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单词 Advent
1. The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe.
2. Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.
3. Since the advent of jet aircraft, travel has been speeded up.
4. With the advent of the railways, tourism boomed.
5. Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring.
6. People are much better informed since the advent of the computer.
7. Since the advent of atomic power, there have been great changes in industry.
8. With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.
9. Life in Britain was transformed by the advent of the steam engine.
10. DIY grew in popularity with the advent of power tools.
11. First, the advent of mass unemployment.
12. Dan, you were gon na get the Advent wreath.
13. With the advent of liberalism, it became a doctrine.
14. The difficulty is with the advent of demand feeding.
15. The advent of motorized transportation further improved communications.
16. That changed dramatically with the advent of air conditioning.
17. It was before the advent of the cellular phone.
18. Many more people died of infections before the advent of penicillin.
19. In a racially divided Boston after the advent of civil rights, the sisters are sent to a Black Power school.
20. She wished that the Advent had sent a more experienced reporter.
21. With the advent of the millennium,[http://] youngsters continue to be carefully evaluated through entrance exams and personal interviews.
22. The advent of generalized floating in early 1973 meant that there was no longer any requirement to keep the snake in the tunnel.
23. Would not that be threatened only by the advent of a Labour Government, with their profligate spending plans?
24. The advent of interleague play next season makes it a no-brainer.
25. With the advent of the microcomputer, managers now can input and analyze their own data.
26. At around the same time the advent of the contraceptive pill gave women freedom from the fear of pregnancy.
27. Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6 th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19 th century.
28. This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.
29. This type of person continued to visit the island until the 1960s and the advent of air travel for all.
30. These brief, moving sermons were based on the readings for the first week of Advent.
1. The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe.
2. Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.
3. Since the advent of jet aircraft, travel has been speeded up.
4. Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6 th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19 th century.
5. Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring.
6. This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.
7. Since the advent of atomic power, there have been great changes in industry.
31. A couple of years ago May wrote a manifesto to alert the world to the advent of widespread encryption.
32. One small gripe is that the manuals have not been rewritten since the advent of version 4.
33. But the advent of the computer game generation and the recession has consigned Roy of the Rovers to football's wastepaper basket.
34. Now, with the advent of client-server and departmental computing, it is much harder to generate such economies of scale.
35. These celebratory fanfares don't sound as though they might just be heralding the very advent of Slavonic culture.
36. Fortunately, he ate his last slice long before the advent of pub beauty contests.
37. But the advent of almost universal programming in high-level languages alters the requirements of a computer's instruction set.
38. Many foods had never been pre-packaged before the advent of self-service.
39. The legal rules are unsettled, and will cause some confusion with the advent of satellite television.
40. The advent of the inner city debate meant the end of New Town designations for the foreseeable future.
41. Their hash was settled by the advent of the Romans who are credited with being cultural, organised and generally smart Alec.
42. Clearly, these genes did not just magically appear with the advent of the human discovery of fermentation.
43. On the one hand he seemed much improved since her advent.
44. With the advent of word processors, the use of standard letters and paragraphs has been made easier.
45. Other peaks came during the months following the prohibited times of Advent and Lent.
46. The advent of live links raises interesting questions about which is the master copy.
47. Then, with the advent of ad agencies(), the adverts themselves became commodities.
48. Thirdly systems philosophy which involves reorientation of thought and world view consequent upon the advent of system as a new scientific paradigm.
49. Or you can shorten the story to hasten the advent of dream-time.
50. The advent of the transistor brought rapid expansion in set ownership.
51. The advent of scientific thinking has institutionalised the idea that knowledge has to progress and can do so only through research.
52. Matters are now coming to a head because of the advent of leagues next season.
53. It aids the advent of multinationals, which hampers the development of local businesses.
54. But the advent of long-range camera lenses, satellite television and instantaneous news changed that for ever.
55. What new commercial freedoms does the advent of the microchip give us?
56. For three hundred years the persecution of witchcraft was to continue until the advent of our modern scientific world.
57. Long before the advent of robots and personal computers, he invented a race of super-intelligent robots.
58. The advent of Lord Leverhulme presented Lewis with an apparent conflict between crofting and industry.
59. With the advent of Verbivore, however, people are forced once again to rely on their own cognitive and creative resources.
60. With the advent of fullerenes in macroscopic quantities, chemists have got to work.
61. City College was a radical and controversial experiment long before the advent of open admissions.
62. With the advent of new candidates, their appeals needed to be freshened up and their cutting edges toughened.
63. The advent of a national curriculum in this country may change this situation.
64. When he finally went home, he saw the Tollemarche Advent.
65. The advent of automatic control has come in three stages and has spawned three nearly metaphysical changes in human culture.
66. Those who hold that tongue speaking is the defining characteristic of pentecostalism insist on the Topeka advent.
67. The advent of natural gas for use in the ammonia process occurred in the early 1970s.
68. The advent of interleague play next season makes it a no-brainer. The question is, when will it be announced?
69. Besides, the advent of a National Lottery next year could make a nonsense of the strategy's premises about funding.
70. In fact, they became popular before the advent of the boilie.
71. The advent of satellite broadcasting began to break down those defences.
72. But what is the image Advent calls to our minds?
73. This also predates the advent of the 486 and, sure enough, it gets the identity wrong too.
74. Ironically, the advent of de-centralised processing has made the work of the corporate data processing department harder.
75. How the lineage stretched back, back beyond even the advent of written records.
76. The sensationalist side of sports reporting has gone from strength to strength in the popular press since the advent of television.
77. With the advent of the single-pilot bomber aircraft came the problem of conversion to type.
78. The advent of fiber optics in the early 1980s, however, changed the role of satellites in the global communications industry.
79. With the advent of contracts, a specification for the care to be provided will be drawn up.
80. The same has been happening in the steel industry with the advent of the mini-mills.
81. As we make the Advent journey the Sunday Liturgies are milestones along the road.
82. Yet the advent of out-and-out reformers in East Berlin would represent an even greater threat for Moscow.
83. At the same time,[] a gradual decline set in with the advent of freight transportation on the roads.
84. The advent of policy activism implied an adherence to policy rules radically different from those which had been applied previously.
85. The advent of Michael Heseltine at the DTI unleashed a torrent of words on the Government's new, active approach.
86. The economic crisis of 1976 and the advent of Mrs Thatcher's Conservative government in 1979 was to change all that.
87. The signs of reform were stirring before the advent of Sir Peter.
88. The advent of motor coaches enabled many deaf institutes to organise outings and charabanc trips.
89. With the advent of the new national curriculum, these materials should be in use in every science classroom.
90. Not since the advent of beat-the-clock recipes has cooking dinner become so streamlined.
91. With the advent of the College, veterinarians increasingly took over the treatment of horses and cattle.
92. Fighting ceased only with the advent of darkness - but the respite was to be brief.
93. The advent of the spinning jenny did not at first destroy home employment in spinning.
94. With the advent of independence in 1961, the cultural gap between colony and protectorate suddenly assumed new and larger political significance.
95. Since the advent of the bye week in 1990, the Rams are 3-5 the week afterward.
96. Some of the elite kindergartens and elementary schools also protest the advent of baby cram schools even while admitting their young alumni.
97. Outside the sealed city, the advent of the round ship Adorno roused the kingdom.
98. External information provision has seen the advent of end-user searching of external hosts.
99. The most alarming statistic was the state of the game before the advent of this precipitous decline.
100. However, it was the advent of television which really transformed sportsmen.
101. One of the set texts for Advent dealt with the birth of John the Baptist.
102. Since the advent of treatment with bran, fewer patients have required surgery for the complications of diverticular disease.
103. Indeed, SunSoft hopes the whole Open Look versus Motif issue will recede with the advent of object-oriented interfaces.
104. Let us take a moment this Advent to spare a thought for what the poorest of our world are waiting for.
105. Even with the advent of mass unemployment, this trend has continued, if anything more strongly.
106. Many trace the origin of this crisis to the 1993 advent of free agency, which has sent salaries skyrocketing.
107. On the aircraft the stewardess brought him a copy of the Tollemarche Advent.
108. The advent of 1992 will demand a new breed of Euro-Christians who are embracing the entire continent in their strategic thinking.
109. With the advent of term limits in the state Legislature, Orange County will have the whip hand.
110. With the advent of electrics, journey times were to be halves,[/advent.html] as well as making life easier for locomotive crews.
111. The urge to invent oneself begins early and is perhaps coeval with the advent of any sort of self-consciousness.
112. Despite the recent advent of statute law in this area, there remains no statutory definition of what constitutes insider trading.
113. Sometimes the second reading, usually made from the Apostolic writings, had the same theme especially in Lent or Advent.
114. Indeed, the advent of such a figure on the scene of history renders sacrifices unnecessary, if not actually obscene.
115. Yet with the advent of plate tectonics, this model had to evolve.
116. With the advent of steam power there was a marked improvement in the movement of coal.
117. The new President signals the advent of a new generation with a new and more positive approach.
118. But before the advent of data-processing capacity, the actual analyses would have taken man-years of clerical toil to complete.
119. But it has been given a new impetus, even an urgency, by the advent of modern computer technology.
120. It was the heavyweight champion until the advent of Art Explosion, a production of Nova Development.
121. They called it All-Heal and laid it upon their altars as an emblem of the advent of the Messiah.
122. This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
123. Swallows come by group at the advent of spring.
124. The advent of war led to a greater austerity.
125. The object's advent is the significance's verification.
126. The advent of the computer changed people's life greatly.
127. The advent of aircraft brought with it aeronautical engineering.
128. the advent of new technology.
129. Piquet salutes the general's advent with neat pose.
130. Air-drying UPR may avoid the influence of the oxygen and harden to form film without viscid surface, and its advent widens the using field of UPR.
131. With the advent of vomiting, he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe headache.
132. The direct cause is the emerging aTM-based BISDN and the advent of aDSL, the shortened form of asymmetric digital subscriber loop.
133. Come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here.
134. In such joyful moment that everything resurge and thrives, our master Buddha exhibits his fugacious advent.
135. With the advent of knowledge economy high - tech enterprises come forth continuously.
136. As Alex Iskold wrote in the R/WW Social Bookmarking Faceoff in September, it could be argued that the current social web era started with and the advent of social bookmarking.
137. With the advent of global ecological crisis, human centrality becomes the focus of discussion.
138. With the advent of electronic age, intellectual honesty has been given high priority to because now it is easy for people to plagiarise others' works from the Internet.
139. Sincethe term "CPU" is generally defined as a software (computer program)execution device, the earliest devices that could rightly be calledCPUs came with the advent of the stored-program computer.
140. To salute the advent of intellectual economy,[] must not pluvial silken tassel.
141. The advent of the Internet provides us the access to many autonomous and heterogeneous information sources.
142. His advent had obviously put a stop to the conversation, decided awkwardness having set in.
143. An in-depth look at Christ's first advent and the prophetic signs of His second advent.
144. With the advent of lasers, some experiments tried to use its high intensity, high monochromaticity, short pulse duration to perform the theory and experiments of the laser selective chemistry.
145. Presently, the advent of the Chinese AP test and classes will instigate a great change!
146. With the advent of molecular marker, introgression of genes controlling good quality by marker-assisted selection has been proved to be an effective choice to improve the quality of cultivars.
147. With the advent of dental materials and technology, we can replace a broken tooth root with a titanium root analogue, that is, dental implant.
148. Maomao , the advent of you brought too much comfortless and happiness to me!
149. We think of Advent from the perspective of earthbound creatures who know nothing but this life.
150. The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution.
151. Before the advent of journaling filesystems, recovery of a filesystem after a system crash often took a long time.
152. But with the advent of Ajax techniques, developers are more and more tempted to design so-called single-page HTML applications: amnesic pages without any history.
153. With the advent of the interactive services such as VOD (Video On Demand), the communication traffic from subscriber to central office are increasing significantly.
154. Most importantly, the advent of photography in the 1840s initiated a critical re-examination of the artist's adequacy in creating a convincing depiction of reality.
155. With the advent of Joe Louis, who first gained national prominence in 1935 and became heavyweight champion two years later, the heavyweight division returned to center stage.
156. Advertising is the barometer of economic change, it is an epiphenomenon or herald the advent of the advertising industry a severe winter?
157. But with the advent of fetal cell research, the practice has reached a whole new level.
158. However, the penny farthing's popularity lasted only about 20 years, until the advent of the safety bicycle.
159. The advent of the age of knowledge economy has changed the traditional value chain and capital composition.
160. Before the advent of the motorcar, an ancestor bred the best hackney carriage horses.
161. With the advent of high-speed data transmission in the 1980s, teletype gave way toe-mail and fax.
162. The advent of meager profit era, the replacement rate is accelerating.
163. Because email isn't the all-powerful application it once was, with the advent of texting, Facebook, Twitter and the rest, we tend to forget both how useful email is and how dangerous it can be.
164. How the Advent of Modern Technology Destroys the Basis for Indecency Doctrine.
165. With the advent of Internet , network becomes one of important information sources and channels.
166. In the Ordovician, Silurian Period, the Devonian, Carboniferous, the advent of low amphibians and ancient ancient reptiles.
167. With the advent of IPv 6 , testing of IPv 6 routers has redrawn attentions of the network community.
168. Condense force, unite a thought, await the advent of aiguille hour.
169. Dacca's air is burdened by vehicleemissions; air quality improved after the advent of unleaded gasoline, but toxins such as carbon monoxide persist.
170. Today is the last day of the Church year. Tomorrow is the First Sunday of Advent.
170. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
171. Also, with the advent of morality, there may have raised a conscience against the abuse of sexual practice – extortions, to be precise.
172. The word "mummer" has been linked to words such as mumble and mute and non-English words meaning mask because before the advent of these plays, mummers were people who did what?
173. The new progress in satellite communication industry includes propulsive force from IP and the advent of broadband satellite communication.
174. Increasing demands for insurance of traditionally uninsurable risks triggered the advent of "alternative risk transfer" (ART).
175. In the new economy the functions of cities and houses will be compartmented differently with the advent of the Internet age.
176. With the advent of the Linux Bootsplash project (see Resources), these messages may be superimposed on a graphical background, or they may be hidden and replaced by a simple status bar.
177. The mood is very solemn, and often the only visible light is the Advent Wreath, and the candles upon the Lord's Table.
178. Capital management especially needs to advent meticulously the trends of the idle fund.
179. Since the advent of Emilia, his mind was never quiet.
180. The white symbolizes the advent of the 1952 Revolution which ended the monarchy without bloodshed.
181. With the advent of the WTO, The brutal competition business trade in China will soon face a powerful impact of foreign craft brother competitors.
182. Before the advent of black mamba antivenin, a bite from this fearsome serpent was 100 percent fatal, usually within about 20 minutes.
183. Since ancient times human authentication has gone through a very long period of change. With the advent of digital age, technologies based on biometric authentication have shown their value.
184. Many experts feel the advent of iPS cells makes therapeutic cloning redundant.
185. Paul testifies that before the second advent of Christ there will be similar manifestations of satanic power.
186. The advent of untethered technology and mobile ways of using space has all but eliminated the challenge of deciding between openness versus enclosure when designing a workplace.
187. With the advent of freezers and mechanical refrigeration, ice cream production soared, with 150 million gallons of ice cream being made in the U. S. in 1919.
188. It's not certain whether the advent of skunk has increased these reactions.
189. With advent and development of gene engineering techniques, new thinking is obtained to control rice pests including planthopper.
190. With the advent of the concept of internetworking, additional functionality was added to this layer, namely getting data from a source network to a destination network.
191. With the advent of commercial successes like Yahoo! and Google, terabyte servers and network connections have replaced local hard disks as the preferred nonvolatile storage devices.
192. The other brand new medical breakthrough that I personally welcome, is the 11)advent of the drop-in medical centres that you can now see in train stations.
193. The advent of this paper is instrumentally and referentially significant for the design of parallel manipulatory control system.
194. It was traditionally a farm product, but with the advent of the cream separator in the late 19th century it began to be mass-produced.
195. This algorithm shows good practicability by off-line test, and its advent is practically significant for the improvement of land and water tanks motion simulation performance.
196. Chueh - hsin thought very little. He calmly awaited the advent of his bride.
197. But Tony's advent brought it all home to her in a far more terrifying manner.
198. Pauli deduced the principle from spectroscopic data prior to the advent of quantum mechanics.
199. With the advent of the information age, the users' information demand is characterized by the hierarchy, multiformity, timeliness, dynamics and individuation.
200. On the road[http://], the advent of EZPass and other computerized toll machines are replacing human tollbooth collectors.
201. Deptford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at St Paul's.
202. With advent of knowledge - based era, knowledge will become the most basic production factors.
203. The advent of nanograss offered the possibility of making reserve batteries far easier to miniaturize.
204. During the season of Advent on the church calendar, Christians around the world light candles.
205. The advent of the fashion plate allowed for wide dissemination of popular styles.
206. The clipper ship era ended with the advent of steamships, but their memory lives on in the name of one of Los Angeles' two NBA teams.
207. While written manuscripts were used for teaching in medieval times, they were written on birch bark or palm leaves, until the advent of the printing press from the 16th century.
208. Hill pig answers: Once arsine oxime is dangerous advent, do not have time grind one's teeth.
209. Perhaps even more striking than the advent of these ideas has been the acceptance of the axiomatic conceptual method of abstract algebra and its pervading influence throughout mathematics.
210. The advent of HDTV has brought a number of new concepts and technologies with it.
211. Before the advent of central air-conditioning in the mid-20th-century, white- and cream-colored houses with reflective tin roofs were the norm in South Florida, for example.
212. It's interesting to note that although the Internet has been around since 1969 – nearly as long as the NLS – it didn't take off until the advent of a hypertext system – the World Wide Web.
213. The advent of digital sources has improved the discovery period of the research phase, but has also increased the likelihood of oversights in the citation process.
214. In Advent, in every town, you find this kind of market. Most, they sell Christmas sweets, presents and Mulled wine – hot red wine with spices.
215. With the advent of serially attached (SATA) IDE drives, a mixed PATA/SATA system would sometimes use /dev/hda for the first PATA drive and /devsda for the first SATA drive.
216. The 1980 s have also seen the advent of schools operating totally in Maori Kura Kaupapa Maori.
217. With the advent of cloud computing(), resources are used as an aggregated virtual computer.
218. Tseng, Reno, Rude, and Elena also appear in Advent Children, set two years after the original.
219. The golden age ended with the advent of World War 1.
220. With the advent of power-driven machinery, home industry began to give way to production in mills and factories.
221. Bathe small excitedly looking at the prince of soundly asleep, slowly near to, gaze at the facial advent of man's comeliness.
222. In recent years more uses have been found for this material with the advent of mesopore activated carbon fiber.
223. A :The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution.
224. However, the advent of new molecular techniques has dramatically changed the nature of chromosome mapping in all organisms.
225. GINGER BREAD HOUSE – Sunday the 28 th is the first Advent Sunday.
226. I awaited Christmas Eve, and the always exciting advent of fat Santa.
227. This colourful festival of Hindus, celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna, heralds the advent of spring.
228. Before the advent of Wavelet Analysis, the chief tool on signal processing is Fourier analysis.
229. A third, Christ, deals with Advent, the Ascension, and the last Judgment.
230. The advent of HFC network infrastructure established the bidirectional basis of CATV network.
231. Fulfilled once in the first advent of our glorious LORD, and yet to have a fuller accomplishment in His second advent ,[http:///advent.html] this gracious word is also for daily use.
232. The advent of tapeless formats has dramatically changed the traditional concept of organising media.
233. As I am regretting the advent of dark, the Yangtze discloses a new night - time enchantment.
234. O Arjuna, these very same innumerous living entities repeatedly taking birth with the advent of his day, disappear on the arrival of his night manifesting again automatically on the advent of his day.
235. With the advent of the era of brand competition, service brand will become a focus on service firm competition. Cultivating service brand equity is an approach to get competition advantage.
236. It was the advent of a new day, however, when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight this adverse situation.
237. With the advent of the magazine Chueh - hui's life became more interesting and active.
238. Newspapers and magazines are proclaiming the advent of the "age of man" on their cover pages, artists are invoking the Anthropocene and even German governmental advisers have adopted the term.
239. The advent of XML initiated a symbiosis between document research and formal languages. This symbiosis resulted in the development of unranked tree automata.
240. Before the advent of anti-viral drugs vidarabine in 1973 and acyclovir in 1981, mortality rates reached up to 70 percent.




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