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单词 Rooted
1. They rooted out all the dead plants.
2. They rooted their football team on to victory.
3. A pig rooted in the orchard.
4. This principle was rooted in my mind.
5. Fear rooted her to the ground.
6. She was rooted to her seat because she was afraid to speak in front of a large group.
7. There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.
8. The crisis is rooted in deep rivalries between the two groups.
9. I've rooted out an old pair of shoes that might fit you.
10. The pigs have rooted up the muddy ground in search of food.
11. Each year one vicious habit rooted out,in time minght make the worst man good throughout.
12. She was rooted to her chair.
13. Clumps of thyme had rooted themselves between the rocks.
14. He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.
15. Racism is still deeply rooted in our society.
16. His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences.
17. Fear rooted him to the spot.
18. He stood rooted to the spot, unable to move.
19. The pigs rooted for acorns in the forest.
20. Embarrassment rooted her to the spot.
20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
21. She rooted through/among the papers on her desk.
22. Her affection for him is deeply rooted.
23. She was rooted to the spot with fear/amazement.
24. She stood rooted to the spot, staring at him.
25. The trees have rooted in the rich soil.
26. Drugs and violence are deeply rooted in American life.
27. Their life is rooted in Chicago now.
28. Her point of view was rooted in experience.
29. He was rooted to the spot by surprise.
30. They rooted up all the trees in their garden.
1. A pig rooted in the orchard.
2. She was rooted to her seat because she was afraid to speak in front of a large group.
3. The crisis is rooted in deep rivalries between the two groups.
4. I've rooted out an old pair of shoes that might fit you.
5. Our movement is rooted in the hearts of the people.
6. A deep - rooted tree is leafy ; an ambitious man is vigorous.
7. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
31. Fear rooted her to the spot.
32. Our difficulties rooted mainly in lack of money.
33. He has a rooted objection to cold baths.
34. We just stopped there, rooted to the spot.
35. She stood rooted to the spot with fear .
36. His rudeness rooted in his lack of education.
37. This tradition is also firmly rooted in the past.
38. Leila rooted through her handbag for a pen.
39. Outdated ideas should be rooted out.
40. Racism is a deeply rooted prejudice which has existed for thousands of years.
41. His analysis was rooted in a somewhat tendentious reading of French history.
42. The country's economic troubles are rooted in a string of global crises.
43. He rooted out some old books to give to his little brother.
44. Their family is rooted here. They will never move to another city.
45. Shelley's friendship with Byron was rooted in their shared contempt for cant and hypocrisy.
46. This feeling of rejection is often deeply rooted in childhood.
47. She stood there rooted to the spot when she saw the body.
48. Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted only in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings.
49. All the students in the college rooted for the plan of the new president.
50. He rooted about in all his drawers and found the lost ball-pen at last.
51. Our movement is rooted in the hearts of the people.
52. A deep - rooted tree is leafy ; an ambitious man is vigorous.
53. Life in the countryside remained firmly rooted in the past.
54. She rooted through the bag, found what she wanted, and headed toward the door.
55. After climbing only halfway up the mountain, he was so rooted that he had to give up.
56. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
57. Old Ape rooted in the dustbins outside Phyl's Phries.
58. They rooted through the alleyways of Covent Garden.
59. Meredith dived back into the freezer and rooted about.
60. This art remained deeply rooted in the nineteenth century.
61. Sheila stood rooted with horror for a moment.
62. This great evil is rooted in systematic injustice.
63. Their telling and retelling relay important principles of hope rooted in political and moral certainties about the outcome of struggle.
64. Fear isn't so difficult to understand. After all, weren't we all frightened as children? Nothing has changed since Little Red Riding Hood faced the big bad wolf. What frightens us today is exactly the same sort of thing that frightened us yesterday. It's just a different wolf. This fright complex is rooted in every individual. Alfred Hitchcock 
65. He rooted around in his coat pocket until he found the address that Tony Jones had given him.
66. It was rooted in a cast of mind raised to an ethic in the professions.
67. He stopped dead in his tracks, rooted to the spot with horror.
68. Behind those balconies, behind those curtains, deeply rooted families survived, and neither wars nor occupations could budge them.
69. While rooted in the metalworking trades and intimate with foundry practice, the patternmaker functioned more like a carpenter.
70. Atheism is rooted in science and reason, and atheists distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. (85% of the members of America's national academy of science reject God.). Dr T.P.Chia 
71. Crossley's howler left Forest rooted to the foot of the Premier League, four points behind second-from-bottom Wimbledon.
72. But on the other hand, this respectable ideology was deeply rooted in the general experience of working-class life.
73. The rules are rooted in the particularities of human biology, and they affect the way culture is formed.
74. A truly good education is rooted in good family upbringing and parental love and guidance. Dr T.P.Chia 
75. The consensus politics of the post-1945 period in which so many of our demands were rooted is no more.
76. In order to do this, we have to employ a method of understanding rooted in scientific principles that are universally accepted.
77. So startled was he by this sudden onslaught, Ryker momentarily froze, rooted to the spot.
78. If you use the green code consistently the idea should be well rooted by the time they go to school.
79. And, indeed, his theory is firmly rooted in his conception of equilibrium.
80. It simulates the bit of the search space which is rooted at the current state,[Sentencedict] and plans an acceptable next move.
81. Investigative science is not yet firmly rooted in the curriculum, inspectors found.
82. Rooted so deep it's in danger of the tree falling on its unknowing pig head.
83. Nevertheless, by far the greater part of the emotional energy and imagination of five hundred people was rooted in the Dersingham family.
84. In its place, realism posited a predictive science of law rooted in the experimental methods of social science.
85. Meaningful work is satisfying because it is rooted in basic human needs.
86. Morricone long ago made the decision that he would remain rooted in Rome, where he was born in 1928.
87. But real conscience is always the same and never changes, because it is rooted in that which is changeless and everlasting.
88. A prime source of violence resides in the elitist educational strategies that are firmly rooted in the school ethos.
89. Another flaw was rooted in the structure of the administrative system.
90. Yet it was designed in the 1970s, and first flew in 1981; the technology is rooted in those days.
91. Seismologists said the quake appeared to have been rooted about 30 miles underground, deep enough to prevent catastrophic destruction.
92. What needs to be stressed at this point is that this evolution is rooted in a very specific historical moment of production.
93. Much of the problem of the underclass, we continue to believe, arises from perverse incentives rooted in misguided paternalism.
94. A second explanation is that antibiotic production is rooted in the plant material that is the food source.
95. Narendra was some kind of new thing, a maverick, rooted in the traditional but open to new ways of being.
96. Deeply rooted in peasant culture was the belief that the land should belong to whoever worked it with his own hands.
97. The traditional liberal interpretation is rooted in an approach to history fundamentally at odds with that of Soviet historiography.
98. This is the optimism upon which all golf is rooted.
99. Historically, they are rooted in the values of Western civilization.
100. The idea of centre is deeply rooted in the human mind.
101. And rooted in history ... the ancient art of coppicing.
102. This purpose, for the theist, is real and rooted in an objective cosmic mind.
103. The Civil and Political Rights Covenant is rooted in western legal and ethical values.
104. It is rooted in history, embedded in bureaucratic culture(), and encouraged by outside groups.
105. Young Bruce My background couldn't really have been more deeply rooted in the whims and cultures of tight-knit Devon and Cornwall.
106. While engineering curricula included science and mathematics, they were still rooted in the shop floor.
107. If it is rooted in a view of man interacting with his environment, what is the character of those interactions?
108. Our instinctive reactions seem to be rooted in the past and they are not always appropriate to twentieth-century living.
109. Some are rooted in simple, everyday stress, others in anxiety, and some others in the more serious anxiety disorders.
110. All were rooted in the nineteenth-century stance of the artist as critical outsider,[] disdainful of the niceties of the bourgeoisie.
111. This is based on enumerative classification, which is deeply rooted in the traditions of epidemiology and vital statistics.
112. In lakes the rooted forms may appear at a depth of 2 to 3 meters.
113. For a man so rooted in his domesticity the nomadic life of the Official War Artist was a gamble.
114. Had some deeply rooted shame kept her from telling me what was really going on?
115. Tonight, she brings her deeply rooted Southwestern style to Tucson.
116. Consequently, while corporate structures have developed apace since reorganization, it is questionable whether the corporate ethos has become deeply rooted.
117. Its vigour and vitality attest to a popular piety deeply rooted in the everyday life of the local community.
118. Will my cover-drive still leave the off-side fielders rooted helplessly to the ground as the ball speeds to the boundary?
119. Any struggle rooted in politicized and grass-roots mobilization is bound to overshadow even the most earnest efforts of politically inhibited endeavors.
120. Some things are more genuine than others, or rather more firmly rooted in evidence.
121. Reform would need to be deep rooted, but existing structures could be modified.
122. It requires that we critically examine a beliefs rooted in our understanding of Scripture that previously seemed so clear.
123. A crest of wavy, blond hair was loosely rooted on a magisterial forehead.
124. Now he needed desperately to be rooted deep inside her.
125. Such questions indicate how complex and deeply rooted are some of our negative attitudes to the aged.
126. It is a dream deeply rooted in American dream.
127. In fact, the forefather of Chen rooted from Hugongman, so it was imaginable.
128. Opera and drama have been deeply rooted in Parisian lives.
129. The doctrine of ultra vires in China is rooted in its planned economy ideology.
130. Alpha Conde said the Guinean people have always held friendly feelings towards the Chinese people and the friendship between both sides has been deeply rooted in the hearts of both peoples.
131. Q's character contains two aspects: the national deep - rooted bad habits and self - transcendence.
132. The problem of agriculture[], rural and farmers rooted from surplus rural population and residual labor force.
133. The astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.
134. Rooted in metres of thick peat, the rainforests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia sequester vast quantities of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane.
135. An enumerating equation of rooted loopless planar maps with node partition is presented.
136. This reflects the policy of military nonalignment is still deeply rooted among the people in Sweden, the Swedish cooperation with NATO and between NATO and has little to do.
137. A rooted tree has its source of both security and nourishment in the ground in which it grows.
138. The concept of due process is rooted in English common law.
139. The essence of the theory is Nietzsche's inverted Platonism deeply rooted in the problematics of "real existence vs deprivation of real existence".
140. Distant from a social realism rooted in the Chinese academic training, Zhou Wenzhong dedicates himself to scenes crammed with surrealistic nature compatible with his new daily life.
141. Multiscale and Scale Space theory are important methods in Computer Vision and are deeply rooted in neur- physiology.
142. The modern tariff of sugarplum and accumulation are rooted in medieval England. To avert creature acknowledged along the temporary spirits, people would dress up in masks whenever they left family.
143. The construction of fairground organs has a deep - rooted tradition above all in France and Germany.
144. Michael's example of musical artistry was rooted in the proud tradition of black American music.
145. Once a samurai in Bangkok's cutthroat business world, he now seemed as whimsically rooted to this lush spot as his fantastically sculptured trees.
146. For the school to flourish and thrive, just like a plant it needs to be placed in fertile and well-prepared soil, be strongly rooted and well-nourished and cared for.
147. Ingredient: wild Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle root of red - rooted salvia and so on.
148. " Qian Sheng money " get rich fond dream is very fast in his brain rooted and gemmiparous .
149. The University's traditional holdings of more than 16 million volumes are rooted in the 1638 bequest of 400 books from John Harvard.
150. The technology employed in the allied air attack is firmly rooted in complex theorems and algorithms.
151. These prejudices are rooted in the idea that every tramp ipso facto, is a blackguard.
152. Here he had rooted up the moss and wood sorrel.
153. It is a political problem rooted in cultural factors summed up in the word "statism, " in contrast to American individualism, as designations of dominant political ideologies.
154. Research on the relationship between deep rooted structural discontinuities and giant ore deposits is the latest development in economic geology.
155. But many of these plants were rooted in the 1980s and needed to go out of business as China moved up the industrial ladder and implemented new labour legislation that shook their sweatshop model.
156. However, we should have a correct method to handle those kinds of responsibility ethics, that is, to place responsibility rooted in the social life and sublate it with a historical perspective.
157. Beijing refection is an important cultural fruit deeply rooted in the special historic cultural background.
158. Under the influence of the wester capitalism law culture, the presiders of the jail reform praticed changes on the rooted absolutism lawsuit and jail system.
159. Open source altruism is rooted in the prioritization of quick-win, modular ideas, packaged as “kits” in adoptable formats, and provided free of charge.
160. It wins the long-term trust of its clients through its consciousness of quality and strict management system, which are deeply rooted in the heart of all the staff.
161. The author poses that the cultivation of clinical cogitate ability must be rooted not in academic discussion but in teaching practice.
162. Its a rooted crusher and the proportion of lessening and making cubic is very high.
163. Just like an excellent work of art, a good advertisement must be rooted in the soil of the national culture so that it will burgeon forth.
164. Rudi Spiller, CEO of Germany's Leica Camera AG, has a square jaw and stands as though rooted to the floor. His hair is closely cropped, and behind his rimless glasses his eyes are keen.
165. Altun south margin fracture is a regional - rooted fracture reaching upper mantle alongthere are plenty of - ultrabasic rocks.
166. The idea that this he-man might actually have been gay is, he thinks, shallowly rooted—though Gregory did provide ammunition by calling his father "Ernestine, dear".
167. This root of red - rooted salvia is a superbly chosen medicinal material.
168. A deep - rooted conventional idea holds that poetic translation is dominantly guided by a literary approach.
169. The Basic Law of Qatar 1970 institutionalized local customs rooted in Qatar"s conservative Wahhabi heritage, granting the Emir preeminent power.
170. The soil around the plants should be well trodden down so that they are firmly rooted.
171. Ora Dell takes a plain but desired food, rooted in subsistence,[sentence dictionary] and converts it into strength.
172. A directed rooted tree refers to a directed tree which has one vertex with out-degree 0 and all the other vertices with out-degree 1.
173. Ore - forming fluid rooted in the deep crust mixed with meteoric water.
174. Catalonian dishes are deeply rooted in Phoenician, Greek and Roman cuisine.
175. Indeed, far from carrying the building's main loads, as the trunk of a tree does, the shinbashira—made from precious straight-grained Japanese cypress—is not even rooted in the soil.
176. Instead, I would like to turn to a feature of Freud's skills as a promulgator of his ideas, a feature which was deeply rooted in his personality yet which has not been given the attention it deserves.
177. Xiao Feng of these deep - rooted institutional problems boil down to 4 virtual expansion.
178. His confidence shall be rooted out of his tabernacle, and it shall bring him to the king of terrors.
179. The robot topology can be transformed in a rooted tree from free tree.
180. As we are rooted in a world of sequential programming, conceptualizing the parallelization of tasks that lend themselves to sequential programming is tough.
181. The irrational writing style and the revolting literary thoughts of Marcel Proust, are in fact the overturn of deep rooted standards, norms and traditional order.
182. It was also all - black , all - American and rooted in the South Side of Chicago.
183. Chapter 7 focuses on the asymmetries in the categorial shift between verb and noun, pointing out that these asymmetries are rooted in the conceptualasymmetry of verb and noun.
184. She is suffering from an inferiority complex rooted in an unfulfilled dream to become a famous pianist like Vladimir Horowitz.
185. The formation of the basin might be probably related to crustal extension controlled by a series of imbricate, low-angle, rooted shear faults.




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