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单词 Stout
(1) He cut a stout stick to help him walk.
(2) He was a tall, stout man with gray hair.
(3) He put up a stout defence in court.
(4) Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes.
(5) She is slender,whereas he is stout.
(6) He produced a stout defence of the car business.
(7) A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.
(8) This requires a stout heart.
(9) I hope you've both got stout shoes.
(10) a short stout man with a bald head.
(11) He has a stout makeup.
(12) Jacobs was a stout(http://), florid man.
(13) She's growing rather stout.
(14) I've bought myself a pair of good stout boots for hiking.
(15) He needed a cool head, a stout heart and nerves of steel.
(16) He wrenched at the stout panelling, roaring with fury.
(17) The bushy plants develop from fleshy, stout rootstock.
(18) Tears trickled down the cheeks of some stout veterans.
(19) And when I say stout supports, I mean stout.
(20) We set up some stout and sliced some bread.
(21) And don't forget Guinness stout itself.
(22) Stout Mrs Muller, in her national costume, sang.
(23) She was a stout woman with an Austrian accent.
(24) It was packed with people buying up stout shoes.
(25) Leavitt is stout and impatient in his khakis.
(26) The employment of a stout stick is recommended.
(27) In 1965, the first bottle of locally-brewed Guinness stout rolled out from the Sungei Way brewery.
(28) He was a tall stout man with a florid complexion, who looked well in vestments seen from a distance.
(29) He was a stout man with a bald crown round which a ruff of brown hair grew thickly.
(30) The heavy chains lifted, straightened and drew taut, and the stout steel frames of the gates began to buckle outwards.
(1) He cut a stout stick to help him walk.
(2) He was a tall, stout man with gray hair.
(3) He put up a stout defence in court.
(4) Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes.
(5) A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.
(31) The greybeards made a quite unnecessary fuss about this and I was forced to employ my stout stick.
(32) Terranova said he has used a rich stout instead of meat stock to enhance the taste of a low-fat chili.
(33) Having made his choice, he showed her a short, stout leather strap, before applying it to her naked seat.
(34) His powerful trunk and huge belly filled the chair and the yellow cattleman's boots were laced half way up the stout legs.
(35) Guinness, which sells 22 variants of its stout around the globe, varies hugely in alcohol content.
(36) Gradually the room filled up with stout, gray men like Stark.
(37) An old man sat over a half pint of stout.
(38) Thomas Hewett was off duty and having a quiet glass of stout and a chinwag on his front doorstep.
(39) A stout table is made of rough planking approximately 32in square.
(40) Is it the fear of wearing in that stout new pair of shoes that keeps us in our old battered brogues?
(41) A stout woman in a tweed coat was standing outside the door.
(42) Round in childhood,(http:///stout.html) she became stout in middle age and the auburn of her hair was maintained by henna.
(43) We ended up with about a dozen assorted gin, whisky and stout bottles.
(44) Jugged beer in stout and port wine sauce specialities of the house.
(45) Mary Stout, a combat nurse, revisited Vietnam two years ago.
(46) You then take two stout battens and insert them below the pallet like the arms of a fork-lift truck.
(47) I was glad of my stout walking boots as I squelched through bossy bits.
(48) She had a face the color of a pink towel(), a stout figure and blue eyes shaped like arrows.
(49) Amy was now stout and matronly, the mother of three children.
(50) He replaced Mike Stout at the end of 1988 after Stout began to suffer hearing difficulties.
(51) The stout plant will grow up to 12 inches in slow-flowing rivers in their natural habitat.
(52) Note however, that the stout spines are not preserved on these specimens.
(53) Victorine had on her beige raincoat, the green scarf, a woollen shawl, and her stout boots.
(54) Will Cunnane, a former Marlin, pitched two stout innings, running his scoreless streak to 13 1 / 3 innings.
(55) She was elderly, short, and rather stout, with iron-grey hair closely cropped.
(56) The North Star's team never failed to raise eyebrows nomatterwhere they travelled, being five stout brothers of almost identical appearance.
(57) Winter adult and immature also have white cheeks and throat, immature's bill much less stout.
(58) Since they have very coarse fur and stout claws, badger hygiene tends to be an extremely noisy affair.
(59) At the end, beneath a couple of mature coxes, was an iron table and stout wooden chairs.
(60) Almost all the boys are wearing jams and big breezy shirts; so are the few stout girls.
(61) Stout lifelines are fitted and there are very substantial bow, quarter and spring cleats.
(62) Tampa Bay plays stout defense... the Bucs thirsted for a victory.
(63) The buildings, square and stout, were trimmed in white terra-cotta and topped by gargoyles representing the various scholarly fields.
(64) Sharpe tied the horse's reins to the harrow's stout frame, then slid his rifle out of its saddle holster.
(65) And finally the Soft Sell - it will always be worth your while to invest in a stout umbrella!
(66) Medium-large to very large, rather long-necked and long-legged land birds; bill stout, somewhat flattened.
(67) Fred was now twenty-six, also tall, but stout and florid and extremely well pleased with himself.
(68) The stage had also been set for stout functional walls to appear, and, as always, they did.
(69) Then that silly season when the oil rigs blew like bottles in a crate of excited stout.
(70) The stout, middle-aged men in black glasses do not appear until ten o'clock, with brief-cases or small leather bags.
(71) Guinness stout is the world's leading stout brand, accounting for around 40 percent of the company's beer volume.
(72) Groove and glue on a stout strip which can be gripped in the vice.
(73) This is a stout, low-growing plant with very rigid and distinctive leaves.
(74) The principal brand is Guinness Foreign Extra Stout which enjoys an unequalled brand image and reputation for quality.
(75) Like the head on stout, Dublin resists the slide into modern ways.
(76) The long, stout spines are an unusual feature which discriminates this species from other gastropods.
(77) He was holding a stout branch, and impaled upon it was the bloody head of the leopard.
(78) The world number one, stout Rod Harrington was pitted against the even stouter hopeful, Ronnie Baxter.
(79) The girl screamed, and a stout, red-faced man suddenly appeared behind her and opened the door wider.
(80) Bring a packed lunch, warm clothing and waterproofs and wear stout footwear.
(81) Specimens from unconsolidated gravels are not difficult to clean, any adherent sand grains being easily removed using a stout pin.
(82) Dotty Harmer, a spinster and stout friend of all animals, lived some quarter of a mile westward towards Lulling Woods.
(83) There was a stout lintel over the small trapezoidal windows and door; a thoroughly familiar smell of damp moss and fern.
(84) Parents and social services were outraged that abuse victims might come into contact with Stout again if he returned to the city.
(85) For dark beers such as stout, the malted barley is roasted until it is dark brown, almost black.
(86) With a stout ship and the right sort of clothes to withstand the weather some good cruising can be enjoyed.
(87) Stout expressed satisfaction with the arrangement, and the Alsop-Kintner team set to work on their next Post project.
(88) A stout, stainless steel pillar between deckhead and cabin sole in the galley area forms a useful handhold.
(89) The sisters were both there, Harriet behind a stout oak desk.
(90) Fermentation takes about 48 hours and a stout, full-bodied, dark beer is discernable.
(91) Theda was therefore acutely conscious of one gentleman, rather stout and red of face.
(92) Robin Hood was a man with a stout heart.
(93) Equip yourself with stout walking boots and sticks.
(94) She is a hot-tempered, stout, and unsmiling woman.
(95) This tree is very stout.
(96) The stout king surveyed the length of his Ironclad.
(97) The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.
(97) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(98) I never expected he should have a stout makeup.
(99) Would you prefer draught beer or stout?
(100) Men are portly and women are stout.
(101) The exceedingly stout lady indignantly tackled a bus inspector.
(102) a stout pair of shoes.
(103) The cartoon ended with collapse of stout party.
(104) A stout, heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use a weapon a cudgel.
(105) Quillworts are heterosporous , mainly aquatic perennials, with a dense rosette of tubular quill-like leaves arising from a short, stout rootstock.
(106) Bring down my mackintosh and travelling - cloak, and some stout shoes, though we shall do little walking.
(107) The phlebotomist who had been hired to stick this needle in my arm—a stout, thin-lipped woman in her mid-50s—filled three vials with blood and then handed me a small plastic cup.
(108) Selecting a strong, reduced-carbon dioxide stout, the researchers have created a space-safe beer called "Vostok" (in honor of the first manned, Russian spacecraft flown by Yuri Gagarin in 1961).
(109) A stout, hearty lass like Catherine, does not fall ill for a trifle.
(110) A little stout rosy man was making himself a dry martini.
(111) Don Corleone, notoriously straitlaced in such matters, though his stout wife was screaming joyfully with the others, disappeared tactfully into the house.
(112) Manakins Manakins are a family of compact little perching birds with big heads, short tails and stout bills.
(113) But the savage being a stout lusty fellow , closing in with him, had thrown him down.
(114) Wang's stout body was covered in cuts scabbed over with blood and pus, and he drifted in and out of sleep while talking to a reporter.
(115) His ruddy and stout figure made him look a genuine John Bull.
(116) A stout aromatic Mediterranean herb(Salvia sclarea) in the mint family, having showy violet, pink, or white flower clusters and yielding an essential oil used as a flavoring and in perfumery.
(117) Crimson, Chrysanthemum - flowered ; upright stems and stalks , stout branches , elliptical leaves, middle blossoming.
(118) Mbeki offered a stout if long-winded defence of his policies laying out all that he had done for the country.
(119) Cases must have an inner lining of stout, water - resistant paper.
(120) Although this era was called the age of the worker-peasant class, they were but a flat symbol existing in the art works, stout men and sturdy women, without exception.
(121) The mother was regally stout in black the daughters fat and plain.
(122) She was stout, pink - cheeked and silver - haired and always a little breathless from too tightly laced stays.
(123) Miss Abbot turned to divest a stout leg of the necessary ligature.
(124) One of the youths grinned and juggled a butterfly knife, another slapped a stout nightstick in the palm of his hand.
(125) It'seemed to stir an atavistic chord in her stout breast.
(126) The stout barman in a bow tie presented himself to take their order. "Good morning, sir. The usual?".
(127) The jade is so stout she won't capitulate nor yield upon any terms.
(128) He did hear Wyman Manderly calling for more sausages and Roger Ryswell's laughter at some jape from one-armed Harwood Stout.
(129) This is the time for stout fellows to prove their worth!
(130) Scarabs are generally oval-shaped and stout, ranging in size from miniscule to mythic.
(131) Serbian army put up a stout resistance to Nato's air - raid.
(132) Any of various birds of the family Alcedinidae, characteristically having a crested head, a long stout beak, a short tail, and brilliant coloration.
(133) His ruddy countenance and stout figure made him look a genuine John Bull.
(134) "You can drink one or two, eat three or four tortillas and you have a meal. Pulque is very nourishing, " said Pablo Flores, a stout man with a passion for pulque.
(135) The girls fled laughing , with the black - clad, stout matrons scolding them on.
(136) Thought short and thin, Jimmy walked into the stout hooligan.
(137) The queen leaned forward with a ting falter of her stout body.
(138) Clover was an old stout mare now, stiff in the joints and with a tendency to rheumy eyes.
(139) Johnny-B's paternal grandfather had staked out a stout chunk of the Olympic Peninsula and the timberlands around Lake Chelan to become one of the earliest lumber barons of the Pacific Northwest.
(140) Dressed as always in his homespun, sacklike dhoti, and leaning heavily on a staff of stout wood, Gandhi, was only a few feet from the pagoda when the shots were fired.
(141) Any of various evergreen plants of the genus Yucca, native to the warmer regions of North America, having often tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers.
(142) Please pass a stout towing rope to the tug boat.
(143) Holding hands, they leave the elves' marketplace and climb up the sloping lawn to the heavy old house at the top of the hill, with its low-pitched roof and stout columns and green-painted eaves.
(144) The initial designs of the reek were inspired by Placerias, a stout, four-legged tusked species from the Triassic era.
(145) It's the payday, for he has brought home a stout volume from a secondhand bookstore.
(146) But there were doors in the hall as well stout oaken comfortable - looking doors.
(147) But it is years ago, and I dare say they have both grown stout and snappish since that time.
(148) I think let them talk on till the alguazil peremptorily queen looked like, a tall, stout woman, with such.
(149) The United States has at least 11 warships stationed near Tripoli, including three submarines — the Scranton, the Florida and the Providence — and the destroyers the Stout and the Barry.
(150) Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a delicate branch with his saw-like forelimbs.
(151) Rhizome short and stout, densely covered with golden brown long hairs.
(152) He bore on his shoulder a stout keg that seemed full of liquor.
(153) Jade vine is grown in tropical landscapes, trained to a stout trellis, arch or pergola.
(154) Blood from the medulla enters short, stout, thin - walled veins.
(155) There was a stout portress who could always be seen hurrying through the corridors with her bunch of keys, and whose name was Sister Agatha.
(156) Swinging his stout frame, Pierre slouched through the crowd, nodding to right and to left, as casually and good-naturedly as though he were walking through a crowd in a market.
(157) Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star'd at the Pacific?
(157) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(158) Slivery red, Hydrangea_shaped; stout straight stems, short stalks, dense tiny leaves in deep green, branching freely, mid_inflorescence.
(159) Short , stout, splay - footed, sporting a goatee and a cigar Wiener waddled around like a smart duck.
(160) Master Jup aided them dexterously, either by climbing to the top of a tree to fasten the ropes or by lending his stout shoulders to carry the lopped trunks.
(161) Red, Anemone _ flowered ; stout stems , long stalks , lage thick leaves in dark green , spreading, freely branched , medium blooming.
(162) Streamline figure, stout but sagacious, unbending but exalted, modishness combine with individuation, make you easygoing. Harmonious family, nice life, from the beginning of owning a good motor...
(163) You see a strong, stout man with a bushy beard.
(164) Any of various stout bodied , edible fishes of the family Mugilidae , found worldwide in tropical and temperate coastal waters and some freshwater streams Also called gray mullet.
(165) Cactus of the genus Echinocactus having stout sharp spines .
(166) He is a broad-shouldered and big faced stout guy with thick whiskers.
(167) They have a stout, coarse-haired body, a tapered muzzle, and hindlimbs longer than their forelimbs.
(168) The camera here centers on the 50 ft. behemoth, built like a stout mountain.
(169) Pale Pinkish blue outer petals, light yellow and pale violet bicolor in - side, erect flowers, round leaves in dark green, stout upright stems, sparsely branched.
(170) A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus) having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers.
(171) The climber throws a stout rope over a large lower branch.
(172) We are talking about stout yeoman with a heart of oak, Ickle Stevie Gerrard, the master of the trailing leg.
(173) Current year branchlets stout, 2-ribbed; leaf blade thickly leathery, abaxially reddish brown when dry; sepals pubescent.
(174) "Inglourious Basterds, " the risky Quentin Tarantino picture that the struggling Weinstein Company badly needed to be a hit, sold a stout $37.6 million in tickets over the weekend.
(175) The antennal papilla was oval at base, with a comb-like fence of 4-5 thin pointed processes on each side and a stout central spine.
(176) The result shows that the poor mechanical property of the material is due to insufficient forge which results in stout and angular carbide with zonal distribution.
(177) stout stalks, large fleshy leaves in yellowish green, branched and flowered freely, medium blossoming. ...
(178) Stock stout, forming an erect trunk sometimes up to 1 m tall, apex densely covered with subulate shining brown scales.
(179) Baron's Black Wattle Ale, Australia. This unusual but tasty brew is fermented from barley and native wattle seeds and resembles a light bodied stout.
(180) Mr. Wang's stout body was covered in cuts scabbed over with blood and pus, and he drifted in and out of sleep while talking to a reporter.
(181) The Black Velveteen is made with Guinness Irish Stout and Hard Apple Cider.
(182) Bring down my mackintosh and traveling - cloak, and some stout shoes, though we shall do little walking.
(183) Portly and stout are sometimes used as polite terms to describe fatness.
(184) Mr. Sykes entered - a tall, stout man of about fifty, comely of feature , but feeble of physiognomy.
(185) Our range includes Pale Ale, Sparkling Ale, Mild Ale, Dark Ale and Stout to name a few.




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