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单词 Unconstitutional
1. The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional.
2. Opponents denounced the decree as undemocratic and unconstitutional.
3. Such a change in the law would be unconstitutional.
4. This part of the bill was ruled unconstitutional.
5. A provincial magistrates' court last week ruled it unconstitutional.
6. Banning cigarette advertising would be unconstitutional, since selling cigarettes is legal.
7. Other opponents said the legislation is unconstitutional.
8. The Presidency of Bosnia-Hercegovina denounced the move as unconstitutional.
9. Organized prayer in public schools is unconstitutional.
10. On Oct. 28 the Council declared this clause unconstitutional and therefore null and void.
11. When the New York courts declared this arrangement unconstitutional[], the Supreme Court agreed to review the case.
12. This looks even more unconstitutional - but while the lawyers debate that question, the government could be holding the monetary line.
13. Even though federal courts have declared such displays unconstitutional, the issue keeps popping up, especially in the Bible Belt.
14. Some courts have held prior review procedures unconstitutional because they lacked either clear standards or due process safeguards.
15. The government called the plan dangerous, unconstitutional and liable to spin out of control.
16. The Louisiana legislation had also been declared unconstitutional in September by a federal appeals court.
17. The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth.
18. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
19. He refused to recognize the triumvirate plan previously proposed by Santa Anna, saying that it was unconstitutional.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. One day the Supreme Court is going to rule that the constitution is unconstitutional and the United States will implode!
21. Even if Proposition 559 passes, it will become moot if the Supreme Court says it's unconstitutional.
22. Madison, the Supreme Court has declared 141 federal laws unconstitutional, an average of less than one law every year.
23. In December 1978, federal district judge Marion Callister ruled that the extension was unconstitutional.
24. Throughout the day, repeal supporters argued that the ban on some types of weapons is arbitrary and unconstitutional.
25. Fines levied in its prosecution were repaid by Act of Congress on the ground that it was unconstitutional....
26. Is it unreasonable that it should also be empowered to decide on the judgment of a state tribunal enforcing such unconstitutional law?
27. The 12-member Supreme Court had ruled in April that a 15 percent increase in the beer tax was unconstitutional.
28. A referendum, held in March 1992, confirmed this position by a large majority although it had itself been declared unconstitutional.
29. Griffey said that even if the new law is found unconstitutional, it will have little impact on the state.
30. A total ban might also be opposed as an unconstitutional invasion of privacy.
1. The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional.
31. However, opponents charge that the new Internet regulations amount to unconstitutional censorship that would criminalize expression protected by the First Amendment.
32. That is not to say that all such restrictions are unconstitutional.
33. The move was denounced by the opposition as unconstitutional and dictatorial.
34. The US Supreme Court ruled in 1954 that segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
35. When the Supreme Court declares a state law unconstitutional, similar statutes in other states are not automatically voided.
36. Are policies that require administrative approval of underground publications unconstitutional?
37. Although there was no compulsion for students to participate or even to be present(), the courts ruled the statute unconstitutional.
38. When a federal district court first heard the case, it declared the federal law unconstitutional.
39. The court ruled the state law was unconstitutional and void.
40. High-powered investigations of intelligence agencies in the wake of Watergate had revealed much evidence of illicit and unconstitutional behaviour.
41. If it should rule that the president's actions were unconstitutional it would be a big step toward his impeachment by Congress.
42. C Measured against these principles, some aspects of the Pennsylvania informed-consent scheme are unconstitutional.
43. The problem started when one employee mentioned over lunch that he had read that an income tax on wages was unconstitutional.
44. Shaw v. Hunt: Oddly shaped congressional districts are unconstitutional if they were designed in order to ensure black voting majorities.
45. That is both barbaric and unconstitutional.
46. It narrates the unconstitutional acts of James II.
47. Baker and Christopher say it is ineffective and unconstitutional.
48. Such legislation is virtually per se unconstitutional.
49. The chairman ruled that the meeting was unconstitutional.
49. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50. It declared the electric chair unconstitutional.
51. They common until the Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional.
52. The constitution supervision committee exercises the appellate jurisdiction over the unconstitutional cases in accordance with judicial procedure.
53. Because of social reform, the main causes of credit disequilibria in nowadays include moral order disequilib-ria, uncertainty of administrable. policies and unconstitutional private property rights .
54. The Supreme Court successfully claimed the right to strike down a law as unconstitutional, but the president retains the ability to nominate new Supreme Court justices.
55. April Redding argues the search was an unconstitutional and degrading violation of her daughter's rights.
56. Last month, a federal judge in Detroit ruled the program illegal and unconstitutional.
57. But in 1935, the Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional.
58. It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act.
59. As such he is seeking a declaratory judgment that the Internet Gambling Ban ( IGB ) is unconstitutional.
60. Last year Italy's constitutional court ruled that a law granting immunity from prosecution to Silvio Berlusconi while in office was unconstitutional.
61. Thousands of same-sex couples have tied the knot in California since May, when the State Supreme Court ruled that barring gay marriage was unconstitutional.
62. The United Stats Supreme Court declared the death penalty unconstitutional in 1972.
63. At the time it faced domestic opposition as being possibly unconstitutional.
64. The president is criticizing a federal court ruling that calls his warrantless wiretapping program unconstitutional.
65. In addition to action in the courts, statesaround the country are also voicing their opposition toward this unjust, unconstitutional usurpation of power through legislation.
66. This gave Marshall the chance to urge that the Supreme Court at last rule that segregated facilities were, by definition and as a matter of law, unequal and hence unconstitutional.
67. In May, the state supreme court declared our school financing system unconstitutional.
68. They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional.
69. Soon after Tyler took office, Congress passed a bill to reestablish the Bank. Tyler vetoed it and also a second such bill, calling them unconstitutional and against states' rights.
70. Procedural Posture: Dolan brought an action against the city claiming that the conditional grant of a portion of her land in return for approval of her building permit was an unconstitutional taking.
71. Is it unconstitutional for President Ma to declassify what his predecessor declared as state secrets ?
72. A decision involving the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 has spurred discussion of whether the Court should begin anew to hold broad delegations unconstitutional.
73. Alexander Hamilton; Arising under this Constitution; John Marshall; Unconstitutional act; To ingratiate; lesson.
74. A November 13, 1956, Supreme Court ruling held unconstitutional the policy of relegating blacks to the back of the bus.
75. In its amicus brief in support of the coalition filed today, EFF asked the judge to throw out the record-keeping regulations as an unconstitutional chill on adult free expression in the digital age.
76. Third, any commission or agency involved in budget making on which both legislators and members of the executive branch serve as voting members is unconstitutional.
77. The Roanoke Tea Party, for example, proposes a Freedom for Virginians Act, which would empower the state to invalidate laws it deems unconstitutional.
78. To close territory to slaves, Taney said, violated the constitutional rights of slaveholding citizens. Therefore, the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
79. He said SADC would never accept the unconstitutional transfer of power from a democratically elected government.
80. The first part is the general analysis on the judicial process of unconstitutional.
81. The law was unconstitutional, but it has not been formally repealed.
82. In an insightful 2007 law review article, "Is Dick Cheney Unconstitutional?




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