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单词 Financial crisis
1. If this is not stopped, the financial crisis will deepen.
2. The financial crisis has brought new factors into play.
3. The book diagnoses the present financial crisis.
4. This financial crisis has brought new factors into play.
5. Stock prices dived during the financial crisis.
6. We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.
7. Financial crisis rapidly inflated to a nation-wide economic crisis.
8. The company is facing a financial crisis.
9. Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis.
10. This financial crisis had a much greater impact on Main Street.
11. A period of financial crisis has disequilibrated the monetary system.
12. The financial crisis devitalized the economy of the Asian countries.
13. This financial crisis is growing more serious by the hour.
14. This new financial crisis may well dwarf most that have gone before.
15. These countries have been seriously disadvantaged by the financial crisis.
16. The financial crisis was growing more serious by the hour.
17. We must pull our company out of the financial crisis as soon as possible.
18. The new government will ride out the present financial crisis.
19. A financial crisis is a second possibility.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. It took Cuckney four years to overcome the financial crisis he encountered when he took over the Crown Agents in 1974.
21. Where and when the financial crisis will come and how big it will be, no one knows.
22. The government predicates that the market collapse was caused by Asian financial crisis.
23. The Clinton administration last winter assembled the $50 billion emergency bailout package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico.
24. Hong Kong's stock market fell, setting off a global financial crisis.
25. The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
26. I was relieved that we had averted yet another financial crisis .
27. The strength of our country bulwarked us through the financial crisis.
28. Is he completely insensitive to the economic, social and financial crisis that now threatens to engulf the Western Isles?
29. The country is teetering on the brink of a massive financial crisis.
30. After the First World War the voluntary hospitals faced a severe and growing financial crisis.
1. If this is not stopped, the financial crisis will deepen.
31. The district council then had to spend almost £250,000 to bail it out of a financial crisis.
32. As long as the financial crisis continues, economic reform cannot possibly succeed.
33. However it is well known that a financial crisis in 1866 seriously affected several minor railways throughout the country.
34. The court heard that a desperate financial crisis and debts of more than £40,000 drove Shooter to hatch his unsuccessful plot.
35. The country's financial crisis has taken a turn for the worse.
36. In his Charlton days, Lawrence was forced to accept any reasonable offer to ease the club's financial crisis.
37. As the financial crisis deepened, the ownership of the paper changed.
38. However, it is very easy to find yourself in a financial crisis.
39. There is a possibility of a full-scale financial crisis, like the great crash of 1929.
40. If team performances slumped, as they did in 1910-11, attendances fell disastrously, sparking off a financial crisis.
41. That financial crisis weathered, Zyuganov will then have to find the money for large-scale state investment in tumbledown factories.
42. In fact, the Food Bank does have a severe financial crisis.
43. My initial reaction was relief: We had averted another financial crisis.
44. We managed to head off a financial crisis last year, but we may not be so lucky this year.
45. Britainis particularly vulnerable to a financial crisis since it is heavily reliant on the profits of speculation.
46. The Central Bank attempted to dispel rumours of a possible financial crisis.
47. Financial crisis made many petty bourgeois become grass roots.
48. Unfearing the Financial Crisis, but the Digital Revolution!
49. Minimum wage system; Minimum wage standard; Financial Crisis.
50. The global financial crisis interrupted China's inflationary trend.
51. The Asian development bank, headquarter in Manila, the Philippines, can do nothing about the financial crisis.
52. During Asia financial crisis, prices of real property greatly declined, bringing to lots of negative asset mortgage loans.
53. In an attempt to unwind its massive stimulus unleashed during the global financial crisis, China has over the past nine months raised interest rates four times and banks' required reserves nine times.
54. With the spread of the world financial crisis, primary industry clusters, especially in export. oriented manufacturing cluster, has been a great impact.
55. Financial crisis is mainly manifested by the payment crisis when the deposit is run on a bank by its owner.
56. Why could China still grow when western countries suffer heavy losses from the international financial crisis?
57. Government debt has soared during the financial crisis, and the federal budget wasn't in great shape to begin with, given huge unfunded liabilities in health care and retirement programs.
58. After the financial crisis due to then steel exports drop too much, and the government once again raised the exit drawback level, but this is only a short-term policy, cannot long-term change.
59. AS THE financial crisis hit in late 2008, Meccano, a French maker of construction toys, watched its pre-Christmas sales slip.
60. The financial crisis in the market for U.S. dollar - based international monetary system to challenge the pattern.
61. Therefore, against the background of the financial crisis, the study on employee relationship management certainly has some theoretical and practical significance.
62. The new investment choice under Global Financial Crisis - International Foreign Exchange Market!
63. The media has come under some fire during the global financial crisis for fuelling class warfare.
64. By the financial crisis, global stainless steel production output in recent years, negative growth.
65. With the U. S. sub-prime credit crisis sweeping the global economy into a crisis, many internationally Century renowned enterprises have to face financial crisis, even be forced into liquidation.
66. But our problems are also linked, just as the Chinese export boom and the American consumption boom depended on each other and, together, helped create the financial crisis.
67. Indeed, many business schools professors have modified their curriculums to address issues in the financial crisis.
68. The break out of the financial crisis in Russia in 1998 announced the complete failure of the Russian liberalist.
69. To cope with the international financial crisis, all nations in the world should make concerted efforts.
70. Volvo was on the auction block even before the financial crisis hit, and the sale allowed the company to get on with its business.
71. He has said any system that created the Mexican peso crisis, the Asian financial crisis and the current troubles needs to be changed.
72. By Moner-war, they makes an invisible new colonial rob, in order to divert their own expense in financial crisis onto us.
73. America have carried out the low-interest policy for years to encourage credit consumption, and finally the money borrowed is more than the repaying ability, causing the global financial crisis.
74. This text is on the foundation of studies on financial forecasting model of crisis at present of our country, study and structure the forecasting model of financial crisis further.
75. Having been careful for years to keep excess cash out of the economy, Beijing opened the sluice gates to counter the global financial crisis. It has been too slow to close them.
76. "The chances of a systemic financial crisis in China in this cycle are extremely, extremely low, " said Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Dragonomics Research, a consulting company in Beijing.
77. Then, the dissertation adopts financial diagnosis to construct the applicable financial diagnosis system which is composed of financial analysis, financial forecasting and financial crisis alarm.
78. From the perspective of the situations of financial markets, the financial crisis in 2008 and the crisis in 1997 are as different as chalk and cheese.
79. In 2010, the total trade volume among the three countries exceeded the pre financial crisis level and their personnel exchanges hit another historical high.
79. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
80. The joint European Central Bank-EU-IMF loan was necessary because, in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, Greece was exposed as having an economy based on phoney data and cheap credit.
81. The moves -- to be outlined by Osborne in his Mansion House speech to the City -- aim to shake up the way UK banks are supervised is part of a wider regulatory overhaul following the financial crisis.
82. On Monday, the Banking Committee of the United States Senate will debate a proposal to address the abuse and excess that led to the worst financial crisis in generations.
83. The survey is part of the Bank's wider efforts to spot risks earlier, a core lesson of the financial crisis, so that action can be taken before markets destabilise.
84. A second efficient market hypothesis, however, deservedly survived the financial crisis.
85. This case study will provide an insight into the precautions which can be implemented to cope with a financial crisis of this nature.
86. ONE of the most humbling features of the financial crisis is its ability to humiliate policymakers who, thinking that they have a bazooka in their closet, soon discover that it is a mere popgun.
87. The financial crisis could slam the brakes on a trend of recent years where some people view artworks as mere investments, like stocks, Caro told Reuters this week.
88. In brief, the inclusive impacts caused by the moral risk will amass more financial risk, more bubbles, and then detonate financial credit risk, and the financial crisis in the end.
89. Under the circumstances of global financial crisis, when China is promoting its domestic demand, the efficiency of investment fuelling economic growth should be strengthened, said Li.
90. This is the latest action in a string of SEC investigations into mortgage bond deals that went bust during the financial crisis.
91. Unlike previous post - war cycles, any upturn will follow a global financial crisis.
92. The Christie's auction room was packed Wednesday with people in dark suits, art collectors and artists looking for bargains or souvenirs of the financial crisis.
93. The debt crisis is not just an EU problem, but a trans-Atlantic financial crisis.
94. Because this year financial crisis erupts, the domestic stock market quotation is not in addition good, many financial profession jobholders choose the overseas further education in abundance.
95. targeting John McCain's temperament, and calling into question his behavior during Congressional deliberations on the financial crisis.
96. Since the third quarter of 2008, the Global economy has completed the "inventory adjustment" under the influence of the financial crisis and the adjustment of the business cycle.
97. International financial crisis once again tell people that unregulated market economy is so terrible.
98. Whatever Chinese political leaders may argue, the global financial crisis has not proven that government-engineered growth can outstrip the expansion of well-regulated free markets over the long term.
99. China is tightening after a record expansion of credit to counter the effects of the world financial crisis.
100. He said the home mortgage crisis , the financial crisis and the broader economic crisis are interconnected.
101. The recent international financial crisis, the wave could have impact on China's economy.
102. But the industry are generally of the view that because of the arrival of the financial crisis and the capital market to a nose-dive , it is not the appropriate time.
103. The financial crisis sweeping the globe is the inevitable result of the intensification of the fundamental contradictions of international financial monopoly capitalism.
104. To that degree, China bears some indirect responsibility for the financial crisis that is afflicting much of the world.
105. Financial crisis is a reason, but also suffer education and social demand to be concerned incompatibly with with undergraduate place.
106. Most The most pressing issues issue in his presidential entry in-tray will be dealing with the current financial crisis.
107. Even in the financial crisis, the SCUT-Seneca learning experience still made me achieve an ideal job in Canada smoothly.
108. Financial crisis resulted in bank insolvency, pensions and shrinking the value of real estate.
109. The guarantee behavior, the private enterprises made for further development capital, was also emerged in the financial crisis because of their risk.
109. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
110. East Asia Financial crisis demonstrates that exchange rate regimes, capital flows and financial crises are closely interacted, under free capital flow, Pegged or fixed regimes are prone to crises.
111. In the upper reaches of Wall Street, talk of another financial crisis is dismissed as alarmism.
112. The financial crisis is growing more serious by the hour.
113. In the quarter to March, growth in gross fixed capital investment slumped, having been healthy for years (other than during the 2009 financial crisis).
114. Credit Suisse has said one of the reasons it decided on the pay plan was to show regulators in the U. S. and Europe it took the financial crisis seriously.
115. Global financial crisis from American secondary mortgage loan crisis has given a heavy hit on Chinese economy. This is mainly because China economy highly depends on foreign trade.
116. Further more, base on two construction surface of loan type, the bank and the enterprise, to analyze the influence of the Financial Crisis on enterprise loan's terms of credit .
117. "It takes a certain chutzpah to say the appropriate response to a financial crisis is to loosen regulations," said Barbara Roper of the Consumer Federation of America.
118. Now Hong Kong is hit by the financial crisis and it is trying to maintain a pegged exchange rate.
119. So in the past few weeks, money supply has dropped at a rate fast enough to derail the recovery, and the velocity of money has remained stuck at the slow speed of a financial crisis.
120. This shift in racial hiring practices coupled with the fallout from the global financial crisis means many poor white South Africans have fallen on hard times.
121. Financial crisis makes everybody realises, big and not be iron is mensurable , should do enoughly only big, nobody dare move you.
122. Last autumn, amid the maelstrom of the financial crisis, It'seemed that fundamental change was afoot.
123. The financial crisis also helped alleviate some of theCIC's international political problems.
124. This is no doubt that the elimination of hidden inflation pressure, like the United States block China's emergence as the financial crisis.
125. Faced with a fall in tourist numbers due to the financial crisis and a reputation for unfriendliness, the Paris tourist board has made a simple request of the city's residents: smile.
126. Food crisis, energy crisis, the financial crisis besetting the world.
127. There is no other merchant who willing to loan money and help Qiao Family to overcome this financial crisis, but to pry about the division of Qiao Family's estate instead.
128. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York again is facing scrutiny over stockholdings held by a senior official during the 2008 financial crisis.
129. This was the first international financial crisis since the Bretton Woods conference of 1944 in which the Fund stood on the sidelines.
130. The impact of the global financial crisis and ensuing recession on Africa will be three-fold, according to World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan.
131. Sachs blames the financial crisis on a disastrously bad monetary policy and disastrously poor financial regulation.
132. For many big American companies, the day of reckoning came two months ago when the deepening financial crisis brought about the abrupt closure of the overnight commercial-paper market.
133. Since the financial crisis happened in many countries of the world, the foreign countries has accumulated many lessons and experiences in the course of treating the bad loan.
134. Its refusal to devaluate its currency during the 1997 Asian financial crisis had a positive impact on Asian economic recovery.
135. David Wessel’s about-to-be-released book, “In Fed We Trust, ” gives a revealing blow-by-blow account of the recent financial crisis and illustrates this point.
136. However, financial crisis already serious influence US venture capital rate of return.
137. WHEN the financial crisis took off last autumn, Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital”, originally published in 1867, whooshed up bestseller lists.
138. But global leaders have shown in their response to the financial crisis that fear of catastrophe can galvanise co-ordinated and collective action.
139. The Australian prime minister lauded China's position and active role in handling the international financial crisis.
140. Supporters of a movement protesting against the ongoing financial crisis,(http:///financial crisis.html) take part in a demonstration at Madrid's Puerta del Sol.
141. He said, as there never was a schedule for exchangeability under RMB capital projects, therefore the process of delaying the process due to the Southeast Asian financial crisis does not exist.
142. We could draw lessons from the global international financial crisis in many perspectives. However, we should pay attention to its globality and cognation.
143. Investors high-tailed it out of the stock market when the financial crisis hit, pulling some $243 billion out of stock mutual funds in 2008 and 2009, according to the Investment Company Institute.
144. What is a Better Preferential Policy for Domestic Auto Part Eport Under the Financial Crisis, Strictto the Rules or Focus on Key Issues?
145. Multiple rating downgrades would hit the ECB's financial viability and possibly unleash a financial crisis just at the time that it would have limited means to support the currency bloc's economy.
146. The ensuing financial crisis meant that not only Germany, but many nations, could not keep up with their war debts; as a result, US President Herbert Hoover introduced a one-year moratorium.
147. The limits on debit-card swipe fees -- one of the most contentious regulations to arise from the financial crisis -- were finalized by the Federal Reserve Board in June and take effect on Saturday.
148. Being a weatherglass for economics performance as well as an indicator for enterprises' operation, financial crisis warning not only has high academic value but also great significance applied value.
149. Mr. Lippmann had early insights about problems in the housing market that helped him amass a negative bet on housing that softened some of the bank's losses during the financial crisis.
150. First posted 17 November 2008, this column's analysis is more relevant than ever. It asks why investors rush to government securities when the US was at the epicentre of the financial crisis?
151. So now, you know how you can avoid your immediate financial crisis by availing fast payday loan services.
152. By employing plural analysis method, this paper tries to establish a business financial alert system, which can wake enterprises up while the financial crisis emerging, and help enterprises avoid ta...
153. Facing the global financial crisis at the time, Beijing promised to lower the threshold of financial credit and reinforce infrastructure constructions.
154. Financial crisis ahull casts the presentative backside of comprehensive systole, chinese Internet however under cover a tremendous investment gold mine.
155. The international financial crisis situation, the central enterprises falling profits news after another, while the decline in executive salaries are not seen.
156. Top Goldman Sachs officials defended their conduct in the US financial crisis, flatly disputing the government's fraud allegations against the giant financial house.
157. This posed a new problem before us given the severe impact of current international financial crisis.
158. People say China "won't have a financial crisis because there's central planning, because there's a high savings rate, because there's a large pool of labor, blah blah, " he added.
159. In the past 10 years, the Alley has endured the triple asteroid strikes of an exploding Internet Bubble, the 9/11 terror attacks and the financial crisis. Thousands of firms went belly-up.
160. Perhaps, as Columbia Business School's Hubbard told the symposium on the financial crisis he hosted last month, the Fed should bear in mind that "riding a flying dragon is easy, landing is difficult."
161. Facing financial crisis, bus companies needn't get into a panic, the most important thing is to properly take order with some problems.
162. Majority Democrats are expected to call Congress back into session in mid-November to focus on the U. S. financial crisis and possible new legislation aimed at stimulating the U. S. economy.
163. Even before the global financial crisis hit late in 2008, the Vietnamese government was already working to halt galloping inflation and investment due to an overheated real estate sector.
164. We have been told that the financial crisis is so severe and so contagious because it comes at a time of unprecedented interconnectedness.
165. The unwinding financial crisis of 2008 caused the SPX to reach the low of 667 on March 7 2009.
166. Shelby noted that GM is just the latest private corporation to fall under government control since the financial crisis struck last year.
167. In addition to the impact of the Movie Producers and Distributors, the financial crisis also provided a Hollywood scriptwriter more new material.
168. Sweden's development agency will cut its research and development budget by 20 per cent in 2010 as a result of the financial crisis, SciDev.Net can reveal.
169. Financial crisis,(http:///financial crisis.html) the U.S. dollar as the world currency status to a litmus test.
170. Like other company, yahoo also gets the concussion of financial crisis.
171. Analysts said the persistent chatter that banks might be in serious difficulties was reminiscent of the runup to the 2008 financial crisis.
172. Mr. Lippmann emerged as a Cassandra of the financial crisis, spotting cracks in the mortgage market as early as 2006.
173. In the years before the financial crisis kicked in, American demand contributed to global growth. This year it will subtract from it.
174. The current economic and financial crisis has validated that philosophy, said Galbraith, a former Tobin student and the son of the late John Kenneth Galbraith, who was a friend of Tobin.
175. While Indonesia faced internal political, economic and secessionism turbulent in 1998 Asian Financial Crisis, East Timorese grabbed the timing and attained independence under UN's mediation.
176. The haze in financial crisis abreaction during, achieve congenial compose to make why to plan?
177. After the Asia financial crisis, the rigescent pegged exchange rate has been regarded as one of the reasons that inducing this crisis.
178. All three indexes were above levels reached on Sept 12, 2008, the last trading day before the collapse of Lehman Brothers at the height of the financial crisis.
179. This paper analyses the course and reasons of Russian financial crisis, its impacts on the frontier trade between China and Russia and China's corresponding countermeasures.
180. International financial crisis, the violent shock wave to the export processing - based Wenzhou bring cigarettes medium - sized enterprises .
181. But this fall the former FederalReserve chairman was being blamed for the laissez faire economicpolicies that contributed to the current financial crisis.
182. Still, the number coming to the United States has been falling since the Asian financial crisis in nineteen ninety-eight.
183. The international financial crisis makes reform of the international economic and financial system imminent mission.
184. Every financial crisis often accompanied by scientific and technological revolution.
185. Bankers blew the cred of pin - stripes and chalk - stripes in the financial crisis of 2008 - 09.
186. The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and other relevant organs also held seminars to analyze the impact of the financial crisis from the gender perspective.
187. In view of intercommunity of financial problems reflected by these cases, the paper has a value of reference to private-owned companies that are struggling to or will meet financial crisis.
188. 'Compensation played a role in the financial crisis, and yet nothing has changed,' says J. Robert Brown, a professor at University of Denver's law school and an expert on corporate governance.
189. This sweeping through the global financial crisis of central banking, spread to the surrounding industry.
190. Please tell us about China's participation in the international financial crisis aid aspects of the situation.
191. After the global financial crisis caused by loan from the United States, the huge salaries of directors is pushed to the air wave.
192. The severe blow dealt to Russia by the West's financial crisis is prompting a recalibration of Russia's foreign policy.
193. In terms of impact, the financial crisis has behaved, roughly, like the economic equivalent of a drive-by shooting.
194. Mr Di-Aping, from Sudan, pointed out that the world paid $1.3 trillion to bail out the banks in the financial crisis.
195. It is for the reason of lacking coordination of exchange rate arrangement in East Asia that the East Asia Financial Crisis broke out in 1997 under the attack of international flowing capital.
196. Among these crises, a common characteristic is that the influence of real estate mortgage risk played a key role, especially in the Japanese financial crisis.
197. The Asian financial crisis in 1997 reveals the structure defects in Hong Kong's economy.
198. Goldman's move severs one of its last links to the financial crisis, which saw the ranks of big standalone U.S. investment banks shrink from five to zero in the space of six months.
199. How much will the financial crisis hurt America's economic potential?
199. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
200. The financial crisis revealed that top bankers were fabulously remunerated for lousy job.
201. The financial crisis starts to let the auction market welcome new one round the conformity.
202. No wonder shares have nearly tripled since the depths of the financial crisis. --P.N.
203. In the 1990s, while other former Soviet states limped from rampant privatisation to financial crisis, the Belarussian economy remained stable under almost total state control.
204. Or considers military strength a luxury at a moment of financial crisis?
205. While that may be true in the current financial crisis, the credit crunch has made it tough for the survivors to make hay out of such failures.
206. Overall, British attitudes to the financial crisis are closest to other old-world economies such as France and Germany, as well as Japan.
207. While it did not suffer a western-style financial crisis, it was hit hard by the second-order effects, as exports suddenly collapsed.
208. A financial crisis should not make the world’s moral compass point in another direction.
209. However, once the international financial crisis still bottomless, global economy is facing an unprecedented test.
210. The financial crisis has created an industrial crisis. What should governments do about it?
211. First, pay close attention the calm and to cope with the international financial crisis.
212. Under Financial Crisis, What is the Strategy for Domestic Auto Part Enterprises During Independent Innovation, Individual or Joint Operation?
213. Remember the moral high ground that western leaders took during the Asian financial crisis?
214. The financial crisis in the Orthodox Church we are living a sober and rational wisdom.
215. It is also important to keep in mind, when discussing the probability of financial crisis, the country's external surplus/deficit position.
216. The financial crisis had a small but discernable impact on emissions growth in 2008 – with a two per cent increase compared with an average 3.6 per cent over the previous seven years.
217. In trying to pick a way through today's financial crisis, there are plenty to pore over.
218. Lehman's failure is widely seen as a similar turning-point in the current financial crisis: an unexpected blunder that came close to turning a garden-variety recession into another Depression.
219. Secondly, it is given on basic theories of using cash flow indicator system to predict the financial crisis of the listed companies to the correlation concepts.
220. The regulator has come under fire for not bringing more cases over the 2008 financial crisis.
221. The financial crisis had been surmounted but not without lingering frailties, especially the under-employment of the West.
222. It performed ineptly in the run up to the financial crisis and in refusing to bail out Lehman Brothers.
223. As the global financial crisis broke out recently, the home banking sector was influenced by the crisis somehow in the process of China's opening-up in the financial sector.
224. The financial crisis and subsequent recession were a primary culprit behind that, and contributed to the delay between Blackstone's appearance on the public market and Carlyle's offering.
225. Third, introduces the era of financial crisis in export trade of anti-dumping investigation status and influence.
226. The American secondary mortgage crisis spread and became the financial crisis, which have seriously impacted the world economy and trade where China is included.
227. During the relative period of calm that followed the financial crisis of 2008, the three-month Shibor/PCoC bill spread traded at about 30 basis points, roughly matching Libor-OIS.
228. But deregulation had already begun to go out of fashion before the financial crisis.
229. The Justice Department suffered a setback last year with the failure of the first major criminal case to arise from the financial crisis: the prosecution of two Bear Stearns hedge fund managers.
230. At the height of the financial crisis last fall,(http:///financial crisis.html) he invested $5 billion in Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and got 10% cumulative preferred shares.
231. By the end of March, book inventory amount listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen have been as high as 3. $ 53 trillion, exceed the level before the financial crisis in 2008, and create record.
232. In the past, when financial crisis hit Russia, Latin-American and East Asian countries, economists in the west asserted that it was those countries themselves to blame.
233. If the financial crisis and deep recession slashed Britain's productive potential, then presumably it would have done the same in America, which suffered a similarly big fallout.
234. The inability of banks to understand their risks in the lead-up to the financial crisis is one example. The deficient system used to identify potential terrorists is another.
235. Fears of international financial crisis have forced the world's major central banks to join together.
236. "It was a catastrophic error. It caused a loss of confidence in the [US] authorities' ability to handle the financial crisis which really did change things and proved hugely costly, " he said.
237. It's beneficial for fictitious economy using Marx's viewpoint, so as to improve our ability to control fictitious capital to prevent financial crisis and to research on modern fictitious capital.
238. Absolutely rumor. I think some foreigners like to pass the buck to China. They did so in the financial crisis, didn't they?
239. Financial manager of a joint - stock banks Miss Wang is currently almost no financial crisis.
240. Regional central banks have poured billions of dollars into credit markets over recent weeks to ease tight credit conditions since the financial crisis erupted in the United States in September.
241. I am confident that the cause of the recent financial crisis is not this centuries-old model.
242. It was a risky move for the brothers-in-law : The shaky economy had a full six years of financial crisis ahead.
243. The global financial crisis has, if anything, encouraged this ultra - cautious pace of modernisation.
244. In financial crisis a wave is raided today, website of charge to an account gets the attention of a lot of netizens.
245. During the financial crisis, China built up holdings of short-dated T-bills from $14bn in mid-2008 to $210bn by May 2009 and they are now back around $70bn.
246. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fire up the chopper and man the printing press, the government is now attacking the financial crisis head-on, with "helicopter Ben" Bernanke strapped in to the co-pilot's seat.
247. At a press conference on March 13th Mr Wen avoided saying whether China would give more funding to the IMF to strengthen its ability to deal with the financial crisis.
247. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
248. A new World Bank paper prepared for the G20 finance ministers' meeting in Horsham , UK, this weekend warns that the financial crisis could have long-term implications for developing countries.
249. The initial public offer of a minority stake in Enel Green Power is likely to be the largest in Europe since the financial crisis broke in the summer of 2008.
250. A huge expansion of credit in China since 2008 helped that country prosper despite the global financial crisis.
251. "The financial crisis is a downward spiral with two twists," said George Feiger, chief executive of Contango Capital Advisors in Berkeley, California.
252. At stake is the project to create global accounting standards -- something endorsed by the G20 as one of the most important steps toward preventing a repeat of the current financial crisis.
253. It is the parlor game of the Financial Crisis: Pass the Buck.
254. The housing debacle touched off the worst financial crisis since the 1930s that Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson have been desperately trying to bring under control.
255. The sudden arrival of the financial crisis, so that the process of market disruption.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:11:58