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单词 Exiled
1. She was exiled from her country.
2. All his supporters were expelled, exiled, or liquidated.
3. The king exiled one of his official for murder.
4. This man was exiled for stealing.
5. Disagreements exiled her from her family.
6. He was exiled to Siberia.
7. He was exiled from his country.
8. They were exiled from their homes during the war.
9. He was exiled from his native land.
10. Larry was exiled to a distant land.
11. Jack was exiled for political reasons.
12. The monarch was exiled because of the coup.
13. The family was exiled from France.
14. He has been exiled from the first team and forced to play in third team matches.
15. Tamir, one of several sons of the exiled ruler, vowed he would liberate his country from the tyrant.
16. She was exiled from her country because of her part in the plot against the government.
17. General Rudnicki was a moral beacon for many exiled Poles.
18. Several of the leaders were arrested and exiled to France.
19. He has exiled himself.
20. His second wife, Hilary, had been widowed(), then exiled from South Africa.
21. He was effectively exiled after a failed bid for power.
22. He was promptly exiled and other leaders were imprisoned.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. Athens asserted her rights over her citizens temporarily exiled, as she did over those at home and liable for service.
24. My marriage has exiled me in all the ways I predicted and more.
25. Thousands more were exiled in labour camps on distant islands with no hope of release.
26. Two months had passed since Emma had exiled Cassius with only the clothes on his back.
27. Dissenters were traitors to the state and those guilty of error enemies of society to be forcibly exiled.
28. Each of the 10 counties were to be allocated a seat, with two each for exiled parties.
29. The traditionalists who cling to uptight Wall Street business wardrobes and rooms full of Hepplewhite reproductions are exiled to style Siberia.
30. This altered Romeo strikes us as oddly passive after Juliet is exiled for killing his cousin Tybalt in a street brawl.
1. She was exiled from her country.
2. All his supporters were expelled, exiled, or liquidated.
3. The king exiled one of his official for murder.
4. This man was exiled for stealing.
5. He was exiled from his country.
31. Alfonso was taken prisoner, possibly by El Cid himself, and subsequently exiled to Toledo.
32. Quinn watched them all, anchored to his spot, as if his whole being had been exiled to his eyes.
33. But as long as they were exiled from their ancient homeland, their fate was in the hands of others.
34. But the young performers who play the exiled brothers are two of the best reasons to see this play.
35. On one occasion he put his handprints on the painting as if beseeching the canvas to acknowledge the exiled body.
36. The PAC said that de Klerk had not conceded enough to persuade the movement to bring its exiled cadres home.
37. The exiled monarch had also called for an immediate end to military rule.
38. It is about motherhood and independence and it is about having women and children in society, not exiled from it.
39. At such times the exiled leader meets visitors and new refugees.
40. It was like being exiled from Paris to a mall provincial town.
41. His rationality was exiled to that other phantom domain where the Weapon of Law was being constructed according to dream-logic.
42. Exiled by Bolcarro to that judicial Siberia, Judge Lyttle applied his own rough justice.
43. The disloyal Duke, who had frequently been rebellious, was exiled to the Neustrian monastery of Jumieges.
44. He had, in turn, been ousted from power and exiled.
45. The exiled oppressor of her people had to die, and she had to be sure of it.
46. He had spent most of the day talking to the people of the exiled Court and had made copious notes.
47. At a press conference on the same day exiled Nahda leader Rashid Ghannouchi said that 1,500 students had been detained.
48. Even the exiled Bustamante wrote from Paris in praise of the president and the new administration.
49. Gen Pinochet has returned to a country that has elected Ricardo Lagos as president, a man he imprisoned and exiled.
50. He was exiled to a distant land.
51. He was exiled from his own country.
52. Michael was exiled to the kitchen for supper.
53. He was exiled as a dissident.
54. They were exiled for life.
55. diehard supporters of the exiled king.
56. For our sins we were exiled from our land.
57. Napoleon was exiled from his country to the island of St. Helena.
58. I also met eminent figures exiled by their own countries.
59. She was exiled to a village in the countryside outside Baltimore.
60. The languagegame is used by Wittgenstein to analyse the reason for emergence of metaphysics in the complex language system. Metaphysics should be found and exiled in a group o...
61. Owing to dark officialdom, he was exiled to the West of China.
62. Breton Island; French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descendants are know as Cajuns.
63. These abandoned gods, exiled in outdoor environments, reveal crackling paint, tangled beards and fractured skulls.
64. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and was exiled by God.
65. Having offended the emperor, he was exiled to the borderland.
66. Su's novel is about a Chinese Communist Party official who's expelled and exiled with his son after his false claim that he's the offspring of a revolutionary martyr is exposed.
67. French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descendants are know as Cajuns.
68. However, he was denounced as a reactionary academic during the Cultural Revolution in the late Sixties, and exiled to the countryside.
69. When the Empire was established, all these poor old dispersed and exiled women had been accorded permission to come and take shelter under the wings of the Bernardines-Benedictines.
70. Helena who falls in love with Napoleon, who has been exiled there.
71. The remainder of the Twelve Tribes are said to have been exiled by the Assyrian Empire, and have become known as the Lost Tribes of Israel.
72. Metaphysics is exiled by formal language in Tractates Logicophilosophicus as by normal language in Philosophical Investigations.
73. Haiti's exiled former president Jean - Bertrand Aristide, 18, arrived in the Haitian capital Port au Prince the morning, at the airport by thousands of people welcomed.
74. The UN and other international agencies have been pressurised into leaving, the world's media have been excluded and critical local journalists have been exiled, disappeared or murdered.
75. French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descends are know as Cajuns.
76. The Islamic Revolution of 1979, moreover, had roots going back to 1960–4, when riots against the shah swept the country and Ayatollah Khomeini and many other activists were exiled.
77. After this referendum the king of Italy Umberto II di Savoia is exiled.
78. But Metellus - legate of the Second Augusta Legion, hero of the empire - and his men break free and find shelter at an oasis where they meet a mysterious, exiled prince.
79. Watson, 18, will play Betsy Balcombe, a young, impetuous noblewoman trapped on the isolated British island of St. Helena who falls in love with Napoleon, who has been exiled there.
80. He would be devolved to the lowliest life-form, a mere troglodyte , exiled from his own kind.
81. In 1940, Erwin Piscator, the exiled stage director, established the Dramatic Workshop.
82. Ice trolls were actually the first to be exiled by the original Zandalar tribe due to their highly unnatural bloodlust and brutality which included a hatred for their own kind.
82. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
83. Bakunin:Russian anarchist and political theorist who was imprisoned and later exiled to Siberia for his revolutionary activities.
84. The French Revolution deprived Fragonard of his private patrons: they were either guillotined or exiled.
85. When Chao was exiled from Lu Confucius followed him to Ch'i.
86. Some of Ms. Suu Kyi's exiled supporters are considering new tactics to break a decades-old political stalemate in the troubled Southeast Asian nation.
87. When Ingmar Bergman exiled himself from Sweden after a tax wrangle, he got De Laurentiis' backing for the Berlin-made The Serpent's Egg.
88. The article suggested that the NLD had encouraged funding cuts for exiled media that have forced a number of organisations, including the Irrawaddy and DVB, to cut programmes and fire staff.
89. Napoleon I was exiled to island of St Helena in the South Atlantic.
90. He was the Chief of All Arch Angels, failed in leading a uprising against the God and therefore was exiled into the hell.
91. More diseases are thought fields, ap pension money has exiled shame.
92. As a left-leaning exiled New Yorker, I enjoy reading the digital New York Times, and I can also understand and sympathize with your need to charge for the online version.
93. Meagher was born in Ireland, where he had been active in the "Young Ireland" nationalist movement and exiled as a result to the British Penal Colony in Tasmania, Australia.




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