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单词 Vivid
1. Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality. 
2. The scene is still vivid in my memory.
3. Clare was the most vivid member of the family.
4. Antonia is a woman with a vivid imagination.
5. I had a vivid dream about my old school.
6. Pat has vivid recol-lections of the trip.
7. Her dress was a vivid colour.
8. I've got vivid memories of that summer.
9. He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.
10. Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.
11. The scientist used vivid examples in illustration of his theory.
12. The changing vivid colours of the sunset are really fascinating.
13. The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye.
14. He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot.
15. Children often have very vivid imaginations .
16. The poetry was bespangled with vivid imagery.
17. I have a vivid recollection of that old house.
18. A vivid picture is present to our eye.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. The incident left a vivid impression on me.
20. Our economic construction is vivid with life.
21. She uses quite vivid colours.
22. Dreams, even vivid ones, have little predictive value.
23. He has a real gift for vivid description.
24. I have a vivid memory of her face.
25. She electrified her audience with her vivid stories.
26. I have vivid memories of my grandparents.
27. I have vivid memories of that evening.
28. He had a vivid picture in his mind.
29. People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.
30. The painter brushed over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect.
1. The scene is still vivid in my memory.
2. Antonia is a woman with a vivid imagination.
3. I had a vivid dream about my old school.
4. Pat has vivid recol-lections of the trip.
5. Her dress was a vivid colour.
6. I've got vivid memories of that summer.
7. He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.
8. Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.
9. The scientist used vivid examples in illustration of his theory.
10. The changing vivid colours of the sunset are really fascinating.
11. People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.
12. He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot.
13. I have a vivid recollection of that old house.
14. A vivid picture is present to our eye.
15. Our economic construction is vivid with life.
16. I have a vivid memory of her face.
17. His novel is a vivid portrayal of life in a mining community.
18. The writer paints a vivid picture of his early life.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
31. He was a vivid and witty correspondent.
32. She was wearing a vivid pink shirt.
33. On Wednesday night I had a very vivid dream which really upset me.
34. The report paints a vivid picture of life in the city.
35. His novel is a vivid portrayal of life in a mining community.
36. Her latest novel paints a very vivid portrait of the aristocracy in the 1920s.
37. I have a very vivid picture of the first time I met Erik.
38. He had a vivid picture of her in his mind.
39. The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory.
40. My most vivid memory is not the accident itself but being in the ambulance.
41. In her latest novel she paints a vivid picture of life in Victorian England.
42. The audience was completely carried away by the movie star's vivid performance.
43. The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail.
44. The book gives a vivid picture of life in Victorian England.
45. He's one of those people with a very vivid imagination - every time he hears a noise he's convinced it's someone breaking in.
46. She gave the police a vivid description of the accident.
47. The article gives a vivid picture of the way artists at the studio collaborated.
48. I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small.
48. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
49. I dream about him(), dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days.
50. There is a vivid description of a fierce bayonet charge in the novel.
51. She still has nightmares and vivid flashbacks of the accident.
52. The writer paints a vivid picture of his early life.
53. How vivid and alive their faces looked.
54. Tuesday's performance was outstanding, vivid and of surpassing clarity.
55. Dickens' characters are very vivid and memorable.
56. He painted a vivid picture of apprehension and tiredness.
57. Jack's vivid imagination often gave him bad dreams.
58. The cold fusion controversy provides a vivid illustration.
59. Their vivid colouring is a hoax.
60. Nice vivid pictures, despite working on old computers.
61. I recall her bum, though, in vivid detail.
62. He also describes vivid pictures with extreme detail and.
63. Vivid blue eyes glittered in his tanned face.
64. Green foliage and spires of vivid red flowers.
65. A chicken with too vivid an imagination.
66. It is gold with vivid garnet eyes and when wound up runs around in circles.
67. Most people have vivid memories of their first day at school and their childhood home.
68. His choreography, on Broadway and in the film, was vivid, inventive.
69. Vivid flashes of lightning coursed along our batteries from one end of the line to the other....
70. The way classical learning took hold of people under Elizabeth is exemplified in vivid snapshots.
71. I love the company and I have vivid dreams as I see others appreciating the beauty of this land, too.
72. It was a vivid reminder of the stark difference between Washington news and real-world news.
73. She remembered it in vivid violent snatches punctuated by haze or darkness.
74. The special includes vivid illustrations of the impact meteors have had in the past and what could happen in the future.
75. Still family-owned, most are closed to the public - so these photographs and vivid word profiles are all the more valuable.
76. The deep red flesh, the black seeds, the vivid green rind glistened.
77. He gave evidence in a low, strained voice, often scratching vivid red scars on his face, chin and neck.
78. Of all the eidetic images that remain from my childhood, frozen with crude representational accuracy, this is the most vivid.
78. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
79. Such vivid, metaphoric language epitomizes and illustrates the ultimate truths and values of the police world.
80. Think about exactly what happened - try to remember all the details that make it vivid in your mind.
81. One kind is vivid, detailed, colorful, large, and in the center of the visual field.
82. Hawthorn buds are bursting everywhere: vivid leaf bunches with a crunchy, cheesy taste.
83. Though there is plenty of period detail and vivid description, the effect is at the same time oddly weightless.
84. His style was vivid, with a penchant for colourful, even shady, characters, and a zest for historical detection.
85. Senior Labor politician Tony Benn has been publishing diary installments for decades, providing a vivid account of Parliament.
86. Jack's round was not as vivid as the day before.
87. Kakoo's life spanned almost a century and her wonderful memory made everything so vivid for all the generations who knew her.
88. Earth would suddenly become vivid and real with a vibrancy of colour and texture.
89. Equally parliamentarians spoke of cruelty, inhumanity and tyranny as features of the slave trade and slavery, often providing vivid examples.
90. This is a normal vivid dream state and is a natural activity of the brain.
91. She could see nothing except a vivid scarlet blur, the colour of a London bus.
92. I've got very vivid memories of that summer, about Abbotsfield and Carinish Court.
93. To advertise the fact, they surround the pollen and the anthers that produce it with the vivid petals of a flower.
94. Mark deployed his vivid imagination in a wild-child narrative to create a boy who hunts deer, bears, and birds.
95. Which shades of green blend best with each other, with pale colours, with vivid colours?
96. At the centre of each flower, the styles are a vivid orange, held well above the three golden yellow anthers.
97. He was waiting while his vivid red roses were wrapped in the distinctive lilac and silver paper.
98. The gnarly Texas scrub provides a vivid counterpoint to the fading sunlight.
99. This is a generation for whom the war years remain vivid and the Empire had real meaning.
100. A vivid light flared outside, bright enough to penetrate the heavy curtains.
101. He had a vivid impression of slabs of grey, close-set print sandwiched between worn, red covers.
102. Tamar's description, to him and Elizabeth, had been too vivid for him ever to confuse it.
103. But he had a vivid picture of her in his mind, lean and hungry in her scarlet bathing suit.
104. He spoke with deliberation, but often in vivid metaphors and with literary references.
105. Although he'd never been blessed with a particularly vivid imagination, Charlie saw it all in an instant.
106. The exhibition reveals Andr Citro n's vivid creativity and ability to capture the public's imagination.
107. Surviving crew have vivid memories of their missions in Mary Alice.
108. But from the log books of 100 years ago[http://], there is a very vivid picture of school life in Bentley.
109. Shiny plastic and vivid purple padding on the waist and shoulder straps make the sack stand out and guarantee a closer look.
110. Memories tumbled out, dancing past her closed eyes in a vivid string of pictures.
111. The memory was so vivid that for a second she thought she heard the echo of the slam.
112. Sunrise streaks a vivid pink on the clouds, and under the bridge, College Creek is a flawless mirror.
113. But there is another vivid illustration of the discrimination practised by the Labour Party against people who live in the province.
114. The same almost black hair, the same vivid blue eyes.
115. Her imagination conjured up an erotically vivid picture and she knew a hectic flush had risen to her cheeks.
116. It was a vivid reminder that descending the water column in a submarine is an unnatural act.
117. Subtlety of shade is another key to the use of more vivid colours.
118. Vivid memories of her childhood holidays go on and on about birthday cakes, pumpkin pies, fruitcakes, and homemade candy.
119. One of the strengths of Cable's work here is that he makes such possible lines of argument and controversy vivid.
120. But its theatrical power also stems from its vivid evocation of time and place.
121. It remains one of the most vivid and magical memories of my life.
122. But giant tubeworms are 6-foot-long expletives, shouts of brilliance, startling in their vivid simplicity and exposure.
123. Alan Farmer suggested that with a vivid feature film, children should be allowed to watch it through without a single interruption.
124. The moving image has immediacy and can offer vivid detail.
125. Jack Russell's painting inspires vivid memories of that moment of discovery.
126. I know it seems vivid because my imagination fills in all the bits another person wouldn't understand.
127. A vivid example of this combination of learning and performance is Electronic Campus, which grew out of research at Apple Computer.
128. The cases, crafted and written by the executives themselves, become vivid examples of skilled incompetence.
129. The pictures of her life yet to come were as vivid, and yet she could see no meaning in them.
130. She turned to face me and gave me that vivid smile that transformed her already delightful face.
131. Her lips were vivid, blackcurrant-red against her powdered white face.
132. But one night I had a vivid dream of her, that she had died.
133. Photographs taken with large telescopes are needed to bring out their vivid colours, and with binoculars they appear white and milky.
134. As he reached her side, the sky above them lit up with a vivid flash of lightning.
135. Years later that journey still remained vivid in his memory.
136. This splendid lithograph by Bourne gives one a vivid idea of the impact of the railway on urban landscapes.
137. Our social orders have changed and we now dislike such vivid evidence of hierarchy.
138. Memories grow less vivid, recent experiences are unshared,[http:///vivid.html] and imagined caresses across the kilometres become harder to conjure.
139. As he often did, Holder created not only the choreography but also vivid music and costume and set designs.
140. With her vivid imagination, Melissa could visualise the scene and it sickened her.
141. Perhaps this is one of the most vivid examples we have of the effect of the pictorial image on the medieval mind.
142. As an employer of labour, I have vivid memories of that time.
143. This is a vivid reminder of the significant social effects of Government planning guidance.
144. Smith and Bryant could not overcome their opponents' vivid word images of immigrant families split asunder.
145. Lafaille's climbs give vivid illustration that adventure can still be found, even in the world's most crowded massif.
146. Course Moira always has had a vivid imagination, you have to take what she says with a pinch of salt.
147. Hypnagogic experiences, as they are called, are characterized by a series of relatively disconnected but vivid images.
148. It was springtime and the slopes were ablaze with almond blossom, the vivid green terraces edged with blue irises.
149. The vivid illustrations in the Blue Books of the 1840s could as well have come from the mines of Shropshire in 1770.
150. In telling his tale of the 30s Brendon paints a vivid and vigorous canvas.
151. Tight trousers flowing to flares, waisted jackets, vivid shirts and ties half a mile wide.
152. It is now accepted as a masterpiece of biography, presciently modern in its vivid, easy style.
153. Meanwhile, those who observed the jumbo jet exploding say they still have vivid memories.
154. The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
155. As his sleep problem developed, he could only manage two or three hours of sleep, frequently disturbed by vivid dreams.
156. She has vivid, longing dreams about living in it-literally her dream home.
157. It was an almost unbelievable sight in this desolate landscape, a long stretch of vivid blue water fringed by green reedbeds.
158. There are two eighteenth centuries vivid to the modern literary consciousness.
159. The week after, there was a millpond under a vivid blue sky - with matching hammerhead shark cruising the northern limits.
160. When the teacher switched on the fluorescent lights, the paints glared, uncomfortably vivid.
161. Ha cheeks were two vivid spots of colour and her eyes were too bright.
162. At the same time, although he was mistaken about the chronology, his account of Theuderic's expedition was extremely vivid.
163. The young are particularly vivid, their colors and patterns changing systematically with growth to the more subdued beauty of the adult.
164. In Lewis Percy by Anita Brookner there is a vivid description of such a situation.
165. In the churchyard a massive rhododendron bush provides a vivid splash of mauve to churchgoers and passers-by during the early summer.
166. The stained-glass windows inside, and the black wrought iron and living or artificial flowers outside, contribute vivid accents.
167. A vivid portrait of a successful charlatan exploiting the second-century Christians is given by Lucian in his Peregrinus.
168. Follow the given preparation and cooking order correctly for the best flavour and beautiful vivid colours.
169. Here we need to encourage pupils to think and express themselves in vivid ways using word pictures.
170. Dense masses of vivid green vegetation swayed and lapped in slow motion.
171. The Barthelmes recount in vivid detail and with good psychological insight the trauma of coping with that dual loss.
172. He has vivid memories of how it feels to lose your job.
173. There are extraordinarily vivid and exuberant pictures which are countered by others which have an almost penitential mood to them.
174. Her vivid imagination created some one tall and slim,[] blonde and attractive.
175. Sexy as hell, actually, each in a very different way, although equally vivid.
176. I have a vivid memory of her descending the stairs to the conservatory where we said our vows.
177. But perhaps the most vivid and compelling evidence of this highly developed colour sensibility is the artefacts themselves.
178. So vivid was his description that I suggested the only kindness would be to put the nag down before the race.
179. She then draped it with vivid red silk, secured in place with a glue gun.
180. And as she remembered her own vivid imaginings a blush crept up her throat to flood her cheeks with hot colour.
181. Try to find a vivid illustration of your theme to start off your talk.
182. The connection between religious fervour and rebellion-as in the Taiping rebellion of the 1850s-is vivid.
183. Nixon always will remain a vivid figure for those of us who watched the ebb and flow of his remarkable career.
184. Some have a vivid and excited sense of life and renewal.
185. "Heimat' is a vivid social drama spanning sixty years in the life of one small village.
186. I was taken aback by the decor - vivid red, yellow and green geometric patterns screaming from every wall.
187. What is perhaps missing is that element of spontaneity which serves to project Haydn's originality in a more vivid manner.
188. My most vivid memory is not the accident, but my telephone call to the car rental company later that morning.
189. His vivid persona might have been contrived, but it chimed in with the national mood.
190. Afterwards, people remembered nothing of what the president said, but retained a vivid image of what he wore.
191. The central position was taken by the headmaster himself, and the live coals sent vivid warmth to his posterior.
192. Even more interestingly, he was possibly one of the last people to have vivid personal memories of the 1859 Revival.
193. I still have vivid memories of Chappy bursting between two defenders and cracking a shot against the bar.
194. The debate over health care reform in 1993-94 offers a vivid example.
195. But along the way Alice Thomas Ellis creates an ironic and vivid portrait of London, brilliantly catching its degradation and waste.
196. She was wearing a fashionable knee-length straight skirt, a silk blouse in a vivid jade-green, and slender-heeled shoes.
197. Some are vivid pink, others black and yellow, acid green or maroon with metallic blue spots.
198. Sandy Powell's designs for Kate employ vivid colours, often linked with the decor.
199. The Steam Tank body itself was painted in the vivid reds, blues and yellows that are typical of the Engineers Guild.
200. Marine fish have such beautiful vivid colours and it is a pity not to display these to best advantage.
201. If a story was written skillfully enough to include vivid descriptions, Louisa pictured them in her mind.
202. David Thomson's vivid account of these goings-on, in Woodbrook, had aroused my curiosity.
203. They could never have created the Olympians, each a distinct, vivid personality.
204. His pocketed stash of newspaper clippings apparently fuelled vivid conversations.
205. You can enjoy an exhibition that gives a vivid account of the fugitive King's perilous adventures.
206. The artist portrayed images of daily life in his native town of Ocotlan with vivid colors, surrealism and magical realism.
207. To make your story as vivid as possible, include details such as names, dollar amounts, and ages when relevant.
208. Their attention to the minor details of everyday life paints a far more vivid picture of bygone days than any history book.
209. Another Federal soldier who later penned a vivid account of the things he saw was sixteen-year-old John A.. Cockerill.
210. Noble has suggested that this represents a vivid example of social choice in machine design.
211. Furthermore, artists who are also critics are especially likely to make vivid comments on the methods and techniques of old art.
212. I thought of the vivid description with which Omar had burdened my memory.
213. The Yippies were armed with a vivid imagination to match their rhetoric.
214. His ebullient personality is a vivid reminder of the polymath of past times.
215. This is a vivid and funny production and their expertise makes the intricate puppetry go like a dream.
216. I still have a vivid picture in my head of my first day in Paris.
217. She wished she hadn't; vivid fragments of the previous evening's escapade sprang only too easily to mind.
218. The advantage will be smoother, more life-like, more in-depth games - and probably more vivid nightmares.
219. Now aged 99, he still has vivid memories of the slaughter.
220. The effect of contrast and seeming absurdity is revealed in vivid examples.
221. It is after the first few years in employment that the profiles diverge dramatically and again the male/female contrast is vivid.
222. Rachel's hands were white-knuckled on the window-sill as she pictured it, vivid images burning into her mind.
223. The radio waves, magnetic field and computer technology combine to produce vivid images of the body's soft tissue.
224. Can I really mean to personify the community in this vivid way?
225. The displays provide a vivid insight into the way the castle grew in response to new developments in contemporary warfare.
226. The Donald Duck he drew is very vivid.
227. A moderate to vivid purplish red.
228. Numberless recent massacres were still vivid in their recollection.
229. A vivid or strong blue to purplish blue.
230. This larger format text is a collection of gardens in vivid color and perspective.
231. Their vivid colors and markings make butterfly fish (family Chaetodontidae) attractive aquarium fish, but many species require special attention and maintenance.
232. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 still remains one of the most vivid and horrid tragedies that changed American Labor Unions and labor laws.
233. Ross wood son DE family in the world of wine in the name of the innovator, known as the phillips is a selected series, a vivid illustration.
234. Her face was small and oval , and her vivid lips were curved in a persistent smile.
235. What strikes at a first reading is its vivid images.
236. In the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer created a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society and a whole gallery of vivid characters.
237. Now and again a packet of nux vomica and bicarb stomach powder would fly out and burst like a bomb, splashing vivid white against the green.
238. All "social" data is hidden in the panel - probably to not overcrowd the design with vivid symbols and icons which simply do not fit to the initial design.
239. The three literary thoughts' contradiction and unitization is a vivid characteristic of Zhu Xiang's poem.
240. The guy who could quote Alexander Pope learned about spitting tobacco and dodgingmortar rounds, the strange allure of a hard life. “Everything is vivid, eventhe crappy food,” he said.
241. The green trade barrier regards environmental protection as a reason, with largely concealment, vivid and complexity.
242. Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities.
243. Hand - assembled, true to life in hand - painted duotone Smokey Gold Pearl and Vivid Black.
244. The merits of alertness and apprehensibility in Bai Juyi's poetry were not due to its colloquialism or vernacularism, but came from its concise themes, specified literary speech and vivid description.
245. In the movie is busy with in all directions "the bestowment" good luck Ge You, but this chapter of vivid fashion fondness of countryside, elegant bearing, very very very idol faction.
246. What the self-educated man learns, becomes more thoroughly his own, makes a more vivid impression upon his mind, and fixes itself more enduringly there.
247. A red, fine and elegant wine, harmonious, light and friendly. It has a vivid red color when young, evolving to brownish red when mature. It gains a special smoothness through maturation.
248. Early childhood education ought to be vivid with life and young childrens life education ought to become the origin for thinking of children education.
249. English news headlines tend to be terse and vivid in an attempt to attract readers.
250. Mangold is one the rare examples who got success in challenging of remaking a western. He reprised the classic western greatness with the vivid characterization and the well-paced storytelling.
251. Multimedia techniques make this system user - friendly, more vivid and vigorous.
252. On September 22, in a vivid display of the spreading dangers in African waters, pirates armed with Kalashnikov rifles attempted to seize an oil platform off the coast of Nigeria.
253. At the other end of the weather spectrum, the sunset over Cairo was a vivid red-orange.
254. Shuihuzhuan depicts a group of vivid and true-to-life heroes, but the heroine images are not satisfactory.
255. First, we must understand the characteristics of advertising language, advertising language requirement concise, vivid, funny, easy to remember.
256. Never had they noticed the roses so vivid, the willow - herb so meadow - sweet so odorous and pervading.
257. Cai Mingdian ding three decorative glass, works fine, burning exquisite, vivid, lifelike.
258. To the vivid complexity of the images show the depth of the human anatomy and analysis.
259. A majid crab disappears among the vivid red of coral in Palau.
260. The performances are also evil, of this character[Sentence dictionary], personality diametrically opposed brothershave vivid interpretation.
261. Renaissance architectural structure, architectural style is new, the breakthrough of the style, create a novel and vivid.
262. The production design showing originality, the character shaping is vivid, with the dense nationality amorous feedings.
263. Each row in comic form of light, focus on a story or show a certain plot, vivid characters and therefore, the scene come alive, life, people and the patience to see visions.
264. My heart was stirringly touched when I read this vivid description on the archeological discovery of Yunnan bronze wares for I have been a tour guide in Kunming tourism for over 20 years.
265. Did middleaged person suffer from cerebella atrophy opposite what to kind of effect have alive? Is the patient vivid how long?
266. Female do have larger orange markings and less vivid darker spots below the lateral line. the male side markings are much livelier.
267. Chinese folk games are not only the vivid demonstration of the diversity of Chinese culture, but also the irreproducible intangible cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.
268. Jedi Knight, Mierme Unill, was investigating the murder of the Mon Gazzan ore traders when heard reports of a youngling with unnaturally vivid visions of the crime scene.
269. Handel, Telemann, Vivaldi and Bach – they all loved Pisendel. His works are very vivid and lively and you need highest technical skills to play it.
270. If the sediment underlying a hydrate entraps natural gas, its acoustic velocity will become much lower, resulting in vivid characteristics of reflections.
271. English idiom is a form of language with coloring, it is concise, vivid, harmonious and offhanded .
272. Baimiao use practices drawn King, requested by the author Mr T for pachytene sketches, composed of vivid images.
273. After reading the book, what impressed me most is that vivid, optimistic loving illusion, sincere, lively, curious girl with red hair-The master Anne.
274. Hurstwood's dreary state made its beauty become more and more vivid.
275. Attention is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.
276. Picture teaching is a kind of vivid and imaginal teaching method, which can stimulate students learning interest , enhance teaching effects in class and improve the quality of English teaching.
277. The reductive and vivid image is his main artistic language.




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