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单词 High-priced
1. These garments now await the guile of high-priced tailors before transfer to my hotel.
2. That means they could go after high-priced, proven major league players.
3. High-priced scotch will more likely remain an investment in finer living, and not just for the monied class.
4. Just pick up the nearest hunk of high-priced technology you have on hand and hurl it against the wall.
5. Corning's high-quality, high-priced pots and pans are more vulnerable to recession than more humble vessels.
6. From the perspective of economic analysis, children are high-priced consumption goods that are rapidly becoming more expensive.
7. Mass-produced downscale versions of high-priced fashions.
8. Its high-priced coffee drinks have names like Iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha and Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino.
9. Making relatively few high-priced big cars is one way to recoup heavy vehicle investments. The other is mass production of cheaper cars.
10. But have at the same time gain able high-priced also possible centre of gravity person development reputation is sensitive, price realizes with value consciousness and low price quality base model.
11. If you rely on a high-priced brand to ensure a good hair day, you could be sending money down the drain.
12. Doctors often raise their meager salaries by prescribing high-priced tests and medicines, and patients who cannot pay up front are regularly denied treatment.
13. The split between rich and poor teams has grown wider, evidenced by the few clubs going after high-priced free agents.
14. Some of the consultants were found to have spent money from the project on gifts and on unnecessarily high-priced hotel rooms.
15. As a result, inkjets were merely an interesting alternative to high-priced laser printers or the older dot-matrix printers.
16. All of which indicates the Charter Committee believes you really want more high-priced bureaucrats.
17. He does not need to interrogate the old salts on the dock to find out why haddock is high-priced.
18. Some of us are wearing stylish golf shoes and some are wearing the high-priced sneakers of Tiger Woods' favorite shoe company.
19. He is also opening a 'boutique' outlet along Chang'an, Beijing's high-priced, central boulevard.
20. However, many news articles today only address the treasure -- the ballooning defense budget and high-priced weapons systems.
20. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
21. Showing him that photo in my cellphone during the symposium, I posed the question if his factory could make such a high-priced product.
22. People from the city come to pick their own and some of the early, high-priced strawberries are sold in markets as far away as Singapore.
23. Black Friday is the day many stores sharply discount high-priced items such as electronics and the latest new toys.
24. Many designers are opting for lower-cost presentations -- installations where guests wander among models who are fixed in place -- rather than high-priced runway shows.
25. In this article, Hao Xin reports on the criticism and support for this high-priced 'trophy hunt'.
26. A few days later, I sent him a check for a dollar, with a note that said I had always wanted a high-priced lawyer and was sending the check in firm belief that you get what you pay for.
27. Do you know of any other natural alternatives to high-priced medicines?
28. But the two for cervical cancer are the latest in a wave of high-priced vaccines that have come to market since 2001, opening a lucrative new field.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:59:45