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单词 Martyr
1, The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins. 
2, It is better to be a martyr than a confessor. 
3, Killing him would only make him a martyr.
4, He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework.
5, A simple plaque marks the spot where the martyr died.
6, He was a martyr to the cause of racial harmony.
7, The martyr lies in the cemetery.
8, If he dies, he will become a martyr.
9, Don't make such a martyr of yourself!
10, She's a martyr to her nerves.
11, She's a martyr to her arthritis.
12, John like to make a martyr of himself.
13, I think she rather relishes the role of martyr.
14, I feel like a martyr to this vacuum cleaner.
15, She's a martyr to migraine!
16, Stop playing the martyr.
17, He makes a martyr of himself whenever it's his turn to do the housework.
18, Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility.
19, The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence.
20, Don't make a fuss but don't be a martyr.
21, He was a martyr to fatigue.
22, She's a martyr to rheumatism.
23, We all like to play the martyr sometimes.
24, He would be a martyr to them.
25, Ego is the self-righteous martyr inside each of us.
26, If you want to become a martyr,(http:///martyr.html) make sure the issue merits it.
27, Julian Borger reports Mapmaking martyr For some people, maps are an obsession.
28, She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.
29, When are you going to quit acting like a martyr?
30, She offers to do extra work, then plays the martyr!
1, Killing him would only make him a martyr.
2, She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.
3, He was a martyr to the cause of racial harmony.
4, If he dies, he will become a martyr.
5, The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence.
31, Pious legend. After assisting in the burial of a martyr, this newly baptized soldier was taken before the emperor.
32, He's hardly a bloody martyr for being hit by a carton of juice, is he?
33, It was only after the revolution that Liviu Babes was named as the martyr.
34, He was celebrated there as a martyr, and his grave became a shrine, a sacred site, a pilgrimage centre.
35, In London they made Ken Livingstone a martyr and a hero.
36, Did her trick to catch the saint who avoided becoming a martyr.
37, Morrissey is the martyr - confessing to almost every social stigma in the book and finding pleasure in pain.
38, If there is no other career on offer, that of a martyr might have to do for the young men.
39, Both her parents are put in prison and her father dies there, a hero, a martyr to the cause.
40, Becoming a martyr in most business environments is a good way to damage your career progress permanently.
41, Don't be a martyr - ask for help if you need it.
42, And, since he had died for truth, he was a martyr, for this was what martyrdom meant.
43, It sounds to me like she has a little bit of a martyr mentality.
44, He is white or, if he is black, a recent convert to the missionary Church and a martyr.
45, The Mormons were given the greatest boon a struggling movement can want(http:///martyr.html), a martyr.
46, Cathy's mother had been a martyr to her gruff, domineering husband.
47, There was a fear that he might die in Britain and become a rightwing martyr.
48, Guevara was killed a few months later and was immediately hailed a martyr to the revolution.
49, His death made him a martyr to the cruelties of minority white rule and racial separation.
50, A martyr of tolerance, I think she would like not to just purse her thin prim lips.
51, His death in police hands made him a martyr among the people.
52, While writing this book, I slipped back into my martyr for a couple of weeks.
53, After assisting in the burial of a martyr, this newly baptized soldier was taken before the emperor.
54, I feel sorry for people who think you have to be a martyr to mother.
55, Such resistance has, curiously, made Koresh a hero and martyr among some conservatives and right-wing militia groups.
56, In his unformed fantasies he imagined himself reborn and baptized, a martyr and a saint.
57, If he was to be a martyr to this strange woman's caprices, then so be it.
58, If booted out, he could portray himself as a martyr.
59, That girl whose father is martyr studies very hard.
60, He died a martyr in the cause of science.
61, Jennifer responded with anger and played the martyr role.
62, He is a martyr to rheumatism.
63, It is better to be a martyr than confessor.
64, He makes a martyr of himself.
65, He was posthumously accepted as a martyr.
66, He was a martyr to gout.
67, First,you notice how much Ignatius makes himself out to be this great martyr.
68, My hometown has long history, print notes the portrayal of revolutionary martyr!
69, Sylvia Plath has become a heroine and martyr of the feminist movement.
70, But then he was a martyr, and they always move to canonisation faster that any other category of saint.
71, This is a vital part of the archetypal martyr/messiah myth: to mythologize and deify the martyr.
72, The hangman who feels joy and the martyr who sobs.
73, The dead student is now being regarded as a martyr.
74, Christian martyr; patron saint of England; hero of the legend of Saint George and the Dragon in which he slew a dragon and saved a princess (?-303).
75, After death , he was posthumously awarded the title of martyr by the military command.
76, Su's novel is about a Chinese Communist Party official who's expelled and exiled with his son after his false claim that he's the offspring of a revolutionary martyr is exposed.
77, But then he was a martyr, and they always move to canonisation faster than any other category of saint.
78, Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian.
79, The frontispiece to Eikon Basilike showed Charles I as a martyr, kneeling in prayer.
80, He predicted long ago he would die a martyr in a gunfight with US forces.
81, One time Shaykh Muhammad al-Madani's neighbor, Hasan Muhammad al-Effendi, came to him and said, "I want to go and fight and die as a martyr."
82, During World War II, the anti-Nazi Lutheran martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote prophetically to a friend from his Berlin prison cell: "We are proceeding toward a time of no religion at all."
83, Vatican experts claim the tomb's position, underneath the epigraph Paulo Apostolo Mart (Paul the Apostle and Martyr), at the base of the main altar is proof that it belongs to the apostle.
84, And he added in his own mind, " For the martyr here below. "
85, Be being done too early is martyr, the time that make is right it is precursory.
86, She said no more, but, turning to her room as meekly as a martyr.
87, Rodin took the "The Martyr" from the Gates of Hell and replaced the head with that of a young girl with long hair. Thus, he created this new sculpture: "half-length Figure of a Woman".
88, He said that he was a martyr to his back.
89, Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr.
90, Israel would, after all, find it hard if not impossible to winkle out every last rocket and martyr.
91, Ratified in September 1967 for his Chinese Communist Party, revolutionary martyr.
92, I didn't take $ 1.00 a year to be a martyr.
93, On June 19, the group retaliated with a lethal attack on a government security compound in Aden that left 11 people dead and said the "brigade of the martyr Jamil al-Anbari" carried it out.
94, Burn with righteous indignation , martyr sacrifices for equality, do the mankind to liberate emancipator.
95, He would willingly have been a martyr in the cause, had the cause admitted of martyrdom.
96, In February 1173 the pope declared Becket a saint and a martyr for the liberty of the church.
97, But they begrudge every minute of asas using the job asthe martyr.




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