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单词 Rewarding
(1) Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.
(2) I found it immensely rewarding working with the less able children.
(3) Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.
(4) Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.
(5) Teaching is not very financially rewarding .
(6) It was a richly rewarding relationship.
(7) Gardening is a very rewarding pastime.
(8) Melanie finds her work exciting and rewarding.
(9) Teaching can be a very rewarding career.
(10) Is it a rewarding job?
(11) Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity.
(12) Teaching can be very rewarding(), but there's no money in it.
(13) There were rewarding aspects to being an editor, though.
(14) For one rewarding half I was taught by Lyttelton.
(15) Nursing is a very rewarding job.
(16) She finds motherhood very rewarding.
(17) It has been very rewarding and enjoyable.
(18) She found substitute teaching surprisingly rewarding and enriching.
(19) International travel can be a rich and rewarding adventure.
(20) The pilgrims found their journey a highly rewarding experience.
(21) And her student teaching was rewarding as well.
(22) It's hard work but very rewarding. 5.
(23) Paderewski's Concerto is a strong, well-constructed work and rewarding for the soloist.
(24) As uplifting as a gallows, maybe, but a rewarding experiment in instrumentation none the less.
(25) Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 
(26) I did not expect the job to be intrinsically rewarding.
(27) I'm hopeful and confident, too, that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.
(28) Despite its length and convoluted plot, "Asta's Book" is a rich and rewarding read.
(29) The conventional view is that work is pleasant and rewarding.
(30) Elsie Streek's holiday classes in Sidcup saw the largest attendance ever, and were successful and rewarding.
(1) Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.
(2) I found it immensely rewarding working with the less able children.
(3) Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.
(31) The basics of searching Searching the Internet for information can be both a frustrating experience and a rewarding one.
(32) From Seelisberg there is a longer walk which is particularly rewarding in the sustained panoramic views it offers.
(33) In essence, you are rewarding the behavior, so he is even more likely to repeat it.
(34) Instead I read military history, a rewarding experience under C. T. Atkinson.
(35) The detail of this book requires more explanation than is possible here, but this is a rewarding book to read.
(36) Conversely, it may not be hard to relinquish certain roles and tasks which were never experienced as rewarding.
(37) These radical changes, designed to make work more rewarding,(http:///rewarding.html) were not confined to the tax system.
(38) There is no doubt that owning a horse can be very rewarding.
(39) Subtly mythic and ethnocentric, the novel is one of Naipaul's most rewarding.
(40) The records of some of these bodies can go back over many years, and are frequently very rewarding.
(41) Second, Compact supports schools in raising standards of achievement by setting and rewarding goals for young people.
(42) In the meantime, however, there was rewarding work for women like herself in the household of the faith.
(43) In the broadest sense, there are two such systems: rewarding circuits and punishing circuits.
(44) Locally and nationally, the expanding software and computer applications industrial sector offers challenging and rewarding employment prospects.
(45) It's a long day out, but a most rewarding one, as I was to discover.
(46) Working with children with special needs can be a satisfying and rewarding experience.
(47) Thus research into colonic motor function remains a challenging and potentially rewarding area where progress has been facilitated by recent technological advances.
(48) Less rewarding techniques are those based on faecal examination, either by flotation or by the Baerman method.
(49) Daily contact with the Partners, whilst a very demanding experience, is equally rewarding.
(50) Then he started to make progress with simple objects in the room, rewarding each correct identification.
(51) The fact that such a relationship has been established in a difficult but rewarding area is of significance to all staff.
(52) In two years Gould could not possibly hope to cover all the areas he guessed would prove rewarding.
(53) There are no short cuts to finding a satisfying and rewarding position; successful job hunting is hard work.
(54) Greenspan and the bond market were rewarding him with lower interest rates.
(55) The Forest of Dean in June is both tantalising - and very rewarding.
(56) Art politics can prove a rewarding topic for a journalist.
(57) Your work is so rewarding, even though it's unpleasant at times.
(58) This line of inquiry proved to be a rewarding path which was, however, to lead in a most unexpected direction.
(59) This requires care and patience in the preparation, performance, and marking of the tests but it can be most rewarding.
(60) The other basic parts of managing the dream are recruiting meticulously, rewarding, retraining, and reorganizing.
(61) Hope is one of mankind's most enduring and rewarding attributes.
(62) As newly qualified teachers ourselves, and I can recommend it as stimulating rewarding and fun!
(63) None the less, the music demands attention, and those in search of something rewarding but well off the beaten track and need not hesitate unduly.
(64) Trout fishing is often a great challenge, but rewarding just the same, with gorgeous colored fish and the streamside beauty.
(65) They see individual achievement as rewarding for men, social skills as rewarding for women.
(66) The principle I work on is that passages of colour are more rewarding than the dot effect.
(67) In particular, Haslam found the camaraderie he experienced working alongside mineworkers extremely rewarding.
(68) The company is also expected to agree to stop using its Windows licences as a way of punishing or rewarding computer manufacturers.
(69) Now your son is lavishing upon the computer the attention he would give to any new, rewarding and particularly attractive toy.
(70) And when the behavior ceases to be rewarding, the behavior itself ceases.
(71) Concurrently, interest rates, especially on savings deposits, have not been very rewarding.
(72) They encourage corporate and individual responsibility by rewarding thoughtful management of food supply and demand.
(73) One of the most rewarding things in life is to always put a smile on your face. Dr T.P.Chia 
(74) Reaction to the show was encouraging and word of mouth most rewarding of all.
(75) Tuberculosis For another widespread disease the biochemical approach, and particularly the idea of competitive antagonism, proved to be more rewarding.
(76) If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think. Oprah Winfrey 
(77) Caring for a disabled child is a time-consuming, but ultimately rewarding, job.
(78) This was tempting a different breed into the job - it could now be seen as a rewarding all-year-round career.
(79) Quite apart from the money, work can be thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding in its own right.
(80) If a child grabs toys or other goodies from his small brother, make sure the grabbing has no rewarding outcome.
(81) Their seduction had long been used on men of the cloth, often with rewarding results for the cook.
(82) In the meantime, customers of both firms may want to reconsider whether their attachments are rewarding relationships or merely empty habits.
(83) Rosie Dean is just one example among many of the specialists that make buying furniture in Yorkshire a rewarding experience.
(84) Rewarding as growth is for the companies that achieve it, it remains a rarity.
(85) The most rewarding part of the project was meeting some really funky people.
(86) It's one of the most rewarding attributes they possess - discovering and articulating the weird mutation in the human race.
(87) By planning for retirement, you can make it a happy and rewarding time of your life.
(88) The idea of rewarding groups is also gaining steam in the bitter debate over merit pay for teachers.
(89) Museums should be rewarding learning environments, and any attempt to settle for mass popularity alone is to sell museums short.
(90) Heading further north, a journey along the 60 miles of coast road is rewarding for its spectacular views.
(91) Either of these will make reading Maastricht longer but more rewarding.
(92) Their problems arise because their love lives are as frustrating as their professional lives are rewarding.
(93) Often they have to choose between doing something that is meaningful for them and something that is less rewarding but pays better.
(94) Many companies do so because smart managers know the importance of rewarding good work and inspiring even better efforts.
(95) A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive. Walt Disney 
(96) Other legislators say the priority should be maintaining control of U.S. immigration and not rewarding lawbreakers.
(97) The three children were very rewarding in themselves but they created a whole new set of problems.
(98) Planning and executing your campaign is fun and can be very rewarding if you're successful.
(99) The new relationship which can then develop between mother and son can be rich and rewarding for them both.
(100) Rewarding success works even in places where most governments have given up.
(101) Meaningful work is built upon the principle of rewarding performance at every level.
(102) Macintyre works with mentally handicapped people, setting up residential homes and finding them rewarding work.
(103) Instead the focus is repeatedly turned toward establishing wifely submission as the guarantee of a rewarding, peaceful marriage.
(104) None of them had as yet discovered a deep, rewarding love.
(105) Whatever information you can send me to help steer me on to a path to a more rewarding career would be most appreciated.
(106) The effects of the storm rippled through the economy of New York and the eastern seaboard, punishing some, rewarding others.
(107) However, without this commitment, fishing in an ever diminishing pool is unlikely to be very rewarding.
(108) Reagan clung to the belief that he was not paying ransom but merely rewarding an intermediary for services rendered.
(109) Hard work is rewarding. Taking credit for other people's hard work is rewarding and faster. Scott Adams 
(110) They offer to their old people many opportunities for social interaction and for emotionally rewarding experiences.
(111) Along the way, he enjoyed a rewarding marriage and a loving family.
(112) Attempts to rescue and re-evaluate them are apt to be less rewarding than making a fresh start.
(113) Reward power Managers influence the behaviour of their team members by rewarding them.
(114) The additional strain may in the end be more rewarding, more life-enhancing than one would ever have felt possible.
(115) Still less can I will the death of some one I love on the calculation that the bereavement will be a rewarding experience.
(116) It prevents an enterprise from falling into the self-defeating trap of rewarding one constituent group repeatedly, and repeatedly penalizing others.
(117) So, on St George's day stick to rescuing damsels in distress, it will be more rewarding.
(118) Waiting on the bank of the river to film mink is, in many ways, a very rewarding experience.
(119) They are powerful ways to strengthen your marital relationship, keeping it rich, rewarding, and fun.
(120) The literature course has been hard work, but very rewarding.
(121) The market in 1994 was at best indifferent, rewarding only the most astute stock pickers.
(122) Heading farther north, a journey along the 60 miles of coast road is rewarding for its spectacular views.
(123) She had had a rewarding session with the dressmaker and wanted to tell me about it.
(124) Almost any palaeontological reconstruction or interpretation is speculative, but that does not mean that no speculation is either rewarding or illuminating.
(125) Rewarding performance Motivation is a choice to channel energy into certain activities in the expectation that valued goals will be rewarded.
(126) The other side of the coin is that it is very satisfying and rewarding because it stretches me in every possible way.
(127) Holidays with her were thus a very full as well as a very rewarding experience.
(128) For the Vikings it turned out to be a long,(http://) rewarding struggle.
(129) My job with the City of New York was particularly rewarding in that regard.
(130) It broke out of its tea-party and caste-system mold on Saturday, rewarding hunger and perseverance, as well as graceful artistry.
(131) Make a decision as to which option would be most rewarding and feasible.
(132) Most people like to participate in them, finding them exciting and rewarding.
(133) You are on the way to one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.
(134) A labouring person who aspires to a better and more rewarding life is judged to be grossly deceived.
(135) This was a more rewarding point for the visitors, who have a far easier run-in against group lightweights.
(136) The tasks of selecting, evaluating, rewarding, and even terminating subordinates are essential ingredients of position power.
(137) We still penalise parents for taking time off work to be with their children, instead of rewarding them.
(138) Density contrasts at intermediate depths would be expected to occur at footwall ramps, suggesting that detailed gravity studies might be rewarding.
(139) Teaching is a purposive and rewarding activity.
(140) The agricultural practice became a challenging and rewarding vocation.
(141) a challenging and rewarding career as a teacher.
(142) Convertible notes let startups beat such deadlocks by rewarding investors willing to move first with lower (effective) valuations. Which they deserve because they're taking more risk.
(143) In judge"s management part, the article investigated emphatically centrical judge"s tenure of office, systems of rewarding and punishing and prohibiting calling on etc.
(144) More rewarding is to speculate about how art opened Monet to Japan.
(145) Instead you'll find the experience intrinsically rewarding for the growth and self-knowledge it yields.
(146) That increases the likelihood of error, risks rewarding obfuscation, and could leave taxpayers in a hole.
(147) Whether it’s a summer course, a semester immersion or a degree program, study abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences in a young person’s life.
(148) Sir George Staunton instantly wrote back an answer, rewarding the messager liberally.
(149) I found much of my laboratory training at RIT to be extremely rewarding.
(150) Team actions - it can be rewarding to take an action as a group, for example helping one member to build a compost heap.
(151) Whether rewarding them accordingly—and paying their less attractive peers more stingily—is good for society is another matter.
(152) Publicity of police affairs and procedure scrutinizer system are all rewarding attempts to settle this problem.
(153) From them on, the practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs became known as the spoils system grew.
(154) Spymaster is a rich, but very complex book, difficult to read in places, but rewarding for the reader willing to struggle through the difficult parts.
(155) The herbalism profession in World of Warcraft is very rewarding.
(156) Life for the successful doctor can be emotionally and financially rewarding.
(157) Adopting or rescuing an iguana can be a very interesting and rewarding experience.
(158) Yet Potsdam is so rewarding, it's difficult to know where to begin.
(159) Almost half of the estimated 850 bird species recorded in South Africa can be seen in the Kruger National Park, which makes it one of the most rewarding birding spots in the world.
(160) After reaching rewarding kill zone shot, do your best kills in the trophy room.
(161) Sir George Staunton instantly wrote back an answer, rewarding the messenger liberally.
(162) With a minimum of mathematics and an engaging, highly rewarding style, Bloomfield provides in-depth discussions of harmonic regression, harmonic analysis, complex demodulation, and spectrum analysis.
(163) Whatever programme you choose, we will do our best to ensure that your time with PolyU is both rewarding and enjoyable.
(164) Direct evidence of astrocytic modulation in the development of rewarding effects induced by drugs of abuse.
(165) It equips them with the basic skills and knowledge needed to take up a post as an ESOL teacher and gives them a foundation for a self-evaluation and professional development in an rewarding career.
(166) Use Guild ranks as a method for rewarding good guild members.
(167) It is also beefing up more conventional measures, including rewarding people for photographing dog owners leaving mess uncleaned, and stepping up its own poo patrols in dog haunts.
(168) On a final note, on behalf of the Greek nation, I would like to wish the Chinese people and the organizers of the XXIX Olympiad every success, and I look forward to a most rewarding spectacle.
(169) Marriage is labor-intensive, but we seldom give our spouses the rewarding experiences we give our best customers.
(170) Rather, it is a case of not rewarding your neighbours when you stimulate spending and are adding to world demand: neighbours should reflate their own economies.
(171) Such levels of oversubscription ensure sharp rises on the first day of trading, enabling companies to boast of a "successful IPO" and rewarding investors for the long hours spent queuing.
(172) In the second place, visiting real museums art galleries is a rewarding experience in many respects.
(173) This experience was followed by accepting a very rewarding position, which was the principalship of a preschool through 6th grade school.
(174) Carrying out high-class repairs can be financially more rewarding than making new instruments.
(175) The Australian pavilion will be a dynamic, energising and rewarding place to work.
(176) Just like granny rewarding you a Toffee for eating all your tropical fruit.
(177) Intriguingly, she found that the students with the rightward bias also tended to score higher on a measure of novelty seeking - a proclivity to look for thrills and new rewarding experiences.
(178) Objective:To investigate the effects of progesterone on morphine rewarding effect and levels of dynorphin A (DynA) in rat brain.
(179) Failure to finish in the top four and another tilt at the financially rewarding Champions League will hit Spurs hard in the close season.
(180) The pilgrimage to the destiny is in itself torturously unending and heroically rewarding.
(181) When one of my students asked to copy that Mondrian, I said it might not be very rewarding, because it was so simple.
(182) Mastering excellent trading habits is not tranquil, but those who are well-disposed and longing to get sport will find out it extraordinarily rewarding.
(183) A smile seems insignificant but it can be quite rewarding, which can make you and others feel boundlessly amazing.
(184) In some situations they're lead to a rewarding process of inquiry and perhaps, completely unanticipated changes.
(185) He has been running in a sandpit to try to increase the rate of recovery on his foot, a treatment that is tough but rewarding.




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