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单词 Absence
1) A servant is known by his master's absence
2) Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 
3) Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 
4) Real peace doesn't mean absence of war. 
5) Salt water and absence wash away love. 
6) His repeated absence is worrying.
7) She called in your absence.
8) A new manager was appointed during/in her absence.
9) Everyone remarked loudly on his absence.
10) He was always absence in his mind.
11) He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.
12) She did not mention her mother's absence.
13) He was deputized as premier during the premier's absence.
14) His illness accounts for his absence.
15) Do you have valid reasons for your absence?
16) Absence to love is what wind is to fire.
17) The decision was made in my absence .
18) Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small,()[http:///absence.html] it kindles the great.
19) Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.
20) He excused his absence by saying that he was ill.
21) Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.
22) Ms Leighton will be in charge during my absence .
23) In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.
24) Long absence,my old love,who is going to help me teasing your new love.
25) The ostensible reason for his absence was illness, but everyone knew he'd gone to a football match.
26) The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated.
27) I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence.
28) We did not receive any news during his long absence.
29) The presence of the rest of the family made John's absence even more poignant.
30) There is more to good health than the mere absence of disease.
1) A new manager was appointed during/in her absence.
2) He was always absence in his mind.
3) He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.
4) She did not mention her mother's absence.
5) Do you have valid reasons for your absence?
6) The decision was made in my absence .
7) I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence.
8) We did not receive any news during his long absence.
9) The presence of the rest of the family made John's absence even more poignant.
10) Ms Leighton will be in charge during my absence .
11) There is more to good health than the mere absence of disease.
12) In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.
13) You will not be paid for the full period of absence.
14) No deduction in pay is made for absence due to illness.
15) His lengthy absence from work fuelled rumours that he might have been sacked.
16) I found a refreshing absence of industrial sprawl.
17) He was disgruntled at their absence.
18) Her inexplicable absence worried me.
19) My absence had gone unnoticed.
20) Absolute liberty is absence of restraint.
21) Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
22) John will act as a deputy for me during my absence.
31) You will not be paid for the full period of absence.
32) No deduction in pay is made for absence due to illness.
33) I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela 
34) His lengthy absence from work fuelled rumours that he might have been sacked.
35) He asked for leave of absence from the army.
36) In her absence[sentencedict .com], someone had gone through her belongings.
37) The boss discharged her because of her absence.
38) He alleged illness as the reason for his absence.
39) It happened during/in your absence.
40) He invented an ingenious excuse for his absence.
41) I found a refreshing absence of industrial sprawl.
42) Her absence is due to illness.
43) I suspect he isn't altogether unhappy about my absence.
44) What passed in the office in my absence?
45) She promptly seized the opportunity his absence gave her.
46) He was disgruntled at their absence.
47) He killed further discussion with his absence.
48) Work has piled up during his absence.
49) The boy's absence from class has been noted.
50) The president's absence led to speculation over his health.
51) Her inexplicable absence worried me.
52) His absence raised fears about his safety.
53) Morrison had kept things ticking over in my absence.
54) Anne took the chair in Carol's absence.
55) My absence had gone unnoticed.
56) He acted as chairman in my absence.
57) The excuse for her absence was obviously fabricated.
58) Absolute liberty is absence of restraint.
59) No explanation for his absence was forthcoming.
60) Moran was painfully aware of Luke's absence.
61) The ostensible reason for his absence was illness.
62) The campaign had begun during his absence.
63) Unauthorized absence is sufficient reason for dismissal.
64) A major problem is the absence of water.
65) His absence incommodes the whole team.
66) His absence spoke his lack of sincerity.
67) They've refused him leave of absence.
68) Absence of competition makes for sloth.
69) Can you account for your absence last Friday?
70) Students returning to school after absence must bring a note from their parents.
71) In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is.
72) In the absence of any evidence,[] the police had to let Myers go.
73) Why wasn't Stephen at the meeting, then? He was conspicuous by his absence.
74) She's been given leave of absence to attend a computer course.
75) Mary excused her absence by saying that she was ill.
76) There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.
77) Have you any excuse to offer for frequent absence from collective practice?
78) She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms.
79) When it came to clearing up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence.
80) In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day.
81) He was desperately eager to be back after more than a week's absence from school.
82) That explains his absence.
83) The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.
84) He assumed full charge of the firm in his father's absence.
85) The official reason given for the President's absence was sickness.
86) David is now living in Beirut again after an enforced absence.
87) My father did all the cooking in my mother's absence.
88) The absence of penalties for anti-competitive behaviour means that firms have every incentive to engage in price-fixing.
89) In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
90) It's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word, rather the absence of war.
91) The absence of this witness has weakened the case against the accused.
92) He drew attention to the absence of concrete evidence against the defendant.
93) A complete absence of national border controls is as utopian today as the vision of world government.
94) She embraced her son tenderly when he came home after ten years' absence.
94) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
95) In our search for evidence, we were stymied by the absence of any recent documents.
96) The story is told with a complete absence of contrivance.
97) Her absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.
98) It was an enforced absence from work, but at least it gave me a little time to catch my breath before the final push.
99) There had been a frenzy of activity in my absence.
100) Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
101) In the absence of their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy.
102) Light is a positive thing;darkness is only the absence of light.
103) Observers noted an absence of the violence which had been a feature of previous elections.
104) The President's absence has given rise to speculation about his health.
105) In the absence of stone, most houses in the area are built of wood.
106) I've had to take on the role of mother in her absence.
107) There's a good chance my absence will go completely unnoticed.
108) He played no part in the game and was conspicuous by his absence in the post-match celebrations.
109) Can you think of any explanation for his frequent absence from work?
110) In my absence the assistant manager will act for me.
111) The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.
112) The presence or absence of clouds can have an important impact on heat transfer.
113) His absence put a bit of a damper on the party.
114) Unbeknown to me, he'd gone and rented out the apartment in my absence.
115) John will act as a deputy for me during my absence.
116) He cleared up the question of his absence in the presence of all his classmates.
117) When it came to cleaning up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence.
118) Everyone understood how hard it was to get back into the swing of things after such a long absence.
119) Paul was praying that no one had noticed his absence.
120) It's good to take up the threads of our old friendship after such a long absence.
121) A military court sentenced him to death in his absence.
122) The teacher demanded an explanation for his absence from class.
123) In the absence of my commanding officer, I acted on my own initiative.
124) They both smiled; neither seemed likely to be aware of my absence for long.
124) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
125) Attendance at the meeting was small, due in part to the absence of teachers.
126) When it came to cleaning up afterwards, the boys were conspicuous by their absence.
127) She asked for leave of absence to attend a funeral.
128) His absence implicates disagreement.
129) Was there any reason for this long absence?
130) In fact, they are conspicuous by their absence.
131) Clement founded seventy-five churches in his absence from Rome.
132) Total absence of humor renders life impossible. Colette 
133) Excellence despite the absence of young readers'?
134) How does she explain Dad's absence to the children?
135) Hilary was depressed at your long absence.
136) Furthermore(), there was no affidavit explaining their absence.
137) His absence went unremarked .
138) Note particularly the total absence of adverbs.
139) I have assumed a complete absence of proofreading.
140) Faith is your guide in the absence of knowledge. Toba Beta 
141) Things might be better between us after an absence.
142) One was the complete absence of physical evidence.
143) Absence makes the heart grow fonder... or forgetful. James Matthew Barrie 
144) Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality. Edmund Burke 
145) Absence - that common cure of love. Lord Byron 
146) An aspect of this story was the total absence of the Doctor from Episodes Three and Four.
147) Women in this situation had an important role and training had helped them to manage during the husband's absence.
148) Furthermore, there appears to be a total absence of dentine, which is unexpected if conodonts are vertebrates.
149) I have complete absence of remorse in this saturation of pleasure.
150) The absence of military protection for the abolitionists in Alton lends credence to legal indifference that bound the country at this time.
151) Jesse Jackson descended upon Hollywood to protest the almost total absence of black and minority nominees.
152) Its presence warns us that unfamiliar types of ore-formation processes may operate on the Moon in the absence of oxygen and water.
153) This was the film that tempted Dirk Bogarde back to the cinema after a 13-year absence.
154) But in the real world, you couldn’t really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child equally divided between. It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again. It was what you couldn't see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing,[http:///absence.html] and their absence kept everything from being complete. Sarah Dessen 
155) I dote on his very absence, and I wish them a fair departure. William Shakespeare 
156) The relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence will be reported elsewhere.
157) The commonest reason for missing a dose was absence from home at the time of the fieldworker's visit.
158) The grade differences in sickness absence were present in all age groups.
159) Then I turned over, and at least there was an editorial after a 31-issue absence.
160) Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. Ronald Reagan 
161) These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
162) The challenge in life is not to have the absence of fear, but to have the courage to overcome it. RVM 
163) Work reorganization was achieved in Pilkingtons despite the absence of a pre-planned strategy for cultural change.
164) Voice over Colleagues from Tetbury Rugby were equally determined to win, despite Garry's absence.
165) Patrick Brady, 28, took a leave of absence from Gov.
166) The absence of mathematics eliminates any advance treatment, but it could serve as an introduction text and as a source document.
167) If normal development takes place in the absence of the factor, it is not necessary.
168) This should involve making all key decisions and even moving into your office during your absence.
169) She took a leave of absence from the company in April and resigned in June.
170) It explained the absence of city water and telephone service in the cigarette subdivision: The developer had foolishly overspent on bribes.
171) No recommendation adopted under these emergency procedures could be implemented, however, in the absence of a consensus.
172) It is one of the strangest anomalies of life that the absence of fear, and not formal education or brilliance of mind, is the major cause of individual success. Napoleon Hill 
173) She had not even phoned them that morning to explain her absence.
174) Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age. John Dryden 
175) There were 103 cases of caretaker absence or incapacity, she said.
176) Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence.
177) Good luck does not operate in the absence of hard work, will and ability, and good luck often goes to those who do not desperately need it, or those who are not obsessed with luck. Dr T.P.Chia 
178) This decline - like that of most infectious diseases - took place despite the absence of any generally available cure or prevention.
179) Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence. Ashleigh Brilliant 
180) Absence from those we love is self from self - a deadly banishment. William Shakespeare 
181) The Russian flag was waving again after an absence of 74 years.
182) The greatest single cause of a poor self image is the absence of unconditional love. Zig Ziglar 
183) It helps management build a complete picture of various types of absence, and to identify potential abuses.
184) Clostridium bacteria can grow only in the complete absence of oxygen, so they have been found in contaminated cans of food.
185) And finally, these statements are characterised by a conspicuous absence of facts to bolster such assertions.
186) What has been striking over the past few weeks is the almost total absence of diplomacy.
187) Morales said his leave of absence from the district runs out May 23.
188) They say she was not fired, but failed to return after a leave of absence.
189) In 1624 he obtained leave of absence from the University and served as a Member of Parliament.
190) In the almost total absence of information there can be no interest in systematizing procedures in the manner of the Victoria Centre.
191) It was possible to examine sickness absence within an organisation with a single sickness absence policy.
192) This may explain the absence of methane in the breath of 40-50% of western populations.
193) She heard his low voice as he spoke to them, greeted them after his long absence.
194) It fails to explain the absence of comparable patterns among single and divorced women.
195) Often it means a complete absence of thought, theory or conscious plan.
196) Such conditions would be likely to lead to absence from work.
197) In the total absence of black dancers, Covent Garden lags behind other ballet companies in the West.
198) His absence bloomed in her until she grew absent herself, preternaturally agreeable.
199) Hale accumulated enough names to suggest tribal acceptance despite the absence of every anti-treaty chief.
200) If I have any qualification, it is that contemporary work is conspicuous by its absence.
201) If pump failure should occur during your absence, the fishes could live for a considerable length of time.
202) The Springboks, back after a 23-year absence, trailed in the first minute to one of Liley's two successes.
203) The survey is perhaps also significant for the total absence of any importance being placed on welfare law work.
204) Movingly, he finds his father, and the reason for his long absence.
205) The superstitious 35-year-old singer and impressionist was remanded on bail in his absence charged with affray.
206) Various other questions concerning arrangements here in the house during my absence will need to be settled.
207) There is one pain I often feel, which you will never know. It is caused by the absence of you. William Shakespeare 
208) His distinguishing trait is an unwavering moral compass, conspicuous by its absence in college basketball.
209) For women, there was no clear relation between alcohol consumption and sickness absence.
210) This is love, she thought, isn't it? When you notice someone's absence and hate that absence more than anything? More, even, than you love his presence? Jonathan Safran Foer 
211) In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence. Isaac Newton 
212) Allow me to remind you that you are head of the family in your father's absence.
213) In the absence of pressing problems he improvises his activities, working the case he wants to work.
214) Participants who smoked also had higher rates of short and long spells of sickness absence compared with non-smokers.
215) This year marks their sixth straight trip to the Big Dance after a seven-year absence.
216) He felt that everything had changed during his brief absence from school.
217) I returned to San Francisco on October 2 to learn that during my absence my parents had located another business to buy.
218) These risk factors accounted for about one third of the grade differences in sickness absence.
219) But despite his absence his spectre dominates the campaign trail.
220) The complete absence from her novels of condescension is the secret of her popularity.
221) There was a notable absence of confidence among the boys.
222) But even should he reappear tomorrow looking hale and hearty, his long absence will have cast a shadow over his position.
222) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
223) Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it sure makes the rest of you lonely. Charles M. Schulz 
224) One name conspicuous by its absence was that of Nigel Kneale, whom Whitaker contacted very early on.
225) Some countries have attempted to create a dual executive in the absence of a monarch.
226) Her son, Herschel, who lived in rural Michigan, was conspicuous in his absence.
227) The model developed in the paper also pinpoints the conditions required for union existence in the absence of coercion.
228) Conclusion - Large grade differences in sickness absence parallel socioeconomic differences in morbidity and mortality found in other studies.
229) His military adviser, Kleandridas, fled abroad, and was condemned to death in his absence.
230) Freedom of expression and the freedom of the press have returned after many years of absence.
231) The Eladeldi were never known to involve themselves in medical matters. In the absence of understanding, superstitions proliferated.
232) There was widespread acknowledgement that the absence of the Unionist parties had created a partial vacuum.
233) Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them. Steve Maraboli 
234) Ironically, Johnson said he discovered more about the Lakers during his absence than they probably learned without him.
235) One estimate puts the cost in terms of sickness absence alone at over £700 million a year.
236) Poverty and the absence of hope are real causes for anti-social behaviour.




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