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单词 Each time
(1) I had three tries and failed each time.
(2) Each time the product changes, the machines have to be retooled.
(3) Each time I tried to help I was repulsed.
(4) He has been jailed eight times. Each time, friends bailed him out.
(5) Each time I returned I was struck by the uniqueness of Australia and its people.
(6) They charged us three times, and each time we threw them back with hand-grenades.
(7) You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground.
(8) Every time/Each time I ask you to do something, you always say you're too busy.
(9) You should clean your mower each time you use it.
(10) These figures work out differently each time I add them.
(11) Each time we scored we were pegged back minutes later.
(12) Each time we have to go through the whole decision-making process again.
(13) They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.
(14) She acted the part more effectively each time she replayed it.
(15) Each time( ), the stocks rallied to new highs.
(16) But each time, they do not meet.
(17) Each time he'd banged out the flames.
(18) Each time, he caught himself with outstretched hands.
(19) But each time it emerged unscathed, unmarked.
(20) I set the mileage each time I get gas.
(21) Each time the game has endured a work stoppage.
(22) The aftershocks intensify threefold each time.
(23) Each time he nodded his fat grey head, the twin curved horns arched menacingly towards me like scimitars.
(24) Each time try to build up a more detailed picture.
(25) Each time you press F4, the left margin will shift over another five spaces.
(26) Each time the numbers of species will stabilize at a higher level than the first.
(27) Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.
(28) You could run that race again and get a different result each time.
(29) Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.
(30) Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself. Rodney Dangerfield 
(1) I had three tries and failed each time.
(2) Each time the product changes, the machines have to be retooled.
(31) It also felt strange when each time I went to flick my hair I found there was nothing there to flick.
(32) Each time I started a Hebrew lesson, we were interrupted.
(33) The designs are unique, individual, can be infinitely varied each time.
(34) Each time she does this I feel a shudder of love at the exactness of this sleeping courtesy.
(35) They download their software and information across the network each time they are switched on.
(36) They jangled when she moved and brushed her creamy shoulders each time she turned her head.
(37) Yours truly got lumbered with delivering all the Christmas boxes and of course, each time I got asked in.
(38) Not break, fall or cry each time a hateful picture drifted in front of her face.
(39) But in spite of her enthusiasm, she never tumbled to the silent response which greeted her each time she told the story.
(40) Nevertheless, extreme vigilance and monitoring are still needed each time a new product is sanctioned for release into the environment.
(41) Each time it escalated until I spit at her, and she pushed me away.
(42) Reward yourself each time you succeed in breaking the habit.
(43) It has been used twice before to kill,() and each time a single shot was fired.
(44) Make a list of all the drugs and take it each time you visit a doctor or pharmacist.
(45) Each time we crossed the causeway over to the tiny island of Reine, we paused and photographed.
(46) But each time my heart stood still, expecting to find Jordi: yet it was never he.
(47) Press the button gently but firmly and without jerking the camcorder each time you start and stop.
(48) He moved home three times in Darlington, but each time Leanne and the children would reappear in his life.
(49) Go to the bathroom every fifteen minutes, climbing over him, explaining each time that you have a prostate problem.
(50) At different points along a trail the child sees snails-different snails each time.
(51) Each time the Congress met, which was roughly every six months, Boris Yeltsin ran rings around it.
(52) Not on the odd occasion, but each time they took this fit.
(53) Each time she exhausted herself but managed never to become ill.
(54) Think of that story getting passed down the generations, each time they handed it on it became more colourful and exaggerated.
(55) Discrete sedimentation events are predicted each time the concentration exceeds the critical value.
(56) The stereo soundtrack has different information on each channel, so that sequences can be played twice with a different soundtrack each time.
(57) Several times Yates attempted to regain the lead, and each time Mladin kept him behind.
(58) Each time the driver braked or accelerated violently she was thrown off balance, barking her shins on various pieces of luggage.
(59) In fact, many of our guests ask for accommodations here each time they come.
(60) And each time Charles looked at his progress it seemed more negative.
(61) The blips appeared on three separate occasions, and each time the lowest instrument showed the biggest jump.
(62) If cast accurately each time you fill it, it progressively distributes the loose feed down a narrow path through the swim.
(63) Each time a ray of light passes through a lens it is slightly weakened.
(64) Take away a sheet of paper or fold one in half each time to make the game more difficult.
(65) Each time Ted hit, he stepped back with his fists knotted, waiting for a real fight.
(66) The good loser is recognisable as the competitor who nods with rueful admiration each time the opponent scores.
(67) But each time she glanced at him she felt a shock.
(68) Each time Joe Consumer retrieves a file from a commercial server, the payment meter is ticking.
(69) Each time I see one of these cocoons hanging from a tree, all of these marvels flash through my mind.
(70) Each time Kandy was held by the invaders for only a short period.
(71) A connection was made to the stand pipe each time the portcullis end gates were raised.
(72) And each time they've brought their own brand of hospitality.
(73) The mean number of letters recalled across the 12 subjects for each time delay was then calculated.
(74) Each time, the opponents possessed a numerical superiority in men,(http://) frequently a very large one.
(75) Sev eral times he raised his hand to knock, but each time he let it drop.
(76) Alas, I felt the need to top myself each time out.
(77) Each time the cells divide, the number of cells doubles.
(78) Despite the strenuous efforts that were made each time to prevent them, accidents would happen.
(79) So far I have been very fortunate and have had at least one painting accepted each time I have tried.
(80) And each time there is a specific context which itself frames and arguments the information about the individual.
(81) Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he or she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. Robert F. Kennedy 
(82) Each time we came in there was mortar fire and plumes of smoke.
(83) It's always the same - each time you dive, you find clear, calm water.
(84) Remember the driveway, with the rivulets redesigning it each time it rained?
(85) Each time a man looked away and refused to back him up, and the panic on his face doubled.
(86) The leading two mile chasers had clashed on six previous occasions and each time Katabatic had come out on top.
(87) He would face that weight, at eye level, each time he measured his height and weighed himself.
(88) If we come up with a different game each time we do drama, what are we teaching the children?
(89) Each time the music began half a dozen unsteady men wandered through the restaurant asking the women to dance.
(90) Each time she helped her son dispose of a poached salmon she felt good.
(91) Each time the ball hits the wall a brick disappears and you're closer to your aim of breaking down the wall.
(92) But each time headers by Mark Watson and Carlo Corazzin sailed just wide.
(93) Not all of us are painters but we are all artists. Each time we fit things together we are creating - whether it is to make a loaf of bread, a child, a day. Corita Kent 
(94) Each time I said I liked one, this guy pulls it off the rack.
(95) He did it three times, and each time the shell came up flush with the barrel.
(96) Each time, count how many wild-type adults you find and how many pearl eye adults.
(97) But throughout last week he constantly changed his demands, each time making them stronger.
(98) In order for this to work, the machine code program must be loaded into the same address each time.
(99) Three times, local architect Val Welham offered 110,000 pounds of her own money but each time it was rejected.
(100) Eventually, he softens his stance, even giving his students $ 5 each time they answer a question correctly.
(101) The one-habit-at-a-time mode Sure, you confront several writing problems each time you rewrite a new document.
(102) Each time you mention a new or especially important point, to support your statements and create continuity.
(103) I knew she had to come to me each time, it was just a case of sticking it out.
(103) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(104) Even the opposition seemed to slow in sympathy, but he still kept the ball and did quite well each time.
(105) In her zeal to improve her writing, she tried correcting all three problems each time she wrote.
(106) They become integrated into the chromosomes of their carriers and are copied each time the proprietor's cell divides.
(107) They had three chances to take the lead but failed each time and eventually missed eight straight shots.
(108) They did it twice and each time they scored in the left corner, and each time Barnes converted from the touchline.
(109) Learning by discovery doesn't mean reinventing the wheel each time you need to move the wagon.
(110) George once had a patient who heard Led Zeppelin music each time a particular temporal lobe site was stimulated.
(111) Each time there's a local sighting I usually find an excuse to go out and try to discover it myself.
(112) Each time you should apply side-strain and try to steer him away from them.
(113) Each time he awoke the pain seemed to have intensified.
(114) Each time a new worksheet is opened(), you usually spend time setting up the row and column headings.
(115) This fact is known to managers and should therefore not come as a surprise each time it arises.
(116) Each time he begins with a deferential tone, she disconnects the call and makes him start again.
(117) For those who are poor in happiness, each time is a first time; happiness never becomes a habit. Marilyn Monroe 
(118) Each time, after three or four up-and-down cycles, she begins to use her other hand.
(119) Each time an affix is removed the remaining stem must be checked to determine whether it is a valid word.
(120) Yet each time a house is acquired in the community the same problems inevitably arise with local people.
(121) I've tried three different ways of adding these figures and each time I get a different result.
(122) Each time he stretched out his hand to grasp them the wind tossed them high away out of reach.
(123) The central committee would elect its president from its ranks, but each time from a different republican or provincial party.
(124) And each time, Heather had asked a testing question to find out if the insult was intended.
(125) Each time she does so, the male has to dig down to the buried vegetation and cover it over again.
(126) First, you notice that awkward paragraph, wordy sentence, or jargon each time you write.
(127) Each time the toecap went into his stomach, Pike moaned quietly, his knuckles tightening round his toupee.
(128) As I turned around each time I could see Mark crouching in the snow.
(129) Each time you relax, revert back to your own stance and feel the benefit of the comparison.
(130) It is not necessary to record and playback each group each time.
(131) Fact is, comin' here from the fence I fuckin' near shit myself each time you stopped.
(132) Treacly piped music from inside slopped out each time the automatic doors opened.
(133) Each time the game is played the animals are in a different position on the screen.
(134) The Shoctector has an easily accessible Test/Reset button to give you additional peace of mind each time you use it.
(135) Each time I ask him when the work will be done,() I get a different answer.
(136) Emily had only been away from home twice, and each time she had been very unhappy.
(137) This danger, and with it speculative pressures, mounts each time doubts arise that the Maastricht treaty will be ratified.
(138) This work went through three editions, each time augmented, the last being in the mid nineteenth century.
(139) Yet, each time, when the smoke had cleared, the enemy was smashed.
(140) I knitted two plain white rows between each row of faces and reversed the pattern each time it changed.
(141) Parry, 23, has twice reached the national quarter finals, losing each time to the legendary John Lyon.
(142) My strange shoes felt uncomfortable and my right calf muscle pulled each time my foot left the track's cinder surface.
(143) Each time any plant material was harvested, it was laboriously weighed and recorded by the biospherians.
(144) Each time you let it all hang out, you lower your threshold for doing it again.
(145) Each time I took a step, I sank to the earth and then struggled upright again.
(146) It follows, of course, that each time a gun is laid down it must first be broken and unloaded.
(147) And each time the child has to make a new conscious effort like that, there is an opportunity to lose concentration.
(148) Each time you wanted to go up or down you had to pull a chain.
(149) Each time an elderly man approached, he braced himself for it to be Stillman.
(150) All that your hosts ask is that you observe some simple decorum and take a clean plate each time.
(151) They drove by again and then again, each time slower and more menacingly.
(152) Each time that you press the key, the left margin moves to the next tab stop toward the right.
(153) Skin brushing need take no longer than five minutes each time and can be done while you run the bath.
(154) The first step each time is to decide how to represent your information for presentation to the neural network.
(155) All drinking dishes and all food receptacles must be washed each time before their contents are replenished.
(156) Each time the bill is re-discounted the discounter becomes the holder of the bill.
(157) This means that the censors can access frequently used pages quickly, without having to check their suitability each time.
(158) Read your story through carefully; each time you come across a transferable skill write it in the margin at the right.
(159) But each time I ask myself I know beforehand what the answer is.
(160) I did everything stupid twice and came home each time swearing never to do that again.
(161) My feet hurt, and the side window waggled back and forth each time I kicked it, but nothing else happened.
(162) Each time the turbulence got worse, she held him hard, like a sailor tied to the mast.
(163) Each time pressing down very firmly on the backing sheet, hammer nails into the other two sides.
(164) Inspectors also will change their disposable clothes each time they move between fields.
(165) Each time she went out in her distinctive red Metro she was followed by a press posse.
(166) Each time you learn something new you must readjust the whole framework of your knowledge. Eleanor Roosevelt 
(167) Many reasons have been advanced to justify government regulation each time a new medium has come along.
(168) They tried writing and rewriting, each time coming up with dull and wordy expressions.
(169) The Women's World Heavyweight Champion had defended her title at three consecutive events, each time soundly beating her opponents.
(170) Each time the mind wanders it is gently brought back to the repetition.
(171) Each time he tried to overtake, one of them would signal and pull out.
(172) Paul remembers that the awful thing is that each time he never even felt carsick until after Ed threw up.
(173) So that, nomatterwhat they do, they are more or less giving the same performance each time.
(174) But each time it was a sudden sortie and took Trondur by surprise so he was not ready to spear them.
(175) Each time his performance had grown more elaborate: he wrote the script, set the stage, and took the lead.
(176) Several times Robbie considered taking the initiative, but each time she thought better of it.
(177) To this place the young Athenians were each time taken and left to the Minotaur.
(178) She began to study a form of meditation and meditated twice a day for twenty minutes each time.
(179) He's been indicted three times, but beat the rap each time.
(180) Each time there is a suicide bomb or attack we should point a finger at ourselves?
(181) Each time this judgment is made, it reinforces the negative self-image.
(182) Each time Tom had an idea, he'd first ask me what I thought.
(183) Edwin must have been struck by the contrast each time he climbed the stairs.
(184) Each time he pointed to something about me, it was as if it fell away from me, foreign and unrecognizable.
(185) But each time they were pegged back by United substitute Ward, who had not scored in 21 previous outings this season.
(186) Each time you come across a skill you used in the story place a check next to it in the appropriate column.
(187) For a time a chorus of bells from the monastery seemed to peel in celebration each time I finished a pitch.
(188) Each time the woman struck the child, the youngster cowered and cried, the complaint filed in the case said.
(189) Since the war, each time the Conservative Party has come into power it has extolled the virtues of the market.
(190) Each time, the producers used a cast change to give themselves a more multifaceted character.
(191) What's the approximate amount of black stool each time?
(192) After each time roll changing, must inspect the lubricant whether to harden the nigrescence , whether by impurity pollution, whether to oxidize the emulsification.
(193) However,(http:///each time.html) each time the guy in the lab coat encouraged them to continue.
(194) The animals are born or farrow in a farrowing barn. Pigs usually give birth two times a year. Each time they have about eight to twelve piglets .
(195) The lines that formed the letters started again each time on the upstroke, the downstroke, and before the curves and loops.
(196) Each time we use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is why we see lines form with each facial expression.
(197) Direct output to the same file each time or prompt for destination.
(198) The alternative for me is to say that each time the market drops and throws up some of these bargain basement ideas, I'll deploy some capital as long as I have some capital left.
(199) H: If you're a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time a white car comes through your lane.
(200) The outer loop decrements a loop counter variable each time through the loop.
(201) Each time a data read occurs, 8 status bits are appended to the 16-bit conversion.
(202) Grow the way is oviparous, most house lizards all produce two eggs each time.
(203) The whole world can guarantee only each time delivers identical color number cotton thread achromatism .
(204) The main frame will select the toolbar to show each time It'selects the menu bar.
(205) Moreover, ad hoc tools like grep, while very efficient at what they do, need to check the entire contents of large files each time a search is performed.
(206) Odorization pumps are specially designed diaphragm plunger metering pump, plunger travel of the exercise machine lock, each time to maintain a constant output.
(207) Each time a cupful of water came out of Shawn's lungs.
(208) Each time you run a data rule, a rule definition is tested, and several tables that contain the rule outputs and rule statistics are created in the analysis database.
(209) The font name is re - evaluated at run time each time the Grid control is refreshed.
(210) You're a busy person, so you would like to send a link for a simple RSVP form to all the invitees and be notified each time a form is submitted.
(211) The LiveGrid in Figure 1 is a scrollable table of information where the data in the table is updated on-the-fly each time the user clicks on the scrollbar.
(212) Through dividing large successive memory blocks and using the same size of memory piece each time realize the functions of management of memory.
(213) To speed log-on , can I have my User ID and password stored so I don′t have to remember them each time I log on?
(214) Their airways become obstructed various times while they're sleeping, and each time this happens the snorer briefly stops breathing.
(215) The minicells are generated from mutant bacteria which, each time they divide, pinch off small bubbles of cell membrane.
(216) Each time an IMA is received, a space in the window becomes available allowing another data message to be sent.
(217) An additional charge may be assessed each time a shipment is collected at or delivered to certain extended points that are beyond the normal UPS service area.
(218) And what, as an academic, do I do with the hours and minutes I save by not having to traipse off to the library each time I need to check a reference?
(219) Each time an activity in the process completes, control is handed to the process controller.
(220) Each call gets its own activation record, so each time it is called the variables get their own storage space within that activation record.
(221) All data defined in the LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION have storage allocated each time a program is called and de-allocated when the program ends.
(222) Every seven years during the Feast of Tabernacles, the law was read for all Israel to hear. It was the same story each time.
(223) A good exercise is to go through the day with a little piece of paper and put a tally mark for each time you get an urge.
(223) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(224) each time the Boss hears the trigger word, he' ll repeat the phrase.
(225) Immortal Tantalus, having committed unspeakable crimes and having stolen food from the gods, sits in a pool of crystal clear water that recedes from him each time bends to drink.
(226) The second message indicates that compilation has completed, and the hexadecimal address represents the starting offset of the machine code that will be executed each time the method is invoked.
(227) During the treatment I was pretty weak, each time I had to go up stairs my breathy got short, my heart was running and I felt very tired in the evenings.
(228) There were three temptations and each time Christ used a part of a verse from the book of Deuteronomy.
(229) Time - varying: Usually, the numerical computation saves and deals with mesh data according to each time step.
(230) The consulting firm applied the technique to progressively larger groups of companies, and each time it found that the highest-scoring firms were also the most productive and profitable.
(231) In the paradigm of coupling PROLOG to DBMS, one of the key problems to be solved is efficiency. This problem strongly concerns the cost of each time intersystem communication.
(232) Our solution for JTable was to refresh our table by reassigning the data provider each time a user selected a new option from one of the button's pull-down menus.
(233) It was taken by James Clerk Maxwell by photographing the ribbon three times – each time with a different color filter over the lens.
(234) Adds bottle of vinegar on the toilet table, each time after washing the hands spreads vinegar first, retains 20 minutes later washes off again, may cause hand's skin supple white delicate.
(235) We go to Wyoming almost every summer and each time we drive through there i turn the other way or close my eyes.
(236) In Quebec, each time, people loving maple syrup gathered here, having fun in the local "maple sugar house".
(237) Use Merge Cells Wizard each time you need to place values from several cells to one cell or when you need to join several cells preserving the values of these cells .
(238) A scalar function returns a single value each time it is called.
(239) Absorbed , IT licked IT index finger absently each time IT tossed a page.
(240) Each time money is spent or saved, it should be going toward something that you purposefully want for your life.
(241) Each time the bombs dropped on the ground, the ground would shake and we were just so horrified, said Phan.
(242) As a layperson, it would be my guess that each time there is a shift, there is a recalibration in the pressure along the fault line.
(243) Each time I asked those critics: "Have you actually read the Alma-Ata declaration and report?
(244) Inside each time the thing are different, the life cycle theory emphasized the growth gradualness .
(245) If you're a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time a white car comes through your lane.
(246) The numbered account robs each time and our loss is all very big.
(247) The scheme resulting from this method is linear in the sense that it requires only to solve a single linear algebraic system at each time step.
(248) Fourthly, using an infrared lamp or iodine tungsten lamp dry each time after brushing, applying or splicing again until it's dry but still sticky.
(249) Each time a segment selector is loaded on to segment registers, the corresponding segment descriptor is loaded from memory into a matching non-programmable CPU register.
(250) Each time it is claimed that this procedure is followed. Yet "warning shots" often seem to cause death or injury, generally ascribed to ricochets.
(251) It starts by declaring a function (02) that is executed each time the xmlHttp object receives a change of state (12).
(252) Another approach to serving the Web log is to use a dynamic page to generate the most recent hits each time they are requested.
(253) Count each time you return to the starting position as one push-up. Do as many push-ups as you can until you need to stop for rest.
(253) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(254) Administrator Return Link : Administrators can now easily jump between the administrator tools and courses without having to re- login each time.
(255) Ignition coil secondary winding. Has a high voltage (40,000 V or more) induced in it each time the primary magnetic field collapses.
(256) Once crossing the border of each time zone, the time difference of one hour is produced.
(257) So, we drink water to also should time mensurable , each time that enough water divides even distributinging days paragraph.
(258) Retrograde motion can be seen each time Earth overtakes and laps planets orbiting farther from the Sun, the Earth moving more rapidly through its own relatively close-in orbit.
(259) Have the person in charge of HR draw names out of a hat to see who gets cake-cutting duty each time, or if someone in the office volunteers to be the official cake cutter, more power to her.
(260) Henry stands attentively, waits each time for the new wonder, emits small noises of pleasure for each Sandhill Crane, American Coot, Great Auk, Pileated Woodpecker.
(261) Each time you submit a command, DB2 performs authorization checking to ensure that you have the correct set of privileges to perform that action.
(262) Each time I come here, I always find your country a home from home, and feel the Russian people's deep feelings and profound friendship for the Chinese people.
(263) Each time you invoke an external command, DOS must load the command from disk into memory.
(264) The transaction of times are many, but the transaction volume of business is each time small.
(265) No par value allows the Board of Directors to decide each time shares are issued what the price per share will be.
(266) So each time you level up the tower, you also increase splash percentage and burning effect.
(267) Save a copy of them each time you release your application in order to de-obfuscate bug reports from your release builds.
(268) The recipient can choose to automatically accept and have filed everything sent to her/him, or decline everything, or decide each time, and/or re-index these donations.
(269) EL GRINGO:each time he is hit by a player, he draws a card from the hand of that player.
(270) In addition, we still have to figure out each time on the inking.
(271) The data is also transferred to the owner's computer and stored in a file there each time the two devices are connected to carry out a back-up or synchronisation.
(272) Repeated opening and closing of Ambulant from the command-line interface (CLI) destroys the error buffer each time.




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