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单词 litmus test
释义  Related topics: Chemistryˈlitmus ˌtest noun [singular]  1  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDone detail that is examined in order to help you make a decision about how suitable or acceptable someone or something is 〔对某人或某事物的〕检验办法,试金石litmus test of/for The mayoral election is regarded as the litmus test for the integrity of the electoral process. 市长竞选被认为是检验选举程序是否完善的试金石。2. HCa test using litmus paper 石蕊试验Examples from the Corpuslitmus test• The case of travellers is something of a litmus test.• For example, in his chemistry exam John wrote for the first three answers blank, ether and litmus test.• What clearer laboratory or litmus test could there be to show that our methods are genuinely additional?• He instituted a stringent litmus test on doctrinal matters.• Personal loyalty seems to be the litmus test for the mayor's new appointees.• Comparison is the only true litmus test of objectivity.litmus test of/for• Forbes, meanwhile, has made winning Arizona his litmus test for capturing the nomination.• Comparison is the only true litmus test of objectivity.ˈlitmus ˌtest nounChineseSyllable   Corpus one order in to examined is that detail




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