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单词 Email
1 You can contact us by email or fax.
2 You can send me an email.
3 Viruses can be spread inadvertently by email users.
4 She wondered who'd sent her the mysterious email.
5 The email went to everyone in the company.
6 My email address is on my business card.
7 We stay in contact by email.
8 I'll email my report to you as an attachment.
9 Or, if you prefer , you can email us.
10 Let me take your email address.
11 Please email or fax this on to a friend.
12 How did people communicate in the days before email?
13 We only communicate by email.
14 I got an email from Danielle last week.
15 I'll send you my email address once I'm online.
16 I'll forward his email to you if you're interested.
17 We use email to interface with our customers.
18 Please email the documents to me.
19 Email enables far-flung friends to keep in touch.
20 I sent her an email yesterday.
21 I'll send you the document by email.
22 Email me when you've got time.
23 Email has made mass mailings possible at the touch of a button.
24 I sent her an email and a message came back that she was away.
25 Travellers can check their email at the Internet cafe in the square.
26 You can check your email with a click of your mouse.
27 I wrote up the minutes of the meeting and circulated them by email.
28 The first I knew he was in Chicago was when I got an email from him.
29 It's considered bad netiquette to use capital letters in an email because it looks like YOU ARE SHOUTING.
30 I scanned in some photographs of the family to send to friends by email.
1 You can contact us by email or fax.
2 Viruses can be spread inadvertently by email users.
3 She wondered who'd sent her the mysterious email.
4 We only communicate by email.
31 I'm going to fire off an email to a newsgroup.
32 What's your email address?
33 Some ISPs are free and give you as many email addresses as you want.
34 First off I didn't agree with the comments in your email.
35 I haven't had time to check my email this morning.
36 Files can be attached to your email at the push of a button.
37 Can you email me the proposal by the end of today?
38 I use the internet mainly for sending email messages .
39 They argued that the email had no signature and therefore no legal status.
40 Email us if you require further clarification on how to order.
41 She has acquired an email address and a site on the WorldWide Web.
42 I got an email from Jo the other day .
43 Send an email to the above address to report a broken link .
44 At the risk of sounding stupid, how do I send this email?
45 He copied Stella in on the email just to cover his back.
46 When I saw what he'd written I fired off an angry email.
47 Where can I pet an email address?
48 How do I read an email address?
49 Almost all shops you email confirming your order.
50 I'll email you my resume when I get home.
51 She sent him a furious email.
52 And a free email address, like Hotmail, spells trouble.
53 An email address isn't enough.
54 Each list has a central email address.
55 My dad's teaching me how to use email.
56 The only restriction is how often the person receiving the email checks his or her mailbox.
57 Never, ever, ever, send bulk email other than to people you know or who've requested information.
58 You can attach any documents to an email and send them to friends or colleagues.
59 I'll send you an email when I know more about it.
60 Ok, post and/or email me direct if you are or might be interested.
61 Could you forward me her email, and I'll get back to her.
62 The address hook Despite first appearances, Internet email addresses aren't so hard to recall.
63 It targeted families by offering multiple email addresses and parental controls.
64 I do have a computer, but the thing is, it's really old and I can't use it for email.
65 As discussions are conducted entirely by email, the only software needed is your standard mail program.
66 It also means you can send Web pages by email.
67 For example, make sure you have some kind of contact point-an email address is the minimum.
68 A flame is a vituperative email directed at anyone who acts in an uninformed or irritating manner.
69 On a related point how's about an email list server for Yorkshire County Cricket club supporters???
70 You can start a new thread, follow up an existing one, and/or respond privately by email.
71 This program compresses computer files so they can be easily sent by email.
72 Spammers regularly extract all the email addresses from Usenet to add to their bulk mail databases.
73 Data encryption ensures the privacy and confidentiality of email messages.
74 Remember also, that you don't have to be connected to the Internet to read or write an email.
75 I sent him an email two weeks ago,(/email.html) but I haven't heard anything back.
76 More technical questions Electronic mail or email is a way of sending messages from one computer to another.
77 The dates are held over email, and women reveal their most intimate desires over the phones.
78 The other sources of free Web space are the many providers of free email services.
79 I was getting so much spam mail that I changed my email address.
80 Someone screwed up and what was supposed to be a confidential email was copies to everyone in the company.
81 Indeed, security is a primary concern of most users, but all free email services offer some form of security policy.
82 You should get at least one email address thrown in by your Internet Provider with your access account.
83 Internet email addresses might look odd at first glance but they're really quite logical.
84 Most new users remark on this-and the fact that email often seems to spark off a surprising intimacy.
85 The email address can be broken down into two parts.
86 Start off by adding every email address you know, and click on all the options until you know it inside out.
87 To help the process, Napster has published the email addresses of key music business execs on its site.
88 To get yourself a free email address, see p.1 18.
89 You can buy some very advanced email admin software or you can choose to download some equally fine shareware.
90 You ought to email or call her and say you're sorry.
91 Not long ago, email was a strictly plain text affair.
92 Parties will be able to email the judge with interim applications.
93 Email has revolutionized the way we all think and work.
94 For example, they might send themselves to all the contacts in your email address book.
95 I got an email about another computer virus, but I'm pretty sure it's just a hoax.
96 With email, you take the red carpet route straight through to the top.
97 It is not always possible to keep things light: one in 10 computer users surveyed have ended a relationship by email.
98 Before you can send email, you have to complete your email details.
99 You use a version of email to send a message, usually called a posting, to a newsgroup.
100 Consumers are thought to be waiting to see if new mobile phone services and email via television meet their needs.
101 You will be prompted to enter your email address as the password.
102 This appears automatically on the bottom of your email, like headed notepaper.
103 Some will let you create a new entry by just right clicking your mouse when the sender's email is open.
104 If you notice a pattern, email the distributors and ask for a fix.
105 You cannot get a virus from an email message alone.
106 What's more,(http:///email.html) with email everything you send and receive can be filed in a relatively small amount of disk space.
107 He fell in love, via a prodigious email correspondence, with another academic whom he had met fleetingly at a conference.
108 The essential difference between free email and its paid for counterpart is that the email service is provided through a Web interface.
109 Mail lets you send email, and Print will print the document you're viewing.
110 If we keep only the email message and lose the medium we give up much valuable information.
111 In most cases, you subscribe by sending a single email message or by filling out a form on a Web page.
112 Give me your email address and I'll send you directions to the party.
113 Knowing the case was urgent, I replied to her lawyer's email immediately.
114 Translating email pen pals into the real world of human contact, or even romance, is another matter.
115 I usually keep in contact with her by email.
116 Some grift cheats people by email.
117 I will email you with my snail mail address.
118 Please email for your exact shipping and handling cost.
119 Fixed a typo in the net register email screen.
120 I received the following near-death experience by email from a friend of Emanuel.
121 Step 5: Notify the Web Master through email about your new webpage.
122 Manages and administers the computerized information system including mid - range computers, NT servers and email servers.
123 The group of about 20 up-and-coming managers, called the President's Advisory Council, had been informed in an email that Mr. Schwartz would be there to discuss "the environment."
124 After you have typed text into SideNote, you may want to email the contents.
125 When your well-meaning mom sends you an email telling you that SLS causes cancer or Propylene Glycol causes brain damage, it can make even the most caviler chemist nervous.
126 You can define any type of action, ranging from sending an email to updating a dashboard.
127 Thunderbird can't be set to automatically show a CC or BCC line in a new email you're composing.
128 So they pay for all users on Yammer with a corporate email ID.
129 Have you got the reference price I offered you in my last Email?
130 Just email a distribution list or post the invitation on your online journal.
131 AM Ha, an email with flight info for Oceanic 815.
132 Please indicate in the subject of email the reference no. of this position (Ref QDAA/001).
133 The better I get at filtering and managing my email, the more convinced I am that email overload may be an intractable problem.
134 A H1 tag is used to state the website name, and will also be the base for the logo. The upper navigation and rss/email subscription options are laid out as unordered lists.
135 This email message will include all of your basic account management information.
135 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
136 The MailBug, which I haven't tested, is a small, text-only terminal for sending and receiving email over a dial-up connection.
137 You may email them as an attachment to your teaching fellow, if the teaching fellow has given you permission to do that, and I think they all did.
138 Sign up here or email me at gretchenrubin1 at gretchenrubin dot com.
139 I completely discredited the email and went about my bushsiness.
140 Some of the more popular browsers include additional components to support Usenet news, IRC (Internet relay chat), and email.
141 The full QWERTY keyboard on the bottom part of the slider is especially useful for those who send a lot of text messages or email.
142 Channelize Your Email Marketing Campaigns - The email marketing campaign is considered as a quick response advertising tool.
143 The third XML document application builds on the second application and places one of the grid displays with the xfy Adaptive Chart template to display only the email and sales total information.
144 I even got an email once from a woman who wanted to know how to perform fellatio, and this particular woman also told me that she'd been married for over twenty years.
145 Email retention policy is an important aspect of regulatory compliance in the enterprise.
146 He drops by to see the division head every two weeks and sends him a daily 'urgent' email.
147 One busy second-level manager I know sent several teams an email at 1:00 a.m. announcing a group meeting for 8:00 a.m. later that same morning.
148 We are while the convenience that enjoys email to be brought to us to the top of one's bent is quick, also be passed email to browbeat to ours possibly at any time by a lot of illegal users.
149 Errant Dreams - Features articles, essays, reviews, and an email zine.
150 This email is Sensitive but Unclassified based on the definitions provided in 12 FAM 540.
151 This is to prevent malicious use of the email system by anonymous users.
152 Customer should be responsible for the shipping fee when they require specific delivery method. Customer has to email or phone to our customer service team for arrangement.
153 Your ID would identify you as a person with name, address, email, and social security number.
154 "No trades or other transactions may be entered into by members of staff today without prior clearance from a member of Europe and Middle East operating committee, " said an email from management.
155 Players that achieve a cash win in either the Lottery or Sweepstake will be sent a claim form via email to be completed and returned.
156 Spam is any unwanted email that is not addressed to you specifically.
157 Yesterday, I sent an email to a Chinese small-cap company's internal IR person; he called me within an hour and he was very well informed.
158 An email notifier extension can live on your browsertoolbar, quietly check for new messages in your email account and let you knowwhen one arrives.
159 This contact is not associated with a KDE address book entry, where the email address is stored. Check that a contact is selected in the properties dialog.
160 Welcome to our website! If you have any comments on the website , please email the webmaster.
161 If you don't receive the email shortly, check your junk mail folder.
162 Set name to and set the value to the email address you want to use to send build notifications and click Apply.
163 In the event for discontinuation of membership, please inform K Kingdom via email.
164 The email address you entered is not valid because it contains an unclosed anglebracket.
165 Email nofitication - Forward each copy of your voicemail to your email account as a wav file.
166 Have you received my last email asking for the credit note?
167 Proxy Scanner Server allows to check proxies for conn email.
168 The email troubles Danthep, so he tells his personal assistant Pung (Oliver Beaver) that roughly 15 years ago, he might have gotten a girl pregnant one summer in Holland(/email.html), the girl is Kate.
169 Ihaven't started using this feature yet, but it seems like a great wayto promote your posts in your email sig.
170 I tell James, my former more-off-than-on dalliance, in a slightly gloating email.
171 Once order is received, we shall order confirmation by email to confirm your order.
172 You can also report for any branch address problem with the build-in feedback email feature.
173 Jeff: No problem. I just look-out for the Xiamzai. com email newsletters each week!
174 If you are interested in scribing specific topics, let us know by email, otherwise, volunteers will be chosen at the beginning of each lecture.
175 Usually, quantum cascade laser designs have only one upper state, except for superlattice active region, Kazuue Fujita, the lead author on the paper, tells in an email interview.
176 To prevent users from running email attachments, you can create a path rule for your mail program's attachment folder that prevents users from running email attachments.
177 Can do an MX query and send email directly to recipients host.
178 You don't need to be an expert on Pavlov's drooling dogs to work out why email is so habit-forming.
179 She'll email me a question before she calls so that I can think it over advance.
180 To report possible errors in content, please email our editorial department.
181 Aiming at thee-mail security requirement in the OA system the article proposes the method of encryption and data signature. This method is based on the widely used email encryption software PGP.
182 As you can see in Figure 7, the interface is
183 An eventful week: You have encountered 10 email or house events.
184 Fixed a typo in the Battle . net register email screen.
185 Enron email data sets are test data sets, through comparative analysis of algorithm, to prove that this algorithm can significantly improve the time complexity.
186 Instead, they search through email messages for the most up-to-date information,[http://] like phone numbers or addresses.
187 LDK did not respond to an email from Reuters seeking comment about its credit position.
188 And it turns annoying spam email messages into the equivalent of canned meat.
189 This email Bcc to all on my email list so they can all share the stanza.
190 In the one- minute video, a bedraggled and teary-eyed Murray thanked his friends and supporters and said he has been unable to check his email or return phone calls due to death threats.
191 My first BlackBerry, an 857 model that I bought second-hand on Ebay in 2001, had a 16/20-line monochrome display, could only handle wireless email and data and ran for a week on a single charge.
192 "Tiger Woods is financially sound and strong, contrary to wide-ranging rumors and inaccurate figures in the media, " Steinberg wrote in an email.
193 Just like Yammer, signing up with Obayoo is facilitated only through company email accounts, though once you're in your network you can invite contractors and clients with non-company email addresses.




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