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单词 Clout
1) Ne'er cast a clout till May be out. 
2) He has a lot of clout within the party.
3) Few companies have the clout to handle such large deals.
4) An official protest could carry considerable clout .
5) He gave him a clout round the ear.
6) This union hasn't much clout with the Government.
7) The companies used their clout to influence the policy.
8) I knew his opinion carried a lot of clout.
9) You're not too big for a clout round the ear!
10) The World Bank can use its clout with poorer countries to insist on reforms.
11) Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal.
12) How much clout does Cohen wield?
13) So Menotti spelt clout - and credit.
14) Have they used their economic clout to exert control?
15) Doctors have considerably more political clout than teachers.
16) Lewis earned tremendous clout when the sport went pro.
17) Poets, of course(),[http:///clout.html] seldom had that kind of clout.
18) And the know-how side is given the real clout when it comes to authority.
19) Local organizational clout started to tell as the pace of the primaries quickened.
20) She used legal skills and political clout to keep the wayward thrift afloat.
21) As a political entity feminism had less clout than the merest lobby.
22) If the photocopier stops working just give it a clout.
23) I was half tempted to give one of them a clout myself.
24) The queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout.
25) You may not know him, but he carries considerable clout.
26) He swerved off the track and into the gravel trap backwards, praying he wouldn't clout the wall.
27) For Ure, however, special expertise is less important than the essentials of contact and clout.
28) The capacity to weather the storm is there provided the government has the political clout to do it.
29) We must restore genuine cooperation with allies if we are to have any clout.
30) It stayed open only because Roy rallied both his persuasive powers and the clout of the Disney name to save it.
1) He has a lot of clout within the party.
2) Few companies have the clout to handle such large deals.
31) To fix: Using clout or influence to produce a favorable result, usually from an entity of government.
32) That when people get clout this is how they use it.
33) As leader of the Liberal Democrats' largest and wealthiest faction, Mr Takeshita wields enormous clout.
34) Here you begin to know more about who and what carries clout beyond the top management.
35) The improvements that had taken place relied on the voluntary efforts of enthusiasts or political clout expended on particular initiatives.
36) Successful experiments all too often remain marginal, if they have no political clout.
37) But it has no legal clout on such issues as quality of care.
38) For this you received a bag of pork scratchings and a clout round the ear.
39) At local level, control exerted by NGOs varies widely, depending on their philosophy, their economic clout, and individual personalities.
40) Travel: Low wages, but bags of clout Power and perks keep the hotel porter in business.
41) In response, the Guard is resorting to political clout to reverse the proposed reductions.
42) It's financial clout that counts or, failing that, kicking up a stink.
43) That will eventually leave a few very big players with even more clout.
44) This tactic of reference combines an admired or revered position with an effective individual to increase a less powerful person's clout.
45) After years of fiscal gloom, they hope Brown will bring his political clout to the corporate realm.
46) Politicians in the centre worried that the extra financial clout of the provinces could encourage separatists.
47) But the more affluent wanted to show their clout, so the gold card appeared with its larger credit line.
48) N., the national agencies held veto power, giving them a privileged status befitting their clout and status.
49) In this capacity, many used their fame and clout to get difficult and controversial subjects on to the screen.
50) They have the clout to offer the integrated service that cities increasingly want, pulling together collection, disposal and recycling.
51) The report also suggests that multinational users now have the clout to force service providers to cut their prices.
52) I gave her a clout and shoved her over to the big door and went and got back in the car.
53) When defaults proliferate, as they do during and after recessions, the two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets.
54) It was Mellor's political clout, rather than his pale and interesting physique, which became 31-year-old Antonia's aphrodisiac.
55) The successful Liberal party candidate in the last pre-Farclandia election, he has the title but not the clout.
56) Arsenal are sure to monitor developments, but can obviously not match Seville's financial clout.
57) These positions were not held for his own status but to promote the cause of rowing where it needed clout.
58) Then they didn't have enough financial clout to tempt Stuart Pearce from Nottingham Forest.
59) The banks do not carry quite as much clout as they used to.
60) Sometimes we had nothing to say, love had given us such a clout.
61) Always vulnerable because they lack financial clout, lower income families are an easy target.
62) The political clout of the primary education sector in the struggle for resources is clearly limited.
63) Instead we have to give it to a private law firm known for its political clout.
64) They have links with the state government in Albany as well as City Hall, which adds hugely to their clout.
65) For all its clout in Washington, no member of the Gallo family has ever gotten that close to the Oval Office.
66) Lendoiro secured a loan to wipe out the club's debts and give the club some clout in the transfer market.
67) The salesperson in the example above didn't have clout.
68) The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets.
69) Subspecies just do not carry as much political clout.
70) Better a clout than a hole out.
71) Economic clout is Taiwan's raison d'etre.
72) Cast ne'er a clout till May be out.
73) As markets sputter, analysts are regaining some clout.
74) 22% of Gen X said they felt they have the "clout in their organization" necessary to introduce new technology, while only 13% of those under 29 said the same.
75) Tel Aviv may not be the official capital of Israel, but its economic clout in the country is unmatched.
76) The princeling faction will then use its new clout to consolidate its grip on the economy.
77) You could roll your eyes at her maudlin excesses and her spiritual imperiousness, but you couldn't deny her clout, or her courage.
78) If this work hasn't happened, extensively and at levels that carry the necessary political clout to execute the plans when the default happens, the euro is odds-on to fail.
79) Beijing's apparent effort to pre-empt criticism from nationalist Internet users has resulted in a radicalization of Chinese diplomacy that might undercut China's global clout.
80) It's no wonder that East Asian capitals are uneasy about China's growing maritime clout.
81) Leaders in sectors with far more clout than health are making a similar point .
82) While some schools hold a certain amount of clout with many large studios and their degrees are in fact well respected, like Ringling or Cal Arts for example, artistic jobs do not require a degree.
83) Use things like shared processor weights, maximum transmission unit (MTU) sizes, and RAM allocation to give the production LPARs more clout than the development LPARs.
84) While London could be known for its creative talent, what It'still lacks is commercial clout.
85) FROM being a rounding error a decade ago, the financial clout of China now trails only that of America.
86) Larger males are more likely to win fights, are more dominant, have clout with the Ivy's maitre d', make eye contact with bar staff at crucial moments, and, crucially, are more likely to reproduce.
87) To Indian leaders, the program symbolized international political clout and technological modernity.
88) In the rich world one respecter of papal clout is Britain's new prime minister, Gordon Brown.
89) A third argument is that inequality perverts politics, with Wall Street's influence in Washington often cited as exhibit A of the unhealthy clout of a plutocratic elite.
90) But now China has more worldwide clout, and public opinion at home has taken on a combative (and sometimes downright jingoistic) tone.
91) China usually refuses to mix human rights issues with diplomacy, but Hu has come under international pressure to use his clout with Sudan to push it to accept U. N. peacekeepers in Darfur.
92) But China's market clout is not matched by its governance prowess.
93) John Hawksworth, head of macro-economics at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in the UK, says political influence will result from the increased economic clout of the big developing countries.
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