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单词 Comparatively
1. Comparatively few books have been written on the subject.
2. She has been comparatively successful in maintaining her privacy.
3. He died comparatively young .
4. The life of the troops was still comparatively austere.
5. The situation was still comparatively calm there, he reported.
6. Comparatively speaking, this machine is easy to use.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Crime on the island is comparatively rare .
8. The recession in Germany has been comparatively mild.
9. She was then still comparatively unknown.
10. The players have comparatively long periods of inactivity.
11. The past few days have seemed comparatively flat and empty.
12. The unit is comparatively easy to install and cheap to operate.
13. We prefer to work with a comparatively small number of clients.
14. Prices hold comparatively firm.
15. Comparatively speaking , this part of the coast is still unspoiled.
16. He was comparatively calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
17. Man is a comparatively new creature on the surface of the earth.
18. These men are comparatively young in the Service.
19. On A Division, it was comparatively lively.
20. And yet comparatively simple problems remain to be solved.
21. Its large population is comparatively well educated.
22. Most food imports went to comparatively few countries.
23. Their outward journey was comparatively easy.
24. Coinage was invented only comparatively late in human history.
25. Equities, comparatively speaking, made no money.
26. The kids were comparatively well-behaved today.
27. The appeal of onshore drilling is its comparatively cheap.
28. Among the mammals they are comparatively rare.
29. Other campaign groups have it comparatively easy.
30. The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
1. Comparatively few books have been written on the subject.
2. The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
3. The situation was still comparatively calm there, he reported.
4. She was then still comparatively unknown.
5. Prices hold comparatively firm.
6. He was comparatively calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
31. Since then, Bishop has maintained a comparatively low profile.
32. For a change, this was a comparatively short flight.
33. But these bodies are of comparatively recent origin.
34. Background and History Compacts are a comparatively recent phenomenon.
35. He was given a comparatively lenient fine.
36. Yet all this led to comparatively little public outcry.http:///comparatively.html
37. And its panoramic views come comparatively cheap.
38. One encounters a comparatively congenial Schoenberg here.
39. It is comparatively easy to put it down intellectually.
40. A comparatively small area is included in this zone.
41. Another comparatively recent development is computer technology.
42. This will be difficult to carry out on barnacles, but comparatively easy for mussels, limpets or other snails.
43. In such circumstances they may find it comparatively easy to become, or to be seen as, innovators.
44. As both these species are comparatively compact, with a light foliage they are an ideal choice for the smaller garden.
45. But the systematic use of the threat is comparatively recent.
46. The operational problems of the previous 20 years legitimized comparatively limited increases in worker control and attendant changes to the management function.
47. Basically it emphasised not the state, but class solidarity across frontiers and dismissed national boundaries as comparatively unimportant.
48. Ronald Reagan's stock of capital as he began his presidency was comparatively low, as Table l shows.
49. With the Taunton cast, it remained a comparatively cheap show.
50. Social studies textbooks have only comparatively recently begun to include gender as an area of study alongside social class or ethnicity.
51. For any one ecological group, such as the dinosaurs, it is comparatively easy to find a possible cause.
52. The population pressures on this comparatively small and beautiful place are probably too great for anyone to solve.
53. In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
54. Only the music centre and the television set were comparatively new.
55. They make up in quality for their comparatively small area.
56. It is strange to relate that this well-known symbol has been comparatively neglected by social scientists and especially by social psychologists.
57. We already know the basic physical laws that govern the activity of the brain, and they are comparatively simple.
58. Whilst still a comparatively new system of management those who practised it were very pleased with the results.
59. Large thickset birds, with necks relatively longer than most ducks, and legs comparatively short.
60. At least this revolution was genuine because the comparatively cheap micro-chip computers made possible and affordable a computerised society.
61. These subjects had comparatively low positive titres in 1978 and may have been false positives.
62. They saw in educational television the opportunity to get a jump start on quality education at comparatively low cost.
63. This necessarily entails longer term assistance in comparatively stable situations.
64. This is particularly true for a defensive system based on comparatively small, independent units, armed with short-range weapons.
65. If the project is a success, other patients will benefit from a surprising application of a comparatively new technology.
66. Most clients who seek them in fact qualify for green form assistance and they are comparatively uncommon.
67. It does so using comparatively inexpensive materials, and brings the prospect of obtaining cheap electricity from sunlight a step nearer.
68. I liked being a comparatively big fish in a relatively small pond!
69. Child-bearing and cooking for twenty years ... she must have been worn out before she died a comparatively young woman.
70. The comparatively large sums involved conferred on all these agencies a substantial power of patronage over recipient institutions.
71. The national dailies peaked later, in 1957, but fluctuated within a comparatively narrow range.
72. Though a number of its species are uncommon, comparatively few are presently in danger.
73. During this decade, whilst there was increased competition, comparatively few policyholders decided to change underwriters with one particular exception.
74. Economic theory Until comparatively recently, bargaining was a subject on which economic theory had very little to say.
75. For they suggest that more is at stake in the dispute about holism than the comparatively technical notion of reducibility.
76. The comparatively long time intervals between such environmental vicissitudes may be characterized by stasis in ecosystems as well as the component species.
77. Trading was comparatively light in both currency and equity markets, but the collapse in confidence seemed widespread.
78. But even the comparatively simple task of head-counting is fraught with difficulties.
79. With the aid of a computer, concordances of many kinds can be made with comparatively little difficulty.
80. Full mixed-ability teaching, especially if it reached into the middle and later years of secondary schooling, was comparatively rare.
81. Compared with the social services we have been examining, the residue present the institutional problem only in a comparatively mild form.
82. Some lived, comparatively speaking, as well or better than their Soviet counterparts.
83. While others had comparatively modest ambitions, her heart was set on becoming a star.
84. I admired the main door of the Catedral Nueva - comparatively new, that is, for it was started in 1513.
85. In such patients, this type of treatment may be regarded as being quick, safe, comparatively simple, and inexpensive.
86. Circulation of blood around the body is comparatively slow when we are just going about our normal daily tasks.
87. This is a comparatively short section, in a beautiful setting, of an original aqueduct 25 miles long.
88. I suppose that, comparatively speaking, we Caplans had little to complain of.
89. Summers are comparatively warm with a moderate rainfall in upland areas of both Regions.
90. Just as the tax position of pension funds is straight forward so too, comparatively speaking, is the regulatory framework.
91. We're a comparatively wealthy county, but our resources are getting exhausted.
92. People who were comparatively poor would come to Vinoba and offer all their land.
93. But the trauma of even comparatively simple surgery can cause some people to experience short-term problems with memory and logical thought.
94. Paradoxically, the accusations stirring the most indignation have, in money terms, been comparatively small potatoes.
95. A week or two spent in preparation is really a comparatively short time to plan the necessary changes.
96. This is not surprising because there is still comparatively little available evidence from which such explanations can be derived.
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97. Now when you think of the comparatively small measurement of a single limb, the inch loss is truly amazing.
98. Deaths before the age of 65, so-called premature deaths, are comparatively rare.
99. Yet the number of professed Sisters who have left is comparatively small.
100. The myth that it is comparatively simple and also deeply desirable to have it off in the back seat.
101. Exactly a week later, she unexpectedly came into a comparatively large sum for those days.
102. The full length of unsupported trailing edge on the comparatively deep cone will vibrate at considerable amplitude.
103. Derived from satellite imagery at comparatively low resolution, predicted yields for different crops in different nation states become of commercial value.
104. The significance of these comparatively simple provisions on open enrolment should not be overlooked.
105. This provides a solid foundation for their marriage(), which contributes to the comparatively low divorce rate in the religious community.
106. These sources yield particles which initially have comparatively low energies of motion.
107. The fish snaps at these enticingly offered morsels and finds that it is comparatively easy to bite one off.
108. Thirty should be enough now, particularly if the navy can bring itself to build some comparatively cheap diesel submarines as well.
109. But, once again, these complications are comparatively rare, and, these days, fairly easy to treat.
110. This is probably a comparatively rare occurrence for small mammals, but it certainly does occur.
111. The external changes during growth are comparatively slight and consist mainly of an increase in size at each moult.
112. So the concept of retirement is still comparatively new, particularly amongst the poor.
113. Thus, tired of being the poor and comparatively impotent relation, General Synod is now chafing at the bit.
114. They lay comparatively few eggs but look after them carefully, protecting them from predators.
115. Sometimes other devices, such as stand-ins, supplement the comparatively rigid limits of the split screen.
116. The treatment of rhythmical hierarchy is based on the comparatively recent theory of metrical phonology.
117. Soviet capabilities for the long range projection of power in the Third World were comparatively ineffectual.
118. Homosexuality can therefore feel more natural to many men than their comparatively laborious, expensive, and frustrating pursuits of young women.
119. That is a comparatively recent idea in the long span of history.
120. This phenomenon is often regarded as a paradox, although the total amount of resources expended on such rescues is comparatively small.
121. Comparatively few sophisticated clients will touch licensed dealers with a bargepole.
122. You can freeze it, but it will start to go rancid after a comparatively short storage period of three months.
123. A comparatively new variety, Bandit, also impressed with yielding ability.
124. A reasonable question might be, why is the safety record so comparatively good?
125. Even the reliance of companies on the stock market to raise finance is comparatively small.
126. However, you should notice, from column 5[http://], that retail banks hold comparatively large quantities of treasury and commercial bills.
127. Similarly, comparatively few chantries were re-established by pious benefactors, and endowments for masses failed to recover to their pre-Reformation level.
128. Granulomata themselves were comparatively infrequent, and other histological features characteristic of Crohn's disease were less conspicuous than usual.
129. Policy analysis needs to be concerned with a flow of interrelated policies, with abrupt changes of direction a comparatively rare occurrence.
130. Therefore this apparent reduction in their rate of occurrence is a reflection of the comparatively shorter period of monitoring during the procedure.
131. M42 itself is comparatively young, probably not more than 30000 years old.
132. Study and research into pre-Romanesque architecture is still comparatively recent and more is being found out each decade.
133. The time-scale ranged from the very short-term to the comparatively long-term: from daily to yearly, with many intermediate steps.
134. The Building Notice procedure is a comparatively new system and does not require the submission of any detailed plans.
135. There were trees all round the Ezbekiya, most of them comparatively young.
136. Comparatively, Northridge came through almost untarnished, and Los Angeles emerged shaken but hardly slammed.
137. In all countries(), children of high birth order have comparatively poor survival chances.
138. It is more difficult to understand the senseless vandalism that goes on in comparatively affluent areas.
139. The events of 1909-11 have been given comparatively lengthy attention.
140. After a glittering military career, Des is ready for what will be a comparatively unexciting civilian life.
141. The extremes, on both parameters, are comparatively rare; most of us occupy a position part-way along each.
142. With value-added tax, and the other charges made when something is bought and sold, things are comparatively easy.
143. A comparatively rare plant, Acorus is propagated with difficulty but it is a very decorative plant when used in aquariums.
144. It is only comparatively recently that the scale and significance of the Sterkfontein deposits have begun to be fully appreciated.
145. Consequently, on reaching the surface they have a comparatively low residual pressure and explosive activity is very limited.
146. For a repetitive task there may be comparatively little going on in the mind which emerges at the level of consciousness.
147. Metamorphosen is comparatively prosaic and suffers from a slightly top-heavy balance which gives undue prominence to the leader.
148. Railway workers in both countries have had to work exceedingly long hours even for these comparatively modest rewards.
149. The Faculty in those days was comparatively small, and still dominated by old men who were primarily literary historians.
150. Because of this our extremely complex mechanisms become comparatively simple to organize.
151. The other main chromosomal abnormalities are: Cat-cry Syndrome, which causes severe mental handicap, but is comparatively rare.
152. It may be noted, however, that disputes among solicitors as to what property belongs to their firm are comparatively rarely encountered.
153. There is an intrinsic difficulty in understanding even very simple and comparatively well-documented episodes of religious wars.
154. This research project focuses on three related aspects of the introduction of protection which have been comparatively neglected.
155. That is due not just to its comparatively high transport costs but to its low density.
156. In addition, work-inhibited students had comparatively poor self-esteem as it relates to family.
156. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
157. After a comparatively quiet two years my athletics career came alive again in 1984, Olympic year.
158. In Gallia Belgica there are a comparatively large number of small defended sites situated at intervals along main roads.
159. A juvenile troupe, 1917 Despite the fact that the Ballroom shows had comparatively short runs, every production was spectacular.
160. The interplay of these terms is not always easy to grasp, but the point of positing them is comparatively clear.
161. Many in Britain today believe it to be a comparatively recent development, a product of the last hundred years.
162. Even so, as Table 4.1 shows, wholesale funding remains a comparatively small proportion of total liabilities.
163. Another small library of comparatively recent date is the one in the sitting room of the Eventide Homes in Bowmore.
164. The uncertain understatement of X that may arise from this source is comparatively small.
165. During the war years, with more pressing problems to deal with, officialdom was comparatively lax in matters cultural.
166. There are other comparatively rare occasions when the seller's solicitors prepare the draft.
167. But it is quite possible that the programme could go ahead at some point, and it would be comparatively cheap.
168. An adult has a vast array of comparatively complex schemata that permit a great number of differentiations.
169. The counts also suggest that most Sussex woods have comparatively poor populations of many breeding summer visitors.
170. As a result, we feel very tired after a comparatively short time.
171. The new big cities tended to accumulate in a comparatively small number of countries.
172. Current direct-injection diesels are comparatively high on particulate output, though specific fuel consumption is good.
173. As we have noted, only in comparatively few nations was the tradition of a vigorous opposition press established prior to independence.
174. It is a finely ground mixture of pork and beef with a comparatively bland seasoning.
175. Justices, of course, are accustomed, as part of their day-to-day work, to assessing costs of comparatively small amounts.
176. December, January and February are comparatively cool months in Calcutta, and it is quite comfortable out of doors.
177. By comparison with this vitality, Chichester made a comparatively poor showing.
178. Along with good light and utilitarian spaces, Chelsea offers comparatively cheap real estate.
179. An important feature of these examples of developing research programmes is the comparatively late stage at which observational testing becomes relevant.
180. If there are some areas where anti-realism is comparatively easy to accept, well and good.
181. A comparatively leisurely schedule of Yours Truly still entailed travelling to twenty-one cities in thirty-five weeks.
182. Fisher Row, Oxford Urban historians who deal with comparatively large populations limit the scale of their enquiries to aggregative studies.
183. It is, of course, worth remembering that the region west of the Mississippi was still comparatively undeveloped.
184. Detectives are horrified the men are prepared to use such violence for a comparatively small sum.
185. The old lane was in use down to comparatively recent times as a through road from Northampton to Banbury.
186. Carriage by road was expensive but by water it was comparatively cheap.
187. Clearly, if it is perceived as of comparatively minor concern,[sentencedict .com] few countries would risk making a military riposte.
188. The House of Lords may be the highest court in the land, but it hears comparatively few appeals each year.
189. Partnership incentive schemes are comparatively rare but can result in a highly motivated and dedicated work-force.
190. In the home, by contrast, communications other than voice telephones, are unfamiliar and comparatively rare.
191. She appealed for the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
192. With comparatively rare and usually eccentric exceptions, the rich have been opposed.
193. Poisoning by laudanum, or other opium derivatives, is a comparatively gradual process.
194. Now that I will be comparatively close to Salford, perhaps I can pop in and enjoy your activities.
195. What people do in retirement is equally important,() yet we know comparatively little about this potentially lengthy and possibly isolated experience.
196. When I paid my visit, I was surprised to see how comparatively well he looked.
197. Luminescence is rarely more than 1% efficient and thus of comparatively low intensity.
198. The belt surrounds Jupiter and contains ions and electrons with comparatively large energies of motion.
199. Today's techniques for DNA sequencing are comparatively laborious and indirect.
200. But standards for car loans are comparatively looser.
201. Who knows a few abstruse unreal comparatively interesting novels?
202. Until comparatively recently, dyslexia remained largely unrecognised.
203. A singleton is used comparatively rarely in application development.
204. Elasmobranch study is weak comparatively in China.
205. Mispronunciation of this word is comparatively rare.
206. Tin is a comparatively easy metal to smelt.
207. All that whitewater is headed for shore on top of comparatively calm water down below.
208. Comparatively, home still is not abounded about the research of accessibility.
209. Although monistic philosophies date from ancient Greece, the term monism is comparatively recent.
210. I prefer the country to the town -- it's comparatively clean and quiet.
211. Though the terms of hallucination and theatricality in theatrical performance system occurred comparatively late, they are very important in history in that all the efforts and disputes related to.
212. In the research of phase information of rotary mechanism, comparatively phase is extracted from multiple frequency phase as diagnosing feature.
213. Compared with photovoltaic cell, solar dynamic power system is compact, high in efficiency and comparatively cheap in a long run.
214. The work of archive appraisement is a comparatively weak link in the archive work.
215. This subject is devoted to utilizing various kinds of existing ripe algorithms , to develop a remote sensing pattern process software system with comparatively complete function.
216. Sound barrier, an effective and comparatively inexpensive measure of controlling noise[Sentence dictionary], will be developed to some degree.
217. In a great deal of legal questions, the legal protection of controlled company's creditor is a comparatively outstanding one.
218. Currano and her colleagues found that during the comparatively cooler end of the Paleocene epoch, 15 to 38 percent of leaves showed insect damage.
219. It deals with comparatively more important political affairs or diplomatic formalities.
220. The thermal degradation and charring of both larch lignin and manchurian ash lignin in the condensed phase were comparatively investigated by using TGA, FTIR and XPS.
221. The urea prilling tower, such tall building, is comparatively sensitive to the response of earthquake.
222. Now for many power consumers it is needed to find an easy method, which is fit to analyze comparatively simple power system or harmonic filter engineering.
223. The system can process a large quantity of information file in a comparatively short time.
224. The investment valuation of China Unicom illustrates comparatively systemic process of DCF approach.
225. Social production could go on wheels to some extent, and social order remained comparatively steady.
226. Batch process fault diagnose with Petri net is a comparatively active research field at present.
227. Changing the output speed of step less variator will make the differential gear train realize an output with a comparatively large step-less speed change ratio.
228. A design framework for modulized intelligent garment style CAD system was proposed, thought dividing the garment into several components, the components become comparatively unattached design units.
229. Beating on the naked body was a comparatively light punishment.
230. Sexual characteristic of tight plant type maize and its comparatively high -yield cultivation technique.
231. The scow had been put together with some skill , being comparatively light for its strength.
232. Currently, China's small and medium-sized construction enterprise cost management level is comparatively backward, costs for the enterprise to seriously, will reduce the economic benefits.
233. And the difference between evanescence social network and final social network was also comparatively discussed in aspects of target orientation, relationship extent and dependence condition.
234. It had the natural advantage of a comparatively level route between the Hudson River and Lake Erie, through the only break in the entire Appalachian Mountain chain.
235. The conclusion is that using gravity retaining wall alone will be comparatively uneconomical.
236. Objective To observe comparatively long-period changes of cerebral cortex and hippocampal cell pathomorphology of cerebral ischemia reperfusion synthetic vascular dementia model mouse.
237. But also has the many problems, exists comparatively restricts the Jiangsu poplar tree industry fast health development the bottleneck.
238. In contrast with nature sunshine, reaction of 4 rice varieties to short-day sunshine in 7 development period in the plastic shed was studied comparatively.
239. It is considered that the phosphorite in this area formed in a comparatively wide environment from the sites above or below the basement surface of wave to the sites around the oxygenic surface.
240. Using seedlings of Malus baccata, M. xiaojinensis and M. zumi with different salt-tolerance as the experimental materials, physiological and biochemical mechanism of Malus was comparatively studied.
241. Net work " is a comparatively recent addition to the terminology of librarianship. "
242. Diabetes is a familiar internal secretion disease, caused by the concentration of blood -glucose is hoisted because of absolutely or comparatively absence of insulin in body.
243. A chemical produced in comparatively small quantities and in a relatively pure state. Pharmaceutical and biological products, perfumes, photographic chemicals, and reagent chemicals are examples.
244. Even this comparatively simple separation can yield a lot of useful information.
245. Especially the benzene ring of polystyrene cation exchange resin varies slowly. Therefore the graphite degree of carbonized product of polystyrene cation exchange resin is getting low comparatively.
246. His intelligence is comparatively favourable with that of his brother.
246. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
247. Therefore, we are comparatively strong in development and production of motor valve rocker framework assembly and other metal products.
248. This thesis makes a comparatively systematic research in the theory of product liability insurance law.
249. Though the word now often suggests a luxurious apartment with a panoramic view, historically a penthouse was a lean-to, shed, or other small structure attached to a comparatively large building.
250. Taper roller bearings of the series 313 are particularly adequate due to their comparatively large contact angle (approximate 30 deg), when high axial forces are to be considered.
251. The application program interface of MATLAB was introduced. Two kinds of interface based on B/S mode were also comparatively analyzed.
252. As demonstrated with numerical examples, this approach could give comparatively precise results and has good computational stability.
253. Comparatively speaking, the processing and utilization S. superba performance is superior to Liquidambar.
254. If our neighboring Sarawak state government can make all cities, town, villages and river comparatively cleaner than Sabah, why can't our Sabah state government?
255. Gray-black oil shale and black charcoal shale were high quality source rocks in Jurassic system comparatively.
256. When there is large number of samples of characteristic parameters, the Monte-Carlo method is a comparatively accurate method to compute reliability of structure.
257. These strongly partitioned roles allow Alcrohm to gain experience with GDD in general, and its off-site partner in particular, with comparatively low risk.
258. The epidermal micromorphological characters of 8 genera with 28 species of plants in Annonaceae were comparatively studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
259. But the classical style's color combination comparatively, actually cannot renew like this nimbly.
260. In view of this feature in the formation of purchased goodwill, the master valuation account approach is comparatively appropriate among the current viewpoints on purchased goodwill.
261. Simulation results reveal that equivalent rotational inertia, damping factor, fluctuating loading pressure and loading torque has comparatively large influence on control properties.
262. Homonymous phenomena are a comparatively common occurrence in terminology and are considered to be polysemic phenomena.
263. He gave up high - stake card games and stayed comparatively sober.
264. In the Song Dynasty, it formed a comparatively complete avoidance, supervision, reward and punishment system of Sili Canjun.
265. The MTF (Modulation Transfer Function)-based Wiener filter, which is comparatively fast and effective, in frequency domain is adopted to improve the image quality.
266. Upon these conditions , the flavor components of natural fermentation and inoculating fermentation sauerkraut were analysed comparatively.
267. The leaf form and structure of 1 Mezzettiopsis species and 9 Orophea species were comparatively studied with the help of scanning electron microscope, epidermal maceration and paraffin section method.
268. In a society where public interest is comparatively more pronounced than private right, private right should be encouraged to develop and right should be the basis for civil code making.
269. This disquisition spread out mainly around the related content of multi brands strategy comparatively overall elaborate.
270. And with the fusion method based on HPF we can get comparatively ideal fused images.
271. This box molding is comparatively complicated, blue white flower is bright - colored, layout is proper.
272. Comparatively, handles c in the link net's service actually relatively to receive desolately .
273. The detection mode is new and the accuracy of measurement is comparatively high, the new detection way is more feasible and practical.
274. Soft matrices that mimic brain are neurogenic, stiffer matrices that mimic muscle are myogenic ,[http:///comparatively.html] and comparatively rigid matrices that mimic collagenous bone prove osteogenic.
275. Which Yangzhou bank advances concessional terms is comparatively many? Is procedures simple and convenient?
276. Methods: To comparatively study lipophilic compounds by GC - MS in pummelo peel.
277. Comparatively, 500,000 new home transactions, purchasing homes saves deed tax only then 5000 Yuan.
278. Comparatively intact forest layer, the clear layer of the arbores, thicket and vert. (5)Obvious continuity of vegetation community's distribution and poor productivity of community.
279. I, indeed, talked comparatively little, but I heard him talk with relish.
280. The bearing capacity per volume of tapered pile and belled pile are comparatively better.
281. Japan's collectivist ideals necessarily arose to allow the nation's large population to live comfortably together in a comparatively small archipelago.
282. As a comparatively new IPC , Netlink socket has its own predominance.




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