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单词 Capitalism
1. She declaimed against the evils of capitalism.
2. The essence of his argument is that capitalism cannot succeed.
3. We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out.
4. He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism.
5. Social deprivation is the unacceptable face of capitalism.
6. His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism.
7. He preached the virtues of capitalism to us.
8. Some say that capitalism and socialism will eventually converge.
9. Capitalism has been reformed almost out of all recognition.
10. Capitalism stresses innovation, competition and individualism.
11. The organization was dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism.
12. He rails against the iniquities of capitalism.
13. Capitalism encourages competition and individualism.
14. That's the trouble with capitalism. It's a lottery.
15. Economically, capitalism has transformed societies.
16. This is a basic tenet of capitalism.
17. Young people renounced capitalism in favour of peace and love.
18. Marx and his followers were convinced that capitalism would destroy itself.
19. By its very nature , capitalism involves exploitation of the worker.
20. The principles of capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed .
21. The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction .
22. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
23. The institutions of manufacturing capitalism gradually spread worldwide.
24. Still, compassionate capitalism demands that we continue to try.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. It stops people fighting against capitalism and repression.
26. And upon that assumption capitalism was based.
27. He argues that there is a lack of fit between our system of values and capitalism.
28. Do you agree with Marx's analysis of the failure of free-market capitalism?
29. Tony Blair claims that New Labour is the Third Way between capitalism and socialism.
30. Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down.
1. She declaimed against the evils of capitalism.
2. We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out.
3. This is a basic tenet of capitalism.
31. No one nation has an exclusive on compassionate capitalism.
32. This is a basic principle of capitalism.
33. They have a unique perspective on compassionate capitalism.
34. No. Compassionate capitalism is not an oxymoron.
35. Thirdly, the competitive nature of capitalism means that only the largest and most wealthy companies will survive and prosper.
36. The new middle classes of industrial capitalism produced symbols which helped realize the value of industrial commodities.
37. For these reasons, however, left idealism constitutes a very serious attack on correctionalism under capitalism.
38. There has been a development within capitalism away from the long term and towards the short term.
39. The development from liberal to advanced capitalism has two characteristics.
40. In Schumpeter's scheme therefore the self-destruction of capitalism as a system is inherent in its success.
41. Marx's recognition of the specificity of motives under capitalism should have alerted us to this problem.
42. For the United States was built on at least two basic structures, the old capitalism and the new.
43. But the obstacles to the free development of capitalism and of successful peasant farming remained.
44. It is also important to notice how easily such a principle supports personal enterprise and property in its contemporary form, capitalism.
45. In advanced capitalism neo-Marxists argue that the factors responsible for recruiting people into organized expressions of discontent broaden.
46. One way to discover what capitalism is and how it works is to try it for yourself.
47. An account of polarization in reproduction does not complete a consideration of production and reproduction under disorganized capitalism.
48. How do these groups work in the interests of global capitalism?
49. It'served the interests of industrial capitalism under the direction of the party.
50. Compassionate capitalism is not about making money, but about being free to be and to do what we dream.
51. Will mankind, even under advanced capitalism, let alone any future more liberated society, ever cease to sing and dance?
52. Both the bourgeois ideology and the proletarian false consciousness are products of particular social relations present in capitalism.
53. What we are witnessing is a further confirmation of the judgment that capitalism is in its death agony.
54. The diversity of political systems and of economic records in developing countries suggested that international capitalism was not the sole deciding factor.
55. Now that global capitalism is in disarray[], it would make sense to support local businesses.
56. Second, the development of advanced capitalism produced both a large oligopolistic business sector and a large oligopolistic labour union movement.
57. As economies move from industrial capitalism into global capitalism, businesses move plants to find such workers.
58. The movement thus required economic programmes to parallel political ambitions, which would end what was seen as the domination of capitalism.
59. Gibson illustrates with humour the kinship between capitalism and perversion.
60. Marx and Engels did not foresee the twentieth-century transformation of capitalism as a social, economic and political system.
61. The connections between global capitalism and the culture-ideology of consumerism must be laid bare.
62. But, as Marx saw long ago, free-market capitalism is quintessentially populist and inherently subversive of traditions and rituals.
63. It did not mount a sustained challenge against globally-organised capitalism, concentrated state power or even prevailing discrimination against homosexuals.
64. The cultural forms of late capitalism have thus become entirely pervasive and able to subsume any attempt at opposition.
65. Without doubt Bukharin was correct in the above, in so far as there was and is such a tendency at work within capitalism.
66. Everyone knows that under capitalism they should be closed down.
67. Such strategies prevent the breakdown of capitalism into class conflicts.
68. Something within capitalism has changed to be causing these results.
69. We started by observing the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
70. Andrew Carnegie has been called the patron saint of compassionate capitalism.
71. What Lenin did not abandon in return was his fundamental antipathy to capitalism.
72. Again the question of just what is disorganized about disorganized capitalism surfaces for our consideration.
73. It is the vast labor pool that global capitalism has tapped into that is the new leviathan.
74. Capitalism specialises in producing useless things, but cigarettes really are the absolute acme of uselessness.
75. Marx was so aggressive in his criticism of capitalism that we have a hard time listening to him.
76. The trades unionist suspects that in competitive capitalism the weak go to the wall.
77. People do work without the institutional system of capitalism and they are assured of a reasonable livelihood.
78. These men could not have foreseen the risks of advanced industrial capitalism.
79. Uniting against globalisation is not the same as uniting against capitalism.
80. One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work.
81. In spite of these considerations, Weber certainly did regard capitalism as a class society - economic relations form the basis of inequality.
82. As a result, socialist realism espouses a new interest in correctionalism - even under capitalism.
83. These are seen as distinct stages of Third World exploitation associated with the growth of industrial capitalism in the west.
84. To render capitalism more humane and efficient was the principal aim of the professional expert.
84. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
85. We met on the streets of Whitehall, central London, during the now infamous riots against capitalism earlier this year.
86. Ultimately, this is how we need to think about dealing with global capitalism.
87. For government was occasioned by the needs of capitalism and the acquisitive mentality which capitalism produced.
88. Articulation of modes of production and dependency theories would view the continued use of these labor forms as beneficial to capitalism.
89. The Great War marked the beginning of the end of the era of liberal capitalism.
90. They have turned the world of industrial capitalism into a world of finance capitalism.
91. In the future it will not be a mediating force between capitalism and democracy.
92. Because I am convinced that her life demonstrates both sides of compassionate capitalism.
93. Chapter 13 Democracy Versus the Market Democracy and capitalism have very different beliefs about the proper distribution of power.
94. They are models of compassionate capitalism at work to black and white alike.
95. This new capitalism is a cut-throat enterprise: to stay in business you must not only compete with but beat your competitors.
96. Social democracy would give us the benefits of both capitalism and socialism without their faults.
97. The first, rich country protectionism, comes from within global capitalism, but in the form of national as opposed to systemic interests.
98. That the argument is no longer between capitalism and something else does not mean there is no argument.
99. The search for middle-class allies still inhibited most socialists from attributing militarism, imperialism and the war danger to capitalism as such.
100. The protests in Quebec are not going to bring about the collapse of global capitalism.
101. Following Marx and Engels, Lenin argued that capitalism was an objective system for the exploitation of the working class.
102. For now we can proceed in terms of dealing with a fundamental social order which can be usefully described as disorganized capitalism.
103. Changes within capitalism are making the family and the market less and less compatible.
104. For the Left, this was a conflict between capitalism and socialism.
105. The restaurant is half-empty or half-full, depending on your view of global capitalism.
106. The existence of surplus labour is not con fined to capitalism.
107. Much the same point may be made about the representative assemblies of advanced capitalism.
108. It did not take much to reason that international capitalism had failed and that a new order must replace it.
109. Here the immediate struggle was to establish the political form, the national State, within which capitalism could flourish.
110. Above these foundation stones compassionate capitalism rises like a beacon.
111. Lenin was one of the first theorists who examined the international growth of capitalism from a Marxist perspective.
112. Communism failed and capitalism will falter if we do not give people the ability to make their dreams come true.
113. In the liberal state, and competitive capitalism, it is the system of representative institutions.
114. This debate will be considered in later sections of the chapter which deal with the different classes in contemporary capitalism.
115. But within capitalism there are many variations - at all spatial scales - in the detailed arrangements for its operation.
116. She longs for the anguished desolation of a late capitalism that hasn't quite worked as her generation dreamed.
117. The sudden collapse of Communism raised the power of global capitalism to new heights.
118. The main characteristics of capitalism are private ownership of capital and freedom of enterprise.
119. Hence medicine under capitalism has a dual function, both liberating and controlling.
120. By paving the way for a national free market, absolutism fostered capitalism.
121. In the countries of advanced capitalism, on the other hand, sub-central government is rather more than an administrative device.
122. Western cultures market desire. Under capitalism, anything can become a commodity.
123. His work counters the contention that these relations of production are best explained by the needs of capitalism.
124. Changes within capitalism generate new forms of spatial organization at the same time as they create new forms of social organization.
125. Self-sufficiency is anathema to capitalism and, despite the already mentioned exhortations, is not what is required.
126. It abandons the attempt to detect a class struggle between exploiters and exploited within advanced capitalism.
127. It was not until the second half of the 1950s that autarchy was definitively superseded by a firm commitment to international capitalism.
128. Quite apart from the class conflict endemic in capitalism, the economic system itself is beset with instabilities.
129. The peasant economy provides a reserve of cheap labour for capitalism and so contributes to capital accumulation.
130. At the beginning of this book we observed the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
131. It was the vested interests of arms manufacturers, not capitalism as such, which they were trying to break.
132. He took as his starting point the capitalist world economy: Contemporary capitalism is world capitalism.
133. Modern functionalist approaches continue to emphasize that state intervention is best explained by an impersonal logic of the development of advanced capitalism.
134. The choice of free markets over state capitalism.
135. What social organisation can replace the existing capitalism?
136. For others, America must keep faith with capitalism.
137. Fascism cannot save capitalism, but only hastens its destruction.
138. In Hong Kong, we practice capitalism to the hilt.
139. Minor premise: Capitalism is a success.
140. Even now, someone somewhere penning The End of Capitalism.
141. Yet another reason to reject the Anshan deal relates backto the inherent contradiction between American capitalism and Chinese socialism.
142. He holds that ecology is anti?capitalism, and capitalistic production mode is the root cause of the eco?crisis.
143. Today's Thoreau might be able to turn his back on many elements of industrial capitalism, but he will not do without his laptop and his Google connection.
144. For a nominally communist country,[/capitalism.html] China displays a remarkable understanding of capitalism.
145. Economic globalization is inchoative at capitalist country, be in early capitalism develops initial stage to begin.
146. Canary Wharf, an icon of modern capitalism, is now a totem of state-funded corporatism.
147. God is back :Is the moralisation of Davos a first step towards a more moral capitalism?
148. And the reaction in the land of capitalism red in tooth and claw? Decidedly sniffy.
149. It is a crisis that is the result of the skewing of capitalism.
150. The protective factory legislation were the outcome of the combination of industrial capitalism and family paternalism, which encumbered the improvement of women's statues.
151. David Riesman believed that social character was the lever of social change from the view of social psychology, and revealed the logic of the sprit of capitalism.
152. Maldistribution of food is the problem, along with underdistribution of capitalism.
153. Today, a new Enlightenment must begin with a modernisation, and therefore a moralisation, of capitalism.
154. But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism.
155. First, let's look at the difference between Marxism and Leftism. Leftism is a term that refers to any talk of workers' liberation — from free trade unions to overcoming capitalism.
156. Chinese revolution was led by Chinese communist party "CCP" in a semi colonial and semi-feudal society with underdeveloped capitalism.
157. Western Marxists deem that the contemporary capitalism is a national capitalism which is different from non-monopoly capitalism and it enters a new capitalist era.
158. Though variable costing is a western capitalism country's product, it has many advantages with respect to controlling cost, short-range decision and appraising results.
159. As a result, he’s a typical baby boomer — openly critical of Japan’s obsession with capitalism.
160. Absorbing theories of main capitalist economy with a animadvert attitude values to understand capitalism well.
161. The world history was completely established when capitalism came into monopolization phase.
162. If this is the result of making capitalism more and more focused on finance over the last few decades, then it is from its crisis that we must find a way out of neoliberalism, which is its main cause.
163. He watched the firemen and police - blind, ignorant slaves of fascist capitalism - with bitterness - and anger.
164. In non-monopoly capitalism , the "invisible hand "regulated the social production , while the government still interfered economy operation by law .
165. But boardroom fights(), shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism. Let the law take its course.
166. The uprising dealt a telling blow to villeinage, and a whole new class of yeomen farmers emerged, paving the way for the development of capitalism.
167. In 1632, Johann Amos Comenius (1592-1670) wrote "Great Didactic" and the book gave a foundation of the recent times capitalism school curriculum range.
168. Under the influence of the wester capitalism law culture, the presiders of the jail reform praticed changes on the rooted absolutism lawsuit and jail system.
169. Poland's crash program toward capitalism and a market economy went into full force yesterday and prices for many items were immediately increased.
170. And 20 centuries the creed of field of new latitudinarian heavy communalize since 80 time is dogmatic, world capitalism may produce new fascism again.
171. Joint-stock company first came into being in the early stage of capitalism.
172. Warren , Bill . 1980 . Imperialism : Pioneer of Capitalism . London: Verso.
173. The nature of neoliberalism is the instrument of interest of international monopoly capitalism.
174. Perhaps the best example of capitalism was the right wing libertarian "New Zealand Experiment" which was inspired by Thatcher and Regan but with much less traditionalism and nationalism.
175. The only solution is to attack the very essence of modernization, the supermarket, the airplane, the ideal of capitalism itself, a cultural revolution of sorts[], a new iconoclasm .
176. With the failure of capitalism, fascism cast its shadow ever wider.
177. That will be the real test for Chinese state capitalism.
178. On the other hand, it demonstrates that the new changes of capitalism do not change its nature what soever.
179. Capitalism and Stalinism defend undemocratic control of the media by a minority.
180. Such as capitalism have pushed a lot of oppression on human, enthrall the spirits, dissimilate the daily life, and technology dominate the human beings.
181. Skating breezily across swathes of economic policy, his theme is that new capitalism will be defined by experimentation.
182. The field of currency circulation and credit of capitalism appears turbulent and chaotic.
183. Practically anyone who is alive in Britain today has a higher real income than they would have had if capitalism had never existed.
184. Contemporary capitalism is a system in which the negative elements now overshadow the positive.
185. Consumer capitalism has pressed the snowman into service as a pitchman for everything from anti-dandruff shampoo to laxatives to tampons.
186. The power and prestige of neo-liberal theory no longer exist, the "Washington Consensus" has lost its reputation, the American laissez-faire capitalism was forced into self-reflection.
187. But capitalism needs rules, and governments public good - - have a role.
188. This monopoly capital, combined with state power, has become state - monopoly capitalism.
189. So capitalism will escape from its deathbed but with a more human face.
190. Certainly it can"t develop the road for the coming propertied class revolution and can"t make the capitalism develop well in China as the western.
191. SYDNEY (AFP) —A cartoon on the front page of Australia's national newspaper Thursday neatly illustrates an irony admitted by the government: communist China could save capitalism.
192. None - Marxist economists define capitalism in terms of resource use and control, without reference to exploitation.
192. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
193. But it wasn't her fault; it's because of the evil of Capitalism and the hideousness of that society.
194. Enhanced financial regulation and supervision that shift incentives from short-term casino capitalism to long-term productive investment will help.
195. Because the vast majority of protesters I met did believe in capitalism - they're just tired of being screwed over by crony capitalism.
196. British Monopoly Act gave impetus to achievement of valuable labor, appearance of industrial capitalism, and establishment of modern property right.
197. From end of 19 century to begin of 20 century, capitalism developed from non-monopoly capitalism to monopoly capitalism.
198. At the third technology revolution impulses and state monopoly capitalism, the England under the influence of the capitalist economy maintained growth state.
199. It's obvious that agricultural capitalism was promoted by the yeomen , but not by the landlords who were forced aboard to the commercial economy.
200. During the same period, in some economically developed areas, the nature of capitalism began to cottage industries or factory hand.
201. America is quite disgust since this thought that turns over capitalism is imcompatible with its viewpoint of value.
202. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism . Max Weber .
203. Only the attacks on Sept. 11, seven weeks after the chaos in Genoa(), diverted the debate from global capitalism to global terrorism.
204. There was none of the tragic sense of loss that one sees in Weber's concepts of disenchantment or the iron cage of capitalism, or in Durkheim's anomie.
205. Just as American capitalism was able to marginalise oppositional structures at home, so with the running down of public cultures abroad it has been able to penetrate into new markets.
206. If It is still capitalism, it is with a lot socialistic characteristics.




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