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单词 Clumsy
1. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 
2. He is clumsy with tools.
3. I felt clumsy, shy and awkward at the party.
4. You clumsy oaf that's the second glass you've broken today!
5. Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.
6. He is so clumsy that he can't even push the small cart ahead.
7. The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.
8. He denied the announcement was clumsy and insensitive.
9. I can't picture him skiing. He's so clumsy!
10. Mind that cup, you clumsy oaf!
11. The procedure is far too clumsy and hit-and-miss.
12. I spilt your coffee. Sorry—that was clumsy of me.
13. Her movements were rather clumsy.
14. She was clumsy and uncoordinated as a girl.
15. His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. His movements were clumsy, and his gait peculiarly awkward.
17. She made a clumsy attempt to apologize.
18. It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.
19. You clumsy oaf! You've broken it!
20. David made a clumsy attempt to comfort us.
21. His clumsy fingers struggled with the buttons.
22. The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.
23. He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward.
24. He's clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help.
25. Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture.
26. He had lately begun to make clumsy yet endearing overtures of friendship.
27. Hob's a terrible dancer; he's too clumsy and keeps stepping on his partner's feet.
28. The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.
29. You are clumsy! You're knocked over my cup of coffee!
30. That's the third glass you've smashed this week, - you're so clumsy!
1. He is clumsy with tools.
2. I felt clumsy, shy and awkward at the party.
3. Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.
4. The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.
31. Means testing was expensive, clumsy and time-wasting.
32. His writing is clumsy and unconvincing.
33. The legal procedure is far too clumsy and hit-and-miss.
34. The servant: Clumsy, but he saved the day.
35. Koppel's clumsy joke fell flat.
36. The treatment of the inputs is rather clumsy.
37. Dana made a clumsy attempt to catch the ball.
38. His clumsy rage scandalised Dublin's academe.
39. What a clumsy lout he was!
40. Thus wired, many patients feel like a clumsy marionette.
41. Some moments are too fleeting for clumsy fiddling.
42. But it is buried in the indigestible and clumsy structure of Greig's play.
43. The show is a clumsy blend of news and entertainment.
44. Also, there is a danger that in such a sensitive area a statute may well be a clumsy approach initially.
45. A wonderful defensive move which prevents ... b5 even though in other respects the rook lands on a rather clumsy square.
46. On rough paper(Sentence dictionary), cliches and clumsy constructions are allowed and then debated.
47. After that, like any clumsy criminal caught in a thickening web of deception, he had panicked.
48. But I am pretty clumsy so I had better not take up too many other sports.
49. The gilding was flaking off a clumsy clasp and some stitches had broken on the handle, leaving it frayed and shabby.
50. She winced at their infelicities, at the clumsy way they beat about the bush.
51. Clumsy on land Manx shear waters may be, but they are elegant fliers and first-class navigators.
52. When he left, the other actors offered him clumsy commiseration, as to some one who had been bereaved.
53. Quite the contrary. Small birds fell at my feet wherever, in my clumsy fashion, I trod.
54. Epithets can be abusive: You clumsy fool! epitome A short summary of a speech or book.
55. I was so shy and clumsy when I was seventeen.
56. I was tall and clumsy as a child, so I avoided sports.
57. Paula always felt clumsy when she had to serve food to people.
58. Also, during my last year at Oxford,() I had noticed that I was getting rather clumsy in my movements.
59. They are all rather clumsy and fairly large, being distinguished from the parasols of the period by their short stumpy handles.
60. They are like scraps from a tailor's cutting room which have taken clumsy wing.
61. It should, however, be enough to say that the Enigma machine looked like a large, clumsy, old-fashioned typewriter.
62. Labour's agnostic compromise was too clumsy and seemed more like cynical calculation to voters.
63. Then the ministry came under attack for its clumsy handling of huge bond-trading losses at the New York branch of Daiwa Bank.
64. Donna turned as Ryker came at her, avoiding his clumsy attempts to grab her.
65. His tiny feet in their clumsy boots came down tippy-toe, pushed against the floor, and floated upward again.
66. Andrew made a clumsy attempt to kiss her, but she pushed him away.
67. Some swine had bashed the offside rear three-quarter in a very clumsy attempt to park behind me.
68. He fastened the dress with clumsy fingers, for a moment hating himself.
69. Later in the course of the disease, people may develop clumsy gait, memory loss and speech difficulties.
70. The resulting pattern was very disappointing, it looked heavy and clumsy.
71. A daring and devious regicide or merely a clumsy archer?
72. And besides he repels me, so clumsy and big with his cat eyes.
73. He was clumsy, not yet a flyer, but already a good hopper.
74. But of course he had, and my clumsy attempt to avoid detection only served to make the retribution fiercer.
75. The use of two separate screens evades this problem but produces a clumsy and inconvenient solution.
75. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
76. Lewis bided his time in the second round, but his opportunity came when Grant stumbled forward after a clumsy lunge.
77. Writing is downgraded as if it is a clumsy substitute for more efficient means of preserving data and the findings or conclusions.
78. His mouth quivered, and then with a blind, clumsy movement they put their arms round each other.
79. The principles apply equally to inconstant traits, but are more clumsy to express.
80. It was hard to believe that this clumsy box of bricks was strong enough to withstand the pressure of its wings.
81. Small birds fell at my feet wherever, in my clumsy fashion, I trod.
82. And I had always felt clumsy because the giving of cash in my own culture is tainted.
83. In his clumsy, fumbling way he needed to say sorry for what had happened at the club the night before.
84. It looked rather clumsy but, when I swung it, it felt quite light.
85. You clumsy idiot! Look what you've done to my car.
86. They were clumsy to use, the striking surface barely adequate.
87. It was like watching a clumsy remake of an old movie.
88. Her big-boned body felt clumsy and she placed the tray on the coffee table with a loud clatter.
89. We can be trite or clumsy in our choice of words, but the strength of feeling is adequately conveyed.
90. She began to dress, cold clumsy fingers fumbling with buttons. How soon before she could phone the aerodrome?
91. His clumsy attempt to distract her attention was all the warning she needed.
92. She is leaning forward and turning the pages of a magazine with the clumsy movements of a four-year-old child.
93. Fumbling, fingers clumsy in her panic, she dragged at the plastic retaining clips.
94. Squids are so intelligent and swift-moving that they must find little difficulty in avoiding man's clumsy deep-sea dredges.
95. Hapless, hopelessly clumsy Gilligan is washed ashore along with the competent, self-assured skipper.
96. This only discomfited the coroner further, he stared down at the floor and shuffled his feet like some clumsy schoolboy.
97. Although physically perfect for the role, his clumsy facial expressions make him a lumbering presence in Lilliput.
98. In the prevailing hush of the room, it had an especially clumsy ring, an undertone of impermanence.
99. But in their clumsy efforts to break the steering lock they had broken the steering itself.
100. The very rigid structure looks tedious and clumsy to us humans, but we are not meant to be reading it.
101. Elizabeth's last film reveals vital clues overlooked by clumsy Clouseau-class coppers who had already wiped out other vital evidence.
102. She had on several occasions fobbed off my clumsy advances with great ease and much friendliness.
103. With his left arm he gave Billie a clumsy and rather inebriated embrace, and tipped his glass to Albert.
104. There is also no character-based interface for remote access making it clumsy as a server.
105. It was only her thick-handed, clumsy way of helping me,(http:///clumsy.html) advancing an imaginary project that obsesses her.
106. She was frail and bony, her hands looking as clumsy as gardening gloves on her narrow wrists.
107. Pooch was clumsy as an ox and exuberantly affectionate.
108. This struck her as a clumsy evasion.
109. It was a clumsy looking aeroplane.
110. Are you tired of slow and clumsy anti-virus program?
111. Michaelis made a clumsy attempt to distract him.
112. But the program was unwieldy, inelegantly large and clumsy.
113. The Articles of Confederation proved a clumsy first effort.
114. To walk with a clumsy sway ; waddle.
115. So we're going to go with clumsy junkie thieves?
116. That's a clumsy, involved sentence.
117. A clumsy repairer or worker; a meddler.
118. The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.
119. His clumsy speech annoyed everyone.
120. A clumsy dull person; a lout.
121. Fatness renders a person clumsy.
122. Bang! Crash! This ZAP certainly was clumsy.
123. The Italian armistice is nothing but a clumsy trap.
124. Her movements are clumsy and uncoordinated.
125. He is clumsy with his hands.
126. You have a clumsy and careless servant girl.
127. His writing is formless, clumsy, and quite without distinction.
128. It's a large, clumsy, burrowing squirrel.
129. Beginners do a lot of clumsy fumbling about.
130. Jack is clumsy with his hands.
131. I am a very clumsy person. Thus there is really no point to get an expensive SLR camera because I would just damage it in no time.
132. Laird treated this clumsy procedure the way a matador handles the lunges of a bill.
133. Two I dislike: the gestures for calling up Launchpad and Mission Control require pinching or spreading three fingers and a thumb -- a clumsy method for such important features.
134. It's difficult to modify, clumsy to apply styles and behavior to, and ultimately bears little likeness to the dynamic nature of today's Web pages.
135. They remain clumsy , hard - headed , goofy and immature for a long time.
136. The little girl dropped her aunt a clumsy curtsey, murmuring an inaudible greeting.
137. Meanwhile, they also believe in some respects, China a clumsy giants.
138. Jack was both clumsy and careless, he always a bow at a venture.
139. An awkward person, a clumsy person She's such a klutz.
140. Stocks whose Tickers are readily pronounceable or evoke positive images (like BUD, KAR or LUV) outperform those with clumsy, meaningless Tickers like PXG or BZH -- at least in The short run.
141. Also, sometimes I am clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture.
142. A research on acoustics shows that, no matter how outstanding or clumsy the tone quality is, it is able to be shown by sound spectrum.
143. I got no man after me, I had to comb to the mirror, took the comb, benzene clumsy was a crooked ponytail, crustily skin of head back schoolbag go to school.
144. Her city slicker boyfriend looks pretty clumsy out here on the farm.
145. A clumsy person could never achieve the graceful evolution of that ballet dancer.
146. Few clumsy cabins scattered in the field, strangely in harmony with the turbulently flowing sky.
147. WhenI stay in hotels or hotel apartments, I always end up bruising myself at leastonce a week(), being a clumsy person.
148. The months leading up to the Games, though, showed China at its clumsy, ill-tempered , and repressive worst.
149. It was very clumsy, but lasted a great many years before it became water-logged and perhaps sank to the bottom.
150. The main fault that has not changed is the clumsy and inexpressive prose style.
151. Even the clumsy stealth of jerking off was a matter for shared joking—the unsuppressed moan, the vibrating sheet glimpsed in the dawn light.
152. So the panda must... settle for an enlarged wrist bone and a somewhat clumsy, but quite workable, solution, " wrote Stephen Jay Gould in 1978."
153. If she was the naive girl, Guy Pollock was the clumsy boy.
154. He had run down the gallery steps, feeling suddenly unworthy of such solicitousness and delicacy—he was too clumsy, too foolish.
155. While having a lie-in helps people feel a bit more clear-headed, they are still slow and clumsy.
156. The puppets come alive in the members' skillful hands, while in the unpracticed hands of audience members they look tired and clumsy.
157. To add to my exclusion, I'm fairly clumsy and athletically awkward.
158. His aunt pursed her lips in contempt, and said: "You great clumsy, country lout.
159. Its body looks heavy and clumsy when it has eaten its fill.
160. The clumsy arrangement was dictated by necessity but made any attempt to change it.
161. It can change a flabby, clumsy person a firm, perfectly controlled, and graceful one.
162. We will not waste your time with buggy code, clumsy user interfaces or long-winded articles that promise more than they deliver.
163. As it is, though, the code doesn't do anything to make sure that clumsy users or programmer bugs don't cause incorrectly formatted data to be put into the number field.
164. A clumsy person is more likely to trip, spill things, or knock things over.
165. The analyst could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant.
165. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
166. It can change a depressive, lethargic person into a happy, active one. It can change a flabby, clumsy person into a firm, perfectly controlled, and graceful one.
167. Pay close attention to anybody who is confused, abnormally clumsy, paddling off - course, or otherwise behaving erratically.
168. In either case, I was huge, clumsy, awkward, and I was unstoppable!
169. On my first day, with straps straining my shoulder, I felt clumsy in every way.
170. Her clumsy fib had let him see that she had something to conceal.
171. Clinton blamed Aspin for the leaked memo and the clumsy follow-through on TV.
172. Most pathetic were their hairless neck, so long and clumsy , caning out like scraggy, disconcerted dragons.
173. It's interesting because there are days when I've felt silly carrying that box into the school; its campy unveiling has struck me as ridiculous, its paper hearts clumsy.
174. When he drew upon the Force to do battle, however, he overcame his otherwise brutish, clumsy nature to become a formidable opponent.
175. Jack was both clumsy and careless, he always drew a bow at a venture.
176. On the other hand ...Rome, clumsy person riding the many regular riders in the battle to lose balance, and fell from his horse, which is usually very dangerous and sometimes fatal.
177. LL: A butterfingers is someone who is clumsy and tends to drop things.
178. Where is the man in Goethe, in his birdlike lyrics or in his clumsy prose?
179. If she was a naive girl, Guy Pollock was a clumsy boy.
180. He made the most uncouth and clumsy gestures of delight.
181. Johnny Depp is no Cary Grant, but is charming in a clumsy sort of way.
182. Divisions of the wage scale must be arbitrary and rigid. Running a "planned state" from central headquarters is clumsy, unfair, inefficient.
183. Hearing his clumsy - tongued manner, she can do nothing but stand anxiously by his side.
184. Many mayfly species are clumsy swimmers at best, and combine that with shucking their outer nymph skin, they become a flailing treat for the waiting trout.
185. Clumsy nail trimming is the top cause of ingrown toenails, which can cause pain, swelling, and infections.
186. The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned.
187. He may be dexterous at football, but he is very clumsy on the dance floor.
188. Clumsy Sims muck up both precious and every day moments in life with shaddy footwork and poor planning.
189. Butterfingers refer to a clumsy person(), especially one who tends to drop things.
190. Are all of my own wishful thinking and clumsy infatuated.
191. Other performances can sound clumsy, rigid, or overdriven by comparison.
192. Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.
193. Her city slicker boyfriend looked pretty clumsy out here on the farm.
194. It can change a flabby, clumsy person into a firm, perfectly controlled, and graceful one.
195. Amorous it is foolish, merciless most cruel, spoony it is clumsy, absolutely affection is to know the ways of the world.
196. I have not seen a more clumsy, aukward, and unhandy people.
197. Synthetical meaning is: 1 and honest, clumsy and, straightforward, loyal, loyalty.
198. He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance.
199. His father worked in the nearby coal mine(http://), looking after the big clumsy steam engines.
200. The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant.
201. You're too weak for a plow, too clumsy for carrying the wicker!
202. A clumsy mistake , especially one made in public; a faux pas.
203. Though clumsy on land Arctocephalus pusillus , or Cape fur seals, epitomize grace underwater.
204. It took 13 angst - ridden days and seven clumsy games, but the Lakers finally vanquished the never-say-die Houston Rockets with an emphatic 89 - 70 victory in Game 7.
205. The person that be apt to mediates does not choose assault fortified positions, clumsy at human and harmonious, was not confused by position preferment of the surface eye.
206. In bright type furniture, ferreous mesua furniture is behaving him with the style of Chinese hackberrya of its massiness clumsy.
207. There was something fungoid in the oily brown skin, something unspeakably nasty in its clumsy movements.




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