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单词 Sectarian
1. Sectarian politics are ruining the country's economy.
2. And sectarian politics will continue to breed sectarian violence.
3. The ferry was packed with refugees fleeing sectarian violence in the Moluccas.
4. Indeed, it became increasingly torn apart by sectarian and ideological division.
5. Each suspected the other of seeking a sectarian platform, and each perpetually undermined the other.
6. A leading academic has claimed that sectarian tensions between Protestants and Catholics are worse than before the paramilitary ceasefires.
7. The sectarian violence of Northern Ireland is a different matter altogether.
8. The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of rebellion against personal oppression.
9. Southern states, usually less prone to sectarian violence, were also hit, with many deaths reported from Karnataka and Kerala.
10. Then there is sectarian competition - over what is evangelical, too evangelical, not evangelical enough.
11. Church leaders hold crisis talks on wave of sectarian murders - see page 6.
12. Police said yesterday there appeared to be no sectarian motive for the killing.
13. The overtly sectarian, aggressively anti-intellectual tactics of the party between 1928 and 1931 are well documented.
14. He was the fifth person to be killed in sectarian violence.
15. He called on terrorists on both sides of the sectarian divide to end the cycle of violence.
16. The facades of neoclassic landmarks were blown to bits during the sectarian fighting.
17. More than 4,000 people have died there in the past four years in a catalogue of political, ethnic and sectarian violence.
18. He knew, as we all know, that educating children in sectarian schools divides the community.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. They may reduce the risk of attack, but they can not prevent random sectarian murders.
20. Alliance leader John Alderdice held emergency talks with the security chief at Stormont on the recent spate of murders and sectarian attacks.
21. Are the investments of these agencies helping to challenge or reinforce the historic sectarian divisions within the labour market? 3.
22. In future the only option is partisan struggle, Nizan was not simply playing the role of orthodox sectarian militant.
23. This created an unprecedented degree of unity across the sectarian divide.
24. Few disciples followed him, his purist rigour being unsuited to compromise or the political infighting which wracked the sectarian Left.
25. Instead, Museveni says, parties make appeals along tribal or sectarian lines.
26. This involvement testifies to a gradual shift of emphasis from the sectarian to the collaborative.
27. The subsequent phase between 1934 and 1939 signalled the return of the party from the political wilderness of sectarian isolationism.
28. Nevertheless, the moves towards positive change are being frustrated both by threats from right-wing activists, and by sectarian conflicts.
29. By Thursday, an embittered and outraged Northern Ireland seemed headed again toward sectarian combat.
30. Tyrone on Aug. 5 and in Lisburn on Aug. 24, were also believed to be victims of the sectarian violence.
31. Military governance has not ended sectarian violence or brought a return of foreign investment.
32. In return, there has been a growing incidence of sectarian attacks from the loyalist paramilitaries.
33. Sectarian violence rages in Iraq.
34. What's a non - sectarian nation to do?
35. Iraqi officials say public discord encourages sectarian violence.
36. This is indeed a sectarian tendency.
37. Sectarian violence strikes central Baghdad.
38. The police said the murder was sectarian.
39. Cadres should guard against sectarian tendencies.
40. Religious cults and priesthoods are sectarian by nature.
41. He held the Confucianism and was not lindted by sectarian bias.
42. The sectarian chasms remain deep, the wounds of strife raw.
43. The Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka is only the orthodox religion text, but also the narrative literature characterized by widely employed oral-formulas.
44. The resurgence of ethnic or sectarian conflicts; the growth of secessionist movements, insurgencies, and failed states -- all these things have increasingly trapped civilians in unending chaos.
45. Significantly, one should not discount the reemergence of an Alawi irredentist impulse if the country descends into sectarian strife.
46. Being a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, India faced with sectarian violence and insurgencies in different parts of the country.
47. U.S. commanders have conceded that renewed attempts to quell sectarian bloodletting in Baghdad are proving unsuccessful.
48. Aides to a radical Shiite Muslim cleric meet with a key Sunni group in Iraq to ease sectarian tensions amid a spree of violence that's killed hundreds.
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49. The fortunes of insurgent groups wax and wane, their support base shrinking and expanding depending on how vulnerable sectarian groups feel.
50. Karachi a long history of ethnic, religious and sectarian violence.
51. Some observers contend that Iraq will be in danger of falling apart once American troops leave. Zebari says he disagrees, saying that Iraqis are committed to resisting sectarian conflict.
52. In January, the shooting of six Copts and a Muslim in the town of Nag Hammadi sparked sectarian rioting, and the trial of suspects has since been repeatedly adjourned.
53. Southern Punjab is a notorious hub of sectarian and jihadi activity.
54. Q: Many people were killed and injured recently during a major sectarian clash in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.
55. Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands.
56. The sectarian clash disrupted the Herat Shi'ite community's traditional religious observance of Ashura.
57. His nomination would for the first time place an Arabist with experience in sectarian conflicts, mostly in Lebanon, at the head of the embassy in Baghdad.
58. Authorities and human rights groups now suspect that the attackers belonged to the Sipah-e-Sahaba, a sectarian militant group from the nearby town of Jhang.
59. Political efforts to conform law or policy to narrow or sectarian teaching are often acted out coercively, not compassionately.
60. We must intensify our efforts to educate such persons and to make them understand that selfish departmentalism is a sectarian tendency which will become very dangerous, if allowed to develop.
61. In all these Puranas the goddess Lakshmi is given a laudable place without any sectarian dispute.
62. President George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers disregarded the ethnic and sectarian realities in Iraq and the balance of power in the Persian Gulf.
63. Many Lebanese fear that an indictment of Hizballah personnel could lead to sectarian clashes between rival Sunni and Shi'ite factions.
64. Ismail says the suicide bombing in Solo may have been sparked by sectarian clashes in Ambon, which resulted in the deaths of more than five people on September 11 this year.
65. They must be completely united and must oppose sectarian tendencies.
66. Neighbouring governments this time must also do more to dampen sectarian and ethnic tensions.
67. They have rejected sectarian war, and they have no interest in endless destruction.
68. A sectarian attack like this had been feared on what a particularly holy day for Shia Muslims.
69. The United States accuses Iran of involving in Iraq's sectarian violence.
70. He was also associated with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a Punjabi sectarian group that has provided al-Qaeda's recruits in Pakistan, along with Uzbeks and other Central Asian fighters.
71. The worst dictators, by contrast, grind down civil society, breeding poverty and sectarian hatred and pulverizing all the institutions from which liberalism might grow.
72. Extremists from all factions could fillvacuum, causing sectarian killing to multiply on a horrific scale.
73. Popular sympathy, which drained away because of sectarian killings in Iraq, has dwindled further this year.




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