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单词 Engage in
1, Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.
2, Only 10% of American adults engage in regular exercise.
3, I have no time to engage in the debate.
4, Lecturers engage in teaching and research.
5, I have no time to engage in gossip.
6, Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.
7, His troops will only engage in a ground battle when all the odds are in their favour.
8, Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities.
9, The government refused to engage in direct dialogue with the terrorists.
10, The two sides have at last begun to engage in a constructive dialogue.
11, The two governments have agreed to engage in a comprehensive dialogue to resolve the problem.
12, Teachers here are not allowed to engage in any political activity.
13, You refused to engage in a dialogue with it.
14, Lecturer Lecturers engage in teaching and research.
15, Potential managers should also engage in constructive introspection.
16, Moral entrepreneurs engage in the process of establishing moral rules by attempting to define certain actions or forms of behaviour as deviant.
17, The union will engage in negotiations with the employers in an attempt to persuade them that the wage claim is justified.
18, Team members might engage in discriminatory practices or hire only friends or relatives.
19, In their distress,[http:///engage in.html] factories and workers engage in barter in a desperate effort to survive.
20, QQDling v. Anglish for HANDln, to engage in business or commercial activity.
21, They were expressly forbidden to engage in any other activities, of course.
22, Accountants, lawyers and other professionals who engage in such business would face enormous fines and up to 10 years' imprisonment.
23, The absence of penalties for anti-competitive behaviour means that firms have every incentive to engage in price-fixing.
24, Similarly, parents instruct their children not to smoke or drink, yet the parents may engage in those activities themselves.
25, A few people close to their chairs amuse themselves by watching the others engage in mortal combat to secure a seat.
26, But the occasional visitor who is wanting more will find that he has a genuine opportunity to engage in worthwhile learning.
27, Even outstanding teachers have difficulty getting these students to engage in the work of school.
28, All these strategies have the potential to involve all pupils in mathematical challenge, enabling them to engage in a broader curriculum.
29, Guarantees of economic freedoms included explicit recognition of the right of citizens to engage in private business.
30, How can the time and opportunities for children to engage in these tasks be maximized?
1, Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.
2, Only 10% of American adults engage in regular exercise.
3, I have no time to engage in the debate.
31, From a very early age, lower-working-class boys engage in rough, exclusively masculine forms of play, free of adult supervision.
32, Crucially, therefore, causal explanation is the proper procedure when we engage in natural science but not elsewhere.
33, It did not engage in the struggle for mass cultural-political hegemony.
34, Bechtel will manage much of the project but not engage in any construction work.
35, This does not imply that all teachers should engage in research.
36, Very few environmentalists would choose to engage in a debate about the extent to which they had either succeeded or sold out.
37, Government officials are not allowed to raise campaign funds or otherwise engage in partisan political activity.
38, Helmeted, armed with long, spear-like boards, the surfers looked like gladiators going out to engage in mortal combat.
39, They do not engage in conversation, nor do their faces express a desire to.
40, Police and demonstrators regularly engage in running battles near Mr Suharto's home in central Jakarta.
41, Even if social analysis is something which everyone does, those who engage in it professionally are still tempted by delusions of grandeur.
42, His favorite tactic was to engage in conversation as a way of avoiding work.
43, Imagine that you could engage in a conversation with the political gladiator, contemporary or historical, who most fascinates you.
44, Money raised would fund our campaign to lobby relevant authorities internationally and engage in public education.
45, Instead, they say industry should engage in the debate to promote the life-saving benefits from testing treatments on animals.
46, This should take place at a time when the individual is able to engage in detailed discussion.
47, We accepted the Secretary of State's invitation to engage in the consultation process which he initiated.
48, This willingness by police and pickets to engage in violent confrontation was dramatically revealed during the 1984-5 coal dispute.http://
49, It offers an opportunity to engage in group delinquency and, occasionally, in group fights.
50, Besides governments, it is likely that only the largest companies will engage in any kind of record retention and archive management.
51, Work-inhibited students enjoy learning and frequently engage in classroom discussions. 8.
52, The kind of people who engage in creative collaboration want to do the next thing, not repeat the last one.
53, Higher animals also engage in playful combat and other forms of competitive behaviour.
54, But new directions and designs help only when the people who must change behaviors engage in understanding and shaping them.
55, Glasser stresses that reluctant students engage in the work of school simply because they share a positive relation-ship with their teacher.
56, All students should engage in intellectually challenging work and should graduate on the basis of what they know and can do.
57, To see how men began to entertain values and engage in the pursuit of excellence we need additional sources of information.
58, One teacher recruited three parent helpers to help one fourth-grade student who could not engage in lengthy writing projects.
59, A legal facilitator cautions us that we may engage in a civil-disobedience action and that the police may arrest us.
60, Occasionally the child makes a comment, and the two may engage in brief dialogue.
61, On July 16 Bhutto announced her intention to abandon parliamentary politics and engage in street demonstrations to press for fresh elections.
62, We intend to persuade the Church to engage in policy studies with the aim of developing people-oriented policies for the communication task.
63, Earlier in the day, warriors will engage in mock battle.
64, Convenience stores engage in relatively little advertising and in few promotions, though they do feature some specials from time to time.
65, In this species the two parents' chloroplasts engage in a war of attrition that destroys 95 percent of them.
66, Without a self that others can accept, we could not engage in the activities that maintain us as a society.
67, Old warhorses with many caps to their name were always allowed to engage in a running banter with the ref.
68, We could always engage in the Rawlsian form of argument and apply it to the new information once it becomes available.
69, The larger working-class and poor population generally finds it necessary to engage in multiple economic activities at the household level.
70, Indeed, the notion that all students should engage in serious academic work and learn it deeply is a relatively recent phenomenon.
71, They come close to enjoining all scientists to refuse to engage in military research but then back off at the last moment.
72, We would have to say, for example, that staff responsible for research students have a definite obligation to engage in research.
73, Whether they are driving too fast or drinking and driving or using life-threatening drugs, teenagers frequently engage in risk-taking behavior.
74, In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.
75, Yet we systematically deny these individuals the opportunity to engage in meaningful ways with the adult world.
76, Partners must not engage in any form of enterprise which is in competition with the partnership.
77, No wonder Great Groups engage in water fights, drink copious amounts of beer, and arm wrestle.
78, In the 1960s women could neither engage in business nor launch political careers.
78, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
79, When cells fuse, the rival bacteria in each engage in a struggle to the death.
80, No enterprise may engage in transit trade of wastes.
81, We want to know, can they engage in P-functioning?
82, Burton does not engage in irresponsible speculation or rumor-mongering.
83, China's national defence policy is defensive in nature. China will never engage in arms race or pose a military threat to any country.
84, In a way, I'm suggesting that you engage in a shell game, where the time to start the application is moved around but the total is still the same.
85, After a patrol in Musa Qala on Jan. 30, Marines engage in a little horseplay.
86, The New York branch will engage in wholesale banking activities, including lending, acceptance of wholesale deposits, trade finance, U. S. dollar clearing and treasury, according to the CCB.
87, In addition, in hot weather, engage in physical activity and sexual urge, these liquid secretion will increase, possibly still sometimes outflow.
88, In order for a Prover to retrieve a U-Prove token from an Issuer, the two parties must engage in an instance of the U-Prove issuance protocol.
89, An insurance company shall not entrust a commercial bank that has not obtained the qualification for concurrent insurance agents to engage in the vicarious insurance business.
90, What I can tell you is that it is completely normal and justified for the Chinese Government to engage in law enforcement activities to safeguard its rights within its own Exclusive Economic Zone.
91, Article 10. The permanent representative offices of foreign transport enterprises can only engage in indirect business activities.
92, A new accord between the Federal Reserve and Treasury should re-establish the Fed's independence and accountability so that it is not called upon to monetize the debt or engage in credit allocation.
93, He brought me up, sent me to school, had a house built for me and bought me a few mu of land. He went to Hankou to engage in trade the year when he was already sixty.
94, As an active participant in economic globalization, China will never engage in trade or investment protectionism.
95, But when people feel meaningless, Van Tilburg found that they are more likely to engage in behaviour they believe will re-establish their sense of meaningfulness.
96, The letter authorized Klimax to engage in chartering business on behalf of Brilliant.
97, In reality, the kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade.
98, When infants begin to engage in rough-and-tumble play, laughter signals that the intentions are not serious, allowing children to test physical and social boundaries without serious jeopardy.
99, To engage in production scheduling, staff training, production feasibility and reliability analysis.
100, Do not engage in horseplay or practical jokes at rig site.
101, This is used to employ computer engineers who engage in core management.
102, Don't engage in cybersex until after you've met and agreed to continue the relationship.
103, Take love for the sky, let me engage in their favorite cause, which will allow me to work full of enthusiasm, I believe I can become a good air crew, let me dream of wings with trainees fly!
104, The other half travel, play in rock bands that don't make money, or otherwise engage in nontraditional "timeout" activities.
105, Shuangfeng Shanxi Antique Furniture Company is a largest classical furniture maker in Shanghai that engage in both wholesale and retail.
106, Flushed from passion and eager to engage in pillow talk, a woman turns to tell her beloved how much she adores him - and he's out for the count.
107, The lesson to take home from this study is that if you engage in jogging or some other type of very active sport, sports bras are recommendable.
108, The company shall not engage in or support the use of child labour as defined above.
109, Indirect investment typically refers to holding or trading securities in companies or trusts that engage in direct real estate activities.
110, Confabulation triumphs over organic disease. The hemiplegiac’s anosognosia is a stark example,[http:///engage in.html] but we all engage in the same basic process.
111, I believe that much of this is native idiocy: the infantile blathering of people who have no idea how to engage in debate.
112, After the feast, some people engage in recreational activities such as watching or playing sports —although, after such a heavy meal, a Thanksgiving Day nap is also a well-established custom.
113, Dr. Silver said Li Wu, Assistant General Manager of the Department, not to engage in finger-threshold, but to strengthen the capacity of lender credit repayment capacity and continuing review.
114, As long as Chairman Mao's portrait is on the yuan, don't expect China to engage in trade like a free market economy.
115, Proponents argue that anyone can co-locate, but genuine private investors cannot engage in this with an entry price measured in thousands of dollars.
116, We also engage in healthcare products and the export of foodstuff, oil, and other farm produce and local specialties and import activities of caoutchouc , apparatus and equipment.
117, The result of simulation is valuable to engage in study of an Electromagnetic Damping Machine.
118, Anyone that fails to obtain a work safety license shall not engage in any production activity.
119, We can also engage in deception at the kitchen-sink level, where cooking, cleaning, and parenthood become a form of escape.
120, Well, the internet suggests that slumber party guests often engage in harmless experimentation with lesbianism.
121, We become small-minded if we engage in discussion about other people. In particular, avoid blaming, praising, or comparing people.
122, The Bloodhound venture was conceived not just as another record bid but as a project that could inspire children to engage in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects.
123, We engage in producing and selling various beauty facilities, beauty suite and nail up series.
124, The female mouse is then three times more likely to engage in what's called lordosis behavior, a posture shown by many animals in heat in which they thrust their rumps and tails upward.
125, Amounting to a parallel state, these illicit networks engage in arms trafficking, money laundering, extortion, human smuggling, black-market adoptions, and kidnapping for ransom.
126, If you engage in the trade. what's volume of trade in one year?
127, Article 67. Security exchange personnel with inside information are not allowed to engage in securities trading activities using inside information.
128, Amy: Well, the Internet suggests that slumber party guests often engage in harmless experimentation with lesbianism.
129, This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or totake the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.
130, Do not engage in horseplay or prfunctionical jokes at rig site.
131, rather than engage in trade battles, GTM Research's Director of Solar Shayle Kann believes that America needs to put its focus on technological innovation.
132, Furthermore, not only are Christians permitted to engage in cultural activity on the Lord's Day outside of public worship, they are positively required to do so.
133, For example, a consulting business and Rep Offices of foreign airlines are allowed to engage in direct operational activities in China under bilateral treaties.
134, While Washington could engage in deficit spending, if we didn’t have money, we had to raise and spend, or not spend at all.
135, We expect the Commission on Human Rights to play a greater role in this regard and to engage in a constructive manner in discussing how to effectively protect and promote civil and political rights.
136, With that in mind, you likely are looking for different activities that you can engage in to make holiday memories that will last a lifetime.
137, How could an officer on duty engage in personal affairs? Needless to say PC games.
138, They are aware of their own crookedness and deceit as they engage in their personal war of light and darkness.
139, Objective: To engage in a systematic pharmacognostical studies on Swertia angustiamarin Buch.
140, The lawful business activities travel agencies engage in shall be protected by the law.
141, These arguments are canonically of type unsigned long long, although some programs engage in mild type punning[Sentence dictionary], treating them as 64-bit pointers or other types.
142, The school is among the first to offer the Ph. D degree in management engineering and to engage in postdoctoral research. It was one of the first schools in China to offer the MBA, ME, and MPAcc.
143, Anyone who has obtained a qualification certificate shall not engage in engineering cost activities in the name of a certified cost engineer until he has completed the registration formalities.
144, Our factory engage in all kinds of hardware fittings, autobike fittings, illumination fittings and electric appliances.
145, Do you seek to enter the United States to engage in export control violations, destructive or terrorist activities or any illegal purpose?
146, Such straight-line cords can send blows of harm while humans engage in "mental only" activities and thoughts or judgment and when soul is not present in the form to sustain a state of harmlessness .
147, These experiences led me to organize a nongovernmental organization back in Belarus to support U.N. programs and engage in volunteer actions and community service.
148, In order for this course of stretch mark treatment to be effective, you should engage in this holistic olive oil and massage regimen at least three times per week.
149, Requested by the user can engage in the processing of raw materials; can also spot sales.
150, Engage in dialogue on illegal logging and explore ways to cooperate including through a bilateral agreement.
151, This is a good activity to engage in when you are waiting in line at the drive-in bank, doctor's office, etc.
152, When else in your relationship -- unless you're the type of couple to engage in accusatory screaming matches in the cereal aisle of Whole Foods -- will its terms and conditions be laid so bare?
153, Furthermore, EGFR kinase inhibition induces HER kinase receptors to engage in alternative dimerization that can ultimately influence therapeutic selection and responsiveness.
154, Pronouncements made Ex Cathedra do not have any great effect on the conversation – unless the individual making the pronouncement is greatly trusted, and is willing to engage in conversation.
155, A public service agency for employment shall constantly improve the quality and increase the efficiency of its services and shall not engage in any profit-making activities.
156, It advised the group to apply for registration as a new organization if it wishes to engage in social affairs.
157, The Osage Art Foundation hopes to provide a platform for the public to engage in the dialogue about Hong Kong culture that is developing locally and internationally.
158, This standard requires new donors to engage in an educational program and follow-up assessment regarding HIV/AIDS and activities that place them at risk for HIV/AIDS.
159, Article 34 Persons who engage in illegal photographing, video-taping, recording, reconnoitering, surveying, drawing or describing in the military restricted zones and refuse to be stopped.
160, It is well known that banks engage in fractional-reserve lending, meaning that bankers use their deposits in lending operations, with only a part of their loans covered by money reserves.
161, People who unrestrainedly engage in the five poisons are creating their own misery.
162, An enterprise annuity fund established according to law may enter into the national inter-bank bond market to engage in such businesses as bond investment, etc.
163, Bearing in mind that 2011 will be a critically important "window of opportunity", we are resolved to engage in comprehensive negotiations with a sense of urgency in the end game.
164, Once again, Wolfowitz is claiming that the strategic balance is beginning to tip against the US, and that therefore the US ought to engage in a major effort at revitalising its own capabilities.
165, We Party cadres should not engage in any under-the-counter business.
166, While his opponent started a huge smear campaign against him, he refused to engage in muckraking and mudslinging.
166, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
167, Those who still engage in factional activities are a minority.
168, "One approach would be to structure a quasi-public corporation without shareholders that would engage in the provision of mortgage insurance generally," he said.




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