barrier volcano.
(27) While it is clear that specific genetic alterations serve as prognostic indicators, not all correlate with a poor prognosis.
(28) Table 2 lists managements practices which have been found to correlate with effective risk management.
(29) One recent population study found that depression did not precede the eating disorder, although it did correlate with onset.
(30) Of all abilities only the capacity to conceptualize has been found to correlate with the performance of managers.
(1) The results of this experiment don't correlate with the results of earlier ones.
(2) Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy.
(3) High morale among staff was found to correlate positively with productivity.
(4) It is interesting to correlate the history of the 20th century with its literature.
(5) These figures seem to correlate.
(6) Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography.
(31) Serum gastrin concentrations did not correlate well with changes in the endocrine cell density.
(32) Factors which correlate strongly with autonomy are: Strong goal orientation, even to the point of creating unnecessary hurdles.
(33) This is due to the fact that adaptability components correlate to forms of stability and instability in dynamical descriptions.
(34) Cohesion has been found to correlate positively with group productivity and member satisfaction.
(35) Often the interpretation of laboratory data is difficult and does not necessarily correlate with either clinical or dietary findings.
(36) A more satisfactory way of delimiting lexical units is to look for grammatical differences which correlate with differences of meaning.
(37) The nucleation time did not correlate with either total lipid concentration or total protein concentration.
(38) These measurements correlate with neuronal cell count and show a relative reduction of neurons in the epileptogenic hippocampus.
(39) But there is considerable variation between countries and the differences do not correlate well with current fertility.
(40) Better-trained and more-qualified workforces also correlate positively with the creation of small companies.
(41) Finally, who is delegated to accept and correlate bookings and who is available to supervise evening and possibly weekend activities?
(42) As a result, there was no sure way to correlate the number of hits with the number of viewers.
(43) The four resulting stacks correlate with the Covey Quadrants.
(44) Form and meaning correlate to each other.
(45) CONCLUSION: Proliferation and DNA proliferative fraction in gastric cancer do not appear to correlate with survival, but DNA ploidy can be used as a prognostic factor in gastric cancer.
(46) However, many properties of sunspots and active regions correlate with flaring .
(47) The Hammer scale, which combines cortical continuity, the loss of a visible fracture line, and callus size, was found to correlate poorly with tibial shaft fracture stability.
(48) Richard Easterlin wrote a paper back in the 1970s showing that increased income doesn't correlate with increased happiness.
(49) Increases in intragastric pressure with succinylcholine administration, when they do occur, appear to correlate with the magnitude and the intensity of fasciculations.
(49) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(50) The ideal solution model and two empirical equations were applied to correlate the solid - liquid equilibrium data.
(51) Conclusion: The high activity of sympathetic nerves has play a important role in the pathogenesis of hypertension in yang naval personnel on sea duty, and it well correlate with ABP than with CBP.
(52) Aphid count on plants in fields do not correlate with virus spread in the same fields.
(53) Similarity law is experimentally proved to be efficient to correlate void growth and this parameter.
(54) Work done previously by Professor Mackay on BAFF showed that levels correlate with B cell hyperplasia (expansion) and cancer.
(55) Moreover, both positions 145 and 241 might correlate to determine the receptor specificity.
(56) The problems on how to describe submarine configuration by discrete bathymetric data and correlate bathymetric data and feature data are basic ones that need to be solved methodically in MGIS.
(57) The exact value of these chemical properties is known to correlate well with sea surface temperatures in the modern ocean and are used as proxies for past temperatures.
(58) Methods The measured body parameters and polysomnography(PSG)parameters of 155 patients with OSAHS entered into multiple linear regression analysis to correlate with apnea hyponea index (AHI).
(59) The active iron content of leaves positively correlate to degree of chlorosis and chlorophyll content, it can be a reference index to screen Fe-efficient grapevine genotype.
(60) The quantity of intestinal bifidobacteria correlate to erythrocyte CR 1 immune activity in children.
(61) Baselines are also invaluable for planning, as you can correlate an anticipated or observed up-tick in usage to an expansion of resources.
(62) Methods The correlate factors that affected the accomplishment of LIF TING action were analyzed by using questionnaire.
(63) Intima - media thickness of the common carotid arteries did not correlate with any of the outcome parameters.
(64) Research workers find it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.
(65) The ads correlate to the message you're reading at the time.
(66) Conclusion:Parasecretion of GAS and MOT in asphyxial neonates might correlate with gastrointestinal dysfunction.
(67) Gene - expression profiling of peripheral - blood specimens has been shown to correlate with the results of endomyocardial biopsy.
(68) Primary purpose is to correlate regularities: for a limited range of experimental date.
(69) Recent studies suggest that GM-CSF correlate with alveolar macrophage function,() lung host defense reaction and pulmonary surfactant homeostasis.
(70) Conclusion The patients with pancytopenia are accompanied with decrease of immunoglobulin and complement, which are positively correlate to pathogenic condition and prognosis.
(71) Objective To describe the MRI features of primary cerebral lymphoma in immunocompetent patients and correlate with histopathologic findings.
(72) The patients with pancytopenia are accompanied with decrease of immunoglobulin and complement, which are positively correlate to pathogenic condition and prognosis.
(73) Detailed texts from Ayurveda (an ancient Indian system of medicine) show how some of these standards correlate with modern science.
(74) What does correlate highly with sex offense is a strict, repressive religious upbringing.
(75) OI did not correlate with T stages. Conclusion: Oncosis occurs in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, and it might play a certain role in the biological behavior of esophageal carcinoma.
(76) The researchers also looked at a molecular correlate of memory called long-term potentiation, or LTP, a mechanism that strengthens connections between neurons.
(77) However, changes in IAP or renal function did not correlate with changes in any hemodynamic variable.
(78) Correlate this option starts only correlate function. The result is stored in correlation matrix.
(79) The expression of α6? ? 4 correlate with the injury and repair of myelin during EAN.
(80) Influence of sodium sulfate on the cracking of concrete correlate with different curing styles.
(81) And the ideal solution model and a empirical equation were applied to correlate solid - liquid equilibrium data.
(82) They found that there was no level of nicotine or cotinine that did not also correlate with genetic abnormalities.
(83) One should start with the laser source and trace the ray path all the way to the screen and correlate the parts of the figure to reality in sequence.
(84) The prevalence and neuropsychological profile of PD-MCI were thought to correlate with the dominating side and subtype of Parkinsonian symptoms.
(85) The guideline for setting this kind of curriculum was provided, and the credit ratio of disciplinary basic courses and requirements and how to correlate the practice with theory were suggested.
(86) The detection of correlate peak is one of bottlenecks of optical signal processing in LPI radar. We devised the smart pixels and RAM camera to solve this problem.
(87) Absence of libido may or may not correlate with infertility or impotence.
(88) You can manually correlate any two values in a test or unlink existing correlations.
(89) In conclusion, developmental changes of the ratio of the NOS positive neurons in the myenteric plexus in calf's small intestinal segments may correlate to their functions.
(90) The effects of Cpd 861 on LX - 2 cell proliferation seemed to correlate with thedose.
(91) The presence of arthrosis did not appear to correlate with pain or predict disability or function.
(92) Conclusion CT findings of Wegener's granulomatosis are nonspecific. It is essential for accurate diagnosis to correlate CT findings with clinical data.
(93) Particle electrophoretic mobility (PEM) changes are shown to correlate well with the amount of ligand fixed on the particles, as probed by its biological activity.
(94) Myopathic abnormalities did not correlate with disease duration and were more prominent in the muscle of patients with an higher degree of disability.
(95) With the log and trace analyzer, you can import various log files as well as symptom databases against which to analyze and correlate the log files.
(96) During the project, we could easily correlate system capabilities to the required system features stated in the request for proposal and statement of work.
(97) Body weight and raptorial appendages weight are correlate with fighting ability.
(98) To satisfy the fast tracking use of ring laser gyro(rlg) in laser inertial navigation system(LINS). A new signal processing method of rlg based on correlate filter is proposed in this paper.
(99) To today, the achievement ratio of the operation treat to angiocardiopathy is fairly high, which is correlate to the technique and level of CPB.
(100) Conclusion. The subjective scores on the ASLR test correlate well with the objective measured forces; this supports the reliability of the ASLR test.
(101) The results also showed that the inhibition of plasmic thrombin formation in various dosage groups was positively correlate with the injected dose.
(102) Each kind of protein molecule has own priinary structure and correlate composition of amino acid residues.
(103) The effectiveness and power of fault management system correlate with the availability and reliability of managed network.
(104) These new conservation laws correlate and explain a wide range of physical phenomena.
(105) Because Flitter creates a new content type, the next step must define a new database table to persist the custom Flitter data and correlate its fields to a Drupal node.
(106) The correlate analysis shows that heavy metal element accumulation in periglacial plants is influenced by the heavy metal element content in soil.
(107) Objective: To analyse MRI features of intracranial hemangiopericytomas and angiomatous type meningioma, and correlate with their pathology.
(108) Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide is shown to correlate with airway inflammation for identifying asthma.
(109) Cortical spreading depression ( CSD ) : A neurophysiological correlate of migraine aura.
(110) The shape of renal hilus is rhombus and irregularfrequently. (4)The renal pelvis appears in shape of ampulla in most of the cases. (5)The shape ofthe kidney does not correlate with age and sex.
(111) The associated water with gas is with little dependence on the petroleum,() but it correlate with the oil asphalt and the coal asphalt.
(112) "Not only do adult humans have brown fat, but it is metabolically active and seems to correlate with being thinner, " says Kahn.
(113) The result showed that the PAL activity from peanut seeds prior to inoculation didn't correlate to the resistance to Aspergillus flavus.
(114) Research workers find it hard to correlate one set with the other.
(115) The modified PR-EOS was successfully used to correlate the solubility of griseofulvin in this tertiary system.
(116) The findings correlate with analysis last year by the National Wildlife Federation that found ragweed growth rates and pollen counts increased with global warming.
(117) The results suggested that the formation of osteophyte are correlate with biomechanical response such as stress force.
(118) Fiber convolutions also correlate negatively with such physical measurements as bundle tenacity.
(119) Research worker find it hard to correlate one set with the other.
(120) The other thing that you need to know is the concept of benefic and malefic planets, as well as the correlate concept of planetary sect.
(121) Conclusion: Hemoglobin concentration of low level, low reticulocyte counts and exchange transfusion before phototherapy may correlate to failure of phototherapy.
(122) Tumor cells display progressive changes in metabolism that correlate with malignancy, including development of a lipogenic phenotype.
(123) The internal iterative calculation is to correlate the equations of mass and phase equilibrium into a triple diagonal matrix from which the liquid compositions can be found out.
(124) "We suggest that activation of these regions is the neural correlate of the disembodiment that is part of the out-of-body experience, " they write.
(125) The degree of hypotonicily at the earlier age did not correlate with the mental or neuromotor outcomes.
(126) CONCLUSION:The analgetic effects of APA BCC microcapsule transplantation may correlate with the increase of L EK in CSF of cancer pain patients.
(127) This kind of zonal index correlate with westerly of 55? ? N at 0.96.
(128) Fatty infiltration is a known histologic correlate of hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) infection.
(129) Although velocities and modulus correlate to each other, their physical meaning is different.
(130) Pyridoxine serum levels do not appear to correlate with the prevalence or degree of nausea and vomiting.
(131) Over 200 trucks were stopped and weighed in order to correlate measured and computed response.
(132) Probability statistics parameter was used to describe the pertinence of engineering signal variables as well as the use of correlate analysis technology in engineering test.
(133) Correlate a SQL Server Profiler trace with System Monitor log data.
(134) However,(http:///correlate.html) the narwhal measurements do correlate well with one-shot samples taken by winter helicopter surveys.
(135) Quantitate and analyze the migration social cost with Correlate method, with the result that to study the main element that influences the migration social cost mostly.
(136) RESULTS In CMC system, osthol owned a retention characteristics as same as that of adriblastine. It inhibited HeLa cell proliferation and positively correlate with its concentration.
(137) Objective To investigate the CT and DSA manifestations and pathologic changes of lung injuries caused by hepatopulmonary syndrome(HPS) and correlate the relationship between them.
(138) But Chari and his co-workers found that the gene expression patterns did not correlate with the severity of lung disease, which suggests that something else was to blame.
(139) Results in the natural sciences seldom correlate with those in history or art.
(140) Firstly to establish a reasonable crispness evaluation system after correlate analyses of sensory test and penetrometry test , and decided to select sensory test value as the main test index.
(141) Our findings show that in chronic hepatitis C, TH1 cytokines predominate and correlate to liver immunopathology .
(142) Theoretical analysis applied game theory model and correlate analysis to verify conclusions about the influence of its variation on industrial concentration and product differentiation.
(143) Specifically, lesions on the anterior and lateral aspects of the talus and on the medial malleolus correlate with an unfavorable clinical outcome.
(144) Increases in intragastric pressure, when they, appear to correlate the magnitude and the intensity of fasciculations.
(145) In this area the density value of logging response of volcanic rock correlate well with porosity.




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