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单词 Suffer from
1. I suffer from dizzy spells .
2. Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion.
3. Do you suffer from migraine?
4. A lot of students suffer from exam nerves.
5. About 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
6. Do you suffer from indigestion after you have eaten?
7. Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.
8. They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.
9. Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency in their diet.
10. All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.
11. They suffer from the illusion that they cannot solve their problems.
12. I suffer from the classic working mother's guilt trip.
13. Three people in the family suffer from alcoholism.
14. Many people with heart problems suffer from fluid retention.
15. Many immigrants suffer from a sense of alienation.
16. Sometimes I still suffer from these weaknesses.
17. New cars often suffer from teething troubles.
18. Even experienced actors can suffer from stage fright.
19. You'll suffer from smoking too much.
20. Patients usually suffer from increased irritability.
21. We suffer from too much officialdom.
22. I still suffer from catarrh and sinus problems.
23. He began to suffer from dizzy spells .
24. Many adolescents suffer from/have acne.
25. Dieters suffer from violent mood swings.
26. Some children suffer from school phobia .
27. I often suffer from unaccountable headaches.
28. Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness.
29. She started to suffer from dizzy spells .
30. Most students suffer from exam nerves to some extent.
1. I suffer from dizzy spells .
2. Do you suffer from migraine?
3. A lot of students suffer from exam nerves.
4. About 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
5. Do you suffer from indigestion after you have eaten?
6. Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.
7. They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.
8. Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency in their diet.
9. All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.
10. They suffer from the illusion that they cannot solve their problems.
11. if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
31. Many people suffer from a great dread of heights.
32. Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.
33. For many people who suffer from stress at work, sport is a vital safety valve.
34. Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives.
35. if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
36. It is hardly surprising that new mothers often suffer from depression.
37. Internet and cable television companies suffer from a high churn rate.
38. I never suffer from nerves when I'm speaking in public.
39. A lot of people suffer from nerves before they go on stage.
40. Many people suffer from some form of mental illness during their lives.
41. People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be given injections to help desensitize them.
42. Many women suffer from premenstrual tension / syndrome, causing headaches and depression.
43. Your enjoyment of a novel can suffer from too much analysis and dissection.
44. It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia.
45. Over a million people in Great Britain suffer from mental handicap.
46. Men also have hair dryers and, if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
47. Many theories have been advanced as to why some women suffer from depression.
48. If you suffer from depression, it's best to get professional help.
49. I always suffer from feelings of inadequacy when I'm with him.
50. Student teachers often suffer from a great sense of insecurity.
51. In prison people often suffer from a loss of identity.
52. Premature babies are more likely to suffer from breathing difficulties in childhood.
53. Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.
54. In the longer term, children of depressed mothers are more likely to suffer from childhood depression.
55. Patients may suffer from some of the symptoms years before diagnosis.
56. According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease.
57. If you suffer from back pain , consult your doctor before attempting this exercise.
58. In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload.
59. Refugees settling in Britain suffer from a number of problems.
60. Some work-inhibited students do suffer from poor peer relationships.
61. The slum-dwellers suffer from poverty, hunger, and disease.
62. Both speech and handwriting recognisers suffer from operational difficulties.
63. Worldwide, 1. 15 million people suffer from leprosy.
64. Sebastiana: I only suffer from overwork nervos.
65. We all suffer from information overload.
66. Ten percent of Krakow's children suffer from chronic bronchitis.
67. Attorneys say he may suffer from paranoid schizophrenia.
68. Some foals can suffer from so-called neonatal maladjustment syndrome.
69. They also can suffer from burnout.
70. May 1983 Mental Health Many women refugees suffer from acute mental health problems, most particularly crippling depressions and anxieties.
71. That is a matter of saving the lives of thousands of people who suffer from rare diseases.
72. His health was excellent; only for the last four years of his life did he suffer from intermittent fever.
73. What's more, it tends to suffer from domestic appliance interference.
74. In California, pines suffer from yellowish flecking due to ozone pollution and Los Angeles is notorious for its thick ozone smogs.
75. Bohemian children suffer from two to three respiratory diseases a year, and one third suffer from non-specific allergies.
76. If you suffer from body odour, the first thing you need to do is control your sweating.
77. Children who suffer from personality disorders often receive little or no treatment until it's too late.
78. More severely handicapped people often suffer from physical as well as mental disabilities.
79. These educational institutions suffer from very poor standards and give tacit or open support to the oligarchy.
80. The Marines suffer from burning sun and torrential rain; flares sent up at night emit an eerie glow.
81. However, on the plus side, they're non-allergenic so ideal if you suffer from hay fever.
82. The data on occupational hazards and wage differentials, used by Thaler and Rosen, suffer from several problems: 1.
83. Even women who try to work as feminists in psychology suffer from the ambiguities of tokenism.
84. Unfortunately they suffer from the main drawback of such elite forces: such exceptional warriors are rare.
85. Ask the Lord to bless and encourage them at this time and that they would not suffer from ill health.
86. Nearly 4 % of the babies born in Baia Mare so far this year suffer from serious disabilities.
87. One third of all prisoners suffer from a psychiatric disorder.
88. They are extremely heavy and expensive and eventually suffer from corrosion - particularly when used with copper pipe.
89. They have told prosecutors Kaczynski may suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, a mental disorder that can cause intricate delusions.
90. For example, there is the restricted access to cut-price supermarket shopping that many disabled older people suffer from.
91. To them, and to all women who suffer from cellulite, it is real enough.
92. No, the 42-year-old composer does not suffer from delusions of grandeur.
93. This is helpful to those who suffer from catarrh or sinus congestion.
94. Differentiators based on operational amplifiers do not suffer from drift.
95. Attempts to remedy the deficiencies in these statistics suffer from a number of problems and difficulties themselves.
96. By not acknowledging the problem, the church continues to suffer from a festering internal wound.
97. There is a misunderstanding abroad that I also suffer from this unpleasant ailment.
98. Individuals who repress their sexual desires often suffer from psychological problems.
99. The elderly or disabled are particularly vulnerable, although some younger people with poor circulation can also suffer from the condition.
100. Reduce your intake of salt, sugar and junk foods - especially beneficial if you suffer from water retention.
101. Something more than emergency rations are required in a country where 80% of children under the age of five suffer from malnutrition.
102. The Tube is also prone to suffer from condensation due to its shape.
103. Whatever the outcome, banks are sure to suffer from their ill-judged business with Federconsorzi.
104. They do not seem to have noticed that many predominantly market economies suffer from inflation, and often very rapid inflation.
105. Although she definitely did suffer from claustrophobia, Sylvia was by no means the worst case I have seen.
106. Capitalists are smart enough not to suffer from money illusion.
107. Visitors and holidaymakers who suffer from machine knitting withdrawal symptoms are welcome at the meetings!
108. Also, you will need to be particularly careful with your diet if you are not to suffer from fatigue.
109. Some students suffer from excessive anxiety, which produces sleeplessness which in turn aggravates the anxiety.
110. If you suffer from a phobia, you would probably do best to seek outside help from a professional.
111. The Touchmaster doesn't seem to suffer from the major problem faced by its nearest equivalent, the Koala-pad in this respect.
112. The newborn child can suffer from physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms or even serious birth defects.
113. As a result they suffer from poverty, physical hardship, neglect, sickness and disability, loneliness, humiliation and fear.
114. Children who suffer from prolonged ill-health inevitably benefit less from education than healthy children.
115. Hungry children are four times as likely to suffer from fatigue and to have difficulty concentrating.
116. Oystermouth would suffer from Sarah's disruptive presence but Eline could not see the villagers putting up with any nonsense from her.
117. The Labour Party in parliament did not immediately suffer from the reaction against the General Strike.
118. But if your score is above five points, you suffer from the disadvantages as well.
119. Malaria often doesn't go away completely, and a patent may suffer from repeated attacks over several years.
120. Adults and children suffer from strange, debilitating headaches that no drugs will cure.
121. They suffer from many parasitic diseases, and have high levels of infant and child mortality.
122. But Fugelso narrows the percentages down: six percent of women and 10 percent of men suffer from the affliction.
123. Galvanised iron cisterns suffer from corrosion, and when this is serious they should be replaced with a plastic cistern.
124. The rich eat too much meat and suffer from chronic constipation, diseases of the bowel, gout, and bladder stones.
125. Those who have become used to low-fibre food may suffer from a little flatulence for the first week or two.
126. Women are discriminated against in employment and educational opportunities and suffer from pervasive cultural and traditional biases and prejudices.
127. Initially Karpov was to suffer from the stigma of achieving world championship status without combat against the title holder.
128. This will be especially helpful to those who suffer from lower back pain.
129. Carman reportedly is in generally good health and does not suffer from Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
130. Abusers are often suspicious and jealous,() suffer from low self-esteem and need to assert themselves.
131. I still remember the heartbreak of watching my dad suffer from lung cancer.
132. In his later years, he was also to suffer from persistent bronchial trouble and emphysema exacerbated by his smoking.
133. Many residents suffer from impaired vision and hearing and should have regular checks.
134. Moreover, they suffer from a scarcity of books, and from pedagogical methods that rely on the memorization of class lectures.
135. Indeed most people, however accomplished and apparently confident, suffer from praise deprivation.
136. If you suffer from constipation, perhaps you are clinging to the past?
137. All of these suffer from the transfer problem already mentioned, though to a lesser extent.
138. Some observers said Jones would be likely to suffer from guilt by association and the tarnishing of her golden girl image.
139. I notice that you show jump ... does your horse suffer from a dry mouth condition?
140. All three of Kane's categories suffer from implausible assumptions which belong in the realms of racist folklore rather than scientific inquiry.
141. Several themes in physical geology suffer from falling between the stools of historical geology and geomorphology.
142. All maintain they have never recovered from the incident and suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
143. Irritation can also be caused by inflammation such as when we suffer from a cold or allergy.
144. He has no need for motivation and, interestingly, does not suffer from nerves.
145. All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents, siblings and familiar surroundings.
146. Newly imported Angelfish sometimes suffer from a viral infection called Lymphocystis.
147. The good news is that people with lower blood pressures have lower mortality rates than those who suffer from hypertension.
148. While taxation was not greatly increased for the tax year 1993/4, people will suffer from measures introduced the following year.
149. All of these treatments, however, suffer from the same inability to reach tumour outside the bowel wall.
150. If you suffer from diarrhoea, forget the usual advice about healthy fruit and high-fibre diets.
151. Long-sighted children are often reluctant to do much reading and writing and may also suffer from headaches.
152. Mr Allsopp was known to suffer from senile dementia and was often seen walking in the area.
153. It has to be said poodles suffer from something of an image problem in some quarters.
154. A few weeks after the opening of the play, he once more began to suffer from bronchitis.
155. People who are grossly overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.
156. Hospitals suffer from inadequate facilities, antiquated equipment and shortages of medical supplies.
157. The system is therefore liable to suffer from inaccuracies of the type discussed above.
158. I suffer from chronic arthritis, but as soon as I saw her I felt better.
159. Opinion surveys suffer from various drawbacks, the most important of which is that they reflect opinion and not necessarily behaviour.
160. It is not just artistic ephemera which suffer from metal fatigue in the heat of ubiquitous exposure.
161. Such forms of control suffer from many of the problems already detailed, particularly lack of specialist expertise.
162. His parents evidently did not suffer from drunkenness, gluttony, or excesses of marital discord.
163. No, they suffer from an altogether different, better class of marital breakdown.
164. Even after all these years I still suffer from the mental abuse.
165. He was to suffer from bouts of explosive flatulence for the rest of his life.
166. If you are to suffer from amphibian poisoning, it is you who must do the biting.
167. More than 1,000,000 people in Britain suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and a further five million have osteoarthritis.
168. Miranda, while not vain, did not suffer from false modesty.
169. Young boys recruited at an early age by soccer clubs often suffer from burnout before they're out of their teens.
170. Young and far from home, they suffer from emotional deprivation and severe isolation.
171. Office workers can suffer from work-related ill-health such as repetitive strain injury.
172. Her rapid rise to the top is well deserved and she does not suffer from having political labels stuck on her.
173. Occasionally a person will suffer from a long and unpleasant illness like glandular fever, but this is rare.
174. All the islands suffer from gusting caused by turbulent air currents over the cliffs.
175. Maternity blues linked to platelet receptors TWO-THIRDS of women suffer from postnatal depression, accompanied by crying, confusion and tension.
176. We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons. Jim Rohn 
177. Plants can suffer from too much sun or too little water, or a watch from rough handling.
178. Most drinkers do not abuse alcohol and do not suffer from health or social problems associated with their drinking.
179. Yet it is often a hidden disability, which isolates both the people who suffer from it and their families.
180. If a person does suffer from other health problems, however, then serious obesity may indeed aggravate the situation.
181. Many of the people we care for suffer from other crippling disabilities as well as their blindness.
182. Kadiatu and her family live on a meagre rice diet and so suffer from protein and calorie malnutrition.
183. Occasionally we all suffer from influenza or a bout of sickness, which naturally results in a drop in weight.
184. One third of the population is clinically anaemic and 80% of children under 5 years of age suffer from malnutrition.
185. I disagree that all us members of the literati do not suffer from the continuing triumph of the political and economic statusquo.
186. Other devices in the plan suffer from the opposite affliction: There is less to them than meets the ear and eye.
187. Love is foolish and self- destructive when people get addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs, and sensual indulgence. Many people suffer from this kind of negative love. Dr T.P.Chia 
188. Swans suffer from lead poisoning that comes from anglers' weights.
189. Such measurements distinguish temporal events from spatial structure, but suffer from lower resolution.
190. The Backup New yachts suffer from teething problems, and older yachts need lots of tender loving care.
191. This is particularly true when dealing with people who suffer from phobias of one sort or another.
192. You never suffer from a money problem, you always suffer from an idea problem. Robert H. Schuller 
193. The reality of poverty here is that 60 percent suffer from malnutrition.
194. As well as being victims of crime women also suffer from the effects of fear of crime.
195. The medical staff would like to know if you suffer from any physical disability or illness such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy.
196. By comparison, companies in the 20-50 jobs bracket suffer from neglect, they say.
197. Hands and feet as well as face and neck may suffer from dryness and need a similar moisturizing cream at night.
198. Karl Marx said that the bourgeoisie would suffer from the carbuncles that afflicted his buttocks as he composed Das Kapital.
199. Of those who commit suicide, 60 percent suffer from clinical depression, Quinnett claims.
200. Undoubtedly, the human contact which shopping provides becomes increasingly important to people who suffer from social isolation.
201. A large majority of secondary school pupils have been shown to suffer from such misconceptions.
202. It is estimated that approximately 500,000 adults in Great Britain suffer from agoraphobia to some extent.
203. Many of these areas also suffer from extremely serious soil erosion, although reports and impressions seem to differ.
204. This scenario demonstrates a real problem with a significant population of individuals who suffer from severe and persistent mental illness.
205. Leptonic probes do not suffer from this handicap.
206. Many people suffer from very serious acrophobia.
207. Many women suffer from dysmenorrhea.
208. Conclusion Resuscitated patients suffer from acute myocardial injury.
209. Persons with diabetes suffer from improper metabolism of sugar.
210. He works with people who suffer from Parkinson's disease.
211. Suffer from psychological problems: loneliness, homesickness, depression, inferiority complex.
212. Suffer from vaginitis, should be treated to those hospitals?
213. I suffer from anaemia and often sweat at night.
214. Weight lifters and cyclists tend to suffer from heartburn.
215. Health: Women may suffer from gynecological problems.
216. How does the baby no suffer from hotness?
217. Oh, you suffer from hives.
218. Many kids suffer from acne and angst.
219. How does judgement suffer from trachoma?
220. Sometimes I still suffer from stage fright.
221. What illness did Dory suffer from?
222. Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed.
223. Some children suffer from a skin condition that appears to be the result of inadequate hygiene.
224. Men also have hair dryers and, if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair ...
225. No matter the setting denizens of adventure games all seem to suffer from short - term memory loss.
226. Primitive tribes are naked and wretchedly fed and housed, but they do not suffer from unemployment.
227. Teens with earlier parental - mandated betimes were less likely to suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts.
228. Governments may in fact suffer from having the option to devalue.
229. Other middle - income oil importers would suffer from continued low commodity prices.
230. The patient whose lower lumbarspine interfacet - joint angle may unlikely suffer from degenerative lumbar lateral recess stenosis.
231. In the procedure of orthodontic treatment, most patients suffer from toothache.
232. About 11 million Americans suffer from some form of arthritis.
233. Though we suffer from serous natural calamities, we are sure to overcomeall difficulties.
234. Baby will suffer from colic, but how can a mom tell a normal crying or colic?
235. About 600 people throughout the world suffer from the incurable FOP.
236. Unluckily, there are still many children who ___ suffer from __ hunger today.
237. People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be injections to help desensitize them.
238. How does chaffy dish eat is basically suffer from excessive internal heat or filling gas blood?
239. Why do people seldom suffer from hunger in the Sahara desert?
240. Hair sensors do not suffer from the same upper limit.
241. It's been observed that people with lower IQs are generally more likely to suffer from PTSD.
242. Most are unaware that they suffer from Bruxism or grinding of teeth.
243. Men are as likely as women to suffer from postnatal depression, a study shows.
244. You too would suffer from ennui if you had to spend months in a hospital bed.
245. Conclusion birth asphyxia may suffer from more attacks of gastroesophageal acid reflux than the normal controls.
246. Yeah, well, he's going there to teach the Inuit population, who suffer from high illiteracy.
247. I suffer from halitosis.
248. Ann : An American ophthalmologist called Rex Hamilton said he might be suffer from Haemolacria.
249. How are pharyngitis and rhinitis to suffer from go up?
250. Chronically sick pigs often suffer from a partial alopecia characterized by a thinning of the bristles.
251. The crowd who suffer from subhealthy, endocrine dyscrasia, constipation,(http:///suffer from.html) insomnia.
252. Almost all of the people suffer from allergic rhinitis are also suffering from allergic conjunctivitis.
253. He will suffer from boasting and having no idea of his limitations.
254. You suffer from your civilization. My barbarism is to me a renewal of youth.
255. Those have the person of body odor, also suffer from rhinitis at the same time?
256. Children that used to be troublesome now suffer from ADHD - attention deficit - hyperactivity disorder.
257. Do you suffer from heartburn stomachaches ( loose bowel movements, chest pains )?
258. World Health Organization says more than one hundred twenty million people worldwide suffer from depression.
259. The World Health Organization says more than one hundred twenty million people worldwide suffer from depression.
260. Young people who think they are strong enough to handle the lack of sleep and non-stop social activities are more likely to suffer from post-holiday syndrome.
261. The human body doesn't have to be starving to suffer from malnutrition.
262. People began to suffer from radiation sickness, and more than 300 died.
263. Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.
264. FOR the next several years I expect the global economy will suffer from anemic consumption growth.
265. Does the patient suffer from nausea or vomiting, heartburn or flatulence and distension?
266. People who are farsighted suffer from just the opposite problem.
267. What fraction of their children ( daughter or son ) are likely to suffer from color blindness?
268. More than two hundred million people suffer from this parasitic worm disease.
269. Suffer from excessive internal heat when bag of trigonometry district chairman.
270. People suggest that care centers should be established for women who suffer from domestic violence.
271. You'll suffer from indigestion if you bolt down your food like that.
272. Codes used in phase coded pulse compression waveforms suffer from Doppler mismatch.
273. Suffer from disease of papule sex nettle to already had 4 months, entreat a proved recipe!
274. Textile workers suffer from three scourges -- noise , dust and humidity.
275. But many unemployed people suffer from depression, anxiety rumination, and a sense of hopelessness.
276. But to those who suffer from the brutalities of the West , Chinese urbanity is very restful.
277. Coal miners often suffer from an illness black lung disease. Many have died from it.




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