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单词 Breed
1. A little neglect may breed great mischief. 
2. Weapon bode [breed] peace.
3. The breed was on the verge of extinction.
4. The new breed is under observation.
5. Seals come ashore to breed.
6. Some animals will not breed in cages.
7. All species will breed inter se.
8. Entertainers of this sort are now a dying breed.
9. How often do lions breed?
10. The birds breed in northern latitudes.
11. They breed fish in the reservoir.
12. Eagles breed during the cooler months of the year.
13. It makes her furious to see a good breed of sheep being treated cruelly.
14. Mosquitoes breed in still ponds.
15. Green turtles return to their natal island to breed.
16. Inequality and poverty breed class conflict.
17. Coal-miners are a tough breed.
18. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol.
19. Spaniels are my favourite breed of dog.
20. Women who enjoy baking are a dying breed .
21. Flies in food shops breed disease.
22. What breed is your dog?
23. The islanders are a strong breed of people.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. Players as skilful as this are a rare breed.
25. What's your favourite breed of dog/dog breed?
26. They breed longhorns on the ranch.
27. I want to breed up my daughter a singer.
28. Wild animals don't breed well in captivity.
29. He's one of a dying breed .
30. If you really love me, then why do I see is to breed.
1. The breed was on the verge of extinction.
2. Seals come ashore to breed.
3. Some animals will not breed in cages.
4. All species will breed inter se.
5. Entertainers of this sort are now a dying breed.
6. The birds breed in northern latitudes.
7. They breed fish in the reservoir.
8. Eagles breed during the cooler months of the year.
9. It makes her furious to see a good breed of sheep being treated cruelly.
10. Inequality and poverty breed class conflict.
11. The parents are trying to breed their son a musician.
12. Health workers are a breed apart in their commitment and dedication to duty.
13. It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture or dig ponds to breed fish.
31. Poor living conditions breed violence and despair.
32. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant pools of water.
33. He represents a new breed of politician.
34. She's a lovely cat. Will you breed from her?
35. This breed of cattle has a very thick coat.
36. What breed of dog is she?
37. Real cowboys are a dying breed .
38. If they are unemployed it's bound to breed resentment.
39. Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond.
40. A new breed of film-maker has taken over Hollywood.
41. Many animals breed in the spring.
42. Wild animals do not always breed well in captivity.
43. This particular breed of cattle matures early.
44. The breed is almost directly descended from the Eurasian wild boar.
45. The map on the opposite page shows where these birds commonly breed.
46. Sue is one of the new breed of British women squash players who are making a real impact.
47. It seems reasonable to conjecture that these conditions breed violence.
48. The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed.
49. The parents are trying to breed their son a musician.
50. The whales migrate some 6,000 miles to breed and calve in the warm lagoons.
51. They did not breed.
52. Health workers are a breed apart in their commitment and dedication to duty.
53. The new breed of walking holidays puts the emphasis on enjoyment, not endurance.
53. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
54. The Highland is the oldest and purest breed of cattle in Britain.
55. A strong breed emerged.
56. Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.
57. Dodd was one of that rare breed who could make the game of football look simple.
58. Breed a strong mare with a fast stallion and hope for a Derby winner.
59. Rabbits breed very fast.
60. It is observed that many animals do not breed when in captivity.
61. It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture or dig ponds to breed fish.
62. While the animals are still immature, they do not breed.
63. Just because a bird does not breed one year, it does not follow that it will fail the next.
64. Arletty was that rare breed of actress - beautiful, sexy and funny.
65. Eagles start to breed in their fifth year.
66. Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them. Seneca 
67. Spaniels are my favorite breed of dog.
68. This is a pond where ducks breed.
69. In slimming, success tends to breed success and viceversa.
70. What other birds breed on Spurn?
71. The migrants waste no time in starting to breed.
72. One or two pairs breed in coastal marshes.
73. It is therefore important not to breed from such cats if possible.
74. Those lovely pups looked more appealing than any pedigree breed I've seen.
75. Many attempts have been made to breed them in captivity, however, there are flaws in this idea.
76. Pharmaceutical companies and medical researchers breed their own animals, but demand always exceeds supply and extremely high prices are paid.
77. He floated alongside the feeding turtle(), amazed by its beauty and delicacy; like a breed of angel itself.
78. Depending on circumstances it may be more effective to either purchase animals from a commercial breeder or to breed one's own animals.
79. And as demand for their meat grows, the breed looks as if it's been saved by its bacon.
80. You breed, willy-nilly, and lo and behold! you find life isn't ever going to be the same again.
81. To answer this it is necessary to breed the next generation, called the F2 generation.
82. Never, ever breed from a mare that has given you any cause to fear her in the stable.
83. Tiny producers, for example, have little incentive to invest large sums in artificial insemination in order to breed better cattle.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
84. However, breeders have been taking steps to reduce calving problems and also to breed longer, taller animals.
85. After all, the best thing an individual animal can do for its species is to survive and breed.
86. You can even let newly-established pairs breed in the community tank at the outset.
87. Belief in supreme beings of whatever creed or breed seemed to Kate to constitute an evasion of personal responsibility.
88. Don't mistake pleasure for happiness. They are a different breed of dogs. Josh Billings 
89. As they are all of the same family, could I breed from an Oranda and a Blue Carp?
90. Possibly they are birds which have failed to breed successfully and have assembled here to moult.
91. We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. Stephen Hawking 
92. To breed for tameness was enough to make the change.
93. The import of the Mallion lines could be considered the most beneficial thing that had happened so far in the breed.
94. We fixed red clay pots to the sides to encourage the birds to breed.
95. A breed of men to whom truth was open not just to minor revisions and nice distinctions, but to management.
96. Adults are easy to keep in aquaria for they rarely climb out if well-treated, and will breed freely in captivity.
97. Entire shoals are surrounded by nets and sucked in for processing and freezing, leaving nothing left to breed and replenish stocks.
98. I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman's cares. George Washington 
99. It requires a solid apprenticeship in the breed before you are able to cope with the responsibility of stud dog ownership.
100. The old guard, too fond of international conferences, has given way to a younger breed of activist.
101. Though Manhattan sports any number of bars capable of making a great drink, the grand hotel bar is a rare breed.
102. Now a new breed of scientists is changing all that.
103. Other breeding season records, however, indicate that between five and 10 pairs probably breed in most years.
104. I see them every day and familiarity doesn't breed contempt so much as disgust in me.
105. As mentioned earlier, there is some connection between temperament and factors such as build, colour, breed etc.
106. I'd like to breed from her when I have a bit more space.
107. Tropical marine invertebrates, unlike marine fish which are notoriously difficult to successfully breed in captivity, are far more accommodating.
108. But he also offers an attribute not commonly found in the breed: intelligence.
109. To breed from an animal obese just because it ate well is a waste of time.
110. Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
111. There are lots of them out there and, apparently, they breed like Kennedys.
112. Keepers must breed from what little they possess.-which itself means evolution.
113. But success in this world seems to breed envy which, in its turn, can breed hostility.
113. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
114. That said, do not be fooled into thinking that the Internet-only breed will automatically offer higher rates.
115. An estimated 50,000 pairs of kittiwakes breed at Bempton and thousands more breed elsewhere on Flamborough Head.
116. With a wild surmise, 1 began to breed, generation after generation, from whichever child looked most like an insect.
117. It's a very unusual breed of goat, dating back to the time of Cleopatra.
118. A major difficulty with such a test is that familiarity may breed tolerance rather than contempt.
119. Enclaves of this non-dispersing animal can only survive where the adults can breed successfully.
120. Little crimes breed big crimes. You smile at little crimes and then big crimes blow your head off. Terry Pratchett 
121. What breed of dog is that? I've never seen one like it before.
122. Even more important, this would preserve the number of fish left in the sea to breed for the next season.
123. The irony is that our very success seems to breed more extremism in the environmental community and greater detachment from reality.
124. A wild beast does not at once become tame, or a new breed arise in an instant.
125. Now a new breed of Who seems to be breaking through.
126. But they can not assume their final adult form and breed unless they reach land.
127. As a result, to breed from animals or crops desirable for one reason often leads to failure in another part.
128. Given optimum conditions, Oscars will breed in captivity, but sexing is difficult.
129. However, single pairs breed regularly at the Cuckmere estuary and about 12 pairs do so between Rye and the Midrips.
130. And, whereas King forged an alliance with the Democrats, Loury is a member of an exotic breed.
131. The young bird will wander the ocean and probably not return to breed for five years.
132. A new breed of zealous, ideologically driven young political activists captured the Republican Party.
133. Cities, unlike the birds' ancestral cliffs, provide enough food to breed in cold weather.
134. Shaffer is one of the new breed of wunderkind chefs.
135. Few fishkeepers for whatever reason, seem interested in attempting to breed this cichlid in captivity.
136. The human tells the computer which one of the current litter of progeny to breed from.
137. Let Africanized bees do their bit to breed better beekeepers in this country, in other words.
138. There was no significant difference in fair density between pigs of the Northeast Native breed and Harbin White at birth and at 15kg live weight.
139. The primary development of the breed took place at the military stud farm in Rostov in the years following the fall of the Tsar.
140. Intersexual goats of Saanen breed of Xinong at Northwestern Agricultural University were studied in anatomy, histology, cytogenetics and genetics.
141. Pastoral farming, agriculture, the main producing barley, wheat, rape son have yak breed sheep.
142. Every breed door raise milk cow commonly 100 above, pig year give column lead 2000 above.
143. But as one breed of hitchhiker vanished into folk legend, another kind has appeared.
143. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
144. A safari park in Britain was celebrating the birth in captivity of one of the world's rarest breed of giraffes -- its second such success in four years.
145. What's worse from a scientific standpoint: banded and unbanded penguins respond differently to climate changes, with the banded birds showing up even later to breed when food is scarce.
146. Farinaceous endosperm breed LD50' efficiency of decomposition and utilization of storage substance is higher than keratin endosperm breed ND108.
147. It is indispensable to breed Alfalfa(Medicago sativa) with acid tolerance in order to extend and utilize on the range of acid soil which make up about 40% worldwide arable land.
148. Therefore, I suggest that Old English Sheepdog owners try to feed their present companion pets with foods that contain what this breed requires.
149. Anyone who intends to domesticate and breed wildlife under special state protection shall obtain a license.
150. Through alteration on some aging flower bed , choose new breed to improve original virescence level cooperating with peripheral environment.
151. The snails used to breed on small flood plain islands where annual flooding prevented a population explosion.
152. Panosteitis is a common disease of unknown cause that causes pain and a shifting leg lameness in medium and large breed dogs.
153. Breed of working dog developed in Germany from traditional herding and farm dogs.
154. Soft - shelled turtle breed aquatics, ever opened to become rich for develop of how many person road.
155. There is adequate variability in plants to breed for resistance to certain aphid vectors.
156. German Shepherd Dog, White (Swiss Shepherd Dog). White in the GSD is a dominant masking gene, and has always been frowned upon by the major breed clubs.
157. Hongyang kiwifruit was the first red meat breed in the world.
158. The new Internet doesn't just know you're a dog; it knows your breed and wants to sell you a bowl of premium kibble.
159. But a new breed of policy wonk is having second thoughts.
160. At this moment portfolio was increased, breed not only door will machine. The small mill such as garden of the small winery around, sauce also machines soya-bean cake, corn to wait.
161. Mules are misbegotten, unnatural critters and it ought to be illegal to breed them. "
162. Presumably these mountains are the home of the Ukranian Ironbelly dragon, the largest breed of dragon in the world ( FB ).
163. Controlled inflation is a different breed of cat from runaway inflation.
164. An expression that shows sullenness or which is suggestive of any other breed is entirely foreign.
165. In new historical period, promote Xi Baipo spirit, have important sense to breed and abounding ethos.
166. The only reason not to spay or neuter your dachshund is if you are going to show her in conformation, and intend to breed her if she does well in the show ring.
167. The baths shall grow cold at Bath,(http:///breed.html) and its health-giving waters shall breed death.
168. The most popular short-haired breed is the Siamese. Most short-haired cats are strong and active.
169. Actually, this conflict can only result in an ice-cold world, and it can not breed the fruit of eudaemonia.
170. Holstein Any of a breed of large black and white dairy cattle originally developed in Friesland.
171. Breed mallard of North America green head to having wide market perspective.
172. They breed in the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada and winter along the Atlantic coast.
173. The breed is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America and originated from New England, making it America's first indigenous show cat. The Maine Coon Cat is known as "the gentle giant."
174. The breed is well suited as a riding horse or for light carriage and is a good jumper.
175. That's why they used them to breed so many of the showy polyanthus you see in classic spring bedding schemes all through our parks and urban landscapes.
176. Cream is not recognized all the international Tibetan Mastiff breed standards.
177. Main production is prevented south the filament breed such as cloth, taffeta, own fair market share.
178. Results indicate that the Chinese Tree Shrew can grow and breed normally in our experimental conditions.




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