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单词 Scrawled
1. Who's scrawled all over the wall?
2. He scrawled a hasty note to his wife.
3. Someone had scrawled all over my notes.
4. I scrawled a quick note to Judith and put it under her door.
5. I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper.
6. He scrawled his name at the bottom of the page.
7. He scrawled his name across the bill.
8. She scrawled a few words on a postcard.
9. Someone had scrawled graffiti across the wall.
10. Someone had scrawled "Scum" on his car.
11. The baby scrawled on the table - top.
12. Someone had scrawled graffiti all over the school walls.
13. Racial epithets were scrawled on the walls.
14. She had scrawled me a note in her familiar scratchy handwriting.
15. She had scrawled a note in chalk across the blackboard.
16. There were scrawled adverts for discos.
17. Jim scrawled his signature across the bottom of the page.
18. Romanov scrawled his signature between the two X's with the proffered gold pen.
19. The girl behind the beauty-counter at Lewis's had scrawled her name in pencil on the window frame.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Abadi's goals as local museum director are scrawled on a piece of ragged pink paper: Add a few more mannequins.
21. At the head of each arrow(), he scrawled further appreciation.
22. Someone had scrawled a strange symbol on the wall above the bed.
23. Names scrawled inside the boat matched those of migrants en route to join family members in Britain who had never arrived.
24. He scrawled them on pieces of newspaper, scraps of the Congressional Record, or junk mail that he picked up.
25. With a sinking heart I noticed that he was holding up a piece of torn cardboard with my name scrawled on it.
26. The other students were all Cro-Magnons, Heavy Metal fans who scrawled graffiti on their course binders.
27. The Blue Girl, its arrival announced weeks before by a note scrawled in pink on hot-turquoise stationery, comes crated.
28. She tried to make sense of the dozens of scrawled, mostly incoherent pages Vilma sent in return.
29. When the post came, she searched anxiously for his scrawled handwriting.
30. In his methodical way, he took up the next one, scrawled flamboyantly on Basildon Bond notepaper.
1. He scrawled a hasty note to his wife.
2. Someone had scrawled all over my notes.
3. I scrawled a quick note to Judith and put it under her door.
4. I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper.
5. He scrawled his name at the bottom of the page.
31. He scrawled several pages in his journal - without the usual reward of redemptive ease.
32. Once I'd scrawled for a betting shop on Priory Hill.
33. The windows cowered behind a wire grill and were dotted with advertisements scrawled out on postcards.
34. For some fans, it wasn't enough to leave trinkets and pictures scrawled with tearful goodbye messages in just one place.
35. Three walls were covered by blackboards scrawled with incomprehensible symbols and equations.
36. Graffiti was scrawled on some of the planks.
37. The children scrawled all over the wall.
37. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
38. He hastily scrawled something on the paper.
39. She scrawled a few words on the postcard.
40. He scrawled a few notes to Castor.
41. It is the reason I have not scrawled them in Italian.
42. He studied the scrawled words for what seemed an eternity.
43. The letter should look as beautiful as your feelings - a note scrawled in biro on the back of a beer mat is not going to make your Bella go weak at the knees.
44. Carrie crossed the hall with rustling skirts , and scrawled the note, gloves on.
45. Tom scrawled on his slate, " Please take it -- I got more. ".
46. It's not often you see a holiday sentiment scrawled on a scrap of gunny sack.
47. She called a cab, fixed her face, and scrawled a hasty note to Brian.
48. This letter was scrawled on one sheet of the famillar pale green notepaper.
49. Beneath it, scrawled in barely legible handwriting was " Love, Dad ".
50. They are scrawled with the usual impressionistic drawings of male genitalia, comments about the sexual orientation of the infantry or the navy, and some more political observations.
51. Philip scrawled the number on the pad by the phone.
52. I could see where the loaders had scrawled on the dye vats' sides in wax crayon to identify the colors within.
53. He seems to be looking at a brick wall, where the words "True Love" are scrawled, as newspapers flying past him like tumbleweed (pictured).
54. Scrawled into Faraday's notebook is a reference to the "Lorenz Invariant," which deals with the time-space continuum and relativity.
55. The message was scrawled with a black sharpie pen he didn't bother to recap on a manila folder from our home office file drawer.
56. He scrawled his name across the bill, underlining it with a showy flourish.
57. When l saw her in that chapel, murder was scrawled all over her face.
58. On the white steps an obscene word, scrawled by some boy with a piece of brick, stood out clearly in the moonlight, and I erased it, drawing my shoe raspingly along the stone.




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