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单词 Fossil
1. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.
2. This fossil may be over 2 million years old.
3. Fossil fuels have caused irreversible damage to the environment.
4. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.
5. Marine sponges have a long fossil record .
6. Ramona brought in a fossil for show and tell.
7. The man is a fossil.
8. 93% of our energy comes from fossil fuels.
9. The fossil fuels are finite resources.
10. Our literature teacher is an old fossil.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. These are some of the oldest known fossil remains.
12. Coal is a fossil fuel.
13. Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old.
14. Fossil records suggest that the region was covered in water until relatively recently.
15. Fossil records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution.
16. Some natural resources, such as natural gas and fossil fuel, cannot be replaced.
17. Carbon dioxide is produced in huge amounts when fossil fuels are burned.
18. Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by renewable energy sources.
19. An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results for the planet.
20. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas will service our needs for some considerable time to come.
21. The fossil record bears this out.
22. The cliffs are layered with fossil remains.
23. Fossil hunting is a costly business.
24. We know about them from fossil records.
25. They found a fossil of a small, sparrow-like creature.
26. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
27. Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?
28. Museums will pay large amounts of money for good dinosaur fossil specimens.
29. It was a chance in a million that we'd find a fossil.
30. The carbon tax might well lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.
1. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.
2. Fossil fuels have caused irreversible damage to the environment.
3. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.
4. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
5. Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?
6. The man is a fossil.
31. Fossil bones were just lying around in the open.
32. We know this from their fossil remains.
33. We harness fossil energy and breathe life into machines.
34. This staining on marble is the result of dry deposition from sulphur dioxide gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels.
35. Stan Wood is the man and he can already claim a place of honour amongst the great fossil hunters of the world.
36. He had also made himself the leading authority on fossil fish, taking over Cuvier's work.
37. Half a million fossil bones of reptiles and birds have been found in the lava tubes scattered across the landscape.
38. They are fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas, nuclear fuels: uranium ores.
39. The greatest problems in the fossil record, however, are the sudden extinctions.
40. The only three-dimensional fossil of a dinosaur's soft tissue was unearthed here in the 90s.
40. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
41. Now, remaining supplies of fossil fuels should be saved, not squandered.
42. Figure 7.1 illustrates the very obvious way in which a new fossil species may seem to be diachronous.
43. The coal and petroleum are the great reserves of fossil fuels that we have relied on to power our industrial societies.
44. Wave of hope Mars probe may have found fossil seas Scientists hope that they may yet discover life on Mars.
45. Of course, many graptoloids also drifted into shallower water, where they are associated with a more normal kind of fossil assemblage.
46. The thicker shelled species often carry a distinctive sculpture, which is also important in identifying fossil species.
47. This ensures that production costs of electricity generated by these methods are no greater than for fossil fuels.
48. Nor do they contribute to environmental pollution by burning fossil fuels.
49. In the 1850s the fossil record began to yield evidence for a new kind of trend within the development of each class.
50. Most are microscopic, and many have no skeleton and therefore lack a fossil record.
51. After finding a fossil knee, Johanson needed a modern knee for comparison.
52. There have been several suggestions as to how fossil agnathans may fit into a scheme such as this.
53. After all, your editorial on fossil fuels, fearlessly and correctly reported global warming data in degrees Celsius.
54. Half the new tax would be on the carbon content of fossil fuel and half on the energy content.
55. Cartilage does not preserve as fossil as a rule, so most of the evidence of the shark-like fish rests upon teeth.
56. Also of concern is not only the cost but the amount of fossil energy subsidy required for intensive agriculture.
57. They make numerous other trips as well, visiting Walden Pond and going on a fossil dig, for example.
58. The second method tries to analyse the structure of the fossil almost as if it were a piece of engineering.
59. The problem with fossil fuels is that they are not renewable.
60. They have also shown that 60 percent of the energy released from fossil fuels is wasted.
61. On the right there are two schemes including fossil agnathan groups congruent with the classifications to the left.
62. Another large reservoir of fossil fuels, solid gas hydrates, has recently come to public recognition.
63. And they produce oxygen which animals need to breathe, and which helps to replace that lost by burning fossil fuels.
64. Recent fossil finds in Africa have excited interest among palaeontologists.
65. This has led to controversy, particularly as regards the date of fossil human remains from California.
66. Louis Agassiz, then the world authority on fossil fish, studied Miller's specimens and helped to describe some of them.
67. Hasn't he any conception of the devastation caused to this planet by burning fossil fuels?
68. The sediments filling caves or fissures in limestone are frequently repositories for fossil teeth.
69. The estimated global emissions of carbon from fossil fuels alone have tripled since 1950.
70. A few other fossil species of Rhus are known from the Tertiary rocks.
71. In consequence,[http:///fossil.html] amphibian fossils become very scarce indeed in later geological periods and there are long gaps in their fossil history.
72. A complete media is found in many Palaeozoic fossil insects and in the Ephemeroptera among recent forms.
73. Fossil flowers are extremely rare because of their delicacy and because they are shortlived.
74. This phenomenon may also explain some of our anomalous fossil distributions and extinctions.
75. Sampling for mammal fossils often involves the patient sieving of great quantities of sediment to extract the fossil teeth.
76. My purpose here is to review how the fossil record of early metazoans might be integrated with the new phylogeny.
77. These will all reduce emissions from fossil fuels and so help combat global warming and acid deposition.
78. The fossil record is silent on this transition, but the earlier stages of mollusc evolution are becoming clear.
79. Geothermal energy does not involve the burning of fossil fuels and therefore makes a negligible contribution to global warming.
80. There are species living today related to this fossil species.
81. But the fossil record of the insects is far from perfect - very sporadic and selective.
82. Ants frequently got caught in the pine resins that were destined to become amber, and numerous fossil species have been recognized.
83. No details of the stamens are present in the fossil state.
84. The dinosaurs alone have commanded as much popular attention as the rest of the fossil animal kingdom combined.
85. This interesting stance has been seen in more recent dinosaur fossil discoveries.
86. A further twist to the uncertainty of fossil fuel supplies was provided by the growing militancy of Britain's miners.
87. But all fossil fuels, especially the cleanest anthracite, burn to produce abundant carbon dioxide.
88. The so-called energy crisis is really a fossil fuel crisis.
89. Several specialists questioned whether there is enough fossil evidence yet to support a claim for a new genus.
90. Alternative Energy Sources One of the major problems of fossil fuels and particularly coal is pollution.
91. Their fossil remains seem to occur with other animals and plants, which are generally accepted as terrestrial.
92. A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
93. These fossil seeds are preserved in a relatively coarse-grained sandstone.
94. The Government was also strongly backing an international trading system for fossil fuel emissions.
95. The main global-warming gas, after all, is carbon dioxide, given off mainly by burning fossil fuels.
96. Microscopical details are not so well-preserved, and the fossil is, of course, only a fragment of a larger plant.
97. They are also increasing their rate of consumption of non-renewable resources in the form of fossil fuels.
98. Crocodiles and lizards have a fossil record extending back to the Triassic, snakes to the Cretaceous.
99. The growth of the human embryo recapitulated the history of animal life as revealed by the fossil record.
100. It also acted as the catalyst to form fossil fuels from tiny animals millions of years ago.
100. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
101. A major difficulty arises when fossil species disappear for good as the physical environment, over millions of years, inevitably changes.
102. Some estimates suggest that wind power could save 5-10 percent of the fossil fuel used by the Electric Corporation.
103. It is thought that the very first placental mammals were tiny insectivores, but no fossil evidence of them remains.
104. Fossil reefs are one of the prime sites to look for fossils of many different kinds besides the corals themselves.
105. If these products replace those derived from fossil fuels, it will make a significant contribution to reducing the greenhouse effect.
106. A pelagic habit and a delicate, gelatinous body account for their poor fossil record.
107. Growth requires abundant cheap resources, especially fossil fuel, but also food and water.
108. Measured on the carbon dioxide scale, it emitted 2.109 metric tons percapita in 1986 from fossil fuels and cement production.
109. The astronauts talk about looking for fossil microbes, but their main adventure is a tedious flatulence gag.
110. Owls Owls are probably the major contributors to fossil bone assemblages.
111. How important is land use compared with deposition of strong acids derived from the combustion of fossil fuels?
112. This latter involves the production of food energy and fuel energy which can supplement animal feedstocks and fossil fuels respectively.
113. With the coming of palaeontology, the museum was a great resource for anybody interested in reconstructing fossil creatures.
114. Therapsid fossil distribution also suggests a temperate, moist climate at higher palaeolatitudes in Pangea.
115. We shall concentrate on the arthropods with the best fossil record.
116. This huge flightless bird has regularly appeared in illustrated fossil books as a giant carnivore.
117. The carbon tax could lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.
118. However, it has not yet been established that global warming is due to excessive combustion of fossil fuels.
119. For many years they were known only from fossil representatives and were believed to be extinct.
120. The infilling sandstone is derived from the fossil soil over which the root was growing.
121. The limestone was deposited in very quiet water conditions, which accounts for the preservation of this delicate little fossil.
122. More interesting still, recent fossil discoveries show that the hip bones of some giant dinosaurs were almost hollow.
123. For instance aluminium costs 95% less in energy when recycles which cuts down the use of fossil fuels and reduces pollution.
124. Wind power should also be relatively cheaper in the long term, as the pollution costs of fossil fuels rise.
125. It is important to distinguish the influences of both, as both may introduce particular sets of biases into the fossil assemblage.
126. For heaven's sake, Rachel, look at the fossil record as a whole.
127. In most fossil deposits, the later stages of modification depicted in Fig. 1.2 assume greater importance.
128. The North can argue, of course, that in a world of finite fossil fuel resources inefficiency in itself is immoral.
129. The fossil evidence is confirmed by the record of the genes.
130. This fossil bark is typified by its lozenge-shaped leaf scars arranged in spiral rows.
130. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
131. Nevertheless this is not to deny that there are some very curious features about the fossil record.
132. Some 360 million years ago the beginnings of dense forests showed up in the fossil record, with tall, looming foliage.
133. We are hastening this process with the burning of fossil fuels.
134. The findings of 47 per-cent who preferred nuclear compares with 50 per-cent for fossil fuels.
135. Just as material rewards are disappearing, job security is barely a memory and company loyalty a psychic fossil.
136. It will now be clear why you can sometimes find so many different fossil gastropod shells together in a single fossil deposit.
137. How do you begin an interview with a three-million-year old fossil?
138. We also know that the fossil record is fragmentary in the extreme.
139. Do we carry on burning fossil fuels at rapid rates?
140. That question, once so alive in his thoughts, was now a fossil.
141. We can not, of course, replay a piece of history and we do not have a fossil record of behaviour.
142. Many fossil distributions, of very varied ages, imply remarkably uniform conditions over a wide part of the earth's surface.
143. An obvious and technically achievable alternative to fossil fuel combustion is nuclear fission.
144. The importance of the Temple Butte is that it contains fossil skeletons of primitive fish.
145. The individual calcite plates of which the fossil is composed can be clearly seen.
146. Our civilisation based on fossil fuel.
147. Method Stratigraphic age is determined by paleontologic fossil.
148. Clearer fossil may provide a definitive answer.
149. Isn't Professor Bell an old fossil?
150. Whilst being fossil fuel-based, AACs are biodegradable and compostable.
151. But it also leads to a fossil fuel.
152. Exhibit dinosaur skeletons, fossil and the Jurassic Period.
153. Fossil fuel could be used up one day.
154. Connate water is also described as fossil water.
155. Linxia basin found a rare fossil is ancient giraffe.
156. Fossil woods with distinct growth ring show that the climate has seasonal change obviously during that time.
157. It is taken from depletable sources of fossil energy sources which are burned and their waste products discharged into eco-system sinks.
158. So in 2005 the scientists sent the skull to a technician, who spent three years removing the rock from around the fossil—finally revealing a saber-toothed, squirrel-like creature.
159. Fossil fuels would fall a bit from about 67 percent of generating capacity to 61 percent, with gains in wind and solar making up most of the difference, ABS estimates.
160. In evolution, Amphioxus, a cephalochordate,[] has been regarded as the living fossil closest to the vertebrates.
161. However, the origin time inferred by molecular clock is always earlier than that by the fossil record. This approach is still controversial.
162. The scientists have focussed on the post-combustion method of carbon capture and storage (CCS) which aims to trap greenhouse emissions after fossil fuels have been burnt.
163. By 1800 the combination of science and the Atlantic economy created incentives and opportunities for entrepreneurs to mechanise production and tap into the power of fossil fuels.
164. The fossil skull is the only wholly preserved skull of a homo erectus in China.
165. Dart christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the "Southern African ape".
166. Lung fish - Queensland is home to lung fish, a living fossil from the Triassic period 350 million years ago.
167. The reconstruction on display is the only one of the devil frog that the researchers know of, and was made by Joe Groenke, a fossil technician, and Luci Betti-Nash, a scientific artist.
168. Thus, fossil fuel carbon emissions are eighty times larger than background volcanic outgassing.
169. The Nuo opera, commonly referred to as a "living fossil" of dramatic play, is a kind of folk dramatic arts that was originated from primitive religion.
170. Scientists have found a 67 million-year-old fossil of a snake coiled around dinosaur eggs and a hatchling.
171. Do you people still use fossil fuel, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?
172. The first significant findings from the dinosaur, currently under review at a major scientific journal, will describe the unique chemical balance that preserved the fossil.
173. Geologist Giday WoldeGabriel of Los Alamos National Laboratory was able to use volcanic layers above and below the fossil to date it to 4.4 million years ago.
174. The ravenous appetite for fossil fuels traces partly to an economic stimulus program in 1997.
175. The ingredient of Thuja Tea is extracted from the Thuja root. Thuja is regarded as a living plant fossil by World Conservation Union (IUCN).
176. The precision of this method depends mainly on the counts of the fossil fission tracks and the error of the thermal neutron fluence.
177. And the ore contains hydromica ( illite ), quartz, organic material and algal fossil.
178. Oil and fossil fuels have high energy densities, easy storability and are very useful.
179. The direct cost for additional fossil fuels alone would be 3.5 trillion yen, or roughly $50 billion.
180. Stable isotopic composition of fossil ostracode is used as an ideal proxy for paleo- lake sedimentary environments.
181. The Haikou Formation of Middle Devonian in Luquan contains coal bearing sediments (predominantly clastic rocks)which are of littoral origin and yield abundant fishes, fossil plants and pelecypods.
182. These ideas are favored because such actions required up-and-down motions of the arm, and fossil evidence indicates that the dino king was incapable of rotating or twisting its arms.
183. Norwegian fossil hunters recovered the rear half of the formidable reptile's skull in south-west Spitsbergen in what has been described as one of the most significant Jurassic discoveries ever made.
184. Fossil members of the Ginkgophyta are common from rocks of Mesozoic age.
185. You know, kind of a froggy slamander-y sort of look, " said Jason Anderson, a comparative biologist at the University of Calgary, Canada, who led a new analysis of the fossil."
186. It is often claimed that the coelacanth has remained unchanged for millions of years, but, in fact, the living species and even genus are unknown from the fossil record.
187. Under the decline of conventional source of energy and increasing pollution, the fossil fuel based energy structure is being replaced by renewable energy based structure.
188. ABSTRACT Non - marine dinoflagellate fossil of middle cretaceous is very rare in the world.
189. A whole cemetery of rare fossil animals was found in a village Chyorny Yar in Astrakhan oblast.
190. Bryan Grieg Fry from the University of Melbourne, Australia, is convinced this is the case[sentence dictionary], and says the fossil series is "fantastic".
191. In the pale light of the tunnel, 30-foot fossil traces of lycopsid gleam slickly in the shale roof like alligator skins.
192. It is introduced environment-friendly ethanol gasoline with big energy-saving can be burnt more fully and can make up shortage of fossil oil resource.
193. According to saying, these name name with fossil discovery ground or the place name around mostly.
194. Political , Canton River, Dongxiang Hipparion fossil fauna almost entirely produced in such a rock.
195. In a study published in the January Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology researchers examined a Eupodophis descouensi fossil using synchrotron radiation computed laminography (SRCL).
196. Bio - diesel is one of the best green substitute fuel for fossil fuel.
197. The Bed G bauxite of Shanxi massif, a paleoresiduum bauxite underlying Bangou Formation of Upper Carboniferous, occurs on the fossil erosion surface of Middle Ordovician of Upper Cambrian.
198. The first fossil records of vascular plants—that is, land plants with tissue that carries food—appeared in the Silurian period.
199. Bryozoa was quite diversified in the Ordovician, but lacked fossil records in the Cambrian.
200. In addition, we also carry out a preliminary survey of coeval fossil plants from the same locations and present potential plant candidates which might have been involved in insect interactions.
201. But a new look at the fossil suggests that great whites are more closely related to the less fearsome and smaller mako shark, which belonged to a genus that still exists today.
202. As it is a pterosaur fossil found in Huanjiang, it is known as " pterosaur. "
203. This piece of geography, now just a fossil lake bed, is known as glacial lake Missoula.
204. Due to dwindling of fossil fuel, fuel ethanol has been trusted as an alternate fuel for the future.
205. Another example is the dawn wood, metasequoia , which was described as a fossil in 1941.
206. Some particular genera and species can be consided as latent guide fossil.
207. So if you look at this part of the curve, this chart, everything to the right is in fact what you might see in a conventional fossil boil or natural gas plant.
208. The diet culture is the live society "the fossil", is the lifelike history "the recording tape".
209. Such enthusiasm reflects the hope that nuclear power can wean America off imported fossil fuels.
210. Looking back at FogBugz circa August 2006 (version 5.0) feels a bit like examining the fossil record from a distant geological era.
211. The new type engines without the combustion process have to be researched and manufactured, especially for China, because of urban pollution and the short of fossil oil.
212. The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts.
213. The Asian nation plans to install wind capacity of 100 gigawatts by 2020 to help reach a goal of generating 15 percent of primary energy without using fossil fuels.
214. The process of ecologic succession of fossil community can be and fossilsandand studied by palaeontologists.
215. HOKE's time tested designs deliver outstanding leak-tight performance in a wide range of applications, including fossil fuel, specialty gas and steam plants.
216. The changes to our society would have to be extensive and complete, with the complete replacement of our use of fossil fuels for energy and a total reevaluation of our daily lifestyles.
217. It is both a materialized "living fossil" of the capital history of Beijing, and a symbol of the cultural Pekinese 's aesthetic sense.
218. A kind of silicified fossil wood with mixed pits on the radial tracheid wall is described.
219. On the other hand, some deciduous gymnosperms including Ginkgoales, and the presence of growth rings in the fossil secondary wood, indicate seasonal changes.
220. In 2000, Sterling released the Viridian Manifesto[Sentencedict], which he has described as an attempt to use design "to end our substance-abuse problem with fossil fuels.
221. In the meantime, the protection this dinosaurian fossil relics, development, use the job to include a government to build a project, transfer special funds is used at protecting the job.
222. Dart christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the'southern African ape ".
223. As important renewable biomass of forest rejectamenta and agricultural residues, salix psammophila can substitute fossil resource and be used to produce biology fuel and other industrial products.
224. Increasing problems of all kinds with fossil fuel power plants turning power and utility companiesmoreandmore tOtheuseOfnuclearpoweredelectricgeneratingplants.
225. The palaeontologist claimed that he had found a uniquedinosaur fossil but it turned out to be a mare's nest.
226. The state also ranks 39th for CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion.
227. Indeed, the rapid entombment may have preserved some of the skin itself, on top of the boy's skull and on the woman's jaw near the chin—something never before seen in a hominin fossil.
228. Biomarker, as molecular fossil, recorded the origin and evolutionary history of dinoflagellate.
229. But, the dialect is an ancient social intercourse information to leave behind, is a phonetic fossil.
230. Patrick Druckenmiller, a plesiosaur expert at the University of Alaska's Museum of the North, was a member of the expedition team that found and excavated the Arctic fossil.
231. The most surprising fossil find of the study was an 18 th century clay pipe.
232. The fossil scrap —just the tip of a juvenile female’s finger —was discovered in 2008 during excavations of Denisova cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains.
233. Homo habilis was called the handy man because tools were found with his fossil remains.
234. It means if we want to keep eating mussels marinara, clams casino, or other alliterative seafood dishes, we'd better kick our carbon-emitting fossil fuels habit right quick.
235. According to bury circumstance judgement, put possibly inside circumjacent bigger range in more and dinosaurian fossil, disentomb foreground is very hopeful.
236. All these feather types have been found in fossil impressions of theropods, the dinosaur suborder that includes Tyrannosaurus rex as well as birds and other Maniraptorans.
237. The key to the harmonious development of the fossil oil areas is the harmonious development of central-government-managing enterprises and local economy.
238. The fossil of the pithecanthropus Yuxian Man cranium unearthed in Shiyan is considered as the national treasure because of its high historical value.
239. Because the rate of accumulation is so slow, millions of times than we dig up this organic matters and burn it for energy, we must consider this fossil fuels as un-renewable sources.
240. In 1996, Chinese paleontologists discovered an exquisitely preserved fossil of a miniature theropod, called Sinosauropteryx, that had whiskerlike structures on its head and back.
241. On a cautionary note, he adds that the next feathered fossil unearthed in China could easily restore the premier status of Archaeopteryx.
242. The fossil was formally named Darwinius masillae, in honor of the anniversary of Charles Darwin's 200th birthday.
243. Only the third fossil thrips ever found, the woodland insect lived when Africa was part of a giant supercontinent called Gondwana.
244. That means we must figure out a way to inexpensively capture the carbon released by burning fossil fuels and sequester it into the ground.
245. This thesis researched some fossil fruits of Trapa L. which were found in the Miocene of second deposition layer of the Shengxian Formation, Ninghai, Zhejiang Province.
246. The main anthropogenic source of SO2 is the burning of sulfur-containing fossil fuels for domestic heating, power generation and motor vehicles.
247. The fossil hominids were diagnosed as early Homo sapiens, with a cultural age of Middle Paleolithic, and geologic age of early Late Pleistocen.
248. Before fossil fuels all development was based on human labor (often slaves) and animal power with dung or forests being used for fuel (forests tend to disappear quickly).
249. It can be extracted without burning a fossil fuel such as coal, gas, or oil.
250. Molecular clock gives a line of evidence independent of fossil records in telling some early evolutionary events.
251. Whether in an individual coal pit, oil, or gas field, a nation or the planet as a whole,[] fossil fuel reserves and production tend to follow a bell curve over time.
252. Prof. Andrew Knoll of Harvard University has likened the Ediacaran forms to a paleontological "Rorschach" test because different scientists often interpret the same fossil very differently.
253. Of, relating to, or being a cephalopod of the order Tetrabranchiata, characterized by two pairs of gills and including the chambered nautilus and many fossil species.
254. Two separate vanity areas (one with make up station), each with solid granite sinks and African Wenge cabinetry, are joined by the family sized Fossil Onyx steam shower with multiple sprayers.
255. The Kenyanthropus fossil has a small earhole , like those of chimpanzees.
256. A new report by the National Research Council seeks to put a dollar amount on the "hidden" costs of energy produced by burning fossil fuels.
257. Prof Mike Benton from the University of Bristol, UK, agrees that the new fossil is about the closest relative to Archaeopteryx that has yet been found.
258. Dominican Republic is one of the main localities of ambers which contain the most inclusions of fossil organism.
259. The expert was giving a lecture on the forming process of fossil oil.
260. With the discovery of angiospermous fossil woods in Yangluo, Wuhan in 1984, fossil woods and gravels in Yangluo, Wuhan, attracted great attention of scholars all the while.
261. The composition of fossil fuels varies with source, type, and degree of refinement.
262. The bleary-eyed walk between bedroom and home office requires no fossil fuels at all.
263. Because there is a lack of fossil and chronologic data, the stratigraphic division is still disputed.
264. This paper reports fossil pollen collected recently from the Upper Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning Province, and first demonstrates the oldest known angiospermous pollen in the world.
265. Wealth from fossil fuels allowed Russia to nearly quadruple military spending over the last decade, but the gusher days are over for now, given low oil prices.
266. A key test of the biological hypothesis for ALH 84001 is the formation temperature of the carbonates that contain the putative fossil evidence.
267. The fossil consists of a complete skull of an archaeocyte, an extinct group of ancestors of modern cetaceans.
268. Plants of Gymnosperm had been through a long historical evolution on earth, fossil records of which originated from the late Devonian period.
269. The reality is, that next fossil find could kick Archaeopteryx right back into birds. That's the thing that's really exciting about all of this.
270. However , sources and environment limit conventional hydrogen production by fossil fuel.
271. Nuclear DNA was also successfully extracted from a 13,000-year-old emu eggshell and a giant moa eggshell – something has proved difficult with fossil bone samples.
272. By comparison, a typical fossil fuel generator has an efficiency of about 28 %.
273. The cuticular microstructures of four angiosperm fossil plants from the Pliocene Mangbang Formation and the Yangyi Formation in Baoshan, Yunnan Province were studied in this paper.
274. The data used for China is to emphasize this vital fossil energy component's environmental impact upon a country so thus to the world.
275. Fossil hunters have unearthed the remains of a man-sized forerunner to the colossal Tyrannosaurus rex from an ancient lake bed in northeastern China.
276. To detect the paleobiology fossil with the geophysical prospecting technique is a very difficult project, which has no great breakthrough all over the world.
277. There are a lot of other gem, jade, jadeite, fossil, chicken blood-stone, rocks and minerals and book, VCD, instrument about gemology. Welcome to look for you're favored.
278. It resembled sedimentary rock with the occasional fossil of a long - lost feature or inadvertent vulnerability.
279. Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually call a Lantian ape-man , discovered in Gongwang Mountain, Shanxi province in 1964.




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