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单词 Neural
1 Neural networks can learn solutions to difficult problems.
2 Neural networks are computer systems which mimic the workings of the brain.
3 Some people suffered severe neural damage as a result of the vaccination.
4 By 1989, they were using neural networks to assess credit risks.
5 Research expanded; neural net-work terminology came into its own.
6 Neural microchips come in a variety of designs.
7 A neural mechanism seems, by contrast, to be feasible.
8 Periodic neural activity is a normal behavior.
9 His dissertation on feline neural disorders would waIt.
10 The multidisciplinary approach to neural networks is exciting.
11 Neural networks go by many aliases.
12 Texas Instruments sees neural networks as a reusable technology.
13 Neural networks deal only with numeric input data.
14 The neural network picture is still building.
15 Hitachi has developed a wafer-scale neural network.
16 Now almost all neural networks use artificially injected noise.
17 Some neural network implementations require this special-purpose hardware.
18 It should be pointed out that different neural net-work architectures will generate different output results for the same problem.
19 Neural networks are performing tasks that have posed stumbling blocks for previous technologies.
20 Neural networks may be used for algorithm development as well.
21 Kunihiko Fukushima developed the Neocognitron(), a neural net-work model for visual pattern recognition.
22 Critics might say that neural networks just do a good job of keeping statistics.
23 Accompanying the expanded domain of r4 expression, neural crest cells migrating from this region also express r4 markers.
24 It is comprised of two different neural networks, a rule set, and a graphics interface.
25 In order for the neural network software to recognize the input data, we must enter each image or number serially.
26 They are subject to regulation by many neural, hormonal, and paracrine factors, acting via intracellular mediators.
27 The neural network collects its data incrementally, every five minutes.
28 Such an algorithm can provide an alternative learning mechanism in a neural network.
29 These structural differences create different learning paradigms by which neural networks are classified.
30 The following tables illustrate this important difference between the current inspection method and the neural network approach.
31 Or, neural networks could be used to teach other neural networks.
32 Much of the current research on biological neural networks involves the study of invertebrate animals, such as sea slugs or starfish.
33 The neural network cycles through the data and attempts to find the appropriate matching vector.
34 The neural network approach requires fewer resources than conventional statistical methods, and further, can process data in real time.
35 However, because there is still some inhibition the neural activity stabilises as adjacent areas of excited and inhibited cells.
36 Neural network efforts pay more attention to how the brain functions.
37 Consequently, there is no need for the immense resources needed by other neural network systems in calculating thousands of weights.
38 Kandel and his colleagues began by asking what was the neural circuit which underlies the gill and siphon withdrawal response.
39 This took as long as running the neural network, just over two hours.
40 One of the beauties of the discipline of neurology is how it lends itself to analysis of dysfunction involving these neural levels.
41 Unlike less sophisticated Al, neural nets do not require that elaborate rule structures be specified in advance.
42 If you use a modem, you are using a small neural network.
43 Weather predictor systems based on neural networks also key off a large volume of past data to forecast future conditions.
44 We think the inhibition is part of an inhibitory surround that helps focus neural activity in the dominant hemisphere.
45 The structure of a neural network allows it to be good at particular kinds of learning.
46 Tables 8. 1 through 8. 4 present the most generally used and best known neural network paradigms.
47 Emulation within Parallel Architecture A more efficient method than computer simulations for implementing neural networks is to emulate within parallel architecture.
47 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
48 Many researchers are investigating ways to build neural networks directly in integrated circuits.
49 Personally, we would not consider delivering a neural network unless it was embedded in an expert system.
50 The past couple of years have witnessed an explosion in the number of neural network articles appearing in computer magazines.
51 Chomsky places faith in special neural mechanisms blossoming in the brain.
52 Experimental literature that explicitly suggests that chaotic behavior has been observed in neural systems not subject to periodic stimulation is more limited.
53 Any learning neural net explores a space in which each state is described by a large set of simple parameters.
54 Neural networks and conventional computers could be combined in a number of ways.
55 The world of neural networks and pattern recognition is likely to act as a major guide.
56 But since neural computers can carry out highly skilled tasks tirelessly, they will inevitably replace humans in some medical tasks.
57 Keep in mind that there are many different types of neural network architectures.
58 In truth, much of the ongoing research in neural networks today is involved with learning.
59 Take what we know about the neural mechanisms of language, for example.
60 And the more links that are discovered between mental and neural processes, the smaller the dualist gap becomes.
61 Even if vitamin supplementation did not prevent neural tube defects, what specific harm would result?
62 Having never dealt with a statistical neural network, we were uncertain how we could verify the integrity of the network.
63 Fukushima describes the relationship between modeling neural networks and neurophysiology as one resembling that between theoretical physics and experimental physics.
64 Folate deficiency causes anaemia, but occasionally is associated with neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
65 Cowan set up a mathematical equation that represented the neural activity, and built lateral inhibition into it.
66 Abstract ideas became focused as he pulled together previous work on neural nets.
67 Netbuilder will, according to the company, allow developers to build information analysis systems using multiple neural network and statistical analysis modules.
68 Research Areas Learning constitutes one of the key features of a neural network.
69 Figure 9. 18 illustrates our methodology for developing a neural network.
70 Is a function a psychological process or is it a neural process?
71 Cowan reasoned that the patterns in the visual cortex might be the result of an analogous instability in the neural activity.
72 They have shown that mental processes can be correlated with specific neural changes.
73 These pioneering studies suggested that biliary secretion might be regulated by both vagal and non-vagal neural mechanisms.
74 It is well suited to speech and pattern recognition applications, and makes neural networks an add-on technology to existing processing.
75 It is as if neural networks are developing their own heuristics as they go through the iterations.
76 For neural nets and genetic algorithms, it is not so much fallible as crude.
77 Although digital computers have to simulate this parallelism, true neural network hardware will really perform the operations in parallel.
77 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
78 The proposed system will integrate conventional computing, expert systems, and neural network methods.
79 In addition to simulations, analog neural network circuits have been built and tested.
80 The fortification of staple foods with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects may be unwisely delayed on this account.
81 Off-line training time, then, becomes one of the most important elements in initially selling neural network technology.
82 It is considered complete when the neural network produces the required outputs for a given sequence of inputs.
83 Our goal is to develop a neural network that can recognize the numerals 0 through 9.
84 This reflex is brought about by a very simple neural mechanism.
85 The ectoderm anterior to the primitive streak forms the neural plate which is slightly indented along the midline.
86 They are very logical, methodical, and pragmatic in their approach to neural networks.
87 We could have selected. 5, but experience has shown that pattern classification neural networks are extremely accurate.
88 And the fifth layer sends signals to other deep and distant neural structures, sometimes even the spinal cord.
89 Neural crest cells are a group that arise at the site where the folds of the neural tube fuse.
90 Kohonen networks have capabilities unmatched by other neural network models.
91 NETtalk is a good example of applying neural networks to problems handled well by this technology.
92 It has been possible to measure directly the forces that the cells generate during the formation of the neural tube.
93 She was an automaton, carrying out the simple instructions of her neural program: If whit fly occupied, withhold sperm.
94 The main activity supported by the Club is the implementation of neural applications.
95 Then there were software specialists: programmers, systems engineers, knowledge engineers, and now, neural network architects.
96 The neural network takes each pixel, does calculations, and enters information on a graph.
97 You would not want to use an artificial neural network, for example, to keep your finances.
98 Many researchers are suggesting that the real power of artificial intelligence lies in the blending of expert systems with neural networks.
99 Also, these drugs can be added to the medium of in vitro neural preparations.
100 Training sets are typically large, for any kind of neural net.
101 One could conclude that neural nets love to do pattern classification.
102 Summary Neural networks are rough models of the mental processes their name implies.
103 He eventually hopes to build an entire nervous system of silicon and to create artificial neural networks that never stop adapting.
104 The number of interconnects in a neural network is directly proportional to the complexity of the model that can be implemented.
105 Another key issue is the choosing of appropriate neural network architecture and paradigms to match applications.
106 This is not the only theoretical argument suggesting that chaotic neural behavior is possible.
107 Simple statistical weighting schemes commonly used in previous methods are related to the simplest neural net approaches.
108 Researchers at the University of Warwick are training a neural computer to examine brain-scanner images to recognise the symptoms of mental diseases.
109 The estimated annual number of births affected with a neural tube defect is about 400,(/neural.html)000 world wide.
110 Without this adjustability, the neural circuitry would be as rigid as that in our consumer electronics.
111 What type of equations are typically used in neural networks?
112 Neural networks could provide an interface between real-world data that is fuzzy and digital computers.
113 Inhibitory interconnections are very important for preserving stability in neural activity.
114 This strengthens the claim that there are real universal biochemical principles involved in such mechanisms of neural plasticity.
115 The addition of neural network methods came about because of several problems.
116 Yet other neural crest cells migrate into the head region and form tissues of the head and face such as cartilage and bone.
117 Improving Computational Models A significant portion of neural network research centers on the improvement of computational models.
118 Neural nets can learn rule structures and patterns on their own from historical data or through experience.
119 Subsequent Analysis: The 34 test results showed several close calls by operators that were unquestionably classified by the neural net.
120 Learning is the process by which a neural network modifies its weights in response to external input.
121 Libet concluded from this that the subjective experience was occurring before the neural events which bought it about.
122 We will follow the later development of the brain and neural tube in Chapter 8.
123 Neural systems are inherently analog and parallel in nature; electronic systems have been digital.
124 The extent of cell death varied between embryos and between the two sides of the neural tube in individual embryos.
125 Impulses are generated as a result of neural dysfunction and do not follow classic pain pathways.
126 If a neural network system is good at recall functions only, then it is necessary to impose constraints and limitations.
127 Image Processing Imaging applications for neural networks seem to be a natural fit.
128 A February 1989 Fortune article reported that Ford, for example, was using neural nets to spot faulty paint finishes.
129 Research in theory and computation encompasses quantum field theories of elementary particles, neural networks and quantum chromodynamics.
130 The first step each time is to decide how to represent your information for presentation to the neural network.
131 In all three instances, neural nets were being used to make routine decisions that otherwise would have required human intervention.
132 Pairs of inputs and outputs are applied to the neural network.
133 However, this application will illustrate in detail other techniques you can adopt in developing an application-specific neural network.
134 Existing Applications Most of the applications currently on the neural network scene are prototypes or research projects.
135 Appropriate Tasks Sometimes, tasks appropriate for neural networks are ones humans know how to do.
136 Current work in neural networks is examining ways to reduce the size of the training set required.
137 Hoiographic Implementations One of the most promising devices for implementing neural networks may be holograms.Sentence dictionary
138 It is unlikely that these deficits are due to loss of a neural mechanism dedicated to brightness discrimination.
139 Next we prepare the data for presentation to the neural network software development program.
140 These next applications deal with everyday occurrences, and neural networks are playing a part in each of them.
141 Neural networks can produce very good answers, though not necessarily optimum solutions, in remarkably short times.
142 This in turn may result in clinically observed pathologies of neural regulation.
143 We know from reading the literature that there are many ways to implement a neural network.
144 Theoretical arguments also indicate that multicellular neural systems can enter domains of chaotic behavior.
145 Embedded Neural Networks A neural network embedded in an expert system has many advantages.
146 Neural networks can use all the hints you can provide.
147 Two general categories are used in describing neural network organization.
148 From neural imaging, doctors could see the inside of her head being taken over by cancer.
149 Many neural network paradigms have evolved over the past decade.
150 However, most neural networks are not user-friendly and require considerable input data preparation and output data interpretation.
151 I am grateful to Teresa Ludermir who introduced me to it, and to logical neural nets.
152 One solution is to embed your neural network in an expert system.
153 In fact, the information-processing mechanisms are designed for implementing the systems of differential equations associated with neural networks.
154 Purkinje and hippocampal neurons are noted for their plasticity because they show long-term changes in neural transmission following certain stimulus regimes.
155 John Godfrey Saxe Several characteristics of neural network technology set it apart from conventional computing and artificial intelligence approaches.
156 Neuroscience Network Projects: Scientists are increasingly turning to chemistry and biology to create new designs for neural network computer systems.
157 Terminology Several descriptors are typically used in evaluating neural network implementations.
158 Continuous speech recognition and synthesis are additional examples of tasks neural networks are undertaking with reasonable success.
159 Into this milieu comes now the neural network approach to artificial intelligence, where learning is built into every system.
160 Managers found themselves wondering whether a conventional approach could replace the neural network.
161 In fact, some accounts of the times attribute about 80 percent of the revived interest in neural networks directly to Hopfield.
162 Neural networks used for robotics and control applications have been around for a relatively long time.
163 Storing Knowledge Knowledge within a neural network is not stored in specific memory locations, as it is in conventional computing.
164 The neural abnormalities that could induce a tachygastria include loss of intrinsic inhibitory innervation or lack of extrinsic autonomic inhibition.
165 The neural pathways in nature continue to stun scientists with how non-optimized they are.
166 On the basis of device characteristic model, a gamut mapping algorithm is provided based on BP neural network theory.
167 Results: The model can offer the optimal distance between the neural arch of atlas and axis.
167 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
168 EEG ( electroencephalography ) and MEG ( magnetoencephalongraphy ) are noninvasive methods for exploring the neural electrical activities of brain.
169 Based on it, the dangerous degree measure (dangerous believe degree) was put forward, applied the trained neural network to a few outburst mines engineering verification of Huainan diggings.
170 By Using an artificial neural network, the pole assignment problem of state feedback, output feedback and dynamic output feedback compensators in linear control system are discussed.
171 Neural network has been nicely applied in pattern recognition and hydrocarbon prediction in applied geophysics.
172 An expatiation of the equivalence of fuzzy system and the neural networks. An introduction of the realization of fuzzy neural technology.
173 A new method using piezoelectric material (PZT) and artificial neural network control was put forward to repair in time by online monitoring the health state of cable suspension bridge.
174 Objective To isolate neuroepithelial stem cells from the spinal cord neural tube of the embryonic rat and induce them to differentiate into dopaminergic neurons.
175 The application of Artificial Neural Networks ( ANN ) to Automatic Speech Recognition ( ASR ) is investigated in this thesis.
176 The calculation model for predicting rubber aging properties was derived by means of neural network method.
177 Sara : And by creating you mean fabricating, neural linguist programming, behavior. science.
178 Vary the presentation of information into formats that force different parts of the brain (or actually different neural systems) to go to work and store the information in the form of memory.
179 Between the pia mater and the neural elements is a thin layer of neuroglial processes, firmly adherent to the pia mater.
180 Based upon neural networks, a nonlinear mathematical model of the protraction for the die - bolt is developed.
181 But when the team administered certain drugs to the older animals via the fibers—including a chemical called guanfacine—the chemicals blocked the cAMP pathways and revved up neural activity.
182 In its study, Zhong's team examined human skin cells, which are related to brain and neural cells from the ectoderm.
183 Integrated with case-based reasoning(CBR) and Adaptive Resonance Theory-Kohonen Neural Network(ART-KNN), a Cucumber Fusarium Wilt(CFW) intelligent forecast method was proposed in this paper.
184 The technique, which doesn't need to have an explicit model - calibration based on neural networks implicit vision model, is more effective.
185 A novel handwritten numeral recognition approach was presented using multi-wavelet neural network clusters to expand contour shell.
186 The method of artificial neural network (ANN) has good non-linear, approximation ability and high discrimination ratio; it has a great future in intelligent instrument.
187 Neural tube defects may result in partial paralysis or brain symptoms such as dysplasia.
188 Conclusion The process of differentiation of fetal neural stem cells may rely on the gradual devitalization of telomerase activity.
189 The fourth, the paper studies the seismic muti-attribute's depressed dimension mapping method based on K-L transform and its optimizing forecast strategy based on BP neural network.
190 The condition monitoring system based on neural network and fuzzy logic for an aero-engine was proposed, which covered data validity and health assessment.
191 Simulated data sets based on the Integration Equation Model (IEM) are used to train the neural network.
192 This paper proposes a novel growing neural gas self organizing algorithm to identify chaotic systems by imitating biological group population growing process.
193 This article proposes a modified algorithm for solving the travelling salesman problem ( TSP ) by neural network.
194 Cervical smear recognition system bases on neural network is designed and developed. The system can be used to merge, classify and standardize files of the cell feature parameters automatically.
195 Objective To isolate the neural stem cell-like cells from infant human retinas.
196 Many computational intelligence research fields such as artificial neural network, genetic algorithm have been applied to the solution of computing problem.
197 The presence of callosal and thalamic projections from graft to host suggest that reconstruction of damaged neural circuity is possible.
198 Probes placed inside the mouse brains then showed that no neural activity was prompted by sour-tasting foods in these mice,(http:///neural.html) they report in Nature1.
199 Populin, who studies the neural basis of perception and behavior, had placed head implants on two rhesus macaque monkeys, while preparing to study attention deficit disorder.
200 And research presented at the BA Festival of Science in 2006 revealed that teens also have a neural excuse for self-centeredness.
201 The RPs can be simply interpreted as aspects of neural processing that ultimately constitute our experience.
202 The comparison with BP neural network shows that the calibration accuracy can be improved by using the LS-SVM. The real-time performance is good and response velocity is quick.
203 The paper constructs a new optimal target function for feed forward neural networks according to convex optimization theory and constraint optimization theory.
204 A method, which combined neural network and genetic algorithms, was employed to simulate the catalytic distillation process by black box model and optimize the operational parameters.
205 The aim of the study is to investigate the morphologic and biochemical change in the neural crest derived organs and lungs in the Nitrofen models.
206 By analyzing a control system of CNC and buildingmathematical model, presents a neural network adaptive controller.
207 New realization of neural networks is presented by using MOS transistors in current mode domain.
208 In order to give the neural network description of resource leveling problem and make the output correspondent with neurons, the new concept of Augmented permute matrix is proposed.
209 Lecture 2 : Prefrontal Cortex and the Neural Basis of Cognitive Control.
210 Chaos is a kind of phenomenon and behavior, and neural network is a kind of topology with specific compute mode. They have their own characters and similar nonlinear characters.
211 Most of the actions are right-and-left symmetrical, which are good for the changes of the postures of limbs and neural controlled movement as well as practice.
212 Daily supplementation with folic acid for 1 month prior to conception and during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly in the child.
213 On the basis of numerical simulating results, the predicting model for blast furnace wall's temperature was established with the BP (back propagation) neural networks.
214 Conclusions Natural and symmetric appearance of reconstructed ear can he achieved in polyotia. The abnormal migration of neural crest cell might be the pathologic mechanism of polyotia.
215 Not only does the two spiral problem give a challenge to the statistic methods again, but also brings a doubt about the abilities of the general feedforward multi layered LBF neural networks.
216 Extraforaminal neural compression may be approached from outside of the spinal canal by inserting the tubular retractor over the intertransverse membrane between the transverse processes.
217 A method of implementing symbol logic inference system using recurrent multilayer perceptron neural networks is presented in this paper.
218 The influences of input parameters, such as opening price, closing price, ceiling price, the lowest price, volume, etc. , on the performance of the neural networks are analyzed.
219 A genetic neural network control method for variable displacement pump of hydraulic dozer with the energy saving purpose is suggested.
220 Neural network based soft sensor models of diesel oil solidifying point crude distillation unit are discussed.
221 In the section of doorplate number recognition, doorplate number recognition is presented by wavelet neural network based on BP.
222 Then, with the simulation of biological neural integration, this paper built a coupling control system of a single robot leg of two joints based on the single joint control system.
223 The main control parameter of pressure casting machine used in neural network are analysed and presented.
224 Conclusion There existed neural stem cells in mice nucleus of inferior colliculus area.
225 By computer simulation, the authors demonstrate that in non-Gaussian noise, neural detectors outperform linear matched filter detectors and locally optimum detectors.
226 The structure concept and the three key technologies: sensors, actuators and artificial neural nets, which compose smart structures, are introduced and discussed.
227 This paper proposes an intelligent processing method of tabulated data used in the safety system of mooring line with the application of artificial neural network(ANN).
228 This paper presents a new optimized neural network for nonlinear convex programming problems with both quality and inequality constraints.
229 The notation of the network state graph and its hole are presented in serial updating mode(http:///neural.html), and the relation between the hole and the stability of neural network is investigated.
230 On the basis of lots of study on present graphitizing furnace, RBF neural network is put forward to model graphitizing furnace in order to make accurate control.
231 According to the problem of information redundancy in synchronization logistics system, this paper proposes a solution based on neural network expert system which can choose information intelligently.
232 Result:the number of neural stem cells in dentate gyrus of the mice in HMG was higher than that in PMG(P0.05).
233 Nine major kinds of fault in electrical source system of surface-to-air missile have been diagnosed respectively through BP and SOFM neural network, and pleasing results are obtained.
234 The robust controller is designed using Linear Matrix Inequality(LMI) for the nominal linear flight system. And then, the uncertain nonlinear input term is compensated using the neural network.
235 In this paper a model has been set up which adapt to highway project cost, making use of the coalescent of the fuzzy math and neural network, according to the characters of the highway project cost.
236 De-noise filter method based on single value decomposition is applied to preprocess traffic volume time series, and a radical basic function neural network is trained for prediction.
237 Based on the fuzzy neural networks, a composite control system without any model was proposed which is used to automatic flatness control (AFC) and automatic gauge control (AGC).
238 As narcotics blunt the sensitivity of pain circuits, glia respond by releasing neuroactive substances that increase neuronal excitability to restore the normal levels of activity in neural circuits.
239 Based on the hypothesis presented by Hornik that three layer artificial neural network (ANN) can represent not only all functions but also all step derivatives of them at any precision.
240 Multiple linear regression, binominal regression and neural network methods were applied in the analyses.
241 The collected data of in situ testing , combined with R-wave velocity parameter, was used to develop the way to estimate the bearing capacity by multi-parameter and neural network.
242 Modeling and realizing of RBF network requires outstanding programming capability, which greatly prevent the neural network technique from spreading and application.
243 In the fault diagnosis, proceeds positive-going calculation by using the created neural network structure to infer the final result.
244 Objective To compare the proliferation and differentiation in vitro of neural stem cells isolated from different periods of ontogeny .
245 Neural electrodes may eventually move up the spinal cord to what is often characterized as the body's primary erogenous zone.
246 Artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks are two directions of the development of intelligence science, the robot technology is significant achievement at present.
247 Combining grading method with chaotic optimization, the neural network model achieves rapid training and avoids local minimum when there are a lot of samples to be trained.
248 "Would the neural code that powers human reasoning run on a different substrate?
249 Structure optimizing is always a problem in neural network, one of methods is orthogonality algorithm.
250 Topics in mammalian learning and memory including cellular mechanisms of neural plasticity, electrophysiology, and behavior.
251 The expressions of neuronal markers NSE (neural specific enolase), NF (neurofilament), and glial cell marker GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) were detected by fluorescent immunohistochemistry.
252 By observing the embryo developing process and the behavior of learning and memory of day-old chicks, we try to explore the influence of HMFS on animal's ontogenesis and high neural activation.
253 Meanwhile the development of neural networks in the image fusion at pixel, feature and decision levels and other pre-fusion applications are dissertated.
254 For the characteristics of the diagnosis object, the knowledge express method based on production rule and neural network are adopted as the knowledge express method.
255 The method of intelligent control based on neural network is applied in electrode current of arc furnace. The electrode current is analyzed and simulated by the BP and RBF models of neural network.
256 The PCA algorithm is used to deduce the input dimension of RBF neural networks and predigest model complexity.
257 With highly nonlinear and a self-learning ability, BP neural network makes it possible, and however, the BP algorithm has a very slow convergence speed and gets into a local minimum easily.
257 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
258 Based on the model parameter identification theory in inverse problem, a neural network model for constitutive law of clay under multiple stress paths is set up through artificial neural network.
259 The constituents of the dermis are mesodermal in origin except for nerves, which, like melanocytes, derive from the neural crest.
260 This paper presents a Time-Delay Recurrent Neural Network (TDRNN) for exo-atmospheric ballistic space infrared target discrimination.
261 The data set trained for neural network is obtained by design of experiments and vortex lattice method program.
262 Compared with other simulation technique, neural network response surface method can greatly reduce the simulation time at the same precision level.
263 Experiment results indicate that the wavelet neural network has faster convergence speed and higher correct recognition rate.
264 Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology.
265 The main factors that have influence on allocation of the sensors are analyzed. A target priority determination algorithm based on neural network is given.
266 And then the percentage of the esculent part of naval orange is estimated with Neural Network whose input variables are two surface areas and weight of navel orange.
267 The major part of a vertebra, exclusive of the bases of the neural arch.
268 The time serial of short fatigue cracks' propagation rate is modeling and predicting by using neural network in this article, and the good result is achieved.
269 The neural network ensembles based on lateral inhibition of cortical columns are built to simulate the neuron firing phenomenon in cortical columns and to be used for position tracking.
270 Our understanding of why a domestic cat purrs is becoming more complete; most scientists agree that the larynx (voice box), laryngeal muscles, and a neural oscillator are involved.
271 In this paper, an intelligent neural healing instrument based on biofeedback is developed.
272 The neural network model of E plane septum is established and is used to take the place of the analysis program of design procedure of the E plane filter.
273 In conclusion, according to gray neural network theory, design a dynamic risk early warning system, and present the early warning monitoring specific methods and steps.
274 Cellular neural networks(CNN) which be used in image processing is a locally connected and fully parallel nonlinear analog information processing system.




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