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单词 Endowment
1) We donate to the school endowment fund every year.
2) The hospital was founded on an endowment fund.
3) The snag about an endowment mortgage is its inflexibility.
4) The school has received an endowment of £50 000 to buy new books for the library.
5) The endowment was not without fault.
6) Loan secured by endowment mortgage, minimum age 20 years.
7) There are several types of endowment to choose from.
8) A natural endowment approach to equity would direct policy towards the gifted, who are better able to benefit from the policy.
9) Standard Life, the largest player in the endowment market, will unveil its bonus statement next week.
10) Though the orchestra still lacks a substantial endowment,[http:///endowment.html] a new fund-raising strategy has proved particularly successful.
11) Urban properties seldom come with an endowment, and opportunities for income-generation are generally limited by restrictions of space.
12) The Corporation expressed their satisfaction with the endowment and their conviction that it would be ample for the purposes of the School.
13) You can take your endowment loan with you when you move, topping up the policy to cover the extra amount.
14) A Taking out an endowment on a joint mortgage can be done in one of two ways.
15) The money would be used to set up endowment funds for individual universities.
16) Low cost endowment business through building society and estate agency connections up 19% despite reduced mortgage lending.
17) He seems to be suggesting the endowment as a quick solution to an immediate problem, but he knows better.
18) There are tests which can establish a baby's genetic endowment.
19) Fund-raisers set out to raise $ 1 million for capital costs plus $ 600(), 000 for a collection endowment.
20) But when he inherited some money he decided to use that to pay off the mortgage and no longer needed the endowment.
21) And the Financial Ombudsman Service this week published a briefing note for firms handling endowment mortgage complaints.
22) So this week we highlight the key elements of a typical mortgage endowment policy statement.
23) If you have your hearts set on a joint endowment, you have two alternatives to cashing in the present one.
24) Sales of traditional industrial life insurance policies plunged by half, but there has been a growth in endowment policies.
25) It is a private university, heavily dependent on a vast endowment created by private donations and increased by shrewd investment.
26) For thousands of homebuyers whose loans are backed by life-insurance endowment policies, there is yet more bad news on the doormat.
27) I illustrates the determination of the trade pattern for a given endowment point E under the assumption that X is nontradable.
28) Each year the authoritative magazine Money Management evaluates with-profits endowment policies taken out 10, 15 and 25 years ago.
29) They also allowed a reconsideration of the duke's earlier endowment, some of which was surrendered.
30) The watchdog plans to issue formal regulatory guidance setting out how companies should handle endowment complaints and assess where compensation is due.
1) The hospital was founded on an endowment fund.
31) As with a unit-linked endowment, you invest directly on the stock market and are exposed to rising and falling prices.
32) The basic similarity between cells refers not only to their general plan but also to their genetic endowment.
33) Continuing family involvement means that the endowment may be considerably smaller.
34) It came with no endowment to meet the cost of conversion.
35) I know that's the general idea of an endowment mortgage.
36) By comparison, an Equitable Life 10-year endowment policy, with monthly premiums of £30, would have produced about £8,399.
37) A major new endowment for Gloucester could only be achieved at the expense of existing interests, and this was politically unacceptable.
38) The offspring, however, are slightly different from one another in genetic endowment.
39) After your second or third mortgage, you may feel ready to branch out from the standard endowment or repayment mortgage.
40) In 1979 a homebuyer would have only had a choice of repayment or the newly-popular endowment mortgages.
40) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
41) The endowment fund for such masses was enormous and in the thirteenth century some system of regulation was required.
42) He is now giving Alan and Jody a realistic picture of what it takes to bring in a sizable endowment.
43) He entered in the midst of a raging dispute about whether the endowment deserved to exist at all.
44) He left money for the poor and the sick, and an endowment of £20 a year for Bridgnorth School.
45) This may, for instance, be in the form of an endowment policy or a mortgage payment protection plan.
46) Some mortgagees are dispensing with the involvement of conveyancers with endowment policies altogether.
47) It's not just that he makes more commission by selling you an endowment rather than a repayment mortgage.
48) Popular options are repayment linked to either an endowment policy or a pension plan.
49) You should have been told that an endowment policy is not guaranteed to repay a loan.
50) She's my only daughter and I took out an endowment for her at birth in preparation for this.
51) The other method is to take out an endowment policy in both names.
52) The rest will be made up by endowment funds, grants, government subsidies and ... by Elie Borowski.
53) They will lend against most types of property and offer a choice of capital repayment, endowment or pension linked mortgages.
54) Deficits questioned Kaplan also objects to endowment funds being used to cover operating deficits.
55) But it makes the whole idea of the endowment more real to attach a name to the donor.
56) A number of variations were seen in terms of population size, natural resource endowment, and current levels of development. 3.
57) The letters are divided into traffic light colours to signal to customers whether their endowment will pay off their mortgage.
58) Financial services is a lucrative business when one actually succeeds in organising the finance, endowment policies, term policies and so on.
59) They can also choose between repayment, endowment or pension plan mortgages.
60) The endowment of her darling girl had meant a surprising depletion in her income.
61) Concurrently with these interest charges, you contribute a monthly sum to an endowment policy.
62) In the late Eighties and early Nineties four out of five mortgages sold were of the endowment variety.
63) His natural endowment consists of a particular range of capacities: physical strength, mobility, vision, hearing, intellect and so forth.
64) Abbey National offer self-build mortgages, which can either be straight repayments or endowment or pension linked.
65) But these are small quibbles to which nature, judging by her endowment of the inn, casts a blind eye.
66) He had an interesting collection of nineteenth-century pictures and a house in Richmond which he sold to provide the endowment.
67) Pension Mortgage Similar to an endowment mortgage in that you pay interest only to the lender.
68) One way of doing this is by taking a unit-linked endowment.
69) The research is being funded by a three-year grant from the Lilly Endowment of Indianapolis.
70) Proliferation News and Resources. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
70) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
71) Why should build system of rural society endowment insurance?
72) Policy of social endowment insurance had in the country.
73) A good sense of rhythm is a natural endowment.
74) What is the development direction of endowment insurance system?
75) Social endowment insurance points to primary endowment insurance namely.
76) A natural endowment or gift; a talent.
77) A natural endowment or gift a dowry.
78) The college received a large endowment from Mr. Smith.
79) Mans international studies have shown that natural endowment in some countries or regions is negatively correlated to the economic growth, which forms a so-called "resource disaster" effect.
80) You can inquire online endowment insurance code on above net.
81) All of above-cited ways are significant for finance paying capacity of future endowment assurance, staff's burden of support and the security degree for old people.
82) Therefore natural endowment of ecology, environment and resources are the basic condition or foundation for the national economy and economic growth.
83) There is lots of oil still in the ground (we've used about half of the planet's generous endowment), but while the end of oil may be many decades away, the beginning of the end is now.
84) Do you want a term, a whole - life or an endowment policy?
85) Why does the enterprise in account of individual of primary endowment insurance delimit partial Biliru decides?
86) Endowment policy provides for payment when the assured reaches a certain age ( e . g . eighteen years ).
87) She traveled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930.
88) The country folks will never forget your great kindness for your endowment in the road construction.
89) Chomsky claims that the language faculty in human brain is universal grammar, a biological endowment and blueprint for language acquisition.
90) Thus China began to reform the system of basic endowment insurance, the process from the original "pay as you go" system to gradually shift"combination of social pooling and individual account"mode.
91) Become a shareholder is the technology in add endowment when whether fold?
92) On July 1997, The State Council issued proposal of "Decision on establishing a unified enterprise worker's basic insurance system", in which an endowment insurance mode of was definitely put forward.
93) The behavior of the speech is a peculiar natural endowment of the mankind.
94) Transfer of technology is being endowment core position is in in policy.
95) His flagship Quantum Endowment fund gained nearly 10 percent in 2008 when the average hedge fund lost 19 percent.
96) The Ecosystem Services of Grassland, which provides precious resources endowment for our living and maintains the balance of ecosystem, is the theory basis of the prior development of grass industry.
97) Even if eat a much red food again, physical endowment ill-health, having no vigorous words, metabolism and fat to burn all can not successfully carry on.
98) Because of the position factor, resource natural endowment, the corns become the irreplaceable leading industry of agriculture of Jilin Province.
99) As a result , it is an effective measure to levy upon endowment insurance tax.
100) The raising funds endowment insurance is cornerstone of the rural pension insurance.
100) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
101) Research result enunciation: the mathematics' model is simple but valid, have the practical value in water physical endowment measure evaluation.
102) It has also defined three components of the power: natural endowment, overall output, as well as institutional and technological innovation.
103) At last, it will introduce endowment insurance , hospitalization insurance, unemployment insurance and so on.
104) Brazil's endowment of natural resources matches its " Continental " dimensions .
105) Simple tests that could readily reveal an individual's genetic endowment could also readily cause embarrassment or stigma.
106) Resources endowment and resource networking structure difference of the two results into their strong or weak efficiency of subsequent action.
107) Subsequently, each province, city ( the ground ) government establishs national endowment succession administration.
108) Many researches reveal that there is a significantly negative relationship between the natural resources endowment and the economic growth in some countries, which is so-called resources curse effect.
109) All souls as they were cast from the Tao had an endowment.
110) Artistic skill—the ability to draw well and make paint behave—is not a natural endowment like big blue eyes or great legs.
111) During tenser eras in U.S.-Soviet relations, groups such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) had found it difficult to operate inside the USSR.
112) Much of Hawaii's natural endowment of underwater life has been depleted over the ages, especially by overfishing in the 20th Century.
113) So far, the endowment insurance has been able to transfer, the other nearly grows pro tempore to transfer.
114) Open a webpage, input class of your place city endowment insurance.
115) Among the indexes of operating revenue, sponsored research support and vast endowment income is the most important.
116) The production conditions, resources endowment and labor status in different rural parts of China vary widely.
117) China is rich in total volume of mineral resources, But the per man resource volume is little; The resources are not of natural endowment, with difficulty of utilization .
118) Because of insufficient natural endowment caused by various reasons of parents, life is shorter; development is slower; body is weaker and easier to catch consumptive disease.
119) To pursue international division of labor and free trade based on the resources endowment of individual countries reflects the law of economics and conforms to the historical trend of globalization.
120) This International Conference is sponsored by College Endowment Fund and Hop Wei Arts and Cultural Development Fund.
121) The management functions of establishing personal salary account, endowment insurance account and house accumulation fund account.
122) The rate after 1980 is high and much more fluctuated. At this period, the percents of capital endowment go down and land productivity is more important.
123) A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice.
124) So, it is essential to enact a sound the raising funds of rural endowment insurance law.
125) Traditional comparative advantage went through three steps: absolute advantage, comparative advantage and factor endowment theory.
126) An endowment or a foundation supporting a series or course of lectures.
127) With self - organization neutral net, the main strip mines are classed on their natural endowment superiority.
128) Among them, basic endowment insurance system and basic hospitalization insurance system definitely want to overwhelm battlement township population.
129) The College would like to thank the College Endowment Fund Committee in sponsoring this award scheme.
130) A sharp drop in endowment income means a sharp drop in money for scholarships.
131) The World's Healthiest Foods are also whole foods complete with all their rich natural endowment of nutrients.
132) office-bearer and consult the resource of office-bearer's logarithm of timw fitting method logt supervisory functionary's endowment insurance is stipulated by state council.
133) An enterprise's supplementary pension system is an important supplement to the basic endowment insurance system.
134) Even after controlling the traditional comparative advantage factors such as human capital, physical capital and natural resources endowment,[http:///endowment.html] our results still hold.
135) As for the endowment policy, you have to pay a higher premium.
136) Quality is a relatively stable structure of the fundamental characters of people. It's formed by the interaction of the natural endowment, the environment and education.
137) And from the viewpoint of the openness of consumption structure, it considers that we should take natural endowment and government policy into account when learning from international experience.
138) Conventional manpower endowment source control maintains its target humanness power natural resources.
139) The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous £1m endowment.
140) Tariffs is a second best way to allocate resources or endowment.
141) The second part analyzes the common mode, fund raise mode and the endowment insurance management mode from foreign country, and abstracts some successful experience from it.
142) And although it depended for many years on one donor, the Italian government, it set up an endowment fund in 1993, which has grown to US$12 million and TWAS hopes will expand to US$25 million.
143) Is it fair that she was born with a genetic endowment that led her to grow into a highly attractive young woman, capable of being a model?
144) Before the ceremony, the two searched a series of introduction to the insurance of wedding celebration and wedding feast, covering: casualty insurance, endowment insurance and health insurance, etc.
145) Compared with other universities, the Harvard endowment fund value impressive speed.
146) Ask: What is the suitable scope that I save social endowment insurance?
147) A unit linked pure endowment life insurance contract is a contract where the insurance benefits depend on the price of some specific traded stocks.
148) Resources endowment is the basis of economic growth of a country or a region.
149) The system had been developed successfully in April, 2004. Now, the operations of endowment insurance for employees of Kunming Railway Administration were fully conducted on the system.
150) It is very constant that the most basic motive force strong point regarded as sustainable development of the basic old-age pension system is endowment insured fund.
151) Each country must tailor its energy plan to its indigenous endowment of replenishable energy resources.
152) Many valuable conclusions can be reached by adopting inframarginal analysis, introducing transaction efficiency, and conducting new analysis of Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment theorem.
153) Our two countries differ in history, culture, development stage, resources endowment and national circumstances, but we are highly interdependent and mutually complementary economically.
154) After the fact judgment and value judgment, on the basis of pure endowment insurance, I answer the question that how the land readjustment in rural area to exist in legal norm.
155) Do not have a heir at law, turn into fund of social endowment insurance.
156) How are the length of service after worker come off sentry duty and endowment insurance calculated?
157) Countries have different roles in global governance as they vary in terms of natural endowment and development levels.
158) She donated a large sum to the college endowment fund.
159) Only selecting suitable industry and technology, a facory is able to utilize comparative advantage brought by resources endowment.
160) Based on dualism philosophy, culture endowment, as a type of production factor,[sentence dictionary] is put into the category of science and technology and the category of values.
161) Trustees as an endowment fund, however, can specify other objectives as dictated by the circumstances of the particular endowment fund.
162) There excessive speed, such as aging, social endowment pressure has increased, the level of urban and rural low-income elderly, the empty nest and old growth faster problem.
163) As a common system of social security about endowment problem, Endowment Insurance has been set store by many countries since it was founded.
164) And the establishment of basic individual endowment insurance accounts is key to the reform of Chinese endowment insurance system based on social planning with the individual accounts combined.
165) TWAS — the developing world's academy of sciences — is looking to double its endowment fund to support more scientists and researchers in the developing world.
166) United College records with deep sadness the passing away of our Trustee and Member of Endowment Fund Committee, Professor Y T Chung(), on 27 February 2011.
167) The optimum industrial structure of a country or the area is decided by the resource natural endowment structure of this country or area.
168) When average outpatient service sees a doctor, medical treatment charge by individual out-of-pocket expense, but account of individual medical treatment still is noted normally by the month endowment.
169) Well, we have health insurance, endowment insurance, transportation allowances, luncheon allowances, and subsidized housing.
170) There is obvious inverse correlation between water resources endowment and its utilization efficiency.
171) The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.
172) Insurance categories include: endowment insurance , occupational injury insurance, unemployment insurance , hospitalization insurance and maternity insurance.
173) Endowment funds are earning nothing until they have outpaced the inflation treadmill.
174) The American Harvard Endowment Fund already has large tracts of land in the SthIsland.
175) The paper selects 30 provinces and municipals in China as example; it builds an indicator system of resources endowment and deploys a clustering empirical analysis.
176) In the meantime, encourage build enterprise annuity and individual deposIt'sex endowment insurance.
177) Part four has put forward the countermeasure of setting up and amplifying our peasants endowment system!
178) Now farming endowment the current situation of current domain and outlet, to to see peripherally.
179) Mr Campbell has inherited a well run, financially sound institution. Emily Rafferty, its president, is a gifted fund-raiser. The museum's last annual report values the endowment at $2.5 billion.
180) Policy-holder change is gone to other place, if ingoing ground already built system of social endowment insurance.
181) Some kinds of endowment models for insurance are built up and the calculating formula of net single premium and net annual premium of these models are presented.
182) During the endowment, the person is ritually washed, anointed with oil, and dressed in temple garments.
183) The common cause can be summed up into these points: natural endowment of resources, structural reform and fact6r of favorable policies.
184) The replacement rate of basic endowment insurance is an important index.
185) How do we know this relentless one-upmanship is a biological endowment?
186) Conscience exists in people's natural endowment of moral quality and dominates human natures.
187) Does account of endowment insurance individual store is the forehead successive?
188) Sixteen staff are being made redundant by the school, which has seen its $3 billion endowment fund hit by the economic crisis.
189) Harvard endowment fund increased substantially this year, the main reason is its investment in the success of the market.
190) In this paper, we argue that the most appropriate (optimal) technologies of an economy are endogenously determined by the economy' factor endowment structure (skill level).
191) Other data indicate that the endowment fund of Harvard University was all over British universities received contributions combined.
192) The transition from the prudent man rule to the prudent investor rule indicts the need of market, and diversification of the endowment funds to maximize the total return on its endowment fund.
193) By endowment allocate what can promote capital element to optimize configuration.
194) His generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time.
195) Existence and development of enterprise result as the combining of entrepreneur human capital value, resource endowment the entrepreneur has and external environment condition.
196) I. All life insurance companies, all endowment insurance companies and all health insurance companies (hereinafter referred to as all companies) must take anti-forgery measures on insurance documents.
197) Making full use of tax distribution of national income either can promote the establishment and perfection of our endowment assurance system or can be in favour of realizing the social fairness.
198) So the government should maps out housing allowance and laid-off damages, and settling endowment insurance and medical security of the laid-off workers as soon as possible.




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