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单词 Stillness
1 There was a sudden stillness in the air.
2 He lay in absolute stillness.
3 A voice behind the hedge broke the stillness.
4 The stillness of night was broken by the boom of a cannon.
5 Even in this stillness Leaphorn doubted if the sound would carry far.
6 Scarcely a breath of air disturbed the stillness of the day.
7 The stillness of the fields was broken by the sound of a gunshot.
8 Somewhere in the stillness of the night an owl hooted.
9 Four deafening explosions shattered the stillness of the night air.
10 And then there was blessed stillness.
11 In the stillness footsteps crunch on snow.
12 She fell into stillness, faded into things around her.
13 Sizzle and aroma do not profane the all-pervading stillness.
14 It was leaping in stillness to receive the Light.
15 The vast heath was full of stillness and life.
16 In the stillness you can hear calls from the hillside half a mile away.
17 There is a stillness over the waters, a stillness which stretches to the most distant mountain-top.
18 The lights, the stillness, the absolute silence can capture the soul.
19 There is, too, a sense of timelessness, stillness and silence which leaves a deep impression on visitors.
20 There was something in his utter stillness - a tension that communicated itself to her.
21 The muffled stillness of that day continued to cast a long, heavy pall over our lives.
22 Today, uniformed warders break that first ethereal stillness with their peremptory warnings about smoking and taking pictures.
23 The sound of footsteps on the path broke the stillness.
24 At night, when the hospital bustle dies down, the stillness can match the blackness under the blindfold.
25 For there was about her cage a silence and stillness so great that it seemed as if she had disappeared.
26 The house grew still but it was a menacing stillness, like that of a cat about to spring.
27 Marge sat facing the window, listening to the wind until it faded into a greater stillness.
28 Piles of fallen leaves carpeted the forest floor with gold, and the stillness was broken only by the steady rain.
29 Because: In order to be at one with the Static Cosmos, one must achieve a state of supreme stillness.
30 It must have just lurched into life out of a great trodden stillness of dust and damp.
1 There was a sudden stillness in the air.
2 The stillness of the fields was broken by the sound of a gunshot.
31 The maximum of movement, he wrote, with the maximum of stillness.
32 Such patience was nothing less than satanic, especially in light of my general inability to maintain stillness.
33 The role of Logan is perfectly suited to Kingsley's gifts for control and stillness.
34 Shaded by prouder trees, Tallis waited in the stillness, watching the movements of summer through gleaming green and spiky leaves.
35 Even if the man drifted close to sleep, which the stillness encouraged, the union remained unbroken.
36 For a moment he hesitated, nervous of breaking the strange stillness of the deserted landscape.
37 The winding lanes and grey stillness of early autumn combined to soothe her spirit.
38 The moment of charmed stillness collapsed - or more properly exploded - into motion and exclamation.
39 He went from frozen stillness to liquid and menacing movement in the blink of an eye.
40 Men are psychologically insecure - their hearts are filled with emptiness and emotional insecurity, and they are always hungry for a sense of stillness, tranquility, serenity and happiness. Dr T.P.Chia 
41 The cuckoo continued calling in the far recesses of the wood undeterred by the surrounding stillness.
42 I stand Watching his stillness, like an iron nail Driven, flush to the head, Into a yew post.
43 He felt a stillness, looking at his first naked girl, grown-up(), outside a magazine.
44 The room was unnaturally still about her, but the stillness might shatter at any second.
45 Their dark faces were wreathed in smiles but there was a certain stillness in the eyes.
46 Out of the stillness, a lone bird began to sing.
47 In the echoing stillness of the hall at Colcutt Manor it sounded like the four-minute warning.
48 Everyone froze into stillness like people playing the statues game when the music stops.
49 The Marais Communal of Curzon lies in the lap of low scrubby hills, like a green sea of stillness.
50 The stillness all around, with only the blue sky of August as a great tent cloth over my head.
51 She lay in absolute stillness, trying not to breathe, wondering what he was going to do with her.
52 There was a new moon, and its pale light cast soft shadows in the stillness.
53 The sudden shock and noise of whirring wings broke the stillness and left our pulses racing.
54 His stillness and his blood made her feel safe, almost cherished.
55 Their faces were blue, and their stillness not a mass death but as though a momentary pause in group exercise.
56 A stillness which seemed to bear down on her like a physical presence.
57 Here, like to many other ancient sites mentioned above, there is a provocative stillness.
58 It had been raining all night and in the stillness of morning the clouds and mist had not yet cleared.
59 His stillness was that of an animal sizing up its prey, waiting for the perfect moment to make its move.
60 The rustling of bushes and the sounds of heavy breathing at the sandbar to the north deepened the stillness of dusk.
61 The rainy weather had subsided into clear stillness and there was a slight frost lying across the fields.
62 A specific point of view of a space, in a fleeting moment of time, could be held in utter stillness.
63 Counting on the stillness of her own soul, she had forgotten the other one: the soul of her baby girl.
64 Everything seemed to conspire to an absolute stillness and silence.
65 Her shriek of surprise echoed around the building, drumming in their ears, amplified by the stillness.
66 The turning of the car's starter motor was an ugly and unwelcome sound in the stillness of the forest.
67 Then an animal snorted quietly and broke the momentary stillness.
68 The fear propelled her out of her stillness and she ran down the hill.
69 The rasp of his fingers was distinct in the stillness.
70 There was a stillness (/stillness.html), a warmness between them.
71 The stillness was rent by thunderous applause.
72 A stillness as of death hung over the plantation.
73 The striking of the steel plate broke the stillness.
74 There was no sound -- the stillness was perfect.
75 A feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness.
76 The air was warm with a vaporous warmth, and the stillness was unBroken.
77 I see a mountain eagle and in the stillness two fish fly up.
78 The stillness and the silence of the large man unnerved him.
79 Gerald closed his eyes and, in the stillness of the unworked acres, he felt that he had come home.
80 Paradox plowed into paradox , stillness mixed with stillness , sound with sound.
81 I can imagine, in some otherworld Primeval-dumb, far back In that most awful stillness, that only gasped and hummed, Humming-birds raced down the avenues.
82 He loved the poetry of Walt Whitman and the prose of Zane Grey , the stillness of a game of chess and the jocularity of a game of cards , the sea and the desert .
83 Theand dreariness of the prospect before us reconciles us to the stillness of the grave.
84 In the peaceful stillness of a library the slightest hiccup sounds like a rhinoceros belching thunderously over a public-address system.
85 The meeting a sullen stillness after the boss's heavy-headed criticism.
86 Morning stillness reflects heaven and earth, tinted by mineral deposits and aquatic plant life in Five Flower Lake.
87 Externalisation When connectedness with Being is lost, along with the stillness and joy which it entails, the mind will begin to seek some substitute pleasure.
88 Anne Michaels, a Canadian poet and no mean wordsmith herself, describes "An Equal Stillness" as "a first novel of uncommon power". Praise to be heeded.
89 He felt the stillness from the moment he got out of the taxi and saw the doorman, usually in a frenzy of activity at this hour, gossiping with a chasseur by the servants' entrance .
90 Her large shapely body seemed to relapse naturally into stillness.
91 But a stillness as of death hung over the plantation.
92 Hear the cooing of his lonely heart through the stillness of the night.
93 In "Henry V, " King Henry says, "In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility."
94 Shall the nightingale offend the stillness of the night, or the firefly the stars?
95 Thirdly, it telepathizes in black dead stillness, while and growing up in telepathy.
96 Soccer robot simulation game indicates that the method is the same with the avoidance of stillness and move...
97 To experience the Real is arduous for it demands infinite pliability and deep,() basic stillness.
98 The dawns were heralded by the descent of a chill stillness.
99 The clock on the mantelpiece ticked away loudly in the stillness.
100 There was an audible stillness, in which the common voice sounded strange.
101 Melanie's voice gathered strength in the stillness of the room.
102 In the stillness of night could be heard the ringing of a distant bell.
103 The placid waters stirred violently , and a loud noise broke the stillness.
104 From the hall the clock calling out the quarter hour, then a moment of stillness - time stalling - before, faintly, the clock in her study responded.
105 The abrupt stillness seemed alien and artificial, a little insidious.
106 By and by, out of the stillness, little, scarcely preceptible noises began to emphasize themselves.
107 The silence is dense and deep. Even the squirrels have stopped their ribald chattering. And faint snowbird whisperings seems to emphasize the stillness.
108 I remembered being very careful never to rub my paddleagainst the gunwale for fear of disturbing the stillness of the cathedral.
109 They looked instead across the stillness of the lake to the peaks of the Teton Range in ...
110 But, in the stillness of the third hour of the morning, Lucie came down stairs again, and stole into his room; not free from unshaped fears, beforehand.
111 Practice fullness of chi , stillness for mind, and purity for spirit.
112 The breeze sank to stillness. In the ravine a ringdove mourned plaintively, and somewhere off in the bushes an owl hooted.
113 As evening drew on, an unearthly stillness hung over Calvary.
114 In the very moment you focus your attention by coming back into your body, your breath, and your immediate sensate reality, you will experience a deep sense of vibrant stillness.
115 They looked instead across the stillness of the lake to the peaks of the Teton Range in Wyoming.
116 At twilight, the stillness was broken by the sound of hooves, clattering on the paved courtyard.
117 Focus on stillness rather than motion in order to master Aikido techniques.
118 Here, wake at what hour I may, early or late, I lie gracious stillness.
119 From time to time his sharp cough broke the rather frightening stillness.
120 Lao Tzu looks for actuality from nonentity, looks for movement from stillness, looks for mightiness from limpness. They are the authenticity content of life.




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