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单词 falsehood
释义  false·hood /ˈfɔːlshʊd $ ˈfɒːls-/ noun formal  1  [countable]LIE/TELL A LIE a statement that is untrue 虚假的话,谎言 SYN lie Saunders is deliberately telling a falsehood. 桑德斯在故意说假话。2  LIE/TELL A LIE[uncountable] the practice of telling lies 说谎 SYN lying No one had accused me of falsehood before. 以前从没有人指责过我说谎。3  [uncountable] the state of not being true 虚假 OPP truth Most people believe in right and wrong, truth and falsehood. 大多数人相信有是非曲直。Examples from the Corpusfalsehood• Why Campbell had chosen to spread such a falsehood is a mystery.• Yet again, it was a falsehood which she would need to explain and correct.• Others again have taken as the play's essence the need to reconcile not truth and falsehood but competing truths.• They have a duty to set the record straight, otherwise they are conniving at falsehood.• The action of malicious or injurious falsehood has both similarities to, and important differences from, an action for libel.• And some high priests have told falsehoods.false·hood nounChineseSyllable  untrue is a statement Corpus that




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