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单词 Max
1, Five people will fit, but that's the max.
2, She was very conscious of Max studying her.
3, Max was given the dubious honour of organizing the children's party.
4, Max sighed, sounding even more downhearted.
5, It was blindingly obvious that Max wasn't really interested.
6, Max held her close and wiped away her tears.
7, Max was rubbing his hands together with glee.
8, Max held out his cup for a refill.
9, Max threw back his head and roared with laughter.
10, Max says he's ill, but I'm sure it's psychological.
11, Max is a loose cannon politically.
12, These athletes push their bodies to the max.
13, Max has invited me over for dinner.
14, Max was fined £300 for speeding.
15, I'll give him eight out of 10, max.
16, Max definitely lacked social graces .
17, Max is hardworking, cheerful, and above all honest.
18, Your host on tonight's show is Max Astor.
19, Max rolled up just after 9 o'clock.
20, Max is up for armed robbery.
21, Max let the door swing open.
22, Max stumbled out of bed sleepily.
23, He liked Max, and sympathized with his ambitions.
24, Max could always get round her.
25, Let's say two hours to get there,[http:///max.html] max.
26, Max refused the money out of sheer perversity.
27, Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.
28, "I'm all right," Max said weakly, but his breathing came in jagged gasps.
29, Max had never been known to leave home without telling anyone.
30, It concerned her that Bess was developing a crush on Max.
1, Five people will fit, but that's the max.
2, She was very conscious of Max studying her.
3, Max was given the dubious honour of organizing the children's party.
31, Sarah's first thought was to run back and get Max.
32, "Now then," Max said, "to get back to the point.".
33, We had the air conditioner turned up to the max.
34, "Are you sure the raft is safe?" she asked anxiously. "Couldn't be safer," Max assured her confidently.
35, "He claims to be her father," said Max. "We've been wondering about him.".
36, Max has no appreciation of the finer things in life.
37, Fay felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.
38, Max stole Lee's girlfriend and they've been enemies ever since.
39, "I'm going to tell him, " said Max. "Just you try!" came the retort.
40, His name's Maximilian, but we just call him Max for short.
41, In 1936, Max Schmeling had been lionised as boxing's great hope.
42, You did me a good turn by driving Max home last night.
43, Despite the fashion, Max must have found her attractive.
44, In by 21 May and 250 words max.
45, Max Weinreich describes the level of usage as vulgar.
46, Max was difficult for her to deal with.
47, Max looked at her through narrowed eyes.
48, I'd do you justice, Max.
49, This credit card has a max of $2000.
50, Max So-you've laid the ghost.
51, Max intended to aim at global marketing.
52, Max brushed the dust off his coat.
53, Understandably, few had ever heard of Max Weber.
54, Max reads by a torch under the sheets.
54, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
55, The Max Gate visitors' book.
56, Max consumed his parkin hastily and left.
57, Max heads off to the door.
58, Max breathed out powerful male sexuality in every movement.
59, Hannah was acutely conscious of Max.
60, Max in gray flannel trousers and gray brawny pullover.
61, Ellie's angry retort surprised Max.
62, Max walked past her, without acknowledging her presence by the slightest alteration in his expression.
63, Max temp 17C 63F. 4,7,10,11,12,13,15: Any early rain dying out overnight. Sunny spells tomorrow.
64, Some have pointed out with justice that the Max Planck Institutes have bled away the best research talent from the universities.
65, Max Beerbohm's generation must have been the last to which the delicious syllabub was a familiar childhood treat.
66, With another teacher, a year to mature and some therapy, Max is a straight A student, Kelly said.
67, Better than being big-headed, the thing Uncle Max was always slapping me down for.
68, The car represented all that was good about freedom and excitement and living life to the max.
69, Max believes in the child's imagination, in the immediacy of the child's expression.
70, Of this argument Max Hammerton, an experimental psychologist, is a good recent example.
71, Max told me that Smith would meet us on the following Monday, which would have meant waiting around for five days.
72, In the new science of mythology, Max Muller was also advancing equally confident claims.
73, Faith felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.
74, Max has a very funny way of telling you that you should try a different approach.
75, It has an interesting art collection including works by Henry Moore and Max Ernst.
76, Max was punched and kicked repeatedly as he lay on the ground.
77, Something that, once he had deciphered the code, would explain why Professor Max Flaschner was dead.
78, When Max was fired from his job the whole family had to pack up and leave town.
79, If Max knew about Modigliani's private life then all Montparnasse would soon be seething with the story.
80, Moreover, Max is being harassed at school by a gang of thugs, carefully drawn as a multiethnic crew.
81, Max leaned forward and gathered up a handful of loose earth and scattered it on the coffin.
82, Covent Garden field a strong cast, especially Rene Kollo's marvellous Max.
83, Max had been right: love is a form of madness, what the army calls a self-inflicted wound.
84, It could all have been a pack of lies that Uncle Max cooked up because it gave him such power over Tawno.
84, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
85, The best crossbreed was Max, belonging to Beryl Greenslade of Hindhead, who also took the best mover award.
86, Certainly the last thing she wanted was for Max to get wind of it all.
87, These Wild Things recognize Max as one of their own, at least in spirit, and crown him their king.
88, I felt like Max Zillion, a cartoon strip character devised by Hunt Emerson.
89, On his birthday, Max gets his wish that his dad will stop lying for one day.
90, I got bags of letters, all giving Max tremendous support.
91, Even Max is reduced to a stick figure of a child.
92, He felt utterly friendless and Max Aitken arranged a luncheon for him which I attended.
93, Eric Touchaleaume looks back more than fifty years, with twelve almost unknown works by Max Ernst.
94, The wireless set hissed and crackled and Max Bygraves faded all away.
95, Max joined me for the last nine of my eighteen-months' stint in Sun City.
96, Even Max, who no longer loved her, and with good cause, would have done as much.
97, Went behind my back, suborned Max Radl, one of my most trusted aides.
98, Capablanca the return match he deserved, but charitably agreed to play such less dangerous opponents as Yefim Bogolyubov and Max Euwe.
99, Max grew up in a particularly rough part of Brooklyn.
100, This is but an extension of the expertise which Max Weber claimed to be the foundation of bureaucratic power.
101, Max is a jazz musician, a black cat with Negro features, who owns a talking saxophone, his Alto Ego.
102, Peter saw him the other night, Max, said he looked very down in the mouth.
103, A psychiatrist was called in and Max was given the treatment he needed, but only after serving a month in Brixton.
104, About a year later a most peculiar way out of the difficulty was found by Max Planck.
105, Max 16C 61F. 19,22,23,24,26,27,28: Fine but chilly night with local ground frost.
106, A libation of orange juice poured out on the ground to the memory of Uncle Max, that's all.
107, Carbed to the max, we were very happy with our choices.
108, Max is a classic example of a man who can't control his ambition.
109, Max twisted around to see who had entered the room.
110, More than anything in the world, Max wanted to be an independent electrician with a business of his own.
111, Launched in February 1980, Solar Max had made continuous and detailed observations of the Sun.
112, Max Baucus, will survive this plunge, albeit with a touch of fear.
113, In his mind, at least, Max sails off to an island inhabited by monstrous but not so dangerous creatures.
114, Max Hess, Folkestone, Kent I bumped into a friend the other day but had forgotten his name.
114, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
115, However, there is a more technical meaning and one originated by Max Weber.
116, For seventy years Max Jacob has been regarded as Modigliani's closest friend.
117, He was working for Uncle Max, and earning good money too.
118, I first met Wells at a weekend party at Max Beaverbrook's country estate in the late 1930s.
119, For, like Max, he'd been over-anxious about his health: arthritis had plagued him, and high blood pressure.
120, Their shock turns to amazement however when Max walks in, very much alive.
121, I bet the max, and prepared to count the spoils.
122, Max 16C 61F. 19,22,23,24,26,27,28: Fine but chilly night with local ground frost. Sunny spells on Sunday.
123, This emphasis passed into the work of Max Weber and thus into one tendency in modern sociology.
124, According to chief executive Max Pearce, the loss for this year would total around £500,000.
125, I could see that Max was getting impatient with me.
126, You can drive 65 miles per hour on this highway, but that's the max.
127, She patches Max up and makes it known that she desperately needs his medical expertise.
128, That used to happen way back with Miro, Max Ernst and so on.
129, Shop stewards at Broughton have written to Raytheon's president, Max Bleck, to ask him to meet them.
130, But when a leper discloses that his blind wife is about to give birth, Max comes to the rescue.
131, McFarlane, who had no exact counterpart on the opposite side, stood with Nitze and Max Kampelman.
132, An hour or two here, max, is all it takes.
133, Max spent the whole afternoon looking around a second-hand book store.
134, Max got up from his chair and shook her hand.
135, He twisted the throttle control to max power.
136, Max zips back and forth across the living room.
137, The right answer is Max will-- Maxie will look in the cupboard, even though it's not really there because Maxie has a false belief about the world.
138, Schottky barrier rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 60 V. Max average forward current 5.0 A.
139, Ok, but aren't Maya and 3 ds Max directly in competition?
140, He also recalls Max Perutz and James Watson, both Nobel laureates at Cambridge, telling him it was irresponsible to interfere with the beginning of life.
141, Hopefully, Max would be able to spend a few days with them, depending on his heavy schedule.
142, Jacques Tati is the most excellent comedy master in France since Max Linder.
143, When Joe Louis fought back to beat German Max Schmeling for the world heavyweight boxing crown in 1938, he later said, "the whole damned country was depending on me."
144, Mr de Garis's MP, Max Madden, took up the case.
145, And such artists as Max Weber and Georgia O'Keeffe painted in styles that seemed to come more from their own imagination than from reality.
146, Use max. 3 typefaces in a maximum of 3 point sizes —a maximum of 18 words or 50-80 characters per line of text.
147, An average output power of the converter shaft must reach the Max.
148, Anna and Max are a teen fictive pair experience together.
149, "The car, Annie," said Max rather grimly.— 'So okay. the car. What about it.'.
150, A pioneer of legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber.
151, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism . Max Weber .
152, The result show that the max error% of the thermal resistor matrix is below 2%.
153, Gerth and C . Wright Mills : From Max Weber [ M ] . London : Oxford UNiversity Press, 1946 . pp 164.




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