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单词 Sixty
1. Sixty seconds makes a minute.
2. There are sixty oranges in the basket.
3. There are sixty coming to the wedding.
4. This dictionary has sixty thousand.
5. This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.
6. I'd like to have dinner for sixty dollars including drinks.
7. Something like sixty percent of all married men will have an affair at some point in their marriage.
8. He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.
9. He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.
10. The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.
11. He has now appeared in sixty odd films.
12. Sixty percent of people voted no.
13. Customers can choose from sixty hit titles before buying.
14. She is close on sixty.
15. The check was made out for sixty pounds.
16. Her stage career spans sixty years.
17. Five into sixty goes twelve times.
18. London is between fifty and sixty miles from Oxford.
19. There are sixty seconds in a minute.
20. The cheque was made out for sixty pounds.
21. Entire roast chickens were sixty cents apiece.
22. I would put his age at about sixty.
23. He ceased to write at the age of sixty.
24. Sixty of his subordinate officers followed his example.
25. He walked two hundred and sixty miles in eight days.
26. Queen Victoria remained on the throne for over sixty years.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Sixty per cent of teachers are women, but a mere 5 percent of women are heads and deputies.
28. Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty.
29. I love very much, a minute only love you sixty seconds.
30. 'A lot of people find it very difficult indeed to give up smoking.'--'Oh yes. I used to smoke nearly sixty a day.'.
1. Sixty seconds makes a minute.
2. There are sixty oranges in the basket.
3. There are sixty coming to the wedding.
4. This dictionary has sixty thousand.
5. This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.
6. Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty.
7. I'd like to have dinner for sixty dollars including drinks.
8. Something like sixty percent of all married men will have an affair at some point in their marriage.
9. He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.
10. The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.
11. The cheque was made out for sixty pounds.
12. Sixty workers at a clothing factory face redundancy because the firm is relocating.
31. In Rugby League, Australia trounced France by sixty points to four.
32. This car can accelerate from nought to sixty in ten seconds.
33. Sal reckons over sixty people were there but I think that's a slight exaggeration.
34. He looks great and yet he must be pushing sixty by now.
35. They were bowling along the motorway at sixty miles per hour.
36. The fire is threatening about sixty homes, and residents have evacuated the area.
37. Sixty percent of voters said they would willingly pay higher taxes for better health care.
38. He was old enough to be her father - she looked about thirty to his sixty.
39. At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian.
40. I bet three pounds on a horse running at twenty to one and won sixty pounds!
41. I want to buy a card with a sixty on it for my uncle.
42. Sixty pounds for a thirty-minute consultation. I think that's disgusting!
43. Sixty workers at a clothing factory face redundancy because the firm is relocating.
44. A middle-aged person is between forty and sixty years old.
45. The condors have dwindled to an estimated sixty in number .
46. Sixty per cent of all marital separations occur before the tenth year of marriage.
47. She achieved a throw of sixty metres in the javelin event.
48. At sixty he still plays tennis with the best of them.
49. The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
50. The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year.
51. She is still beautiful, and still pulling them in at sixty.
52. I'd like to play squash, but I'm sixty and I know my limits.
53. Just before he was sixty, he decided to give up work.
54. That will basically cover fifty...correction sixty percent of all charges.
55. Sixty dollars for a textbook? That's highway robbery.
56. I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. George Carlin 
56. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
57. The Volvo shot across the junction doing sixty.
58. It took exactly sixty days, just like I said.
59. Pretty Soon, over sixty countries got into the act.
60. Sixty years on and the market has grown considerably.
61. Sometimes as far as sixty miles.
62. There were over sixty guests at the wedding feast.
63. Sixty years later Camberwell was a metropolitan borough whose population had multiplied more than six fold to 259,339.
64. For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
65. The bakery has a coffee bar, and cappuccino is sixty cents!
66. The higher number of births from the mid-1950s and through the 1960s inevitably meant more pensioners sixty years on.
67. And within weeks she was in control of Lady Illingworth's possessions, forging her signature a total of sixty seven times.
68. Sixty foot drops are not really much to write home about when some one's been caving as long as he has.
69. It was a sixty watt bulb but after the darkness it made everyone blink.
70. He had bought the bond at sixty; now he was being paid off at a hundred.
71. Coffman, Virginia An expert in creating appropriate atmosphere, Coffman has written more than sixty novels.
72. Sixty years down the line, grandad's bravery genes have been seriously diluted.
73. Sixty percent of these are endemic to just these islands.
74. Sixty to 90 minutes before their deaths, Greenhow was seen making a telephone call from a Shasta County pay phone.
75. During this period, hunters lives in small groups of between twenty and sixty individuals.
76. Discovered and excavated in the last sixty years, they have often been described.
77. Dowsing, who kept a journal of his activities, personally visited nearly sixty churches in East Anglia.
78. It is important for people who are sixty years and older and are experiencing insomnia to be screened for depression.
79. He was over sixty and a relatively wealthy man, with a wife who was financially independent.
80. I felt like a walking time bomb, set to detonate in sixty minutes.
81. One hundred sixty people died today in the explosion of a jet on takeoff from Djakarta.
82. I was visible for a sweep of sixty degrees and anyone entering the courtyard would get a full view.
83. Of the nearly 18,000 head of cattle imported through Colombo in 1901, over sixty percent were immediately sent to the slaughterhouse.
84. Over to the left is the ledge where the real diehard fools jump down sixty or seventy feet.
85. But the investment company collapsed, and now Mr Woodward and his wife owe sixty thousand pounds and may loose their house.
86. Sixty angry pickers, whose families have earned a living down the centuries,[] vowed to defend the 30-acre site.
87. He tumbled sixty feet before he was brought up with a jolt.
88. Sixty practitioners were interviewed about the theory and practice of care programming.
89. Philip and she spent sixty pounds of it that afternoon on a secondhand gas boiler.
90. He was wearing rough clothes, and he was about sixty, with a brown face and long grey hair.
91. There have been more than sixty burglaries in the three parishes so far this year.
92. A protesting crowd of sixty thousand assembled; hundreds were handcuffed or their arms fastened with ropes and led off to jail.
93. Read in studio One of the founding fathers of independent television has been celebrating sixty years in broadcasting.
94. Despite the protection of the reef, there was sufficient sea running to make the patrol boat roll through sixty degrees.
95. These were anxious days in Richmond, which lay about sixty miles northwest of York town.
96. A plague of cholera broke out, causing sixty deaths in the first week.
97. He fought against the United Nations troops in the attempted Katangese secession of nineteen sixty to sixty-two.
98. The moviemaking machine that Walt Disney created sixty years ago is working better than ever today.
99. He was a well-cared-for man of sixty, with thick silver eyebrows that hung over alert eyes.
100. Of course, he defied doctor's orders, and in 1977 he died of a massive heart attack, aged sixty.
101. The Lancasters had to drop the bouncing bomb from precisely sixty feet to hit their target.
102. Himself was a soft shell-less quivering thing encased in a hundred and sixty pounds of pink sweating meat.
103. The taxi went hurtling across the junction with Cranbourn Street doing sixty.
104. My mom's sixty this year, but she still looks fantastic.
105. Morris produced more than sixty designs for fabric and wallpaper, which influenced scores of other designers.
106. For instance, there are more than sixty separate forms of divination.
107. The medical advice remains that public transport single-pilot operations should not be permitted by pilots who have passed age sixty.
108. Sixty percent of 16 year-olds stay on in full-time education, up from only 40 percent in 1979.
109. It is a transitory work which lays the groundwork for themes and styles found in the theater sixty years later.
110. Sixty percent of professors are moral cowards unwilling to rock the boat and therefore willing to tolerate the others.
111. A human population of about sixty people make their living from crofting, knitting and a small amount of lobster-fishing.
112. Up to sixty people can be seated and full catering facilities are available in the bar and cafeteria which are immediately adjacent.
113. The next sixty years were to see a rise in the classroom autonomy of teachers allowing them growing discretion within their classrooms.
114. She was probably the oldest woman in the village, being somewhere around sixty.
115. Or I might pull an orni over my head and half drowse for sixty seconds propped against a doorpost.
116. Time allowed 00:20 Read in studio Sixty two jobs are to go at a milk depot.
116. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
117. So far, some sixty million acres of Eastern and Midwestern forest have been defoliated over the years.
118. The majority were of medium height, about a hundred and sixty pounds, clean-shaven and capable-looking.
119. At fifty-five or sixty degrees he had to brace his right arm against his leg in order to fight the roll.
120. Sixty people have already lost their jobs at the Norfolk Smokehouses food processing plant.
121. One spring Conran went on a tour of sixty shops which sold his furniture.
122. For those sixty seconds you are not a legitimate target, nor can you fire your own weapon.
123. In addition, the eleven cathedral deans and sixty archdeacons were summoned as a rule.
124. He was a tall heavy-set man of about sixty, bald, with a brick-red face and a walrus moustache.
125. Johnny Cooper thought it almost impossible that three men carrying only sixty small bombs between them had created such havoc and destruction.
126. Sixty percent of the content of local cars is from imported parts, and those costs will be passed on to consumers.
127. In 1804 he produced his first popular set of aquatints, Sixty Views of the Lakes.
128. On the scaffold an unrepentant Jarman boasted of some sixty or seventy murders.
129. Leading sixty warriors stripped for battle to McNall's cabin, where several families had fortified themselves, Joseph repeated his warning.
130. Sixty officers have been drafted in and they're confident of finding the killers.
131. Sixty percent of Democrats still hope that a more substantial figure will be drafted to replace Mr Clinton at a brokered convention.
132. The murder inquiry based at Mere Way police station now involves sixty officers.
133. Mr and Mrs Lugt were to put together one of the most fascinating collections of the next sixty years.
134. Temperatures plummet to minus sixty degrees or lower at night even at the equator in midsummer.
135. Sixty blacks who were arrested for the shooting of the police officer were later released for lack of evidence.
136. This provoked disorders in which one person died and sixty were injured.
137. Sixty percent of the farmhands were women, including nearly all the milkers.
138. A majority of twenty-two when we had counted on sixty as a minimum.
139. Depending on the system, a disc can contain from thirty to sixty minutes' of moving pictures on each side.
140. From thirty to sixty trucks were loaded with bricks daily for dispatch to London and its surrounding area.
141. Cantor, who was pushing sixty, had an international reputation as a cell biologist.
142. A tall man of about sixty, he was dressed in expensive country clothes.
143. The family gets by on a hundred and sixty pounds a week from social security and family allowance payments.
144. These are hot-blooded creatures and at one hundred and sixty tons they certainly know how to make the earth move.
145. All four Gospels hark back to a period long before their own composition - perhaps as long as sixty or seventy years.
146. That would be about sixty pounds from a side of 300 pounds gross weight of medium yield grade.
146. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
147. Sixty percent of the examinee were very satisfied.
148. She can finish the test paper like sixty.
149. The Labor Department says registered nurses earned an average of sixty - five thousand dollars last year.
150. C . The Product price may change by serving a prior notice of 60 ( Sixty ) day.
151. C : Can you give me a sixty - minute cassette tape?
152. When Smale reported back to the board in March, he didn't bring good news, as I recounted in Sixty to Zero, published this spring in soft-cover by Yale University Press.
153. He brought me up, sent me to school, had a house built for me and bought me a few mu of land. He went to Hankou to engage in trade the year when he was already sixty.
154. Poor George , only a year older than his scapegrace brother, looked sixty.
155. It is fashionable in the sixty but definitely passe in the eighty.
156. Some tribes practiced head-hunting, and heads were taken until just sixty years ago.
157. This is the Rue Platriere, now called Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, on account of a singular household which lived in it sixty years ago.
158. At a recent forum in Davao City, also on Mindanao Island, sixty women banded together and made demands to the government.
159. Sixty years ago, the great President Dwight Eisenhower, whose portrait I keep by my desk, warned Americans to beware of the military-industrial complex.
160. But Nissan says the LEAF will run for about one hundred sixty kilometers between charges.
161. Some men are old at sixty - five ; others are still as lively as crickets in their nineties.
162. State officials said it cost more than one hundred sixty million dollars to fight.
163. The first Geneva Convention in Switzerland in eighteen - sixty - four approved a red cross on a white background.
164. If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds'worth of distance run.
165. The Study of Bullion from the Tang and Song Dynasty written by a Japanese author sixty or seventy years ago is a very important work on the study of Chinese numismatic history.
166. Before the collision , Iridium had a group of sixty - six satellites in orbit.
167. We have rooms at two hundred sixty, one hundred eighty and one hundred twenty.
168. The airport was within striking distance: no more than sixty miles to the west.
169. BT will effect all payments sixty (60) days starting at the end of the month of receipt of the supplier's invoice or delivery or the contractual delivery date,() whichever is the latest.
170. Two office workers, finding a disabled stranger, carried down sixty - eight floors to safety.
171. JOHN ROGERS: "Some projections estimate that across the country, one hundred sixty thousand teachers have received layoff notices this spring."
172. Sixty years after the publication of Orwell's masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four, that crystal first line sounds as natural and compelling as ever.
173. One hundred sixty - eight differently expressed genes were found in the tumor specimen dealed with basil polysaccharide.
174. Please give me sixty dollars in tens and twenty dollars in fives.
175. The original Latter-day Saint, Joseph Smith, acquired at least twenty-eight and perhaps sixty wives, some of them in their early teens, before he was lynched, in 1844, at age thirty-eight.
176. Theophilus Thistle , the successful thistle - sifter,[http:///sixty.html] sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb.
177. Lieutenant Colonel McSally commands twenty - seven aircraft and more than sixty crew members.
178. Methods Sixty eldly patients with MODS were randomly divided into UTI group and control group.
179. But the book provides something more than a pure bibliographical work in that in addition to Sixty Stories it includes some items from Yuchuzhi or Thirty Stories.
180. Sixty - six seasick sea serpents swam the seven seas.
181. And the cost to take it outside the United States is about one hundred sixty dollars.
182. It's enormous. Sixty percent of it is in Brazil, but the rainforest also extends into Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana and Surinam.
183. We have hundred sixty one hundred eighty and one hundred twenty.
184. Sixty consecutive ABO - incompatible kidney transplantations were included in the study.
185. Theophilus Thistle , the successful thistle - sifter, Sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb.
186. Methods Sixty - five eyes of 52 patients with exudative AMD underwent FFA , ICGA and fundus photography.
187. Sixty miles from Hankow, a Szechuan regiment came out to attack his scouts.
188. Ours is a partnership that truly began sixty years ago this summer,[] on the day when the first American plane touched down at Tempelhof.
189. But the program has critics. They say trying to supply every child with a laptop, even at the current price of one hundred sixty dollars, is costly and inefficient.
190. We'll bisect his trail in sixty seconds. Look for the red paint!
191. To me he looked to be sixty or seventy and excessively prim.
192. Methods Sixty patients after gastrectomy were selected and divided into two group by paired method.
193. " We owe the milkman sixty cents, " added Hurstwood.
194. Marburg virus is named after the German city where it was first discovered in nineteen sixty - seven.




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