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单词 Unhelpful
1. The instructions were badly written and unhelpful.
2. The authorities are being particularly unhelpful.
3. The taxi driver was being very unhelpful.
4. The waiters were rude and unhelpful, the manager ditto.
5. The criticism is both unfair and unhelpful.
6. The shop assistant was rude and unhelpful.
7. I don't need any more of your unhelpful advice!
8. Her comments were perfectly unexceptionable if a little unhelpful.
9. If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman.
10. Unhappy tourists have pointed the finger at unhelpful travel agents.
11. It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case.
12. This is ultimately unhelpful to women.
13. The customs officials were impatient, rude, and unhelpful.
14. The various official statements are unhelpful in practice.
15. Theological answers, even though correct, can be unhelpful to both of these types, though in different ways.
16. Why is it unhelpful to talk of leadership in terms of qualities?
17. She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last.
18. The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.
19. He changed from being a nice lad to being rude and unhelpful.
20. He'll kick and scream when your suggestion turns out to be unhelpful.
21. People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly and unhelpful.
22. According to the customer survey, 6% said employees were unhelpful and discourteous.
23. On some occasions, however, contextual information might actually be unhelpful in that it might exclude the correct item.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Among the remaining patients, computed tomography was helpful in 19%, but unhelpful or wrong in 23%.
25. Instrumentalists also claim that poulantzas' conception of the state as the factor of cohesion in the social formation is equally unhelpful.
26. A properly planned and monitored investment programme is needed, but ill informed and pejorative assertions are unhelpful.
27. Resolve to practise positive thinking instead and choose to ignore or zap any of these unhelpful, wayward thoughts.
28. Small bowel biopsy and abdominal computed tomography are essential but often unhelpful in early diagnosis.
29. So I took it out on Phil when he did show up which was natural enough I suppose but probably unhelpful.
30. The large number of parses produced are unnecessary and unhelpful in the recognition application.
1. The instructions were badly written and unhelpful.
31. What is more important is to discover the causes of delay, without which general conclusions are likely to be unhelpful.
32. All this leaves business ethics in a state of unhelpful flux.
33. For anyone not already familiar with these works, the presentation is unhelpful.
34. It is unhelpful to send a team of administrators when there is administer!
35. None of this behaviour adopted by professionals is intended to be unhelpful.
36. The excitable Miss Coleman countermanded Rain's directions with inaccurate and unhelpful ones.
37. But a national debate on architecture at this level is as banal as it is unhelpful.
38. First, a derisory vote, after a contest creating a lot of thoroughly unhelpful aggravation.
39. Planet Mars is most unhelpful this week, but do try to allow partners more freedom.
40. The press was at first unhelpful in either explaining or interpreting the events.
41. That kind of behaviour reinforces an unhappy pattern which is unhelpful to us.
42. No, she fights her to the death, which from the point of view of the species is unhelpful.
43. Act clever, play dumb, be as unhelpful as they can.
44. The original OFP had unhelpful UI.
45. He was rude and unhelpful to his helpless students.
46. Up is down. Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful.
47. The same was true when a search program was configured to be "helpful" or "unhelpful" in some search tasks participants performed.
48. These programmes are disturbing to watch because the resolution seems false and unhelpful — a bit like having a television show where major surgery is performed by a first aider.
49. Caracas food distributor Santiago Alvarez complains that government bureaucrats are unhelpful.
50. I find that the staff on some airlines can be very unhelpful.
51. There is no use ignoring the obstructionist approach that China displayed in Copenhagen, and the fact that this is unhelpful if a forum such as the UNFCCC is to be successful.
52. Dictionaries are often unhelpful for language - learners because the defining vocabulary is unknown.
53. Those who oppose or support GM crops per se make an unhelpful generalisation.
54. Successful coaches work to build self-awareness and release potential, by, for example, unblocking limiting or constricting beliefs or confronting unhelpful behaviours.
55. I thought that was rather snobby and unhelpful, but it is a company that's always bragging about how many of its users make six figures, so what do you expect?
56. He said it was unhelpful for doctors to be biased against obese patients.
57. When it comes to more mainstream services, staff are dour and unhelpful.
58. It is possible that the speed-reading course is especially suitable for the employees of these other companies whereas it may be unhelpful for Acme employees.
59. Politics in Beijing is less open, but the circumstances are similarly unhelpful.
60. Education Minister Monica Jimenez, speaking on Chilean television, said criticisms of the government response were unfair and unhelpful.
61. But this view of creativity is simply wrong, and unhelpful in a corporate setting.
62. It's unhelpful to everybody that we can't express our true thoughts and it's even more disappointing that the officials get away scot-free without having the explain their decisions.
63. For this reason, medical theory is relatively unhelpful in filling in gaps in the factual picture.
64. As if to compensate for that public role of helpfulness and deference, at home they're nagging and dominant, hypercritical, unhelpful, frigid, and unpleasant.
65. Foreign Secretary David Miliband this week slammed Moscow's unhelpful attitude.




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