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单词 Void
1. Their actions rendered the contract null and void.
2. Forever cannot fill up void.
3. This contract is null and void.
4. The contract was declared void.
5. The election was declared null and void.
6. Suddenly the street was void of people.
7. His wife's death left a painful void in his life.
8. His death has left a void in the cricketing world which can never be filled.
9. Running the business helped to fill the void after his wife died.
10. The will was adjudged void.
11. Her face was void of all interest.
12. Below him was nothing but a black void.
13. The agreement was declared void.
14. Her eyes were void of all expression.
15. The contract was declared null and void.
16. The lawyers declared the contract void.
17. She looked over the cliff into the void.
18. Before Einstein, space was regarded as a formless void.
19. They declared the agreement null and void.
20. The agreement will be considered null and void.
21. The treaty has been declared void.
22. He rose, his face void of emotion as he walked towards the door.
23. She sat staring into the void, emptying her mind of all thoughts.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. The void left by his mother's death was never filled.
25. The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler.
26. The amusement park will fill a void in this town, which has little entertainment for children.
27. The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.
28. It seemed that nothing could fill the aching black void left by Rachel's death.
29. She stood at the edge of the chasm and stared into the void.
30. The court ruled that the claim was null and void.
1. Their actions rendered the contract null and void.
2. The contract was declared void.
3. The election was declared null and void.
4. Suddenly the street was void of people.
5. The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and void.
6. His wife's death left a painful void in his life.
7. His death has left a void in the cricketing world which can never be filled.
8. Running the business helped to fill the void after his wife died.
9. She stood at the edge of the chasm and stared into the void.
10. The treaty has been declared void.
31. The office fell void.
32. They tried to describe their attempts to fill the void left by their son's death.
33. A spokeswoman said the agreement had been declared null and void.
34. He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought.
35. He's completely void of charm so far as I can see.
36. There were 909,377 null or void votes.
37. The elections were declared null and void.
38. He decided that the marriage was null and void.
39. His departure leaves a considerable void.
40. As such, his departure leaves a void.
41. For Williams, home life was an intellectual void.
42. If section 6 applies, the contract is void.
43. No accelerated training session can completely fill this void.
44. For months, Atkinson immersed himself in a numbing void.
45. But somebody has to fill the void.
46. Anger flared again to fill the void.
47. Only once the real meaning has been systematically emptied out of commodities does advertising then refill this void with its own symbols.
48. You may sense that your words are tumbling out into a kind of void.
49. Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause. Voltaire 
50. It will also compound the void created by the impending closure of the nearby El Cerrito Emporium.
51. The more people seeking to rent small properties reduces void periods, times when the property is empty.
52. I can't think of a thousand acres of natural activity as a void.
53. A posting error can be corrected by using a correction or void key. 7.
53. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
54. On Oct. 28 the Council declared this clause unconstitutional and therefore null and void.
55. This is put forward as an alternative basis on which the transfer should be held to be void.
56. The Hulk was a towering, ruined spacecraft adrift in black void, wreathed with ... spewed-out gases?
57. Although possibly more relevant in connection with reinstatement the tenant should attempt to place some limitation on the persons who could void the policy.
58. Draw the cables up into the ceiling void, and reconnect them to a four-terminal junction box.
59. A major consideration in 1983 was to fill the void left by the closure of the old dockyard.
60. Judge Mershon ruled that the agreement was signed under duress, and was therefore null and void.
61. Poking my head into a cement-lined cell, I found myself reflected between greasy mirrors, a head in a grim void.
62. If the contract has not been signed by witnesses, it is considered null and void.
63. It had become aware of the blossoming void long before the situation at Princetown was officially acknowledged.
64. An example is where a transaction is void for fraud but the accused obtains possession or control by deception.
65. The non-official majority was able to reduce the power of civil servants but powerless to fill the ensuing void.
66. Of the votes cast 7 percent were null or void.
67. Independent labels are usually refreshingly uncompromising, they fill a void in the corporate music scheme.
68. Unable to provide for his wife and children, McCree was adrift in a great void.
69. Nor is this the only evidence for 3/2 in void notation indicating a slow tempo.
70. Even in the final years of the Soviet Union, the managers were stepping into the void created by waning party power.
71. Looks at housing association void management policy and practice, highlighting different approaches and the contribution of other agencies including local authorities.
72. My effective vote could be my first preference vote, in which case all my other preferences are null and void.
73. In one day a bad case can void 20 litres of water.
74. A void grows around the sewer or in the vicinity of it and eventually the ground above collapses into the void.
75. He half closed his eyes, deliberately losing focus until the sea was a vast grey void.
76. Take this opportunity to fit pipe insulation to any pipes in the under floor void.
77. Abruptly the ground fell away from our feet, an awesome void opened before us.
78. Mistakes which they make about factors which determine the limits of their jurisdiction render their decisions void.
79. Yet the outburst of modernism which occurred in the thaw years, did not spring from a total void.
80. Went in there, saw the judge, and he say the deed was null and void.
81. Whether, in fact, the whole contract is void is a matter for national law.
82. Male speaker It's just left a massive void in our lives which we can't fill.
83. As far as he was concerned, all of the points of agreement that had already been reached were null and void.
84. Others renter the work force after raising a finally, to fill a void in their lives.
85. A void jargon Jargon consists of words or expressions developed for use within particular groups or professions.
86. If you like arcade action with some basis in statistical reality, there has been a void.
87. Does the Keyishian case automatically void similar state laws prohibiting membership in subversive organizations?
88. He could fulfil the contract by supplying wheat from any source; the contract is therefore not void.
89. Even trying to shield herself from him, she could feel that void in him that he wanted her to fill.
90. After lengthy legal proceedings the forged will was declared void in 1989 and the forgers duly punished.
91. In the resulting culture of pain, sadness and despair, disenfranchised young men fill the void of personal power with guns.
92. When at last I broke through the lip and parachuted into the void beyond I turned my head and looked behind.
93. The best way to do this is to run a high output airpump discharging into the void below a chamber.
94. So how come they void themselves on me from a great height with a white and annoyingly conspicuous product?
95. But surely the activity of a postman in such a void would be utterly futile and valueless.
96. But Mountbatten was gone and no one would ever quite fill the void he left.
97. A spiritual void needs to be satisfied, so what is offered as serious and sacrosanct must be as good as it pretends.
98. Yet it was Shirley Place who kept the interview firmly null and void.
99. So we try to fill the void by attacking other people, somehow taking esteem from them.
100. A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void.
101. Also null and void is any stipulation releasing a partner from playing an active role in running the business.
102. The court ruled the state law was unconstitutional and void.
103. A large monolithic Sixties block, void of character, swarming with people clutching files and looking important.
104. Husbands may put even more effort and hours into employment outside the home to fill the void.
105. The patient complained that she had to void more urine.
106. The Clippers have been invited to fill the void for, oh, the last five years.
107. In most households, small areas of the ceiling joists within the roof void are often boarded over to provide storage space.
108. For all practical purposes a specific exclusion clause which is rendered unenforceable under these circumstances can be regarded as void.
109. After losing her job, Molly began eating to fill the void in her life.
110. But it soon came to be realized that any breakaway plasma would disperse into the void rather than condense into solid bodies.
111. Exercises of state authority inconsistent with the Basic Rights are void for unconstitutionality.
112. Exceed insured value of, overage null and void.
113. He r rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.
114. The agreement was declared void ab initio.
115. Carter Tutti Void have achieved the exception.
116. One inhales the effluvia of the great black void.
117. Her rejoicing voice is void of somethkng avoidable.
118. His style is void of affectation.
119. Any provision in supplementary documents in discrepancy,(http://) ambiguity or inconsistency with that in the text and appendices of the contract shall be null and void and shall have no effect.
120. The void content , elongation, and bending properties of the composite material were examined.
121. In (the) a VOA interview last month she (void) voiced support for the pro-democracy movement and urged ( Barmy ) Burmese soldiers to (referring) refrain from violence against those seeking freedom .
122. Theory research suggests that monetary policies with fixed exchange rate system tend to be void.
123. Since there is no mention of, or agreement to, the escape clause (divorce), the contract is a material misrepresentation of the facts and is immediately void on those grounds.
124. The trustee brings an action based on the revocatory right, after trial, if the disposition is revoked, it will be null and void from the beginning.
125. Instead of appearing self-luminous, as white disks do, blackness seems to generate a void, or a black hole, that absorbs all the light.
126. The insurance benefits may become void if the insured person conceals or hides his illness history or health status from the insurer.
127. The space between the stars is not some mythical void at all.
128. A void contract is one that is of no legal effect.
129. Mice bred to be void of the gene, called TREK-1, acted as if they had been downing anti-depressants for at least three weeks.
130. Similarity law is experimentally proved to be efficient to correlate void growth and this parameter.
131. The magnetically levitated box creates a void underneath, suggesting presence of all living beings.
132. Results:Portulaca extracts improved the devouring percentage and index of macrophage cell and promoted the formation of hemolysin and hemolysis void the transformation of lymphocyte.
133. And thus far it was a life: in the void.
134. Machine unexpected power outages do not affect the player's score and the original machine the original cumulative dividend, but the Board automatically void the ongoing game.
135. The composites cooled inside the hot-press machine has lower void content and higher crystallinity and tensile strength than that in the nature-cooling condit...
136. Businesses ranging from matchmaking services to lingerie makers and professional baseball teams are trying to fill the romance void.
137. The movement method to clear up unusual value and void value is introduced.
138. Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own.
139. opossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar.
140. The void and intergranular fracture is developed due to the creep with the stress concentration at the defect tip at elevated temperature.
141. Article 329 A technology contract which monopolizes the technology or impedes the technological progress, or which infringes upon the technological achievement of others shall be null and void.
142. You take what was fear, what was darkness, what was void and transmute it into love.
143. Any alteration of this Agreement without duly authorized signature shall be null and void.
144. My whole being exists in a formless void are idle.
145. Adecision by the arbitral tribunal that the contract is null and void shall not entail ipso jure the invalidity of the arbitration clause.
146. Proxy Forms received after the deadline of 72 hours will be null and void.
147. Administrative punishments shall be null and void, if they are inflicted without legal basis or without the observation of the legal procedure.
148. Any Request Form with no signature or otherwise incorrectly completed will be void.
149. Undoubtedly, the consequence of the two behaviors is closely related to the absolutely void contract.
150. Any endorsements purporting to transfer a part of the amount payable, or to transfer the bill to two or more people separately, shall be null and void.
151. The attenuation coefficient shows approximately linear behaviour with frequency over the frequency range used, and the attenuation slope increases with the void content.
152. Economic contracts are void from the time are concluded shall have no legally binding force.
153. He is confident the backroom can step into the temporary void.
154. S isotopic evidence suggests that sulphur originated from marine sulfate and stored in the interlayer water, consisted of intercrystalline water, void water and muckle water.
155. I lay lazily smoking and studying the colour of the sky, as we call the void of space, from where it showed a reddish grey behind the pines to where it showed a glossy blue-black between the stars.
156. The intensity of every business decision becomes greater because of this void in space.
157. Following administration of an epidural or spinal anesthetic, the patient should demonstrate the ability to void.
158. The images of the preacher swam in that void, grew large and powerful.
159. Rescinded civil acts shall be null and void from the very beginning.
160. Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void.
161. But that results the high void ratio, low density, hardness, and quality bulk material.
162. In the present paper, the finite deformation and stress analysis for a hyperelastic rectangular plate with a center void under a uniaxial extension is studied.
163. Meanwhile, the biological mechanics performance of different polyester fabric structures was characterized by permeability, void content, tensile strength, and bursting strength and so forth.
164. A long tendril of colder gas and dust extends many light years into the void from the receding ionization front.
165. Doritos now pluckily fill the salty snack void. Once consumed, the next logical step is to use the facilities.
166. That not enough has been written about his family is strange in that Obama himself devoted a remarkable book, "Dreams From My Father, " to his quest to fill the void left by an ab- sent Dad.
167. Be careful not to sign a null and void contract.
168. Any such purported assignment or transfer shisl be deemed a go against of this Agreement and shisl be null and void.
169. Article 2 A lease contract on a building constructed without a building permit or in violation of the building permit shall be void.
170. The creeping emptiness I had felt most of my life became a full-blown Nietzschean void.
171. The distorted administration values and void institution settings are the dominant difficulties in administration reforms, which hold back the reforms' process in essence.
172. At present, a large number of outflowing rural elite labor in China has led to the void of rural construction subject , the situation is partly caused by the dislocation of rural education.
173. The methods must be public, return a - void value, throw no checked exceptions, and take no parameters.
174. Based on metalloscope observation, the void damage variable and the microhardness damage variable are defined, with the relationship between these two variables established.
175. In this paper, a physical model on average void fraction in liquid slug of oil-gas-water slug flow is set up by use of gas balance relation.
176. For example, the predefined function void declare_reachable(void* p); asks the garbage collector not to reclaim storage pointed to by the pointer p.
177. As a protective coating for water ballast tanks, cofferdams, bilges, void spaces, etc.
178. The semi flexible pavement is a kind of new asphalt pavement, it's material structure is the framework closed texture, however, the mother asphalt mixture is framework void texture.
179. The answer Was that the pally has mistaken the conduct as valid and performed, that is to say, returning property and compensation were not a direct but an indirect consequence of void civil conduct.
180. Tests show that clay in fine aggregate affected the water stability of asphalt mixture markedly; the permeable critical air void is 7.5?
181. Sometimes, the mountains just stopped, dropping into a void fringed with black sand and surf.
182. Court of first instance verdict in favor of Jinbei Automobile, confirmed the agreement null and void.
183. The image of Stalin, with his wise, mustachioed smile, filled the void.
184. Upon expiration of such term of contract, the contract shall automatically become void and null.
185. The results showed that the major cause of reducing diameter was more non-metallic inclusion in the steel than standard value, billet segregation and shrinkage void.
186. The product also provides surface protection, interleaving and void fill.
187. "There's almost a void there," says Bob Vetere, president of the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association. "There is no real pet-food department of any federal agency."
188. The perfection of the system of absolutely void contract is one of the important problems in the judicial practice and the contract law's theory.
189. Courts may punish the unlawful party indirectly by refusing to protect the void civil-law acts.
190. And when they got old, Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield were there to fill the void.
191. The extended void memory board constructed according to this idea can meet the needs for storage of sequence images of moving objects.
192. Contracts, agreements and other documents signed by taxpayers that contravene tax laws, tax administrative rules or regulations shall be null and void.
193. Hemostatic, vitamins are null and void and can not simply Xiya radical.
194. Mechanisms of delamination, void defects in electroless plating and nonuniformity in electroplate were introduced.
195. A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void.
196. Nursing Orders: If unable to void straight catheterize ; sitz baths prn with 1:1000 Betadine prn ice pack to perineum prn record urine output.
197. The parameters include: real contact area ratio, open void area ratio, closed void area ratio.
198. Every method of the main interface has a matching entry in the asynchronous interface, but with a return type of void and an additional argument of class AsyncCallback.
199. If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply rolloff the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed.
200. The third party's fraud, which can be taken as defects of civil effect, will result in a void or rescissible civil act.
201. This document shall be null and void if not officially signed by the authorized personnel of the Company.
202. This warranty is void if the label bearing the serial number has been removed or defaced.
203. Interface void damage is the failure characteristic of solder joint under temperature cycling.
204. In this paper, we propose the investigation of the void in dual damascene process and the hole and trench with large aspect ratios between width and height.
205. But most striking, I think, is that we Generation X women went to college, climbed the career ladder, and found the top rung—only to realize the ladder didn't have a next step, just an empty void.
206. Nocturia was defined as needing to void two or more times a night.
207. ACTS shall be null and void from the very beginning.
208. Secondly, according to different norms, the void administrative acts can be classified as: absolute and relative voidance, natural and non-natural , whole and part, and so on.
209. There are five kinds of flaws: fibre breaking, interfacial debonding, substrate cracking, void, interface friction.
210. Darcy law are found and the relationships of void ratio coefficient of viscosity and density with permeabilities are obtained as well.
211. Leia would rarely leave Han's side, and she became the Millennium Falcon's co-pilot, capably filling the role left void by the loss of the mighty Wookiee.
212. If the applicant has no insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance, the insurance contract will be null and void.
213. Conclusion: Highfrequency electrotome can shorten the surgery time, decrease bleeding volume and void the injury due to sewing hemostasis.
214. The calculated results of void fraction and transition segment length agree well with the experimental data.
215. In fact, the Secretary will provide guidance for the next round in the defense budget process by the beginning of July, thereby rendering the QDR essentially null and void.
216. Firstly, the author expounds the value criterion of the judgment of absolutely void contract.
217. The rise of China's military and the demands that will place on naval and air power during a time of shrinking budgets is about to void that interservice treaty.
218. Under such circumstances, we had to declare this agreement mull and void.
219. The disposition of the property of void marriage caused by bigamy may not be to the detriment of the property rights and interests of the party concerned to the lawful marriage.
220. When "People" is our God, the world will be void of creativeness and productiveness .
221. Perhaps it is time for an introduction. I am Commander Ameer of the Protectorate - also your only hope of resolving the infestation of both void creature and Ethereum in this area.
222. As to her own life, those good friends for years gradually estrange since she's always on the run. And there's still a void in her love life.
223. From this we are not difficult to distinguish the void contract and may abolish the contract to play the different role in the economic contract.
224. In some of his poems, we can see not only his understanding of the Void and his meditation thoughts, but also some elements of koan.
225. Part I, the summary to the system of absolutely void contract.
226. Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo.
227. The agent JAR file uses a special manifest attribute to specify the actual agent class, which must define a method public static void premain(String options, Instrumentation inst).
228. The absolutely void contract is a kind of expression behavior in essence, and its direct consequence is just that it does not have legal force, which can't offer help to the parties in law.
229. Such consequences would norm ally be that the contract is declared null and void and the contractor forfeits his tender security.
230. The subway building glass curtain wall uses is high tech " breaks the bridge " the heat insulation molding, in addition the double-decked void glass, burning hot will obstruct besides the building.
231. The "Interim Regulations on Unemployment Insurance for Staff and Workers of the State-owned Enterprises" issued by the State Council on July 12, 1986 shall, at the same time, become void.
232. A void contract is still a kind of contract, yet it is totally without legal binding force.
233. In the event that any court shall deem any part of this Agreement to be void or unenforceable, that part shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder.
233. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
234. The principle and application of some methods which are widely used at present to identifyi pavement void such as FWD (Falling weight deflectometer) and geological radar were discussed.
235. However, they are different in forms of marriage, legal age for marriage, disqualifying diseases for marriage and definition of consanguineous marriage, void marriage and voidable marriage.
236. The experiment on entrained air amount measurement has been carried out by using the capacitance air void meter which was manufactured by authors.
237. Larsson, who will not play in Helsingborg's final match of the domestic season at Elfsborg on Sunday, will now take time out to think over how best to fill the void left by his retirement.
238. If we did, what we are trying to secure would be void of value, " he said."
239. Article 61 After a civil act has been determined to be null and void or has been rescinded, the party who acquired property as a result of the act shall return it to the party who suffered a loss.
240. The phase fraction of gas - liquid two - phase flow includes void fraction and phase holdup of liquid mixture.
241. Following administration of an epidural or spinal anesthetic, the patient should demonstrate the ability to void. This provides evidence that residual sympathetic blockade has dissipated.
242. They inhabit abstract space, the desert void of politics, principles, right and wrong, and so forth.
243. The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void.
244. It has deduced the mathematical function of the sediment void ratio on the basis of stress and structure analysis, and then the mass and volume conversion of deep bed filtration sediment is given.
245. Attempt to disassemble the product can damage it and void your warranty.
246. When they hear the words egoless or emptiness, they think that experiencing those states will be like being thrown out the door of a spaceship to float forever in a dark, chilling void.
247. TRL was canceled, and MTV filled the void with reality shows ranging from the spoiled drama-teens of "Laguna Beach" to the bizarre world of "The Osbournes."
248. Making Multilayer printed board has a complex working procedure and long period, then the reason of causing Void PTH is very complex.
249. He was void of any of these feelings which actuate men to do good.
250. At last, take water-jacket of 226B diesel engine as practical engineering application, the void fraction and the velocity filed of the water jacket were calculated.
251. He looks down at the gape void at his feet.
252. When the principal claim-debt contract is null and void, the guarantee contract shall be null and void accordingly, unless otherwise provided for by law.
253. It is difficult to keep the solid and void dash line in a constant proportional spacing when using dashed line to plot the log curves.
254. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
255. By comparison the navy was a queer little planet whirling in an austere void.
255. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
256. A record of void transactions performed at a point of sale terminal. This log is recorded and stored on the store controller integrated disk.
257. In his novel Chapaev and Void, the role of the antihero is to subvert the grand narration by rewriting the original.
258. Of course, that misplacement resulted in a stupid sentence completely void of logic ?
259. Seller may not assign this order without Buyer's prior written consent, and any purported assignment without such consent shall be null and void.
260. Use of unauthorized replacement parts may void the warranty. In all cases, US Laser will be the sole judge as to what constitutes warrantable damage.
261. Then this obligation shall be null and void, but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect.
262. The tenders served after the deadline for submission of tenders as required by the tender documents are void, and the tenderee shall reject such tenders.
263. There are lots of controversies on the time of becoming effective, becoming void, and the retroactivity in theory and in practice.




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