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单词 guardroom
释义  guard·room /ˈɡɑːd-rʊm, -ruːm $ ˈɡɑːrd-/ noun [countable]  TBa room for soldiers who are guarding a military camp 卫兵室,警卫室Examples from the Corpusguardroom• Under the vaulted ground floor was a guardroom and small prison.• The officers' quarters in the guardroom contained a large board labelled with the names of different areas.• At 1.15am, as they slept, Hobbins allegedly crept into the guardroom and took the rifle.• When he reached the guardroom he stopped and turned round for one last look at the parade ground.• As a final gesture they came upon the guardroom.guard·room nounChineseSyllable  guarding a are military a soldiers room Corpus who for camp




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