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单词 Burn
1. Gain got by a lie will burn one’s fingers. 
2. Don't burn your bridges behind you. 
3. Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you ; music cannotpunish ---- only bless. 
4. Old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride. 
5. Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 
6. Old wood is best to burn, old book to read. 
7. Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. 
8. Green wood does not burn well.
9. That burn will leave a nasty scar.
10. He let the small fire burn itself out.
11. Now you can burn your photos onto a CD-ROM.
12. How did you burn your hand?
13. You cannot burn the candle at both ends.
14. The fire soon began to burn merrily.
15. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.
16. My grave is not short of you to burn incense.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.
18. drank a cup very to burn the very very hot water, warm actually only am the throat am the heart.
19. In summer, they usually burn some coil incense to keep away the mosquitoes.
20. He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.
21. Walking briskly can burn off a lot of calories.
22. Blow out the candles before they burn out.
23. Cover the burn with an antiseptic dressing.
24. Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. 
25. The fire which lights (or warms) us at a distance will burn us when near. 
26. Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom.
27. I've never seen anyone spend so much in one evening; he must have money to burn!
28. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
29. They rushed out as soon as the classroom began to burn.
30. Many workers have benefited from the new scheme, which allows careers to be put on a slow burn for months or years and then reactivated.
1. That burn will leave a nasty scar.
2. Now you can burn your photos onto a CD-ROM.
3. How did you burn your hand?
4. The fire soon began to burn merrily.
5. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
6. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.
7. Many workers have benefited from the new scheme, which allows careers to be put on a slow burn for months or years and then reactivated.
8. In summer, they usually burn some coil incense to keep away the mosquitoes.
9. Her words made his heart burn with frustration.
10. When Joe is twenty - one he will have money to burn.
11. Burn off the old paint, fill any cracks in the woodwork, and rub down well with sandpaper.
31. He was threatening to burn the place down.
32. Dig out and burn infected canes.
33. He left the fire to burn itself out .
34. Be careful not to burn yourself.
35. Burn off the old paint before repainting the door.
36. Turn the heat down or it'll burn.
37. I'm going to burn up all the rubbish/trash.
38. Exercise helps you burn off excess fat.
39. Fair-skinned people burn easily in the sun.
40. Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.
41. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.
42. Her words made his heart burn with frustration.
43. The wood was wet and would not burn.
44. She threatened to burn the house down.
45. I noticed a cigarette burn in the carpet.
46. Damp wood doesn't burn well.Sentencedict
47. Burn the old paint off before re-painting the door.
48. In this business, new products often crash and burn.
49. Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.
50. The soup is very hot. Don't burn your mouth.
51. Stop working so hard - you'll burn yourself out.
52. Some acids burn holes in wood.
53. Some people burn calories faster than others.
54. Summer sun can burn fair skin in minutes.
55. Fresh leaves will burn slowly with billows of smoke.
56. The burn of the antiseptic made him wince.
57. He may burn for this sin.
58. The fire was allowed to burn unchecked.
59. My eyes burn from staring at the needle.
60. That murderer was sentenced to burn.
61. Don't let the fire burn down.
62. Fire officials let the fire burn itself out.
63. We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood.
64. Some acids are strong enough to burn the wood.
65. Melt the chocolate slowly so that it doesn't burn.
66. The wood was too green to burn.
67. The soup's hot. Don't burn your mouth.
68. Take care not to burn your fingers.
69. Her zeal will soon burn itself out.
70. Mind you don't burn those sausages.
71. Quite a lot of household chemicals can burn your skin.
72. Meteors produce streaks of light as they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.
73. Burn your favourite songs or your important files onto CDs.
74. People used to burn an oil lamp to get light.
75. Do you need to burn off a few calories ?
76. It is estimated that the company will last 10 years based on the current burn rate.
77. The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.
78. You'd better go and see the quack with that burn.
79. A gang has tried to burn a woman out of her home.
80. The station would burn up on re-entry into the earth's atmosphere.
81. He tried to burn down the school by setting fire to papers on a noticeboard.
82. This will improve your performance and help you burn off calories.
83. The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.
84. If he carries on working so hard,[/burn.html] he'll burn himself out.
85. Scrape the dead leaves together into a pile, and then we can burn them.
86. They suffered the agony of watching him burn to death.
87. Tony fumbled the ball and I could see the coach doing a slow burn.
88. They sat by the fire, watching it slowly burn down.
89. You'll have to blow up the fire to make it burn.
90. Unless you've got money to burn, these expensive guitars are probably not for you.
91. You need to exercise more to burn off the calories.
92. Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.
93. I turned the tap on and ran some cold water on the burn.
94. The desk was covered with graffiti and burn marks .
95. I burn quite easily.
96. You can use a blowlamp to burn off the old paint.
97. Your hand will burn if you touch the hot electric iron.
98. Running is an excellent way to burn off excess energy.
99. Make sure the iron isn't too hot or you'll burn the cloth.
100. Taking a brisk walk every morning is a great way to burn calories.
101. When angered, Ellen was given to spontaneous outbursts,() while her partner Terry would do a slow burn.
102. Go for the burn.
103. A fried egg contains about 100 calories-about the same as you would burn off if you ran a mile.
104. Don't leave the gas on you might burn the house down.
105. Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat.
106. You can use this software to burn custom compilations of your favorite tunes.
107. Watch them carefully as they finish cooking because they can burn easily.
108. If he doesn't stop working so hard, he'll burn himself out.
109. Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current.
110. If you focus the sun's rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf, it will start to burn.
111. Look out,you'll burn yourself.
112. When I came home,all I wanted to do was to crash and burn on the couch.
113. Do you burn coal as well as wood on this fire?
114. I don't know what her job is but she certainly seems to have money to burn.
115. I'm really tempted to take up that job offer in Washington, but I don't want to burn my boats with this company.
116. An average household candle will burn for about six hours.
117. Meteorites often burn up in the atmosphere before they reach the earth.
118. Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.
119. If you often burn the midnight oil, you'll burn yourself out.
120. It's a high pressure job and many people burn out at a young age.
121. The satellite will burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.
122. I put a lighted match to the letter and watched it burn.
123. Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision.
124. It's a high-pressure job and you could burn out young.
125. Build up your tan slowly and don't allow your skin to burn.
126. She was worried that the house might burn down while they were away.
127. When Joe is twenty - one he will have money to burn.
128. I decided to go for a run to try and burn off a few calories.
129. On 5 November British children burn effigies of Guy Fawkes.
130. They believed that their souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity.
131. The important thing is to keep the heat low or the sugar will burn.
132. Setting fire to the letter, he made her watch it burn.
133. This workout helps you to burn off fat and tone muscles.
134. Think carefully before you resign-you don't want to burn your bridges.
135. Burn off the old paint, fill any cracks in the woodwork, and rub down well with sandpaper.
136. She feared that he would burn himself out or break down.
136. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
137. Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes.
138. Hard woods generally don't burn well.
139. Her skin seemed to burn at their touch.
140. They used kerosene to burn the houses.
141. This is Born to Burn Catering calling.
142. They burn out, refuse to work.
143. Generation One you burn at the stake.
144. The caravan took just minutes to burn through.
145. Miguel was angry enough to burn it.
146. There were signs, however, that she might burn out.
147. But by the mid-1950s, Lewis seemed to burn out.
148. Basically, we tried to burn down the woods.
149. I've seen people burn themselves out.
150. Eventually Hurley began to burn out.
151. Well, then, burn down his house.
152. Just to burn off the energy.
153. The chapped skin began to burn.
154. The inflatable structure should burn up within days.
155. Fritter should turn golden brown but not burn.
156. Opposition burn their fingers on microwave Sketch.
157. His eyes seemed to burn through them in disapproval.
158. Don't touch the iron. You'll burn yourself.
159. The second engine burn occurs upon arrival in the vicinity of Mars.
160. Women - rather unfairly I feel - tend to burn up calories less efficiently than men.
161. It's great to earn, but don't leave it behind for someone else to burn. RVM 
162. The following day Gary Burn was arrested by police on suspicion of murder.
163. The National Trust has already betrayed its trust, albeit accidentally, by allowing the building to burn down.
164. However, stars more massive than the sun will burn up their fuel much more rapidly.
165. They made towards it as the first flare hit the sea, continuing to burn, with clouds of smoke drifting upwards.
166. A sense of humor is good for you. Have you ever heard of a laughing hyena with heart burn? Bob Hope 
167. The daughter said the sun was too hot and his rays would burn her skin.
168. She had an anonymous letter last night, and tried to burn it before I could see it.
169. Isn't it true that some one tried to burn down the barn your Sparrowgrass was stabled in a month ago?
170. Metal buckles get hot in the sun and can burn.
171. Her ex-husband threatened to burn the house down with her and the kids inside.
172. The latter provides maximum calorie burning and conditions the body to continue to burn fat hours after completing the workout.
173. If I could get Polly to mix everything up for me, I would try not to burn it.
174. Women tend to burn up calories less efficiently than men.
175. If you burn fewer calories, you have to eat less.
176. The story of money is very funny. Others burn what we earn. Why not give as we live, so the world will cry when we die. RVM 
177. All, apparently, were the work of a Toronto advertising agency with money to burn.
178. Somebody better mek a U-turn before de fire start burn.
179. It was recommended to burn off fuel in the fuselage tank to 30 gallons before combat if possible.
180. The only alternative, says Professor Durnin, is to try to burn up more energy by being physically active.
181. The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. Bertrand Russell 
182. The six have admitted the charges, committed at a rented factory in Burn Road, Hartlepool.
183. Printers, modems and speakers were considered necessities, but scanners were the province of professional artists with money to burn.
184. Normally printers of this type are classified as non-impact but this version actually deposits carbon rather than burn away a layer of silvering.
185. The area had heated up considerably, without heavy boots the floor would burn.
186. Mustering help from other whites, the mob returned to burn houses and shops.
187. Scent's fresh and there are the ends of those little white sticks that they burn in their mouths.
188. I was 11 years old and had money to burn.
189. Those mysterious dark eyes of his drifted over her, unhurriedly, seeming to burn where they touched her.
190. Firefighters are hoping the blaze will burn itself out before dawn.
191. But it stayed alight and soon began to burn merrily.
192. If a chimney was on fire, you couldn't just let it burn away.
193. Britain is the only country in the world which continues to burn hazardous waste at sea.
194. Tipis take on color from the wood you burn in your fire.
195. Remember, in the beginning they burn his books of chivalry, but that has no effect.
196. In the fire of an argument words are it's fuel, choose your words wisely. If you throw in wood or paper, the fire will burn evenly then put itself out. But if you throw oil or gasoline,[] the fire will spread fiercely and unmanageable. Anthony Liccione 
197. It used to be culturally acceptable to burn witches, but not every judge obliged.
198. In time, like all corruptible passions of the flesh, this one would simply burn itself out.
199. They would draw blood or take little pieces of meat as you pulled them off, and it would burn like fire.
200. First you yearn to earn. Then you learn that others will burn what you earn. Stop! Turn and spend before your end. RVM 
201. We were ordered to burn off 2, 000 calories each week.
202. It's advisable not to have bare arms or legs though, because the matting can burn your skin if you fall.
203. Millions burn up their free hours on one service, then hop to another to grab more free hours.
204. Our bodies are designed to burn carbohydrates and store fats.
205. Frankie felt his face redden and his cheeks begin to burn all the way up to his scalp.
206. We had fiddled in Maastricht while Sarajevo began to burn.
207. Remember - always leave a little ventilation to keep the air fresh and for gas and coal fires to burn safely.
208. We can look out into fog as thick as cream and be certain it will burn away.
209. This reduces surface tension allowing a better oxygen mixture therefore making the fuel easier to burn.
210. Try not to burn the oil, it will make the sauce taste bitter.
211. All at once a bright fire seemed to burn through her veins, making her skin glow and causing her limbs to tremble.
212. But for amateurs, semi-pros or just anyone with less money to burn, it's not so simple.
213. This is because, under such starvation conditions, the body starts to burn muscle rather than fat.
214. Incineration An alternative method of disposing of waste is to burn it.
215. I knew a woman who was terrified that her house would burn down.
216. Our feelings seem almost too powerful, the sort that burn themselves out.
217. The engines continue to burn and the shuttle starts a slow 2 minute long descent back to Earth.
218. Edusha had lighted some kindling, but it had not taken, so the coals did not burn.
219. Eventually I did the same, hoping Tam wouldn't burn us all to death.
220. Exercise also helps maintain muscle mass and burn extra calories so you get to enjoy more food without getting fat.
221. But all fossil fuels, especially the cleanest anthracite, burn to produce abundant carbon dioxide.
222. Even if it discharged, is there enough energy in that discharge to cause the fuel air mixture to burn?
223. I think she would like to burn our houses down.
224. But I wasn't the only one out trying to burn down the forests.
225. This gives your body more time to burn up the calories.
226. Firebug struggled with the teeny roach[/burn.html], trying not to burn his fingers.
227. He plunged it into a dish of lavender essence and was astonished how quickly the burn healed.
228. If you have excess fat you will burn it off quicker.
229. Old frame buildings burn to the ground, but not big, new modern buildings.
230. Results the second time around: The bread started to burn before the cheese was melted.
231. It was deafeningly loud; he felt hot air burn his face; the car veered across the road.
232. No given chore was enough to put out the licking fire that seemed always to burn in her.
233. Others, the shape of teardrops, seemed to burn with a green and living fire.
234. The same two types of horizontal burn can be applied at the point of apogee.
235. Fires continued to burn elsewhere in the West in states plagued by one of the worst droughts of the century.
236. Saturated hydrocarbons can burn to aldehydes, alcohols to organic acids, and aromatics to unsaturated compounds which are pungent and irritating.
237. People's memories are maybe the fuel they burn to stay alive. Haruki Murakami 
238. The blacks and whites that do burn through seem to vie for space in the finished print.
239. But the flames were beginning to burn him and the smoke was filling his head.
240. The harder and faster they work. the more calories they will burn up and the leaner they will become.
241. It's only a small fire - we can leave it to burn itself out.
242. If a new unit was plugged in, it would probably burn out at once.
243. Even the sun had to burn itself out, one day.
244. Watch yourselves, the flames of your santos burn just above your heads.
245. Perhaps only the sun could purify - burn me, burn the world into characterless dust.
246. Gore then devised a plan to burn down the house, destroying any forensic evidence he might have left behind.
247. Lindbergh had figured that his one Wright Whirlwind engine would burn 16 gallons per hour and had actually averaged just under 11.
248. A thick, choking smoke arose but the rug began to burn and she dropped it with a cry.
249. Doing exercise, which requires extra fuel, will help burn off the body fat even quicker.
250. The city council has to find a better way of dealing with domestic waste. One answer is to burn it.
251. His love for Eloise had been unhealthy, red-hot, bound to burn itself out sooner or later.
252. Like yeast, the cells in our bodies usually burn glucose with oxygen because it releases so much energy.
253. If this is allowed to go on, it will burn itself out.
254. It has no unpleasant fumes, will not burn skin, and can be used indoors without ventilation.
255. The sun was blazing hot, the skin of my bare arm beginning to burn.
256. Altitude, too, makes a big difference to how quickly you can burn.
257. Love is like a match to a wick. It takes that right combination to strike a flame. But once the flame is there, it can either give warmth, die out or burn your world to ashes. Even kill you. It's how you sustain the flame, feed it, and moderate the amount of energy in balance. Anthony Liccione 
258. He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding.
259. They are responsible for much of the coal that we burn today.
260. Gum Boots was staring at Kinnear's hand as if he was trying to burn his way through to the other side.
261. Patrick felt a bullet burn a track through the right side of his chest.
262. Read in studio A public inquiry's begun into plans to burn hospital waste at an animal crematorium.
263. Age appears best in four things: old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust and old authors to read. Francis Bacon 
264. So you might reasonably suppose that ash is overdone in cheaper brands of pond food: and who has money to burn?
265. They were coming again; coming to kill and maim and blast and burn.
266. It started with skin, which it sells for burn victims and for which it is seeking approval for diabetic ulcer sufferers.
267. if you want to shine like sun first you have to burn like it. Adolf Hitler 
268. What wouldn't burn still remained: bare walls muffled with incongruous tapestries, flooring tamped over with carpets.
269. Other wells continued to burn, causing atmospheric pollution on an epic scale.
270. Check occasionally and adjust temperature so that the coating does not burn.
271. I know it was very important to me after my burn accident to be very independent.
272. She says he's threatened to burn the house down and she feels vulnerable.
273. My eyes - my eyes weren't supposed to burn out.
274. Most of these fireballs burn up or explode in the atmosphere and vanish without a trace.




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