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单词 typical
释义 Word family  noun type typology adjective typical ≠ atypical typological verb typify adverb typically  typ·i·cal /ˈtɪpɪkəl/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  1  TYPICALhaving the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing 典型的,有代表性的 typical British weather 典型的英国天气typical of This painting is typical of his work. 这幅画是他的典型作品。 This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy. 这则广告是他们营销策略的一个典型例子。2  TYPICALhappening in the usual way 一贯的,平常的 On a typical day, our students go to classes from 7.30 am to 1 pm. 平时我们学生的上课时间是上午7点30分到下午1点。 Try calculating your budget for a typical week. 算算看你平时一周的预算是多少。3  behaving in the way that you expect 不出所料的 Bennett accepted the award with typical modesty. 贝内特以他一贯的谦虚接受了奖品。it is typical of somebody to do something It’s not typical of Gill to be so critical. 吉尔一般不会这么挑剔。 Mr Stevens’ appointment was a typical case of promoting a man beyond his level of competence. 对史蒂文斯先生的任命是典型的小材大用。n4. → typical! THESAURUStypical a typical person or thing is a good example of that type of person or thing 典型的,有代表性的With his camera around his neck, he looked like a typical tourist. 他脖子上挂着相机,一副典型的游客样子。The windows are typical of houses built during this period. 这种窗户是这一时期所建房屋典型的窗户。classic used to describe a very typical and very good example of something 经典的;典型的It was a classic case of the cure being worse than the disease. 这是治疗反而比疾病本身更糟糕的典型例子。a classic mistake 典型错误nThe book is a classic example of great teamwork.archetypal the archetypal person or thing is the most typical example of that kind of person or thing, and has all their most important qualities 典型的;最具代表性的the archetypal English village 典型的英国村庄Indiana Jones is the archetypal adventure hero. 印第安纳•琼斯是典型的冒险英雄。quintessential used when you want to emphasize that someone or something is the very best example of something – used especially when you admire them very much 典范的,精华的〔尤指十分推崇的〕the quintessential guide to New York 经典的纽约指南Robert Plant is the quintessential rock ‘n’ roll singer. 罗伯特•普兰特是典型的摇滚歌手。stereotypical having the characteristics that many people believe a particular type of person or thing has – used when you think these beliefs are not true 典型的〔指对人、事物等的固有观念,用于表示不认同〕Hollywood films are full of stereotypical images of women as wives and mothers. 好莱坞影片充斥着女性为人妇为人母的典型形象。He challenges stereotypical ideas about people with disabilities. 他质疑人们对残障人士模式化的看法。representative containing the most common types of people or things that are found in something, and showing what it is usually like 有代表性的a representative sample of college students 大学生的典型characteristic very typical of a particular type of thing, or of someone’s character or usual behaviour 独有的;独特的Each species of bird has its own characteristic song. 每一种鸟都有其独特的叫声。What gives Paris its characteristic charm? 是什么赋予巴黎独有的魅力?nHe played with his characteristic skill.nthe characteristic symptoms of the diseasebe the epitome of something to be the best possible example of a particular type of person or thing or of a particular quality 是某事物的典型His house was thought to be the epitome of good taste. 他的家被认为是品位高雅的典范。Examples from the Corpustypical• "Dad forgot to mail the letter." "That's just typical!"• This is typical adolescent behaviour - part of the process of becoming independent from your parents.• a typical American diner, with twangy-voiced waitresses and vinyl booths• Mrs Quilley greeted the guests with typical charm and confidence.• A typical Congress sees about 90,000 remarks between the chambers.• On a typical day, the president receives more than 4,500 letters.• But you know Paster and Richards: typical gunship pilots.• The typical judge loves the rewards of office and tends to be imperious in asserting and defending them.• A typical microcomputer will have 48K or 64K of memory i.e. 48 or 64 Kilobytes or 48,000 bytes.• "Is there a typical New York breakfast?" "Bagels and coffee."• This painting is typical of Manet's portraits of Morisot - a beautiful woman, gazing sadly out at the viewer.• Lane and Roberts do not claim that the strike was typical of other strikes.• It's typical of Ramon to waste time when he knows we're already late.• The typical prisoner of nightmare, he could neither shout nor move.• Kim's a typical teenager - she doesn't want anything to do with her parents.• With his shorts and camera around his neck, he looked like a typical tourist.typical of• It's typical of Craig not to notice my new dress.• This painting is fairly typical of his early work.typical day• A 1926 survey showed 13,446 passengers arriving at Charing Cross Station between 7 and 10 a.m. on a typical day.• The thirtieth of June was a fairly typical day.• A typical day at the office.• In this chapter we are able to witness a typical day in its life.• A typical day includes offering information to dozens of tourists and picking up litter.• Some brand managers joke that after a typical day on the job, they are too full to eat dinner at home.• Into a typical day they fit caring for their children, working in the house and working for a wage.typical case• I mention him simply because his was a typical case.• The Ministry of Posts, he says, was a typical case.• Dash Riprock was an excellent and typical case in point.• One of the ongoing partisan battles over spending led to a typical case of gridlock as the legislative session ended last month.• Siphoning money abroad in this way is a typical case to which the new legislation must have been intended to apply.• A typical case was that of an arc welding operation.• The international automobile industry is a typical case where shortening the product development lead time is recognized as a valuable competitive weapon.• A second typical case would be a civil action suit which will probably move slowly and take two to three years.ntypical!spokenANNOYTYPICAL used to show that you are annoyed when something bad happens again, or when someone does something bad again 老是这样!又来了!〔表示气愤〕Examples from the Corpustypical!• What? Amber didn't show up again? Typical.Origin typical (1600-1700) Medieval Latin typicalis, from Latin typicus, from Greek typikos, from typos; → TYPE1typ·i·cal adjective →THESAURUS1typical!LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of Corpus qualities a particular or features having usual the




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