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单词 conformist
释义 Word family  noun conformity conformist adjective conformist verb conform  con·form·ist /kənˈfɔːmɪst $ -ɔːr-/ AWL adjective  CONVENTIONALthinking and behaving like everyone else, because you do not want to be different, or forcing people to do this – often used to show disapproval 墨守成规的,老一套的〔常含贬义〕 → nonconformist a country with a conformist education system 教育制度保守的国家 —conformist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusconformist• The era ended in reaction: evangelical, political, romantic, conformist.• Among the non conformist Churches would be the Congregationalists and Baptist Churches.• Our children's creativity is being beaten down by the conformist educational system.• Your problem is that you are too conformist in your thinking.• Lagrange's outspoken views have left him well outside the conformist political mainstream.• The land of the free is often a very conformist society.con·form·ist adjectiveChineseSyllable  else, want Corpus you because like and behaving everyone do not thinking




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