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单词 Stomach
1. An army marches on its stomach
2. To have a stomach and lack meat; to have meat and lack a stomach; to lie in bed and cannot rest; are great miseries. 
3. The thief gave me a boot in my stomach.
4. The attacker kicked him in the stomach.
5. The sweet food lay heavy on my stomach.
6. He felt an aching feeling in his stomach.
7. Somebody stabbed him in the stomach.
8. I'm sick to my stomach.
9. My stomach is still sore after the operation.
10. I've got a tight feeling in my stomach.
11. I often feel a pain in my stomach.
12. His stomach bulged out over his belt.
13. He punched him in the stomach.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. He ground his knee into the man's stomach.
15. The eyes,stomach,heart,and lungs are organs of the body.
16. Her stomach felt hollow with fear.
17. The cancer has spread to his stomach.
18. A stomach bug has been going round at school.
19. Relax your stomach muscles (), then stretch again.
20. He now could stomach liquids only.
21. You shouldn't exercise on a full stomach.
22. I had a tummy/stomach bug last week.
23. There's a stomach bug going round .
24. I have no stomach for any food now.
25. Habitual overeating had distended the boy's stomach.
26. His waistcoat was riding up over his stomach.
27. He turned round and punched Carlos in the stomach.
28. These exercises will help to flatten your stomach.
29. The violent motion of the ship upset his stomach.
30. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
1. The thief gave me a boot in my stomach.
2. The attacker kicked him in the stomach.
3. Somebody stabbed him in the stomach.
4. I'm sick to my stomach.
5. My stomach is still sore after the operation.
6. I've got a tight feeling in my stomach.
7. He punched him in the stomach.
8. He ground his knee into the man's stomach.
9. The eyes,stomach,heart,and lungs are organs of the body.
10. Her stomach felt hollow with fear.
11. The cancer has spread to his stomach.
12. A stomach bug has been going round at school.
13. Relax your stomach muscles , then stretch again.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. You shouldn't exercise on a full stomach.
15. I had a tummy/stomach bug last week.
16. There's a stomach bug going round .
17. I have no stomach for any food now.
18. He turned round and punched Carlos in the stomach.
19. These exercises will help to flatten your stomach.
20. The violent motion of the ship upset his stomach.
21. If I eat it, my stomach bloats up.
22. She's been off work with an upset stomach.
23. His stomach might rupture from all the acid.
24. You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture.
25. The bruise on his stomach ached with a steady throb.
26. Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man's stomach.
27. It's not good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach .
28. Stewart took over yesterday when Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus.
29. Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives.
30. Overwork disorders the stomach.
31. The goat butted her in the stomach.
32. If I eat it, my stomach bloats up.
33. She's been off work with an upset stomach.
34. His stomach might rupture from all the acid.
35. You shouldn't drink wine on an empty stomach .
36. You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture.
37. The doctor opened up his stomach to get at the source of the trouble.
38. The bruise on his stomach ached with a steady throb.
39. Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man's stomach.
40. It's not good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach .
41. Stewart took over yesterday when Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus.
42. Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives.
43. Overwork disorders the stomach.
44. She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.
45. It's not a good idea to drink on an empty stomach .
46. Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby.
47. The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.
48. Please excuse my stomach rumbling - I haven't eaten all day.
49. Lie on your stomach with your arms by your side.
50. My stomach was churning on the day of the exam.
51. She gave some medicine to me when my stomach griped.
52. The cow's stomach was bloated from eating the wet fodder.
53. The pain in her stomach was so sharp that she folded up.
54. This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.
55. She was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bug.
56. The poor guy wound up with a slug in his stomach.
57. Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
58. It's not good to drink on an empty stomach.
59. He was kicked in the stomach and the groin.
60. You shouldn't take the pills on an empty stomach.
31. She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.
32. It's not a good idea to drink on an empty stomach .
33. Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby.
34. The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.
35. Please excuse my stomach rumbling - I haven't eaten all day.
36. Lie on your stomach with your arms by your side.
37. My stomach was churning on the day of the exam.
38. This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.
39. She was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bug.
40. The poor guy wound up with a slug in his stomach.
41. Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining.
42. He had an upset stomach.
43. He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.
44. He had a hangover, so he ordered a sandwich to settle his stomach.
45. My father suffered from stomach ulcer for a long time.
46. I wouldn't say your stomach was big — it's just slightly convex.
61. Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining.
62. At the sight of blood her stomach turned.
63. The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach.
64. I hit him in the stomach.
65. He felt his stomach started to kick up.
66. She had no stomach for the leftover stew.
67. I find him very hard to stomach.
68. I've had a stomach ache all morning.
69. This should settle your stomach.
70. Just the smell makes my stomach turn.
71. His stomach acted up after dinner.
72. The film about eye operations turned my stomach.
73. My stomach churned as I stood up.
74. Larry is suffering from an upset stomach.
75. They had no stomach for a fight.
76. He had an upset stomach.
77. Excessive drinking can lead to stomach disorders.
78. Rob found Cathy's attitude hard to stomach.
79. Virginia had a sick feeling in her stomach.
80. The sight of the slaughtered cow turned my stomach.
81. Stand straight and keep your stomach muscles in.
82. He was punched in the stomach.
83. I've got this strange feeling in my stomach.
84. The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach.
85. The cheap wine will rot your stomach.
86. Fear and anxiety knotted her stomach.
87. A killing pain is knifing my stomach.
88. The smell of the dead dog turned his stomach.
89. I do stomach exercises most days.
90. He gasped and clutched his stomach.
91. He had his stomach pumped after taking an overdose.
92. Never go swimming on a full stomach.
93. He was on his stomach, his legs splayed apart.
94. She started getting stomach cramps this morning.
95. His stomach rejected any fried foods.
96. A blow to the stomach made him curl up.
97. The indigestible food set heavily on my stomach.
98. Have a drink to settle your stomach.
99. I had no stomach for a fight.
100. He can't eat grapes - they upset him/his stomach.
101. Tom humped himself with two hands pressing his stomach.
102. The smell of the fish made me/my stomach heave.
103. Cheese often upsets her/her stomach.
103. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
104. The true facts will turn your stomach.
105. The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.
106. You can't run on a full stomach.
107. My stomach knotted at the unexpected news.
108. The stink of the rotten fish turned my stomach.
109. I have a cast-iron stomach, I can eat anything.
110. I wish my stomach didn't stick out so much.
111. My stomach is rumbling with hunger.
112. The punch in the stomach completely winded me.
113. She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.
114. She has failed to shake off her stomach injury.
115. My stomach heaved and I felt sick.
116. I rolled the baby over onto its stomach.
117. The sight of blood turns my stomach.
118. They are not merely content to fill the stomach.
119. I felt my stomach knot with apprehension.
120. A feeling of nausea settled in her stomach.
121. Lie on your stomach with your elbows pointing outwards.
122. I didn't have the stomach for another fight.
123. Avoid drinking on an empty stomach.
124. He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.
125. surgical excision of part or all of the stomach.
126. Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten any breakfast.
127. My stomach got worse when the schooner was becalmed.
128. The illness first manifested itself in/as severe stomach pains.
129. These exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.
130. Food is broken down in the stomach.
131. He has a six-pack stomach and is extremely well-proportioned.
132. Her stomach was growling with hunger.
133. You shouldn't go to work on an empty stomach.
134. The doctors operated on her stomach.
135. The old dread knotted her stomach.
136. Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset.
137. You can do exercises to strengthen your stomach muscles.
138. The mere sight of food turned her stomach.
139. "Call a doctor!" he said,(http:///stomach.html) clutching his stomach.
140. His stomach heaved at sight of the mess.
141. I felt woozy in my stomach.
142. Several children complained of severe stomach pains.
143. I can't work properly on an empty stomach.
144. I can't stomach your constant nagging.
145. Pictures of the burnt corpses turned my stomach.
146. The other injured man had a superficial stomach wound.
147. Aspirin can ulcer the stomach lining.
148. I've been off work with an upset stomach.
149. Samples were aspirated from the stomach.
150. He hit me in the stomach.
151. Tom fell to the ground clutching his stomach.
152. I lay on my stomach on the beach.
153. She clutched at her stomach, obviously in pain.
154. Very spicy food doesn't suit her stomach.
155. It turned my stomach to look at the pictures.
156. He was kicked full in the stomach.
157. He's off work with a stomach bug.
158. The rich meal lay heavy on my stomach.
159. Her stomach turned at the sight of blood.
160. She gave me a poke in the stomach.
161. There was a knot of tension in his stomach.
162. She butted him in the stomach.
163. How can you stomach their affronts?
164. The smell made my stomach turn over .
165. I've never been able to stomach seafood.
166. I could never stomach the cruelty involved in the wounding of animals.
167. A 26% water rate increase is more than most residents can stomach .
168. Enzymes in the mouth and stomach break the food down.
169. A tube was fed down the patient's throat into her stomach.
170. Nora turned sick to her stomach on hearing this news.
171. He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach.
172. She's got a very delicate stomach and doesn't eat spicy food.
173. Georgia had taken pills to settle her stomach, but she was still throwing up every hour.
174. He suddenly had a terrible sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
175. How could you stomach all the violence in the film?
176. You have to have a strong stomach to eat this food.
177. She began to shiver, feeling sick to her stomach .
178. A few weeks of aerobics will firm up that flabby stomach.
179. She could feel the baby kicking against her stomach wall.
180. After you've had a baby you lose the muscle tone in your stomach.
181. Some painkilling drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach.
182. Don't go and see this film unless you have a strong stomach.
183. Breastfed babies are less likely to fall victim to stomach disorders.
184. An exam, or even an exciting social event may produce butterflies in the stomach.
185. He sucked in his stomach as he walked past the girls.
186. He said he had sharp pains in the stomach region/the region of the stomach.
187. He had a hangover, so he ordered a sandwich to settle his stomach.
188. She turned over on her stomach on the other side of the bed.
189. My father suffered from stomach ulcer for a long time.
190. The doctor removed the contents of her stomach with a stomach pump.
191. She had to go to hospital to have her stomach pumped out.
192. There was enough of the drug in her stomach to kill her twice over.
193. Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress.
194. I can't come in to work today - I've got a bit of a dodgy stomach.
195. The doctor asked him to lie down on his stomach.
196. I felt a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach when I saw the ambulance.
197. You need to have a very strong stomach to watch some of the surgery scenes.
198. It makes me sick to my stomach when I remember my car accident.
199. I recall Rosie waxing lyrical about the flatness of his stomach.
200. During a three-hour operation six tumours were excised from the wall of the patient's stomach.
201. The oesophagus is the tube leading from the throat to the stomach.
202. They threw him to the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach.
203. She was doubled up/over with the pain in her stomach.
204. As a vet(/stomach.html), he could make an educated guess as to what was wrong with his stomach.
205. Cutting the nerves to the stomach does not affect hunger.
206. The doctor pumped the poison out of the child's stomach.
207. She found the violence in the film hard to stomach.
208. He had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
209. Leigh rolled over on her stomach to tan her back.
210. She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.
211. I hope that fish was all right - my stomach feels a bit strange .
212. These nerve centres generate rhythmic movements; or to be more specific, rhythmic stomach movements.
213. You need a strong stomach to go on the giant roller coaster.
214. We had to do some killing stomach exercises last night.
215. My stomach has begun to firm up since I started exercising.
216. He's been off his food ever since he had the stomach upset.
217. I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach.
218. I ate too much and got a terrible stomach ache.
219. The old man suffered from serious stomach trouble and began to rot away.
220. He knew he ought to eat, but his stomach rebelled.
221. He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain.
222. I've got an upset stomach/tummy - serves me right for eating so much.
223. It is harmful to the stomach to eat cold food rinsed with beer.
224. The effects of morphine on the stomach are potentiated by cholinergic drugs.
225. I had my driving test that morning and my stomach was churning.
226. I woke up this morning with a fever and an upset stomach.
227. The officer asked us to stand straight and keep stomach muscles in.
228. He can't stomach the idea that Peter might be the next chairman.
229. Food passes from the stomach to the small intestine and from there to the large intestine.
230. His mother has come around after having had stomach ulcers.
231. Ulcers occur when the stomach's natural acids eat into the lining of the stomach.
232. Every time I think about my exams my stomach flutters!
233. He felt his stomach flutter when they called his name.
234. His stomach still felt queasy and he was grateful for the fresh air.
235. I wouldn't say your stomach was big — it's just slightly convex.
236. You have to have a strong stomach to watch animals being slaughtered.
237. I saw the shots of what happened on television and my stomach just turned over.
238. Excessive pressure can lead to perforation of the stomach wall.
239. My poor sick stomach rebelled at the idea of any more food.
240. My stomach was playing up so I had to go home.
241. The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.
242. My stomach lurched as another big wave hit the boat.
243. I felt sick to my stomach with sadness for them.
244. She gave him a jab in the stomach with her elbow.
245. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something terrible was going to happen.
246. The punch hit him in the stomach, doubling him over.
247. Surgery often demands actual physical strength, as well as the possession of a strong stomach.
248. If you burp a baby you rub its back gently to help air to come out of its stomach.
249. I think I've got a bit of a stomach bug.
250. Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.
251. I got a sick feeling/a knot in the pit of my stomach when the news of the attack was announced.
252. Melanie's got a stomach/tummy upset so she won't be going to school today.
253. The sight of the greasy stew made his stomach turn / turned his stomach.
253. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
254. My head had begun to ache and my stomach felt funny.
255. I can't stomach seafood.
256. I had butterflies in my stomach as I went to get my exam results.
257. Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty stomach upset.
258. There was a scuffle and he kicked me in the stomach.
259. He linked the fingers of his hands together on his stomach.
260. Antacids are alkaline and they relieve pain by neutralizing acid in the contents of the stomach.
261. He kicked Gomez in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
262. Tuck in your stomach.
263. You need a strong stomach to work in the accident department.
264. I felt my stomach start to kick up when I was at dinner last evening.
265. During the first few months of pregnancy the slightest whiff of food cooking made my stomach turn.
266. In the end it was his stomach and lungs that packed up.
267. The pain started in my stomach and radiated all over my body.
268. "I'm eating for two now," she said, patting her stomach.
269. Human remains were found among the stomach contents of the shark.
270. In anger, he ground his knee into the man's stomach.




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