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单词 Back down
1. We retreated back down the mountain.
2. It's too late to back down now.
3. We'll have to back down carefully.
4. We cannot back down at the first sign of opposition.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. I started back down the mountain to camp.
6. The car began to roll back down the hill.
7. Neither of them will back down on this issue.
8. They refused to back down.
9. His critics were forced to back down.
10. Both sides have refused to back down.
11. He freewheeled back down the course.
12. I drove back down the highway at normal speed.
13. He looked back down the last year.
14. She soon brought him back down to earth.
15. Disconsolately, he walked back down the course.
16. Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria.
17. If we back down on this issue, our reputation will be compromised.
18. She refused to back down on a point of principle.
19. Local residents have forced the local council to back down from/on its plans to build a nightclub in their street.
20. The government was forced to back down from implementing these proposals.
21. They make threats but back down at the first sniff of trouble.
22. His determination and refusal to back down had won the day.
23. We could see that she would back down if we stood firm.
24. He doesn't want to back down and risk losing face.
25. He had to back down on plans to backdate the tax changes.
26. She put the gun back down on the desk.
27. The realization of how little work I'd done for the exams brought me abruptly back down to earth.
28. After being confronted with our evidence, the other side had to back down.
29. He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down.
30. Since most of the people present agreed with her, I had to back down.
1. We retreated back down the mountain.
2. It's too late to back down now.
3. We cannot back down at the first sign of opposition.
31. Pascoe took the lift back down a floor.
32. She sat back down again, grinning broadly.
33. He lay back down, tried to sleep.
34. He lay back down and looked overhead.
34. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
35. He turned and stared back down the muddy track.
36. It was forced to back down both ti! mes.
37. We fled back down the streets holding hands.
38. Twenty hours dragged by as they pulled up the drill string and dropped it back down again.
39. The ball glanced on a bounce off the foot of a spectator and back down toward the fairway.
40. When I walked up to them, the girl jumped up, but Nguyen barked and she sat back down.
41. She wanted to postpone any thoughts of coming back down to reality for as long as possible.
42. Brian, furious, would huff and puff as Mazzin unceremoniously threw him back down on his bed.
43. Meg tried to get up to see, but with a gentle pressure he pushed her back down.
44. She held the in her hands in front of her chest and lay back down, facing him.
45. Fredrickson talked himself out and finally flushed and apologized like always and sat back down.
46. There was plenty of time for information to flow up the chain of command and decisions to flow back down.
47. When Cardiff had come back from the dead, he had shrunk away back down the hessian-screen corridor towards Rohmer.
48. As she settled back down it continued to cook and burst into flames.
49. She hated unpleasantness, though she wouldn't back down from a fight.
50. The next evening, the Thursday, I was brought back down to earth with a bump.
51. They could make no headway against such a cyclone, and ran back down the slope to the cover of the woods.
52. We said good night and took the elevator back down.
53. If the backpack gets too heavy, of course, you could always canoe back down the river to Chepstow!
54. She explains to Jose that they have a flat tire and muse go back down the road to the big house.
55. Gently slide your hands up the back of the skull as you allow his or head to come back down gently.
56. With another blow from his forearm, he sent him crashing back down the cockpit.
57. And don't I tell you not to break the back down and wear your canvas shoes like slippers?
58. This prevents any vibration caused by the cistern being filled from being transmitted back down the rising main.
59. He slipped out of the pew and hurried back down the aisle.
60. He sat back down behind his desk, as if the matter were settled.
61. She settles back down and makes a gesture for Bill to lie on her lap again.
62. But after ramming their words back down their throats his enormous smile shows how delighted he is to be a golden oldie!
63. When I put my head back down, I heard gunfire in the distance.
64. We had finished the drive back down to the highway from Can - yon de Chelly in record time.
65. Then she turned on her heel and we marched back down the hall.
66. Gordy commanded her to sit back down then bolted out the door.
67. Both sides made various concessions,[sentence dictionary] but neither would back down on the crucial points.
68. He went back down to the kitchen and assembled his information on the table.
69. In 1959 Navarro Rubio had not only not immediately fallen under suspicion of disloyalty, but had actually made Franco back down.
70. But the old guard at the Louvreare reluctant to back down.
71. Then, against all her better instincts, she stopped and slowly turned to look back down Lyra Street.
72. That kind of oversupply, he figures, could push prices back down to $ 18 a barrel or so.
73. I asked Antonia to keep an eye on janir, took Clarisa by the arm and walked her back down the beach.
74. The sizzle and smell of pork fat greeted us as we sat back down at the garden table.
75. The air, thus refreshed, rises to the top of the nest and then circulates back down other passageways.
76. And he gon na be laying over there across the street or back down there in the penitentiary.
77. This resistor absorbs the network signals and stops them bouncing back down the wire.
78. When the fan goes around it forces the warm air back down.
79. As the submersible glides over them, clouds of orange dust rise, swirl about, and slowly drift back down.
80. But there is no public clamour for the war to end nor any sign that the Kremlin is ready to back down.
81. In turn this will move producers back down their marginal cost curves and alter the net-of-tax price producers require.
82. I have tried every which way to get it back down on the bottom.
83. I pushed the door to slowly, silently, crept back down the steps, into the corner and bunched up small.
84. As the freighter slammed back down, the solid rock above began to loosen, huge boulders crashing into the decks.
85. Rumors swept up from the factory floor and lofted back down again from the cubicles of middle management.
86. When the first frosts came he moved back down to the village.
87. Just a little slower, maybe let the needle slip back down toward eighty, maybe seventy.
88. He went back down the embankment with him, telling Catherine to stay where she was and help with photographing the track.
89. The relay team was firing back down into the division.
90. They motored back down the hill across the cane-green meadows of Brandon Vale.
91. Within two weeks 200, 000 signatures were gathered against the measure, forcing the legislature to back down.
92. I tripped back down the curving stairs, half-expecting a Busby Berkeley chorus to break into song.
93. Deciding against riding the lift back down, she walked to the stairs, and ran quickly down the eight flights.
94. She half-ran, half-walked, taking a wide curve around the villa and dropping back down towards it on the western side.
94. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
95. He turned back down the corridor, which was now as dark as a catacomb.
96. In both cases, prices came right back down within three months.
97. Yeltsin had to back down from imposing a state of emergency.
98. Turn it back down again to reveal the corner between the creased hemline and sides.
99. She reached and grabbed the tail of his long jacket, and she hauled him back down the stairs.
100. I took the package from the bottom shelf of the cupboard and scurried back down the hall.
101. Even though it was obvious Emma's demands were unrealistic, she wouldn't back down.
102. But this day had sent my spirits and my ego crashing back down to earth, or rather water.
103. After lunch they all trooped back down to the beach with plastic bags and jars for specimens, and Carolyn lagged behind.
104. Don't back down but do not ignite the situation.
105. I'll take you back down to the valley.
106. And when you back down and digress.
107. "Back down the valley, Cordillera Blanca"2.
108. When she was through, she lay back down.
109. I'm not going to stay here. I'm out of here, back down to San Diego.
110. Ordinarily we could make Orion back down in an argument, but this day he wouldn't budge.
111. In concurrent distillation, the upward flowing vapor atomizes liquid in a tray and carries it up to collectors in the tray above. There the liquid is separated and sent back down via a side downcomer.
112. Looking back down on our starting point, T ? sch - Alp.
113. Six people decided to walk back down the mountain, but the rest of the party used the funicular.
114. The speaker's forceful words persuaded his opponents to back down.
115. The halyard typically rises from the head of the sail to a block at the head of the mast and back down to deck level, from where it is pulled up to raise the sail.
116. But they became nervous when they saw Jobs coming back down the corridor with Phil Schiller, Apple's head of marketing.
117. She then fell back down, put her hands over her eyes, and heaved with sobs.
118. The image that kept recurring in my mind was that someone with a gigantic pair of tweezers had picked me up, shaken me and tossed me back down. Now what?
119. Second, age is nipping at the heels of each and dragging them back down toward. 500.
120. She catches her breath and lies back down on the bed, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen.
121. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton recently warned Tehran the international community will "not back down" in the face of its defiant refusal to accept the IAEA draft nuclear deal.
122. Tell him to back down carefully. The stepladder is not steady.
123. The pod should soon be on its way back down for reattachment to the preventer.
124. At 6 pm on a Saturday afternoon,[] the queues stretch back down Chungking's fluorescent - lit tunnels.
125. Her arms are scabbed like she's been shinning up a rusty drainpipe and accidentally slid back down and scraped herself.
126. Once I was back down at the bottom, there was a very long, straight road. I imagined this is what it must feel like to be in prison.
127. Off South Africa, a southern right whale Eubalaena australis takes a peek above water before heading back down to the depths.
128. When you sit back down , break your task into baby steps. Step by step it's easier.
129. Fila stock is back down to about $ 30 a share.
130. Her arms are scabbed like she's been shinning up a rusty drainpipe and accidentally slid back down and scraped herself. 'Whu?
131. This usually grants a hang glider a good ten-minute flight back down to Earth,() even if there are no rising thermals to help keep the craft aloft.
132. Almost as fast as the absolute laws of physics perm it. And you have to use more energy to reach that speed (and then slow back down) than all of human civilization is currently using in a year.
133. I see he have back down from the position he take last week.
134. After the talks, the leader of the Workers' Council said his men would be going back down the mines.
135. And she heard his voice coming back down the highway.
136. When we get back down to Rockford, I'll clean them and have Betty make us some nice roast duck.
137. You can always canoe back down the river to the campsite.
138. The Bank of Japan has taken interest rates back down almost to zero.
139. Each had lifted the toilet seat, which fell back down and crushed his penis.
140. Your Vikings can rise up safely out of range and wait until the Broodlings self-destruct in a few seconds, then drop back down again to continue the ground destruction.
141. The people who want to institutionalized may be attempting to bring you back down to reality.
142. Within a month, I was back down to a trim size 6.
143. A blind streak of stubbornness in him wouldn't let him back down.
144. If the trek isn’t a sufficient vertical challenge, try the ice climb, 20m up a sheer ice wall, and the ice abseil back down.
145. As the aerosolized material settled back down to the surface and cooled, it formed glass beads.
146. Soon all his warriors were behind him, running back down the hill.
147. The law of gravity would keep the plane on the ground or pull it back down.
148. Then they shoot back down wind through a 270 - degree spiral.
149. She went back down the passage and out on to the front verandah.
150. Turning the CPU speed back down to its rated value solved the problem.
151. Both the government and the opposition insist that they won't back down of their dispute over the re-election of president Ahamadnijad. Jemmy Boean reports from Tehran.
152. After several long moments, a small hand slowly and waveringly went up, dropped back down, and then went up again.
153. Madam Hooch : Come back down this instant! Everyone out of the way!
154. "My gut feeling is that the Republicans wouldn't mind taking oil back down under $100 before the elections, " said Paul Mendelsohn, chief investment strategist at Windham Financial Services.
155. Mosley is the opposite. He was mediocre at 154 pounds (as his controversial rematch victory over De La Hoya proved) and appears more sharp and versatile now that he's back down at welterweight.
156. And in a world where perception is everything, values for even the world's most sought-after artists could come back down to earth with a bump if confidence were to slide.
157. Sciatica: Pain along the course of the sciatic nerve, from the lower Back down each leg.
157. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
158. It was like someone turned up the volume range dial a few notches, but you could still go back down if you wanted.
159. Fear spiked my gut as I scrambled back down onto the battlement, and in a fury I went to kick the sleeping sentries awake.
160. They began to feel homesick and headed back down south.
161. Larry's plan was to float about 10 meters above his backyard, enjoy a few hours in the air, and then pop some balloons with his gun to get back down.




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