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单词 Exacerbate
1. I don't want to exacerbate the situation.
2. Interfering now would only exacerbate the situation.
3. This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.
4. The damp conditions would exacerbate such a situation.
5. Unfortunately their efforts typically exacerbate the problem.
6. It would feed into, and further exacerbate, global warming by releasing vast amounts of carbon.
7. While media violence may exacerbate the problem of wife abuse, it does not cause it.
8. This will exacerbate the problem of deciding whether or not to prosecute.
9. The current cuts in public expenditure will inevitably exacerbate this situation.
10. The photographic process can also, therefore, exacerbate the voyeuristic gaze.
11. They would exacerbate the problems of unbalanced power that threaten any cooperative relationship.
12. In doingso, they exacerbate the problem.
13. In fact efforts will merely exacerbate the current problem.
14. Climate change will only exacerbate such pressures.
15. Also, computer industry trends toward distributed computing, and nomadic or mobile computer users, only exacerbate security challenges.
16. The vascular endothelium seems to produce superoxide in the inflamed mucosa, which would exacerbate tissue injury in ulcerative colitis.
17. One should attempt to withhold all conventional hypotensive agents for as long as possible as they will tend to exacerbate the postural hypotension.
18. We already have a global population problem: do we really want to exacerbate it?
19. Urging restraint in the development of conventional forces, the statement said that otherwise these could exacerbate political tensions.
20. The pressures and prejudices which attend their activities and relationships only exacerbate their instability.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. Vicky, Robby and I were very unlike one another in character, and that only served to exacerbate our internecine struggles.
22. Harsh weather and central heating make skin drier and cleaning with water can exacerbate the problem.
23. While standard educational practices are not in themselves root causes of work inhibition, these practices usually exacerbate the problem.
24. To do so would risk purchasing care inappropriately and, by wasting money, could exacerbate inequalities.
25. We are not interested, frankly, in doing anything that would exacerbate the tensions.
26. In a developing country, however, a number of additional nuances may exacerbate these issues.
27. Landlords believe that the Rent Acts unfairly interfere with freedom of contract and exacerbate the housing shortage.
28. It warns that seal populations are decreasing, particularly that of the harp seal, and that the hunt could exacerbate this.
29. But it remains to be seen whether this will exacerbate chronic unemployment or solve it.
30. Gearing has the effect of accentuating any gains; conversely it will exacerbate any losses.
31. Potentially higher wages may exacerbate inflationary pressure.
32. Numerous factors are known to exacerbate psoriasis.
33. WMO says a warming climate can exacerbate air pollution.
34. Will the therapy for renal osteodystrophy exacerbate vascular calcification?
35. Critique:Oral prednisone is the safest agent for this patient and is very effective in suppressing acute gouty inflammation, even though it may transiently further exacerbate his hyperglycemia.
36. But we exacerbate the problem when we dress sloppily or are not well-groomed.
37. In addition, a modifier gene chromosome 5 is believed to exacerbate the disease in this pedigree.
38. And to add insult to injury , MercuryRet - rograde, an astral condition infamous for frustration - n, exacerbate - s existing tensions.
39. In rural areas that will exacerbate the sex ratio very markedly.
40. Any big rise in mortgage rates would exacerbate the nation's real - estate crash.
41. Chronic pain can exacerbate or prolong the function disability of the patients.
42. The use of antidepressant drugs does not relieve and may exacerbate adreno - corticosteroid induced mental disturbances.
43. IMPLICATIONS: A combination of unusual environmental factors may have altered the intracellular skeletal muscle milieu to induce or exacerbate a malignant hyperthermia -like response in this patient.
44. That will exacerbate China's need to increase its exports, said Cornell University economist Prasad.
45. Commodities Prices were low and weak external demand could exacerbate domestic over - capacity.
46. I worry that Kanban systems, with their limited backlog , will exacerbate this problem.
47. Government reactions have demonstrated that interventions designed to help exacerbate the problem.
48. Itamin D deficiency in adults can precipitate or exacerbate osteopenia and osteoporosis, cause osteomalacia and muscle weakness, and increase the risk of fracture.
49. The straight - chain alkanes exacerbate the problem of engine " knock ".
50. Do policies in industrial countries ease or exacerbate the difficulties faced by developing countries?
51. Economists said the government was attempting to jump-start a consumer loan market whose frozen state is threatening to exacerbate a looming recession.
52. The frequent start and stop of the unit and the variational load would exacerbate the ullage of the units life.
53. Remedial action is always expensive and, in some cases,[http:///exacerbate.html] may actually exacerbate the problem.
54. China's older air - traffic - control systems exacerbate the delays.
55. An overheated economy can only exacerbate an incipient deterioration in inflationary expectations.
56. Inadequate ventilation can lead to respiratory acidosis increased, and respirator confrontation occurred, and further exacerbate hypoventilation.
57. With diseases like diabetes, which requires a lot of self-care, poor management can lead to more complications, which in turn can feed back and exacerbate the mental-health condition.
58. Ongoing repeat expansions in patients can exacerbate disease progression and severity.
59. Price, a specialist gastroenterology , says the high fibre intake could exacerbate IBS.
60. Dependence on imports for most manufactured goods will exacerbate the problem.
61. Even with the economic data on the docket for next week, volume is expected to remain light due to the market holiday on July 4th, which could exacerbate swings in the market.




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