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单词 Justification
1. You have every justification for feeling angry.
2. There is no justification for holding her in jail.
3. He was getting angry-and with some justification.
4. His justification for the merger was just hot air.
5. She was arrested entirely without justification.
6. There's not a shadow of justification for your behaviour.
7. There is no justification for treating people so badly.
8. He made a speech in justification of his actions.
9. She's unable to provide any justification for her actions.
10. I can see some justification for her remarks.
11. He felt, with some justification, that he had been unfairly treated.
12. Hoggart felt, with some justification , that his colleagues had let him down.
13. I can see no possible justification for any further tax increases.
14. In justification of his conduct, he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders.
15. I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units.
16. It can be said, with some justification, that she is one of the greatest actresses on the English stage today.
17. There's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units.
18. The crisis gave an overarching justification to the government's policy.
19. All I can say in justification of her actions is that she was under a lot of pressure at work.
20. To me the only justification for a zoo is educational.
21. I suppose that, in justification, he could always claim he had a family to support.
22. She had not given him the slightest justification for thinking she was interested in him.
23. And furthermore, what is the justification for making it?
24. Maybe with some justification at times.
25. The normal justification thesis allows for deviant reasons.
26. This is not without some justification.
27. Justification by inference is conditional justification only.
28. There can be no justification for this.
29. If you don't like it, fair enough, but that's hardly a justification to attack the whole thing.
30. It was a cruel, calculated crime with absolutely no justification.
1. You have every justification for feeling angry.
2. There is no justification for holding her in jail.
3. In justification of his conduct, he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders.
4. There's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units.
31. There is no justification for the policy to continue.
32. There is no justification for paying a salary otherwise.
33. The justification for this chapter now becomes very clear.
34. They are the justification for its binding force.
35. The justification will concentrate on business deliverables.
36. The justification for the arrest Arrest under warrant.
37. Third, many will point out that justification is conspicuous in the New Testament by its absence.
38. There would seem, therefore, to be ample justification for describing the deviance of 3 as semantic.
38. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
39. In their view, the lack of transparency in the system is ample justification for any accusation or rumour, however far-fetched.
40. And if religion was rational, and basic truths were plain, what justification could there be for compulsion?
41. Rules do really appear in accounts concerning the interpretation and justification of action.
42. These considerations adumbrate the argument for the secondary role of consent in the justification of authority.
43. I tried to compose my features into a combination of nonchalance and justification.
44. His utilitarianism required a practical, socially useful justification for punishment; retribution was totally inadequate.
45. Unhealthy organizations, however, use cost justification as an after-the-fact means of tidying up economic chaos.
46. Retroactive cost justification also fails because it disproportionately distributes benefits and costs among organizational constituencies.
47. The notion that a person's home is his castle will not he eroded without explicit justification.
48. There is some justification for treating user education in universities, polytechnics and the colleges of further and higher education separately.
49. But that very fact requires a conventionalist to find a more complex political justification than the one I just described.
50. This implicit justification also contains the seeds of its own implicit criticism.
51. Shades of religious or ideological belief mean that a rhetorical justification is always to hand.
52. Their term of office has been extended without any legal justification.
53. The only conceivable justification for a dam on the Yellowstone was flood control.
54. All these examples pre-suppose, without justification, that for a school or college partnership means work-experience.
55. There is simply no justification for making law so complicated for the public.
56. He was charged with teaching justification by works and with Arminianism.
57. This rhetoric offers both a posthoc justification for the changes, and a rallying cry for implementation.
58. In other words, there may exist, at an implicit level, an internalized dialectic between criticism and justification.
59. What justification can there be for paying women lower wages?
60. There is some justification for treating those who run these enterprises as capitalists if they manifest certain characteristics.
61. The point rather is to ensure that raw partisanship does not amplify indiscretions as justification for a kind of schoolyard payback.
62. Finally, constant review and justification of budgets may deny managers a stable and predictable environment in which to operate effectively.
63. Is it so very unreasonable as to furnish a justification for controlling the words of the constitution?
64. Potentially democratic ideas thus provided a justification for rule by a propertied oligarchy.
65. The justification for Gloucester's assumption of power confused contemporaries and has continued to arouse controversy.
66. The only justification for staying here is to live for the most fundamental programme of change.
67. That left municipal water supply as the sole conceivable justification.
68. Most innovators in art invoke realism as a justification for a mode of writing which is primarily literary.
69. Its triumph in everyday discourse is the demand for rational or empirical justification.
70. Bernard liked the milk,[http:///justification.html] and that for Laura was sufficient justification for doing anything.
71. Further, the justification that channel scarcity requires the government to regulate the content of broadcasting no longer exists.
72. Much of the book was devoted to exposition of the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith.
73. Like crying wolf, if you keep looking for sympathy as a justification for your actions, you will someday be left standing alone when you really need help. Criss Jami 
74. But no justification is put forward for the selection of subjects.
75. Such assumptions have been used as a partial justification for women's ineligibility for social security benefits.
76. But there is a second justification for the market clearing approach.
77. Even if it stops short of this extreme, retroactive cost justification is largely ineffective.
78. They are also incredibly diverse; there is little justification for derogatory generalizations.
79. This is because the more modern justification for corporate power is assumed.
80. Thus, the government has no compelling justification for inflicting such harm.
81. But it has been further seen that strong justification is needed for adopting a system at variance with prevailing medical views.
82. If the premises are unjustified, there will be no justification for the conclusion at least, not by this inference.
83. Competitors felt, as events were to prove with considerable justification, that official opinion favoured classical architecture.
84. The special status they have is not one which needs grounding or justification.
85. Finally, retroactive cost justification fails because it never takes into account the qualitative costs that self-defeating actions inflict on organizational performance.
86. The chronic shortage of currency for the acquisition of contemporary foreign publications has been cited as justification.
87. Such appearances have provided ample justification for rejecting the complaints of victims and ignoring their cries for held.
88. But that is an increasingly irrelevant justification for present attitudes.
89. It is a shabby justification for bad behaviour to say that society or bad housing or education is responsible.
90. Certainly, it is no justification in itself for ruling out ads consisting entirely of words.
91. Mrs Clinton unwittingly may have provided ample justification for that request.
92. Mixed in with the plea for self-empowering was this justification by appeal to natural justice.
93. There is however, no justification in making their establishment an essential pre-condition for initiating rural development programmes.
94. The implicit justification, which cites the financial benefits of the nation possessing a monarchy, is a rationalization in this sense.
95. The microchip has extended his idea of justification by faith alone.
96. New educational policies take their justification from the experiences of racism suffered by black citizens.
97. There is, I want to argue, a direct correlation between justification by faith and a holy life.
98. One makes bureaucrats criminally liable for giving out trading licenses without proper justification or for unwarranted restrictions on commercial activity.
98. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
99. On the threshold of war there is always cogent justification for entering it.
100. The Justice Model's philosophy consequently relied heavily on retribution as at least a partial justification for punishment.
101. The two Chairman insisted that revenue growth has as big a role in the merger justification as efficiency improvements through operating synergies.
102. Again, the justification for this is interesting as it draws on both structural and thematic evidence.
103. Johnson ignored the critics and his eventual success proved justification enough.
104. There is a further justification for the removal of censorship in libraries and the reason is the cancerous nature of the practice.
105. The justification for this assumption is that the arbitrage transaction is riskless, and so repayment is guaranteed.
106. The two-tier principle was strictly adhered to in the 1972 Act even when there seemed little justification for itin particular circumstances.
107. The justification for this secret diplomacy was that a loud voice would not have produced better results.
108. The policy implications of this review of the health justification for public subsidy of sport are complex.
109. In particular, emotional attachments may be given a justification which psychologically does not explain why the individual holds the attachments.
110. However, child benefit has fallen in real value, so there was no justification for reducing the dependency additions.
111. Demands for persuasive justification arise in contexts where an agent is faced with a choice.
112. Sam's resentment was, in all fairness, not without a certain justification.
113. These are discovered in the empirical tests and economic interpretation and justification is supplied afterwards.
114. However, there is a difficulty with this kind of justification of the use of the telescope in astronomy.
115. These myths serve as justification for the harsh views toward this segment of the population and consequently their punitive treatment.
116. So that here for past services there is ample justification for the promise to give the third share.
117. Part of the justification for censorship in the first place stemmed from competing conceptions of the priesthood.
118. In our theology, hard work was its own justification, a guard against corruption.
119. The justification for an involvement in partnership can readily be found on philosophical grounds about which there is little dispute.
120. She had made - and with far less justification than her father - the same grave error as he.
121. Large areas of administrative action avoid the discipline of public justification.
122. To be a credit to the family was the justification for birth.
123. There may be some justification for this if you are trying to explain away your overdraft to the bank manager yet again.
124. Physicists and biologists often agree, and with some justification, since their sciences do not, indeed, have the answers.
125. There is little justification in using weights derived from individually based analyses in a regional formula for two main reasons.
126. For a long time, this was sufficient justification for Friedmann's assumption - as a rough approximation to the real universe.
127. The only justification for sub-contracting is if you need to hire in some specialist expertise on a temporary basis.
128. The justification for participating in international arrangements is that they are mutually beneficial to all participants.
129. All have the appearance of reason but in the end require justification by faith.
130. In general, the library will not subscribe to newsletters or other ephemera without good scientific justification. 2.
131. The second audience is equally important as a justification for investigating the problem.
132. My principal inheritance was a justification for any irresponsibility I cared to indulge in thereafter.
133. These speculations are used as justification not only for opposing more prosecution advocacy by employed lawyers, but for blocking the entire application.
134. It blames the redundancies on increased competition in the industry, but unions say there's no justification for the job losses.
135. There is at this stage no justification for the proposed increase suggested earlier this week.
136. Here the normal justification thesis establishes the credentials of John and Ruth as authorities in their fields.
137. This court is in no way prejudging any defence of justification which may hereafter be raised in those libel proceedings.
138. She had every justification not to lose hope, she reminded herself.
139. Empirical justification for this gloomy remark is all too evident in Chapters 2 and 3.
140. But to see how false this justification, let us play the equality card. Let us imagine boxing without the masculinity.
141. In addition to providing presuppositions for science, religious doctrines have also offered sanction or justification.
142. There is no justification in economic analysis for giving different institutional treatment to different competition policy areas.
143. The justification for the interpretation is theoretical analysis of the forced spherical pendulum.
144. In my humble opinion, he should not be called upon for such justification.
145. The usual justification is goodwill and the hope that one day a small customer could become a large customer.
146. It was a tribute for which the events of the next three years provided ample justification.
147. Justification is, as I have said, a declarative doctrine that we are sons and daughters of a heavenly Father.
148. The main points at issue between Hooker and Travers were predestination and justification by faith.
149. To talk simply of empires and patriotic duty was sensed to be no longer convincing as a public justification for these sacrifices.
150. The justification for summary administrative powers is straightforward.
151. His justification is simple but profound.
152. There is typically no economic justification for machinery subsidies.
153. The justification of this chart is entirely spurious.
154. Persistent research will uncover a logical justification.
155. What'your justification for being late?
156. The facts of responsibility must be distinguished from their justification.
157. You have no justification for deserting your wife and children.
158. The mathematical justification for this construction can be found in Slotnick.
159. However(), in each case the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing.
160. I knew from the beginning that there was no justification for what I was doing.
161. In the young there is a justification for this feeling.




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