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单词 Specimen
1 It was a specimen of his generosity.
2 Can you give me a specimen of your handwriting?
3 This is a fine specimen of a walnut tree.
4 He's a prize specimen of the human race!
5 Each specimen is carefully dissected.
6 Good gracious, look at that specimen will you?
7 Place the specimen on a microscope slide.
8 That new librarian is an odd specimen, isn't he?
9 He refused to provide a specimen.
10 Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting.
11 Her boyfriend is an impressive physical specimen.
12 You'll need tweezers to hold up the specimen.
13 This specimen is richly variegated in colour.
14 He is an odd specimen in our school.
15 They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery.
16 The biologist stained the specimen before looking at it through the microscope.
17 Stain the specimen before looking at it under the microscope.
18 This particular specimen given was fairly standard.
19 The world's most majestic specimen of bufo bufo smiled.
20 A 24-hour urine specimen should be collected to determine creatinine clearance, and protein and uric acid excretion.
21 A flat biopsy specimen was obtained from each of the 42 patients.
22 One specimen from each patient was examined histologically to exclude mucosal disease, notably microadenoma in familial adenomatous polyposis.
23 The motorist may be required to give a urine specimen.
24 Redwood trees can live for a long time; one specimen is 4 000 years old.
25 However, in treating the subject as fully as possible, the book does contain specimen clauses.
26 A full range of material is available from shrubs and whips to specimen trees.
27 Trotting the far bank overhanging trees utilising stick float and caster three chub plus a specimen barbel of 7-15-0 obliged.
28 Plasticine is a good medium for supporting all sizes of specimen as it is easily moulded and re-used.
29 Notable gardens of great variety, including fine old cedars and specimen trees, herbaceous borders, water and wild gardens.
30 Many miles from camp they came upon a small specimen partially coated with a frothy greenish-tan crust.
1 It was a specimen of his generosity.
2 Can you give me a specimen of your handwriting?
3 This is a fine specimen of a walnut tree.
4 Each specimen is carefully dissected.
5 This specimen is richly variegated in colour.
6 He is an odd specimen in our school.
7 They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery.
31 He found himself confronted by a sorrier specimen than himself.
32 Dissection of the gallbladder was concluded uneventfully, but during removal through the umbilical incision the specimen ruptured.
33 A sputum specimen was obtained and sent to the laboratory for analysis.
34 He was amazed by the specimen, which was very tough and six metres long.
35 The driver refused and was in due course convicted by justices of failing to provide a specimen without reasonable excuse.
36 Sometimes the natural processes of erosion will etch a perfect specimen.
37 There was no evidence of mucosal prolapse in any anterior wall biopsy specimen.
38 Therefore it is an easy but hardy specimen to grow in the aquarium.
39 Even so, one naughty specimen, avoiding the fate of its fellows, buzzed around McAllister's head.
40 But the corpus is a singular specimen, whose like is seldom seen on screen.
41 As befits its relatively young geological age, the specimen is preserved with its original shell material.
42 Another patient developed a persistent hepatitis of unknown aetiology at six months followed by a normal biopsy specimen at 15 months.
43 When there are no chloride ions left in the specimen to react, the end-point is reached.
44 The average female specimen grows to about 10 centimetres in length, and the male 3-4 centimetres longer.
45 On the other side of the terrace a raised bed provides visual balance and accommodates a specimen juniper and winter flowering heathers.
45 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
46 A 24-or 72-hour fecal specimen should be collected; the latter being the specimen of choice.
47 White says that to be a clavicle, the specimen should have an S- or sigmoid curie, but it does not.
48 Accordingly it was held that the breath specimen had been inadmissible in evidence.
49 The essence of any collection of stamps or of teapots must be that each specimen belongs in a distinct category.
50 Somehow they had got it into their heads that the specimen was at least fifteen thousand years old.
51 This process corrects any respiratory imbalance that might be present in the specimen.
52 Then came the announcement that a further set of specimen questions would be sent out to primary schools in September.
53 A specimen of the fluid was used for bacteriological studies including microscopy and culture on plates for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
54 Laboratory protocol should include procedures that assure that the correct specimen is collected and that the specimen is correctly labeled.
55 Place the acetate film gently across the lower margin of the specimen where a pool of acetone will have collected.
56 The absence of a low folate value should not deter the physician from obtaining a duodenal biopsy specimen.
57 The preferred specimen in screening for exposure to methanol or salicylate is serum.
58 Mr Atkins was charged on four specimen counts of theft.
59 But once in place, a cactus is unlikely to remain a solitary specimen for long.
60 Expand existing facilities or build new facilities that can adequately and safely maintain a specimen bank of etiologic agents and clinical specimens.
61 The specimen was cooled externally by perfusion through the superior mesenteric artery with cold University of Wisconsin preservation solution.
62 You might draft a specimen statement and show it as an appendix.
63 This was a younger, more adaptable specimen; it succeeded where the older one had failed.
64 In one case of benign stricture, the endoscopy biopsy specimen was reported as being suspicious for malignancy.
65 The selected area of a faced sample or hand specimen must be marked with water insoluble felt tip pen before cutting.
66 A liver biopsy specimen taken from our patient shortly after reperfusion of the graft showed neutrophil infiltration.
67 It comes with three prepared slides, three live specimen holders, ant house, water dropper and instructions.
68 The type of light chain excreted in the urine may be identified by performing immuno-electrophoresis on a concentrated urine specimen. 173.
69 Figure 2 illustrates lysozyme mRNA in a colonic biopsy specimen from a patient with longstanding ulcerative colitis.
70 This man was exceedingly presentable, a bit too perfect a specimen for me to approach, I felt.
71 The other biopsy specimen was maintained in organ culture with or without the addition of vitamin D metabolites.
72 A mean number of 10 well orientated crypts were examined for each specimen.
73 Accordingly, I require you to provide an alternative specimen, which will be submitted for laboratory analysis.
74 He was a slight man, a little above average height, but by no means a. prime physical specimen.
75 With the blood specimen in his left hand ... he started along the main corridor on his way toward the stairs.
76 The gardens are now a mixture of municipal bedding and 19C specimen trees,(http:///specimen.html) all somewhat disfigured by eye-level lollipop lighting.
77 He then enclosed it in a transparent box which he provided with a mechanism for straining the specimen in bending.
78 The spacious gardens include herbaceous, rose and evergreen borders, and many specimen trees.
79 A small intestinal biopsy specimen was taken from the third part of the duodenum, and routinely processed for histological examination.
80 He then handed me two grand-jury subpoenas, one to produce physical evidence a blood specimen and one to testify.
81 An immediately adjacent specimen was snap frozen in the endoscopy suite.
82 It is also important that the chemical analysis of the specimen be started within 20 minutes of drawing the specimen. 191.
83 One of them was a doctor, a large, unhealthy looking specimen with a huge warty nose covered in broken veins.
84 Many of the fish are of specimen size, too, with more than a few record breakers.
85 If you provide a specimen you will be offered part of it in a suitable container.
86 Is not this concentrated respect for the object as a specimen the very antithesis of the arts in education?
87 Today you see but a shattered specimen, a caricature... of the man that once was.
88 METHODS marine animal specimen collected, checked, corrected.
89 Complete audit trail throughout the laboratory for every specimen.
90 The specimen surface should be polished, cleaned, and dried.
91 To mistakenly attribute a specimen to a particular taxon.
92 A tiny well-preserved fish specimen can yield its finder the equivalent of 25 cents, enough for a hot meal.
93 Slices from the top, bottom, sides and bulk of each specimen were examined by methanol exchange, quantitative determination of coarse and fine aggregate and backscattered electron imaging in the SEM.
94 The specimen B submitted consists of several pieces of endocervix tissue Fragments measuring up to 1 cc . in amount, fixed in formalin.
95 Methods The whole organ serial section of 68 total or partial laryngectomy and hypopharyngectomy specimen of pyriform sinus carcinoma were histopathologically studied.
96 Based on improving the horizontal absorption test, a set of capillary rise test apparatus has been made to conduct three groups of initial dry density specimen experiment.
97 The beast normally lives 8, 500ft under water and this specimen is thought to be the largest giant isopod ever found at this depth.
98 Frank Fox of the Fachhochschule Trier in Trier, Germany took 3rd place with this image of a living specimen of Melosira moniliformis.
99 The reliability analysis of specimen was carried out by detail fatigue rating.
100 Objective To make gross specimen and multimedia software and using forensic pathology to improve the educational quality.
101 The skin biopsy specimen from patient with lamellar ichthyosis was assessed by electron microscopy, using ruthenium tetroxide post-fixation to visualize the intercellular lipid membrane domains.
102 The arrangement and preliminary systematic research on the specimen of Cerambycidae preserved in the insect specimen house of Hubei Agricultural College have been done.
103 Employing the features of special sign of fatty tissues displaying in MRI, use capsule vitamin E to have a body surface locating for all imaging plane of foot region specimen.
104 The specimen signature cards for the new authorized signatory ( ies ) are enclosed for your file.
105 S. universities extracted a gene from a preserved specimen of a thylacine and revived it in a mouse embryo.
106 For each tibial specimen, we select one tibial prothesis respectively that can covered tibial plateau by the highest rate from three kinds of prothesis.
107 The tibial specimen and the related prothesis are photographed digitally by the same gratifying rate.
108 So it is feasible to study the deformation behavior of sheet metals along different loading paths by using biaxial tensile test of cruciform specimen with slots on arms designed in this paper.
109 In this article, the blood suppler of anterior interosseous nerve were studied in 25 adult cadavers (male 20, female 5). 117 nutrient arteries are found in 50 sides of specimen.
110 Analcite mineral was found rock specimen of cretaceous system in the Ordos Basio vis using micro - analysis.
111 Their sampling, specimen preservation as well as analysis are discussed. And the characteristics, applied range and shortcomings of methanal absorbent method are pointed out.
112 Is a wedge test specimen utilized for chill or analysis control?
113 If you could combine their features into one specimen of supreme manliness, their biceps would be as big as the forelimb of an ox and their neck as wide as an oak tree.
114 The fatigue life of a notched specimen under random loading spectrum is evaluated by means of the present method.
115 If we will not reach that switch point after that time the test specimen will be rated bad.
116 METH0DS: Apply the coacervation mechanism of limulus reagent and bacteria endotoxin to judge it endotoxic limes in specimen was corresponding to the prescript.
117 That distinction goes to the Asiatic reticulated python, the longest-known specimen measured at thirty-three feet.
118 Ulmaceae, Betulaceae and Leguminosae are the predominant families of the leaf flora both in species diversity and specimen quantity.
119 The effects of water cement ratio, cement sand ratio, specimen size, pre-storage method, solution concentration and temperature on the rate of concrete sulfate attack were investigated.
120 The corrosion behaviors of A3 steel in eutrophic water and clean water were studied by locale corrosion specimen and experiments in simulant condition.
121 Extrapolating the relationship between the length of the beak and body size from another smaller specimen being examined suggests the species could grow much bigger, Paulin said.
122 The skin biopsy specimen showed the histologic features of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis .
123 Conclusion The bacterial endotoxins could be used for this specimen instead of pyrogen test, and the result was the same as rabbit test.
124 The geographical distribution and floristic characters of Actinidia species from Jiangxi Province were studied by means of field surveys and examining herbarium specimen and literatures.
125 Analcite mineral was found from rock specimen of cretaceous system in the Ordos Basin via using micro-analysis.
126 The specimen irradiated by intense laser generates distinct plastic deformation, and the profile of axial cross section of specimen after shocking is similar to a coniform figure.
127 RCR specimen maintained their integrity and exhibited a ductile failure under compression indicating that the toughness of concrete was improved by the incorporation of waste tire rubber.
128 In order to examine the nonconductive geological specimens in SEM, it is necessary to deposit a conductive coating on the observation surface of the specimen.
129 A tiny well-preserved fish specimen can yield its finder the equivalent of 25 cents, enough for a hot meal. A feathered dinosaur can earn several thousand dollars, a year's income or more.
130 An experiment with hemispheric punches reveals that the difference in their diameters and the specimen shape has some influence on FLD.
131 The backset current extraction, ultrasonic-assisted extraction and microwave extraction were tested to select the optimum extraction and the quantitative analysis of specimen was made.
132 Conclusions Bacteria may evolve into L-forms under the controlled condition. Additional cultivation of L-form in clinical specimen can increase the positive detection rate of urinary tract infection.
133 The type specimen is deposited in the Zoological Museum , Institute Zoology , the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
134 Methods The samples were taken from the low respiratory tracts of the patients with VAP by protected bronchoscopic specimen brush and were cultured by the method of blood plate cultivation.
135 From the stereographic plots of the slip line directions measured around the specimen surface,(http:///specimen.html) the slip planes were determined.
136 But Timmins was able to identify the Sumatran in the photo because he had earlier rediscovered another "lost" specimen—a stuffed Sumatran muntjac collected in 1914—in London's Natural History Museum.
137 The fracture toughness values of vermicular graphite cast iron specimen subjected to four different heat treatment methods were tested and compared.
138 The resource of 60 Co irradiation facility is fully utilization, not only engage radialization biological research, but also carry through irradiation specimen.
139 Low - Carbon steel specimen uniaxial tension was simplified as a one - dimensional problem.
140 A skin biopsy specimen revealed dermal infiltrates of many mature plasma cells.
141 Conclusion This technique widens the range of application and reduces specimen amount.
142 They assume that there is no change in the volume of specimen and measurement system in undrained tests.
143 In case of outgassing or pollution caused by the specimen we recommend regular maintenance of the measuring system.
144 The constitutional supercooling in single crystal grown by Czoehralski method has been studied by observing grind and polished and etched specimen with microscopy method.
145 Stress and modal analyses of an ultrasonic vibration system, consisting of a notched specimen and one or two amplifying horns have been performed by using 3D finite element calculation.
146 As for notched specimen, the fatigue life prediction using fatigue factors of half-life section is the smallest.
147 The fatigue behaviours of Superalloy GH901 under major combined with minor cycle have been systematically studied at room temperature using smooth specimen and sheet with center hole.
148 The holotype specimen and dried cultures are deposited in the Entomogenous Fungus Her- barium of Northwestern College of Forestry (EFHNCF).
149 Signature should correspond with specimen signature on the back of the Credit Card.
150 The important raw materials usually used in such thermosetting resin are bakelite , and metallographic specimen inlaying machine will be used in the same process.
151 Signature should correspond to the specimen signature on record at the Bank for the Designated Account.
152 Values were derived from the duplicate 12 X 3 - in . specimen compliances.
153 Lots of acoustic emission during the entire loading are recorded. The recording is able to indicate the occurrence time, location and magnitude of every damage (micro-crack) in the specimen.
154 The paper introduces the purpose and action of zoological and botanical specimen collection.
155 When it accumulated to a higher degree, the specimen began to shear and dilate after a short time of strain hardening.
156 Objective Discussion cytomorphology inspection extraction marrow liquid volume how many and between marrow specimen quality relation.
157 The zero point of the density scale is defined by having no specimen in the densitometer.
158 All 5 serum specimen of suspected Dengue patient are positive for DF - IgM and DF - IgG.
159 Although make germiculture with catheterization specimen, also the bacterium grows, and the bacterium can invade bladder, but can not cause uric road infection.
160 That changed in the 1770s, when a dead specimen of this odd beast was exhibited in England as a public curiosity.
161 This live specimen is of an Orange Fungia (mushroom coral).
162 The threshold values and crack growth rates of vermicular graphite cast iron specimen subjected to four heat treatment methods are tested, analyzed and compared.
163 A notched specimen is designed to simulate the corrosion reaction at crack tip.
164 Type specimen was deposited in the Herbarium of Phytopathlogical Section of Ningxia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (PSNAAFS356608).
165 The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense,(Sentence dictionary) and relatively thick hairlike fossil material was the first clear evidence that his reasoning was correct.
166 Methods: Peritoneal brush cytology was performed with brush made by ourselves in 28 patients with malignant ascites, as compared with biopsy and routine cytology analysis in ascitic fluid specimen.
167 To treat ( a specimen ) with an oxalate or oxalic acid.
168 Anglerfish species new to Greenland include the peculiarly appendaged Linophryne bicornis, such as this specimen hauled up from a depth of 4, 685 feet (1, 428 meters) in 2009.




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