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单词 Inference
1 From his manner, we drew the inference that he was satisfied.
2 Is that a fair inference from his statement?
3 I submit that no inference is true.
4 The clear inference is that the universe is expanding.
5 It had an extremely tiny head and, by inference, a tiny brain.
6 The inference I've drawn from his lateness is he overslept.
7 If he is guilty then, by inference, so is his wife .
8 He was portrayed as a hero and,by inference, Thompson as the villain.
9 Justification by inference is conditional justification only.
10 One was clearly Xanthe's, the other by inference Sheridan's.
11 This is a perfectly legitimate inductive inference.
12 Subsequent evidence may confirm or deny that inference.
13 It is certainly the case that normal mode inference is computationally more tractable.
14 This inference is confirmed experimentally by observations in grid turbulence of changes in the spectrum with distance downstream.
15 Would a reasonable occupier have drawn the inference that there was a danger and that the presence of the trespasser was likely.
16 The inference engine is generic, and it handles the logistics of a consultation.
17 The inference is therefore that the fish is either dead or cured by the time fungus gets around to colonising it.
18 You seemed to know about this book, and by inference I thought you had read it.
19 She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.
20 They were warned to expect a heavy air attack and by inference many casualties.
21 His change of mind was recent and sudden, the inference being that someone had persuaded him.
22 Therefore, if the assumption that the speaker is actually cooperating is to be preserved, some informative inference must be made.
23 Demanding but worthwhile effort to unify qualitative and quantitative research methods under one logic of inference.
24 Though selection of countries lies at the heart of comparison, selection without reflection may lead to serious problems of inference.
25 First, variants on the Gettier theme can be written in which, though there is falsehood, there is no inference.
26 Once it is established what the defendant knew, then the inference to be drawn from these primary facts is objective.
27 The tenor of the above letter seems to endorse rather than diminish that inference - Ed.
28 Classroom activities will tend to be those focusing attention on deciphering rather than on interpretation by indexical inference.
29 Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
30 A careful examination of the full context, however, suggests that see may well denote mental inference here as well.
1 You seemed to know about this book, and by inference I thought you had read it.
2 From his manner, we drew the inference that he was satisfied.
3 The inference I've drawn from his lateness is he overslept.
31 But inference from context would rule out such an interpretation in this story.
32 Thus it is quite plausible to suggest that see evokes some form of inference here.
33 This led to the incorporation of statistical techniques of inference into empirical social science.
34 Perhaps this inference, given its grounding in pupil, not teacher data, is a tendentious one.
35 But the defense clearly hopes that jurors will draw that inference.
36 This, under the control of the inference engine, forms the system nucleus.
37 And when Rabbit shows Pooh the honey, again the inference is direct: a honey pot, therefore honey.
38 If, however, an existential claim is expressed in such a manner, then it can be paraphrased in terms of valid inference.
39 There is therefore no direct inference ticket from physical harm to harm normatively defined.
40 If the premises are unjustified, there will be no justification for the conclusion at least, not by this inference.
41 The inference of user information needs from user information-seeking behaviour has led to much confusion.
42 It provides a basis of fuller understanding of allusion, implication and inference.
43 If all preferences are strong, so that only normal mode inference is ever performed, wrong choices will be made.
44 Fujisaki will probably rule next week on whether defense lawyers can draw a more sinister inference from the delay during closing arguments.
45 Inference is what Sherlock Holmes did: one fact is deduced from others.
46 The inference had been widely accepted, until a more recent experiment.
47 Because there was no way we would be given permission to carry out burning ourselves, everything was done from inference.
48 The opaque glasses used for making the beads provide us with a somewhat different level of inference.
49 Each combination of the inference engine with a knowledge base becomes a unique expert system.
50 The principles of politeness and co-operation are not, on their own, enough to provide the explanation for this inference.
51 A better word was values, with its inference of personal choice and personal responsibility.
52 It is this kind of inference that Grice dubs an implicature, or more properly a conversational implicature.
53 Our main inference was that as insectivorous primates radiated within the forest they took to fruit-eating and became diurnal.
54 This processing, which is relatively complicated in the case of the complex inference sentences, can also produce role- and name-mapping.
55 Implication is an indirect way of conveying one's own meaning; inference is a process of discovering a fact outside oneself.
56 One inescapable inference from these numbers is that some of the 620 persons executed were innocent.
57 Journalistic speculation and inference about official statements are not protected.
58 Third, there is the problem of universal knowledge, or more generally of knowledge by inference.
59 Typically an expert system consists of a piece of software called an inference engine and another piece called a knowledge base.
60 They portrayed her as the hero, and by inference , Mr. Thompson as the villain.
61 But without such knowledge, the reader is required to focus on the language and make considerable efforts of inference.
62 Inference 3 : one-sided love is not true love.
63 Causal inference in folk science is equally untrustworthy.
64 Finally achieve logical inference through racer.
65 From the viewpoint of statistical computation, MML method of storage reliability inference for a kind of systems composed of two type repairable equipments model is proposed.
66 The rule of inference used in this procedure is a subcase of linear resolution—the unit resolution.
67 The multi-models forecast system for the forest fire spread acts according to the production rule for the inference principle establishment.
68 The result showed that fuzzy inference control of the capacitor switching is the best design, and gets an ideal control.
69 The inference algorithm is the basis of learning and application in belief network.
70 This paper deals with some defects of MYCIN inexact inference in theory, which are discussed with the practice of earthquake prediction.
71 A complex inference engine for generating operation-item and a developing model for software workflow based finite automaton were used in the system.
72 Under current ontology storage schema, some problems such as difficult maintenance, low query and inference speed may appear after OWL ontology storing in relational database.
73 In this paper, the test model of fuzzy hypothesis for the period analysis of the runoff process over a number of years and the method of a fuzzy statistical inference are presented.
74 The algorithm translates the inference of Conceptual-Graphs, in a Closed World Model, to marking processes in Game-Trees.
75 It discusses carefully the basic concepts and inference rule of the resolution principle. According to the discussion, resolution method is used to prove a mathematical theorem through a example.
76 From the view of psycholinguistics, the article analyzes the essential of the theme and thematic inference, and it also points out that there are two styles of thematic inference.
77 This paper point out calculation formula and process for inference and academic precision.
78 This paper applies the MYCIN inexact inference method to the comprehensive earthquake prediction.
79 The bending property in transverse direction of tin-phosphor bronze strip is a very important quality index which has a great inference on the quality of final products.
80 Lastly, comparative to logical inference, the law of causation is rooted the diachronic connection between two empiristic facts.
81 This study aims to probe into how the semantic association and causal relation of the predictive event contained in the predictive context contribute to the coding of predictive inference(PI).
82 A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying uncertainty in decision analysis and A.
83 Bayesian inference has also gained prominence in e-mail spam-fighting, and in non-spam-related areas such as customer affinity engines (or, commercial recommendation engines).
84 Covet is to be in what arise on pathology foundation not to accord with actual erroneous belief, it is a kind of clammy judgement and inference.
85 The calculation of NC cutter path is a key task for NC programming. A new method for tool path generation using massive discrete data is presented in this paper based on fuzzy inference techniques.
86 This paper deals with the inference for uncertainty of precision instrument.
87 Uncertain inference is a process of deriving consequences from uncertain knowledge or evidence via the tool of conditional uncertainty.
88 The inference mechanism in HEST is flexible and practical and the inference control is convenient.
89 Objective To study the inference factors and their influence magnitude in the determination of glucose by hexokinase and oxidase method.
90 Key techniques have been also deeply studied in this paper. As three solutions about Ontology construction, semantic inference, semantic matching are proposed.
91 It is analyzed from three levels of knowledge acquirement, representation and inference, and the object-oriented representation of knowledge in FMS scheduling domain is mainly introduced.
92 The paper pays a big attention to the combined mechanism and algorithms of TB using inference machine and optimization using linear programmes.
93 This is an combined inference derived from Axiom of Physics and observation of CMBR.
94 Except inductive method,() non-deductive inference is like deductive inference in that the conclusion must be true if the premise is true.
95 Inference rules implement forward inferencing, backward chaining, Prolog-style unification or other artificial intelligence (AI)-style rules.
96 It made use of fuzzy inference to decide the increment of each factor.
97 The judicial notice and inference are all the judging action to find fact according to authority during a trial.
98 Emphasizes questions of inductive learning and inference, and the representation of knowledge.
99 Induction is often used for any inference whose premises do not entail its c onclusions.
100 The inference control within the design period eliminates inference leak by adjusting the level assignment scheme.
101 Specific topics include color, objects, categories, similarity, inductive inference, space, time, causality, reasoning, decision-making, morality and consciousness.
102 The results show that the superordinate goal inference is constructed on-line in reading. They support the constructionist theory.
103 NMAKE looks for a matching inference rule if a description block is not followed by a commands block.
104 Prerequisite: STAT 250. Emphasis on applications. Topics include analysis of variance, multiple regression, and nonparametric inference. A statistical computer package is used for data analysis.
105 The results indicate that the straight comparison technique and the statistical inference technique are all effective method for model verification and validation.
106 We will emphasize questions of inductive learning and inference and the representation of knowledge.
107 It is mainly composed of intellectual stock and inference machine.
108 The key of this control strategy is the implementation of fuzzy inference system.
109 A forward and backward chaining inference engine suitable for this problem is derived and discussed.
110 This article is concerned with statistical modeling of shotgun resequencing data and the use of such data for population genetic inference.
111 In a Distributed knowledge Base System (DKBS), the decomposition and distribution of the inference rely on not only the domain to some extent, but also the DKBS architecture.
112 However , to realize high secure information system , the ability of inference control must be provided.
113 Additionally, you've seen how Jena's inference engine can be used to make inferences about a model based on an ontology.
114 Situation monitoring and trouble diagnosis expert system for TBM is developed. The structure principle, inference rule and goal attaining process are described.
115 A method of implementing symbol logic inference system using recurrent multilayer perceptron neural networks is presented in this paper.
116 The inference engine combines both object-oriented method and Blackboard model. It makes the knowledge base layered and modularized, and greatly raises the infer efficiency.
117 The basic fuzzy shift module implemented the fuzzification of throttle opening, vehicle speed and acceleration and fuzzy inference to decide shift position.
118 The existing problems in bottom tower control of butadiene rectifying tower in certain plant are investigated. The inference control strategy based on soft measurement is stated.
119 Particle filter is a new real time inference algorithm, which is based on Bayesian inference and Monte Carlo method.
120 How to choose between the Flow and the Inference Engine?
121 To improve the accuracy and speed in cycle-accurate power estimation, this paper uses multiple dimensional coefficients to build a Bayesian inference dynamic power model.
122 In the inference engine section, target-drive control, depth-first search and breadth-first search are adopted.
123 The reasons for the above results acquired by the inference method being on the small side in the northern arid region is then analyzed.
124 A kind of the inference control strategy for defect diagnostic system is devised according to the defect diagnostic traits.
125 Therefore, this paper analyzes Wang's art of remonstration and persuasion from the angle of rhetoric inference,() and discusses its law and characteristics.
126 The reason is that a knowledge base with sound structure and complete content directly influences the inference speed and the validity of result in Expert Systems.
127 Based on deductive inference from mathematic model and practical measurement on site the method for evaluating the balance of horizontal single cylinder diesel engine is presented in this paper.
128 Resource selection, optimization, problem diagnosis, and planning problems often need some style of inference.
129 PPJT provides a new theoretic tool for implementation of probabilistic inference in the common com- plicated network.
130 This condition can apply in an inference rule, as a Fraud is created or in a stream processing statement if the transaction event is part of a stream.
131 The graphic expert system of progressive die strip possess the expression of graphic knowledge, inference, graphic model and imput model.
132 Text inference is central to natural language applications. This paper presents an inference method based on HowNet, which organizes knowledge with semantic net and infers with marker passing.
133 This paper describes a method of information extraction which combines grammatical inference with HMM.
134 Inference control in databases is a key field of multilevel secure database system (MLS-DBS) and is an important means to achieve database security.
135 Downward inference, we might as well bold and suppositional , after network video media develops through these a few years, can divide a cup of a thick soup from inside TV medium.
136 Aiming to decrease overshoot, undershoot and settling time of non-minimum phase system with time delay, this paper proposes an intelligent IMC control system based on fuzzy inference.
137 And both of forward and backward deductive inference are realized.
138 Process knowledge expression, obtain, management technology, inference control strategy, explanation mechanism, and the application of they are used in CAPP system are introduced.
139 Logically, advocates of land privatization base their illogical argument on the premise of a false proposition and go against rules of inference.
140 As soon as rotate piston compressor be concerned, considing the thickness of slider and inference the change rule that the basic capacity of intake cavity with rotate angle.
141 Causal reasoning is a type of inference form which is used frequently in everyday life.
142 The method is to derive the maximum a posteriori estimate of the regions and the boundaries by using Bayesian inference and neighborhood constraints based on Markov random fields(MRFs) models.
143 Disputes over the bases of children's inductive inference actually focuses on whether information processing goes from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
144 Traditionally, Mechanical theorem proving often use a logic representation , and then inference, these methods lack of flexibility and the proving processes are difficult to understand.
145 The architectures of inference machine is discussed, including methods for the architectures to support the implementation of parallel models and kernel languages.
146 Take a look at the structure of the rules/inference engine.
147 In the system, the method of knowledge representation is genetic rule, inference engine combines uncertain inference and rule inference.
148 A belief rule -base inference methodology using the evidential reasoning approach (RIMER) has been developed, the RIMER expert system is explored on the basis of RIMER.
149 As is inherited from modal logic and another extension of mathematic logic, temporal logic assertion inference can solve such problems.
150 Then it utilizes fuzzy inference mechanism to infer the semanticeach sentence and the event topic.
151 Given the requirements of logical programming, a trinary-tree knowledge representation is proposed in this paper, and a framework of inference procedures based on the representation is given.
152 The paper introduces a kind of adaptive neural-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) based on T-S model to deal with the modeling problem of the complex soda carbonization process.
153 Moreover, a fuzzy inference mechanism was developed to form the core of fuzzy expert system frame, which could be realized through linear fuzzy matrix algebra.
154 In order to solve the difficult modeling problem of the lithopone calcination process, this paper proposes an adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems(ANFIS) modeling method based on T S model.
155 The method which combine with fuzzy approximate inference rule 1 and 2 can form an integrate approach.
156 The integrated Inference makes up of two parts: the host human-computer interaction interface and hardware Inference.
157 The issue of the rationality of inductive inference was first raised by David Hume, so it is also called "Humes problem".
158 Based on the condition, to adjust rank order with semiparametric method for statistical inference is more reasonable in two sample rank test.
159 Under certain hypothesis a heuristic search can be considered as a random sampling process. Thus, it is possible to transfer the statistical inference method to the heuristic search.
160 The thought pattern of I Ching : Book Of Changes is analogism rather than inductive inference.
161 If a dependent file does not exist and is not listed as a target in another description block, an inference rule can create the missing dependent from another file with the same base name.
162 Bayes Network is a new inference and express method of uncertain knowledge.
163 The uncertainty problem of knowledge is solved by using the forward-backward inference control strategy and the certainty theory.
164 The scheme of Two-Way Global Analysis of Mode Inference is first put forward to avoid the disadvantages of One-Way Analysis. The scheme has been accomplished in PROLOG.
165 Since China is a written-law system country, material legal inference needs meticulousness in its use.
166 Based on the introduction of the above-mentioned problem, the author from the angle of theory and practice combination, delves into the rationality of the inductive inference.
167 The paper analyzes the contents of exclusive logical thinking, its manifestation in economic activities, and its relationship with the law of excluded middle and disjunctive inference.
168 The control of chaotic system using fuzzy inference is discussed.
169 Traditional inference engine has some problems such as inference inefficient and conflict dispel.
170 Designs a common inaccurate forward direction inference machine, which can use successfully on the network.
171 An expert system( ES ) whose knowledge base and inference engine were separated was developed. Examples of ES in injection mold structural design were given.
172 This method has the characteristic of fast inference speed by combining the advantages of the fuzzy logic theory and neural networks.
173 For more information about inferred dependents , see Inference Rules.
174 This paper gives a method of defining the dilution ratio in measuring BOD5 based on the value of CODcraccording to mathematical inference.
175 The correspond to oil field experience expert system knowledge base and expression have been established, positive and negative mixed inference control strategies have been designed in this system.
176 A fuzzy - inference - rule based flexible model complex geometric transformation and feature variation in elastic image registration.
177 A flexible inference rule in belief networks is designed and quasi-information filtering provides a new approach to studying uncertai...
178 If Bayesian inference used to describe the problem, the posterior probability density function of earth model describes the solution of a geophysical inverse problem.
179 The statistical inference includes ANOVA, Chi - square test, multiple regression, and logistic regression.




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