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单词 Exempt
(1) Some students are exempt from certain exams.
(2) Certain charities are exempt from VAT registration.
(3) Men in college were exempt from military service.
(4) The interest is exempt from income tax .
(5) The interest on the money is exempt from tax.
(6) Pensioners are automatically exempt from prescription charges.
(7) Children under 16 are exempt from prescription charges.
(8) She is exempt from sex discrimination laws.
(9) Beer for personal use is exempt from duty.
(10) Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax.
(11) This income is totally exempt from taxation.
(12) Any profits made are totally exempt from taxation.
(13) Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.
(14) Children are exempt from the charges.
(15) These goods are exempt from customs duties.
(16) Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum for religious reasons.
(17) He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young/of the fact that he was so young.
(18) South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law.
(19) Pregnant women are exempt from dental charges under the current health system.
(20) Goods exempt from this tax include books and children's clothes.
(21) But male students are not exempt.
(22) Pay exempt enterprises include banks and insurance companies.
(23) Their income is exempt from state taxes.
(24) What are taxable supplies and what are exempt?
(25) Why should car alarms be exempt?
(26) It is impossible for the seller to exempt himself from liability under section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act.
(27) Information exempt from disclosure is defined and includes information relating to an individual's education.
(28) Infant mortality was extremely high and the upper classes were not exempt.
(29) As school desegregation is more fully implemented,() only the most isolated suburbs will remain exempt.
(30) And, frankly I would be surprised if the majority of readers were completely exempt from such situations.
(1) Some students are exempt from certain exams.
(2) Certain charities are exempt from VAT registration.
(3) Men in college were exempt from military service.
(4) The interest is exempt from income tax .
(5) The interest on the money is exempt from tax.
(6) Pensioners are automatically exempt from prescription charges.
(7) She is exempt from sex discrimination laws.
(8) Infant mortality was extremely high and the upper classes were not exempt.
(9) These goods are exempt from customs duties.
(31) The archdiocese still hopes to persuade the city to exempt Catholic Charities from the domestic partners ordinance, he said.
(32) It has contributed to the decline in direct portfolio investment as opposed to indirect investment through tax exempt institutions.
(33) Under the changes, needy and elderly people and those who currently get free prescriptions on medical grounds will remain exempt.
(34) A mowing machine coming within the definition of a motor bicycle is exempt.
(35) Owners of historic houses are to be exempt from the revaluation for tax purposes included in measures covering commercial property.
(36) He shared a shift with Philip Stacey, the local antiques dealer, who was exempt on health grounds from active service.
(37) The biggest lorries will be exempt from much of the duty they now pay.
(38) At issue is a college course Gingrich taught in 1993-95 with financial support from tax exempt foundations.
(39) When a further instruction stated that vessels used in services were not exempt, the Patriarch Tikhon told the faithful to resist.
(40) If all the goods and services which the business supplies are exempt, then the business can not register for VAT purposes.
(41) There are few important national resources that are entirely exempt from economic transnational practices.
(42) It is likely that they will follow London's lead and also exempt motorcycles from any charges.
(43) Sufferers from Alzheimer's disease were to be exempt from the tax - a concession which opposition parties had fought for.
(44) Exempt certain businesses and coastal communities from complying with wetlands regulations.
(45) Groups accepting tax-deductible donations must be operated exclusively for exempt purposes, the panel said.
(46) We will then let you know whether you are exempt or not as soon as possible. 9.
(47) Negotiators said Wednesday that the main sticking point was still whether the industry should be exempt from paying punitive damages.
(48) To be exempt from taxation the trust must meet Inland Revenue conditions relating to contributions and benefit entitlement.
(49) Are students exempt from compulsory schooling or from certain courses in the curriculum on religious grounds?
(50) Furthermore, interest on the bonds of state and local governments is exempt from the Federal income tax.
(51) Only wage earners at the lowest level will be exempt. Private property taxes will also be increased.
(52) References in the Code to exempt fund managers are construed accordingly.
(53) This leaflet explains who is exempt and how to claim exemption.
(54) These were tax exempt bonds issued by state and local governments to provide financing for private sector investment in plants and equipment.
(55) The pension fund is totally exempt from income tax and capital gains tax,(http://) providing excellent growth prospects for your money.
(56) Your main home is usually exempt from capital gains tax.
(57) Things done well and with a care, exempt themselves from fear. William Shakespeare 
(58) Exchanges done through cash machines which can not issue receipts are exempt from this provision.
(59) Any person in receipt of income support or family credit is exempt from payment.
(60) If you aren't exempt and need medication regularly, it might be worth buying a pre-payment certificate.
(61) That is, she is exempt from supervision but not wholly free to choose her own activities.
(62) The organization is tax exempt under section 501 of the tax code.
(63) Pederson has been with the companies exempt commodities division since 1994 as a dispatcher.
(64) However, anyone who owns or buys Mutual Series shares before the merger will be exempt from sales charges on future purchases.
(65) Exempt farmers from federal hours-of-service rules for truck drivers during harvest season.
(66) People will not be exempt because they have a physical disability. 3.
(67) Exemptions Various categories of vehicle are exempt from the need to obtain an operating licence.
(68) Charities and small firms are exempt, as are certain essential items, such as food as a product.
(69) Voters overwhelmingly approved a measure last month to exempt the ballpark from waterfront development restrictions.
(70) This would have been exempt from income tax under s188 and could have been used by the director to repay his loan.
(71) A new-build scheme providing equivalent accommodation would be exempt from this tax.
(72) That was $ 750, 000 more than 1994 and is also exempt from federal taxes.
(73) The second issue is that, if a household is composed entirely of students, it should be exempt.
(74) At the same time, the culpable faction is viewed as exempt from organizational control.
(75) The very act of imagining Gods exempt from suffering ensures that humans take no part in the deity.
(76) This clause allows provinces to be exempt from court rulings for five years.
(77) But this does not exempt them from liability if their actions result in negligent damage to people or property.
(78) Prisons are exempt from having regular visits from environmental health officers, but in April 1992 this Crown Immunity will be lifted.
(79) It would be politically unacceptable to exempt Enterprise Zones from their restrictions.
(80) My Bill would exempt many of them from prescription charges.
(81) Monday's strike is to last a maximum of two hours. Ambulance workers will be exempt.
(82) Adams, meanwhile, is battling to remain among the top 125 and retain his tour exempt status.
(83) Note that eurobonds are unlikely to attract tax exempt investors such as pension funds, given the lower yield associated with bearer status.
(83) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(84) Members of the Party were never exempt from purges and forced confessions.
(85) Licences from certain designated countries will exempt you from the need to take a driving test.
(86) Folded pocket knives with blades less than three inches long will also be exempt.
(87) Offshore non-trading companies are exempt from corporation tax, but may waive their exemption and pay tax at an agreed rate.
(88) Couples filing jointly could exempt $ 26, 000 from taxes.
(89) Some students will be completely exempt from the tax and some will qualify for discounts.
(90) Proposed new legislation will extend the range of exempt companies to include Manx-registered public companies.
(91) Offshore companies are exempt from exchange controls and withholding tax.
(92) Employers with a payroll of £45,000 or less will be exempt from the levy.
(93) Motorcycles, coaches, minicabs, taxis, school buses and buses for the elderly will also be exempt.
(94) While trains are exempt from the licensing laws, stations are not.
(95) At the moment museums are only exempt from VAT on income generated from the display of their permanent collections.
(96) The overall count excludes newsmagazine programs and sports, which are exempt from the ratings.
(97) People requiring regular medication would also be exempt from prescription charges.
(98) Those on low pay or receiving income support are exempt from all the charges.
(99) He is exempt from punishment about this thing.
(100) Soldiers were exempt from paying rates.
(101) Church land is usually exempt from real estate tax.
(102) A concerned party is exempt from responsibility.
(103) Perfume is not exempt from import duty.
(104) Children under two years are exempt.
(105) These goods are exempt from taxes.
(106) School property is exempt from all taxes.
(107) Religious organizations are exempt from taxation.
(108) Even those deceptively cheap weekend breaks cannot be exempt.
(109) Costs and expenses relating to exempt income could be deducted when the taxable income is calculated, unless otherwise specified.
(110) Only the very poorest citizens should be exempt from income taxes.
(111) Fast and convenient, exempt from collers and waste storage backlog.
(112) There are moves in both the House and Senate to pass the 2011 Defense Appropriations Bill intact, which would effectively exempt the military budget from any cuts in the revised continuing resolution.
(113) We can quote you a gross price, inclusive of delivery charges, of 38.50 pounds per 100 items. These goods are exempt form VAT.
(114) This product added natural azadirachtin that can make the pet exempt from parasites.
(115) Eligible for the SME credit guarantee agencies are exempt from sales tax.
(116) Families whose incomes fall below the poverty line will be exempt from the reinforcement fees.
(117) The interest on Treasuries is exempt from state and local income tax.
(118) There are exempt goods such as financial services, education and health.
(119) I'd like to open a dry cleaners, the joining trader be exempt from doing.
(120) Article 9 Mail delivery services provided by Chunghwa Post, as well as all postal property and bills, receipts and other documents used to provide such services, shall be exempt from taxes.
(121) Foreign invested enterprises in the Dalian region shall be exempt from local income tax for seven years after they begin to generate profits.
(122) Judicial notice is of vital importance to exempt the party from the burden of proof, spare the cost of action and enhance the efficiency of action.
(123) According to unified attracting investment policy of project area, 1 billion Yuan's projects could be exempt from income tax for four years.
(124) This includes salary and wages that are exempt from income tax under specific international agreements in New Zealand.
(125) Insurance of tax - exempt bonds didn't exist before 1971, and even after that most bonds remained uninsured.
(126) The survey included a range of employee levels including; executives, directors, managers, other exempt employees, and nonexempt employees.
(127) And money saved is both risk-free and exempt from taxes.
(128) Whether not to constitute garnishment exempt rights of the witness in China reflects conflicts between social public profits and individual ones.
(129) Others demand payment for administrative costs, including search time, redaction of exempt information, and copying.
(130) But, will exempt from inspection system's movement in the reality to present the negative function surely.
(131) The proposed fee increases for Cayman exempt and non - resident companies are increased.
(132) How many people today really imagine "art" as a privileged category, exempt from the machinations of the marketplace?
(133) Article 42 All account books, receipts and administrative balance herein are exempt from taxes and duties.
(134) It was once widely believed that living organisms might exempt from the second law of thermodynamics.
(135) Everyone had tentacles smothering their faces and dangling down their necks like fleshy snake beards, even the women and children were not exempt from this disfiguration .
(136) Rich players will be exempt from taxes, I mean, durability repair prices.
(137) Going to vocational school meant being exempt from pressure and tension.
(138) Some even issue Napoleonic unilateral "statements" declaring themselves to be exempt from the laws of the land.
(139) He points his stick to exempt this one and that.
(140) To attract more investors and offshore funds to Hong Kong, measures have been taken to abolish estate duty and exempt offshore funds from profits tax.
(141) The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and this, plus the fact that church property is tax exempt, ought to mean that anyone can go anyplace to worship.
(142) Those enterprises whose term of operation less than 10 years are exempt from income tax for the first two profit-making years.
(143) Specialist tobacconists are exempt from the ban, while displays will be permitted in cash and carry and duty-free stores if they are confined to a secluded area.
(143) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(144) What are mycotoxin controls or country of origin if exempt of flour for noodles?
(145) At one time administrative inspections were considered exempt from the constitutional warrant requirement.
(146) Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws.
(147) The Royal Family is to be exempt from any cuts in public spending next year when its civil list funding is settled for the next 10 years.
(148) But imports are exempt, so practically all of the sport cars and large sport utility vehicles sold in China are imported.
(149) In light of the trend, Beijing's taxation authorities explained that the income gained from stocks and funds is exempt from taxes, according to a national regulation.
(150) Enterprises with foreign investment in the development Zone shall be exempt from local income tax.
(151) In human resources we spend a lot of money trying to break down the walls between exempt and nonexempt employees.
(152) Soduim Acetate, a product exempt from expert examination, is reliable in quality.
(153) Any expenditure in respect to exempt income would be excluded.
(154) The applicant must be a bona-fide non-profit-making organisation exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, Cap 112.
(155) Projects on maritime territory and land blocks jointly exploited by Chinese and foreign companies will also be exempt from import value-added tax.
(156) Cell phones are exempt from automated telemarketing calls, but not from individuals calling.
(157) Productive enterprises with foreign investment shall be exempt from local income tax.
(158) Lower income tax may not have much effect: Many Chinese people have been exempt from income tax, while others evade tax idea.
(159) Export-oriented enterprises to export products output value reached 70 percent, was exempt from local tax exemption of income tax profits from the export tax law.
(160) The accumulated undistributed profits (before January 1, 2008) of foreign-invested enterprises can be exempt corporate income tax when allocated to investor after January 1, 2008.
(161) Unfortunately the armed forces are still exempt from the DDA.
(162) You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.
(163) Article 20 Interest earned from a postal savings account shall be tax exempt.
(164) The accumulated undistributed profits (before January 1, 2008) of foreign-invested enterprises can be exempt from corporate income tax when allocated to investor after January 1, 2008.
(165) Ethnic minorities which traditionally practice inhumation are exempt from the government requirement of cremation, and are allotted special land for cemeteries.
(166) The aleatory feature of insurance contracts is one of the reasons that result in moral hazards, while the exclusion clauses are arranged as reasonable regime to exempt the moral hazard.
(167) The US must exempt aviation from its cap-and-trade proposal to give ICAO an opportunity to develop a global sectoral approach.
(168) The APE is a unique vehicle in that it is exempt from taxes in some countries because of its extremely economical working nature.
(169) When someone files a FOIA request for such information, the government is authorized under existing regulations to refuse the request by explaining that such information is exempt from disclosure.
(170) The medical instruments, such as ventilators, patient monitors, heart pacemakers, and dentistry chairs, etc. , imported by medical colleges and universities shall not be exempt from taxes.
(171) In the past, consent of victim is the defense to exempt the civil liabilities of defendant. I think assumption of risk in Anglo-American Law is more suitable.
(172) Article 2. Enterprises invested by foreign business people shall all be exempt from local income tax.
(173) Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.
(173) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(174) For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as defined in the instructions.
(175) Yet Treasurys are taxable while municipal bond income is largely exempt from federal income tax.
(176) Reloadable prepaid cards, including those used to disburse government benefits, would be exempt.
(177) He asked sarcastically.'You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.'
(178) Even if that saves you just $10 a year, that's 20%. (It will probably save you much more. ) And money saved is both risk-free and exempt from taxes.
(179) Implementation of a commercial ELN is not exempt from such challenges, and working with a third party supplier offers both advantages and additional challenges.
(180) Those with urgent duties will be exempt from the switch-off.
(181) That can exempt negativity immediately and put a positive spin on problems.
(182) On the contrary, it’s people like Mr. Ryan, who want to exempt the very rich from bearing any of the burden of making our finances sustainable, who are waging class war.
(183) Original Deposit Exemption Application is needed if you want to exempt deposit.
(184) Under the new bill, small-scale landowners, who make up the majority of Brazil's farmers, will be exempt from having to replant deforested land.
(185) Members of the service staff shall be exempt from dues and taxes on the wages which they receive for their services.
(186) The applicant organisation must be a bona-fide non-profit-making organisation exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, Cap. 112.
(187) Four out of five prescriptions are dispensed free to people who are exempt.
(188) Some cartels, such as maritime transport, are officially exempt from anti-trust laws.
(189) Why does the state exempt banks from the law of contradiction?
(190) At present, they live are exempt from payment the house rent the apartment.
(191) Sells the room to exempt the land increment duty personally.
(192) Article 29 Privately owned Historic Sites that have been designated as such by competent authorities shall be exempt from land taxes and building taxes.
(193) Children of foreigners are exempt from compulsory education, for example, while local schools that accept non-Japanese-speaking children receive almost no help in caring for their needs.
(194) Wood packaging made from manufactured wood products such as plywood or particle board, is exempt.
(195) Foreign invested enterprises in the Dalian region are exempt from local income tax for seven years after they begin to generate profits .




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