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单词 womanish
释义 Word family  noun woman womanhood womankind womanizer womanizing womanliness adjective womanly womanish verb womanize  wom·an·ish /ˈwʊmənɪʃ/ adjective  WOMANa womanish man looks or behaves in a way that is thought to be typical of women 〔男人的外表或举止〕女人气的,娘娘腔的 → mannishExamples from the Corpuswomanish• Posi has the most womanish ability to choose the worst moments to disrupt a man's thoughts - usually with something trivial.• Burden thought him a weak womanish fool, despising his red eyes and the muscle that twitched in his cheek.• His face was girlishly pretty, with a sort of womanish frivolity in his look.wom·an·ish adjectiveChineseSyllable  man Corpus womanish way behaves that a in a or looks




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